context("Serve") library("carrier") wait_for_server_to_start <- function(server_process, port) { status_code <- 500 for (i in 1:5) { tryCatch( { status_code <- httr::status_code(httr::GET(sprintf("", port))) }, error = function(...) { status_code <- 500 } ) if (status_code != 200) { Sys.sleep(5) } else { break } } if (status_code != 200) { write("FAILED to start the server!", stderr()) error_text <- server_process$read_error() stop("Failed to start the server!", error_text) } } testthat_model_server <- NULL teardown({ if (!is.null(testthat_model_server)) { testthat_model_server$kill() } }) test_that("mlflow can serve a model function", { mlflow_clear_test_dir("model") model <- lm(Sepal.Width ~ Sepal.Length + Petal.Width, iris) fn <- crate(~ stats::predict(model, .x), model = model) mlflow_save_model(fn, path = "model") expect_true(dir.exists("model")) port <- httpuv::randomPort() testthat_model_server <<- processx::process$new( "Rscript", c( "-e", sprintf( "mlflow::mlflow_rfunc_serve('model', port = %d, browse = FALSE)", port ) ), supervise = TRUE, stdout = "|", stderr = "|" ) wait_for_server_to_start(testthat_model_server, port) newdata <- iris[1:2, c("Sepal.Length", "Petal.Width")] http_prediction <- httr::content( httr::POST( sprintf("", port), body = jsonlite::toJSON(as.list(newdata)) ) ) if (is.character(http_prediction)) { stop(http_prediction) } expect_equal( unlist(http_prediction), as.vector(predict(model, newdata)), tolerance = 1e-5 ) }) test_that("mlflow models server api works with R model function", { model <- lm(Sepal.Width ~ Sepal.Length + Petal.Width, iris) fn <- crate(~ stats::predict(model, .x), model = model) mlflow_save_model(fn, path = "model") expect_true(dir.exists("model")) port <- httpuv::randomPort() testthat_model_server <<- mlflow:::mlflow_cli("models", "serve", "-m", "model", "-p", as.character(port), background = TRUE ) wait_for_server_to_start(testthat_model_server, port) newdata <- iris[1:2, c("Sepal.Length", "Petal.Width")] check_prediction <- function(http_prediction) { if (is.character(http_prediction)) { stop(http_prediction) } expect_equal( unlist(http_prediction), as.vector(predict(model, newdata)), tolerance = 1e-5 ) } # json records check_prediction( httr::content( httr::POST( sprintf("", port), httr::content_type("application/json"), body = jsonlite::toJSON(list(dataframe_records=as.list(newdata))) ) ) ) newdata_split <- list( columns = names(newdata), index = row.names(newdata), data = as.matrix(newdata) ) # json split content_type <- "application/json" check_prediction( httr::content( httr::POST( sprintf("", port), httr::content_type(content_type), body = jsonlite::toJSON(list(dataframe_split=newdata_split)) ) ) ) # csv csv_header <- paste(names(newdata), collapse = ", ") csv_row_1 <- paste(newdata[1, ], collapse = ", ") csv_row_2 <- paste(newdata[2, ], collapse = ", ") newdata_csv <- paste(csv_header, csv_row_1, csv_row_2, "", sep = "\n") check_prediction( httr::content( httr::POST( sprintf("", port), httr::content_type("text/csv"), body = newdata_csv ) ) ) })