context("Tracking") teardown({ mlflow_clear_test_dir("mlruns") options(MLflowObservers = NULL) }) test_that("mlflow_start_run()/mlflow_get_run() work properly", { mlflow_clear_test_dir("mlruns") client <- mlflow_client() run <- mlflow_start_run( client = client, experiment_id = "0", tags = list(foo = "bar", foz = "baz", mlflow.user = "user1", mlflow.runName = "my_run") ) run <- mlflow_get_run(client = client, run$run_uuid) expect_identical(run$user_id, "user1") expect_true( all(purrr::transpose(run$tags[[1]]) %in% list( list(key = "foz", value = "baz"), list(key = "foo", value = "bar"), list(key = "mlflow.user", value = "user1"), list(key = "mlflow.runName", value = run$run_name) ) ) ) }) test_that("a run can be started properly if MLFLOW_RUN_ID is set", { mlflow_clear_test_dir("mlruns") # Typical use case: Invoke an R script that interacts with the MLflow API from # outside of R, e.g. MLproject, Python, CLI start_get_id_stop <- function() { tryCatch(mlflow_id(mlflow_start_run()), finally = { mlflow_end_run() }) } id <- start_get_id_stop() withr::with_envvar(list(MLFLOW_RUN_ID = id), { expect_equal(start_get_id_stop(), id) }) }) test_that("mlflow_end_run() works properly", { mlflow_clear_test_dir("mlruns") mlflow_start_run() killed_time <- mlflow:::current_time() client <- mlflow_client() run <- mlflow_end_run( client = client, run_id = mlflow:::mlflow_get_active_run_id(), status = "KILLED", end_time = killed_time ) expect_identical(run$status, "KILLED") expect_identical(run$end_time, as.POSIXct(as.double(c(killed_time)) / 1000, origin = "1970-01-01")) # Verify that only expected run field names are present and that all run info fields are set # (not NA). run_info_names <- c("run_uuid", "experiment_id", "user_id", "run_name", "status", "start_time", "artifact_uri", "lifecycle_stage", "run_id", "end_time") run_data_names <- c("metrics", "params", "tags") expect_setequal(c(run_info_names, run_data_names), names(run)) expect_true(!anyNA(run[run_info_names])) }) test_that("mlflow_start_run()/mlflow_end_run() works properly with nested runs", { mlflow_clear_test_dir("mlruns") runs <- list( mlflow_start_run(), mlflow_start_run(nested = TRUE), mlflow_start_run(nested = TRUE) ) client <- mlflow_client() for (i in seq(3, 1, -1)) { expect_equal(mlflow:::mlflow_get_active_run_id(), runs[[i]]$run_uuid) run <- mlflow_end_run(client = client, run_id = runs[[i]]$run_uuid) expect_identical(run$run_uuid, runs[[i]]$run_uuid) if (i > 1) { tags <- run$tags[[1]] expect_equal( tags[tags$key == "mlflow.parentRunId", ]$value, runs[[i - 1]]$run_uuid ) } } expect_null(mlflow:::mlflow_get_active_run_id()) }) test_that("mlflow_restore_run() work properly", { mlflow_clear_test_dir("mlruns") client <- mlflow_client() run1 <- mlflow_start_run( client = client, experiment_id = "0", tags = list(foo = "bar", foz = "baz", mlflow.user = "user1", mlflow.runName = "my_run") ) run2 <- mlflow_get_run(client = client, run1$run_uuid) mlflow_delete_run(client = client, run_id = run1$run_uuid) run3 <- mlflow_restore_run(client = client, run_id = run1$run_uuid) for (run in list(run1, run2, run3)) { expect_identical(run$user_id, "user1") expect_true( all(purrr::transpose(run$tags[[1]]) %in% list( list(key = "foz", value = "baz"), list(key = "foo", value = "bar"), list(key = "mlflow.user", value = "user1"), list(key = "mlflow.runName", value = run$run_name) ) ) ) } }) test_that("mlflow_set_tag() should return NULL invisibly", { mlflow_clear_test_dir("mlruns") value <- mlflow_set_tag("foo", "bar") expect_null(value) }) test_that("logging functionality", { mlflow_clear_test_dir("mlruns") start_time_lower_bound <- Sys.time() mlflow_start_run() mlflow_log_metric("mse", 24) mlflow_log_metric("mse", 25) mlflow_log_metric("nan", NaN) mlflow_log_metric("inf", Inf) mlflow_log_metric("-inf", -Inf) mlflow_set_tag("tag_key", "tag_value") mlflow_log_param("param_key", "param_value") mlflow_log_param("na", NA) mlflow_log_param("nan", NaN) run <- mlflow_get_run() metrics <- run$metrics[[1]] nan_value <- metrics$value[metrics$key == "nan"] expect_true(is.nan(nan_value)) pos_inf_value <- metrics$value[metrics$key == "inf"] expect_true(pos_inf_value >= 1.7976931348623157e308) neg_inf_value <- metrics$value[metrics$key == "-inf"] expect_true(neg_inf_value <= -1.7976931348623157e308) run_id <- run$run_uuid tags <- run$tags[[1]] expect_identical("tag_value", tags$value[tags$key == "tag_key"]) expect_setequal(run$params[[1]]$key, c("na", "nan", "param_key")) expect_setequal(run$params[[1]]$value, c("NA", "NaN", "param_value")) mlflow_delete_tag("tag_key", run_id) run <- mlflow_get_run() tags <- run$tags[[1]] expect_false("tag_key" %in% tags$key) mlflow_end_run() end_time_upper_bound <- Sys.time() ended_run <- mlflow_get_run(run_id = run_id) run_start_time <- ended_run$start_time run_end_time <- ended_run$end_time expect_true(difftime(run_start_time, start_time_lower_bound) >= 0) expect_true(difftime(run_end_time, end_time_upper_bound) <= 0) metric_history <- mlflow_get_metric_history("mse", ended_run$run_uuid) expect_identical(metric_history$key, c("mse", "mse")) expect_identical(metric_history$value, c(24, 25)) expect_identical(metric_history$step, c(0, 0)) expect_true(all(difftime(metric_history$timestamp, run_start_time) >= 0)) expect_true(all(difftime(metric_history$timestamp, run_end_time) <= 0)) expect_error( mlflow_get_run(), "`run_id` must be specified when there is no active run\\." ) }) test_that("mlflow_log_metric() rounds step and timestamp inputs", { mlflow_clear_test_dir("mlruns") mlflow_start_run() step_inputs <- runif(10, min = -20, max = 100) for (step_input in step_inputs) { mlflow_log_metric(key = "step_metric", value = runif(1), step = step_input, timestamp = 100) } expect_setequal( mlflow_get_metric_history("step_metric")$step, round(step_inputs) ) timestamp_inputs <- runif(10, 1000, 100000) for (timestamp_input in timestamp_inputs) { mlflow_log_metric(key = "timestamp_metric", value = runif(1), step = 0, timestamp = timestamp_input) } expect_setequal( mlflow_get_metric_history("timestamp_metric")$timestamp, purrr::map_vec(round(timestamp_inputs), mlflow:::milliseconds_to_date) ) }) test_that("mlflow_log_metric() with step produces expected metric data", { mlflow_clear_test_dir("mlruns") mlflow_start_run() metric_key_1 <- "test_metric_1" mlflow_log_metric(key = metric_key_1, value = 1.2, step = -2, timestamp = 300) mlflow_log_metric(key = metric_key_1, value = 137.4, timestamp = 100) mlflow_log_metric(key = metric_key_1, value = -20, timestamp = 200) metric_key_2 <- "test_metric_2" mlflow_log_metric(key = metric_key_2, value = 14, step = 120) mlflow_log_metric(key = metric_key_2, value = 56, step = 137) mlflow_log_metric(key = metric_key_2, value = 20, step = -5) run <- mlflow_get_run() metrics <- run$metrics[[1]] expect_setequal( metrics$key, c("test_metric_1", "test_metric_2") ) expect_setequal( metrics$value, c(-20, 56) ) expect_setequal( metrics$step, c(0, 137) ) metric_history_1 <- mlflow_get_metric_history("test_metric_1") expect_setequal( metric_history_1$value, c(1.2, 137.4, -20) ) expect_setequal( metric_history_1$timestamp, purrr::map_vec(c(300, 100, 200), mlflow:::milliseconds_to_date) ) expect_setequal( metric_history_1$step, c(-2, 0, 0) ) metric_history_2 <- mlflow_get_metric_history("test_metric_2") expect_setequal( metric_history_2$value, c(14, 56, 20) ) expect_setequal( metric_history_2$step, c(120, 137, -5) ) }) test_that("mlflow_end_run() behavior", { mlflow_clear_test_dir("mlruns") expect_error( mlflow_end_run(), "There is no active run to end\\." ) run <- mlflow_start_run() run_id <- mlflow_id(run) mlflow_end_run(run_id = run_id) expect_error( mlflow_get_run(), "`run_id` must be specified when there is no active run\\." ) run <- mlflow_start_run() run_id <- mlflow_id(run) client <- mlflow_client() expect_error( mlflow_end_run(client = client), "`run_id` must be specified when `client` is specified\\." ) mlflow_end_run(client = client, run_id = run_id) expect_error( mlflow_get_run(), "`run_id` must be specified when there is no active run\\." ) mlflow_start_run() run <- mlflow_end_run(status = "KILLED") expect_identical( run$status, "KILLED" ) }) test_that("with() errors when not passed active run", { mlflow_clear_test_dir("mlruns") client <- mlflow_client() mlflow_set_experiment("exp1") run <- mlflow_start_run(client = client) expect_error( with(run, { mlflow_log_metric("mse", 25) }), # TODO: somehow this isn't matching "`with()` should only be used with `mlflow_start_run()`\\." NULL ) }) test_that("mlflow_search_runs() works", { mlflow_clear_test_dir("mlruns") with(mlflow_start_run(), { mlflow_log_metric("test", 10) }) with(mlflow_start_run(), { mlflow_log_metric("test", 20) }) expect_equal(nrow(mlflow_search_runs(experiment_ids = list("0"))), 2) expect_equal(nrow(mlflow_search_runs(experiment_ids = "0")), 2) expect_equal(nrow(mlflow_search_runs(filter = "metrics.test > 10", experiment_ids = list("0"))), 1) expect_equal(nrow(mlflow_search_runs(filter = "metrics.test < 20", experiment_ids = list("0"))), 1) expect_equal(nrow(mlflow_search_runs(filter = "metrics.test > 20", experiment_ids = list("0"))), 0) search <- mlflow_search_runs(order_by = "metrics.test", experiment_ids = list("0")) expect_equal(search$metrics[[1]]$value[1], 10) expect_equal(search$metrics[[2]]$value[1], 20) search <- mlflow_search_runs(order_by = list("metrics.test DESC"), experiment_ids = list("0")) expect_equal(search$metrics[[1]]$value[1], 20) expect_equal(search$metrics[[2]]$value[1], 10) mlflow_set_experiment("new-experiment") expect_equal(nrow(mlflow_search_runs()), 0) with(mlflow_start_run(), { mlflow_log_metric("new_experiment_metric", 30) }) expect_equal(nrow(mlflow_search_runs(filter = "metrics.new_experiment_metric = 30")), 1) }) test_that("mlflow_log_artifact and mlflow_list_artifacts work", { with(mlflow_start_run(), { # List artifacts for run without artifacts, result should be empty empty_artifact_list <- mlflow_list_artifacts() # Create some dummy artifact files/directories expect_equal(nrow(empty_artifact_list), 0) source_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "temp-directory") dir.create(source_dir) ## file 1 file_path1 <- file.path(source_dir, "a-my-file") contents <- "File contents\n" cat(contents, file = file_path1, sep = "") ## file 2 file_path2 <- file.path(source_dir, "a-my-file-2") contents <- "File contents\n" cat(contents, file = file_path2, sep = "") # Log file, file with path, directory with path argument mlflow_log_artifact(file_path1) mlflow_log_artifact(file_path2) mlflow_log_artifact(file_path1, "directory_for_file") mlflow_log_artifact(source_dir, "artifact_subdirectory") # Verify logged files artifact_list0 <- mlflow_list_artifacts() expect_equal(nrow(artifact_list0), 4) logged_file0 <- artifact_list0[artifact_list0$path == "a-my-file", ] expect_equal(nrow(logged_file0), 1) expect_equal(logged_file0$is_dir, FALSE) logged_file1 <- artifact_list0[artifact_list0$path == "directory_for_file", ] expect_equal(nrow(logged_file1), 1) expect_equal(logged_file1$is_dir, TRUE) logged_dir0 <- artifact_list0[artifact_list0$path == "artifact_subdirectory", ] expect_equal(nrow(logged_dir0), 1) expect_equal(logged_dir0$is_dir, TRUE) # Verify contents of logged directory artifact_list1 <- mlflow_list_artifacts("artifact_subdirectory") expect_equal(nrow(artifact_list1), 2) logged_file2 <- artifact_list1[artifact_list1$path == paste("artifact_subdirectory", "a-my-file", sep = "/"), ] expect_equal(nrow(logged_file2), 1) expect_equal(logged_file2$is_dir, FALSE) expect_equal(strtoi(logged_file2$file_size), nchar(contents)) # Verify contents of file logged under directory artifact_list2 <- mlflow_list_artifacts("directory_for_file") expect_equal(nrow(artifact_list2), 1) logged_file3 <- artifact_list2[artifact_list2$path == paste("directory_for_file", "a-my-file", sep = "/"), ] expect_equal(nrow(logged_file3), 1) expect_equal(logged_file3$is_dir, FALSE) expect_equal(strtoi(logged_file3$file_size), nchar(contents)) }) }) test_that("mlflow_log_batch() works", { mlflow_clear_test_dir("mlruns") mlflow_start_run() mlflow_log_batch( metrics = data.frame(key = c("mse", "mse", "rmse", "rmse", "nan", "Inf", "-Inf"), value = c(21, 23, 42, 36, NaN, Inf, -Inf), timestamp = c(100, 200, 300, 300, 400, 500, 600), step = c(-4, 1, 7, 3, 8, 9, 10)), params = data.frame(key = c("l1", "optimizer"), value = c(0.01, "adam")), tags = data.frame(key = c("model_type", "data_year"), value = c("regression", "2015")) ) run <- mlflow_get_run() metrics <- run$metrics[[1]] params <- run$params[[1]] tags <- run$tags[[1]] expect_setequal( metrics$key, c("mse", "rmse", "nan", "Inf", "-Inf") ) expect_equal(23, metrics$value[metrics$key == "mse"]) expect_equal(42, metrics$value[metrics$key == "rmse"]) expect_true(all(is.nan(metrics$value[metrics$key == "nan"]))) expect_true(all(1.7976931348623157e308 <= (metrics$value[metrics$key == "Inf"]))) expect_true(all(-1.7976931348623157e308 >= (metrics$value[metrics$key == "-Inf"]))) expect_setequal( metrics$timestamp, purrr::map_vec(c(200, 300, 400, 500, 600), mlflow:::milliseconds_to_date) ) expect_setequal( metrics$step, c(1, 7, 8, 9, 10) ) metric_history <- mlflow_get_metric_history("mse") expect_setequal( metric_history$value, c(21, 23) ) expect_setequal( metric_history$timestamp, purrr::map_vec(c(100, 200), mlflow:::milliseconds_to_date) ) expect_setequal( metric_history$step, c(-4, 1) ) expect_setequal( params$key, c("optimizer", "l1") ) expect_setequal( params$value, c("adam", "0.01") ) expect_identical("regression", tags$value[tags$key == "model_type"]) expect_identical("2015", tags$value[tags$key == "data_year"]) }) test_that("mlflow_log_batch() throws for mismatched input data columns", { mlflow_clear_test_dir("mlruns") mlflow_start_run() error_text_regexp <- "*input dataframe must contain exactly the following columns*" expect_error( mlflow_log_batch( metrics = data.frame(key = c("mse"), value = c(10)) ), regexp = error_text_regexp ) expect_error( mlflow_log_batch( metrics = data.frame(bad_column = c("bad")) ), regexp = error_text_regexp ) expect_error( mlflow_log_batch( metrics = data.frame( key = c("mse"), value = c(10), timestamp = c(100), step = c(1), bad_column = c("bad") ) ), regexp = error_text_regexp ) expect_error( mlflow_log_batch( params = data.frame(key = c("alpha")) ), regexp = error_text_regexp ) expect_error( mlflow_log_batch( params = data.frame(bad_column = c("bad")) ), regexp = error_text_regexp ) expect_error( mlflow_log_batch( params = data.frame( key = c("alpha"), value = c(10), bad_column = c("bad") ) ), regexp = error_text_regexp ) expect_error( mlflow_log_batch( tags = data.frame(key = c("my_tag")) ), regexp = error_text_regexp ) expect_error( mlflow_log_batch( tags = data.frame(bad_column = c("bad")) ), regexp = error_text_regexp ) expect_error( mlflow_log_batch( tags = data.frame( key = c("my_tag"), value = c("some tag info"), bad_column = c("bad") ) ), regexp = error_text_regexp ) expect_error( mlflow_log_batch( metrics = data.frame( bad_column = c("bad1") ), params = data.frame( another_bad_column = c("bad2") ), tags = data.frame( one_more_bad_column = c("bad3") ) ), regexp = error_text_regexp ) }) test_that("mlflow_log_batch() throws for missing entries", { mlflow_clear_test_dir("mlruns") mlflow_start_run() error_text_regexp <- "*input dataframe contains a missing \\('NA'\\) entry*" expect_error( mlflow_log_batch( metrics = data.frame(key = c("mse", "rmse", "na_metric"), value = c(21, 42, NA), timestamp = c(100, 200, 300), step = c(-4, 1, 3)) ), regexp = error_text_regexp ) expect_error( mlflow_log_batch( metrics = data.frame(key = c("mse", "rmse", "na_metric"), value = c(21, 42, 9.2), timestamp = c(NA, 200, 300), step = c(-4, 1, NA)) ), regexp = error_text_regexp ) expect_error( mlflow_log_batch( params = data.frame(key = c(NA, "alpha"), value = c("0.5", "2")) ), regexp = error_text_regexp ) expect_error( mlflow_log_batch( params = data.frame(key = c("n_layers", "alpha"), value = c("4", NA)) ), regexp = error_text_regexp ) expect_error( mlflow_log_batch( tags = data.frame(key = c("first_tag", NA), value = c("some tag info", "more tag info")) ), regexp = error_text_regexp ) expect_error( mlflow_log_batch( tags = data.frame(key = c("first_tag", "second_tag"), value = c(NA, NA)) ), regexp = error_text_regexp ) expect_error( mlflow_log_batch( metrics = data.frame(key = c("mse", "rmse", "na_metric"), value = c(21, 42, 37), timestamp = c(100, 200, 300), step = c(-4, NA, 3)), params = data.frame(key = c("l1", "optimizer"), value = c(NA, "adam")), tags = data.frame(key = c(NA, "data_year"), value = c("regression", NA)) ), regexp = error_text_regexp ) }) test_that("mlflow observers receive tracking event callbacks", { num_observers <- 3L tracking_events <- rep(list(list()), num_observers) lapply( seq_along(tracking_events), function(idx) { observer <- structure(list( register_tracking_event = function(event_name, data) { tracking_events[[idx]][[event_name]] <<- append( tracking_events[[idx]][[event_name]], list(data) ) } )) mlflow_register_external_observer(observer) } ) client <- mlflow_client() experiment_id <- "0" run <- mlflow_start_run(client = client, experiment_id = experiment_id) mlflow_set_experiment(experiment_id = experiment_id) expect_equal(length(tracking_events), num_observers) for (idx in seq(num_observers)) { expect_equal( tracking_events[[idx]]$create_run[[1]]$run_id, run$run_id ) expect_equal( tracking_events[[idx]]$create_run[[1]]$experiment_id, experiment_id ) expect_equal( tracking_events[[idx]]$active_experiment_id[[1]]$experiment_id, experiment_id ) } mlflow_end_run(client = client, run_id = run$run_uuid) expect_equal(length(tracking_events), num_observers) for (idx in seq(num_observers)) { expect_equal( tracking_events[[idx]]$set_terminated[[1]]$run_uuid, run$run_uuid ) } }) test_that("mlflow get metric history performs pagination", { mlflow_clear_test_dir("mlruns") run <- mlflow_start_run() batch_size <- 1000 for (x in 0:25) { # 0th index entries for timestamp will not work due to pagination filter default logic # add a `+1` to the start and end values start <- (batch_size * x) + 1 end <- (batch_size * (x + 1)) metrics <- data.frame(key = rep(c("m1"), batch_size), value = = start, to = end, by = 1), timestamp = = start, to = end, by = 1), step = = start, to = end, by = 1) ) mlflow_log_batch(metrics = metrics) } logged <- mlflow_get_metric_history(metric_key = "m1", run_id = run$run_id) expect_equal(nrow(logged), 26000) first_entry <- head(logged, n = 1) expect_equal(first_entry$key, "m1") expect_equal(first_entry$value, 1) expect_equal(first_entry$step, 1) expect_equal(first_entry$timestamp, purrr::map_vec(c(1), mlflow:::milliseconds_to_date)[[1]]) last_entry <- tail(logged, n = 1) expect_equal(last_entry$key, "m1") expect_equal(last_entry$value, 26000) expect_equal(last_entry$step, 26000) expect_equal(last_entry$timestamp, purrr::map_vec(c(26000), mlflow:::milliseconds_to_date)[[1]]) mlflow_end_run() })