context("Model h2o") setup({ h2o::h2o.init() }) idx <- withr::with_seed(3809, sample(nrow(iris))) prediction <- "Species" predictors <- setdiff(colnames(iris), prediction) train <- iris[idx[1:100], ] test <- iris[idx[101:nrow(iris)], ] model <- h2o::h2o.randomForest( x = predictors, y = prediction, training_frame = h2o::as.h2o(train) ) testthat_model_dir <- tempfile("model_") teardown({ h2o::h2o.shutdown(prompt = FALSE) mlflow_clear_test_dir(testthat_model_dir) }) test_that("mlflow can save model", { mlflow_save_model(model, testthat_model_dir) expect_true(dir.exists(testthat_model_dir)) }) test_that("can load model and predict with rfunc backend", { saved_model <- mlflow_load_model(testthat_model_dir) prediction <- mlflow_predict(saved_model, test) expect_equal( prediction,, h2o::as.h2o(test))) ) }) test_that("can print model correctly after it is loaded", { saved_model <- mlflow_load_model(testthat_model_dir) expect_equal(capture_output(print(model)), capture_output(print(saved_model))) }) test_that("can load and predict with python pyfunct and h2o backend", { pyfunc <- reticulate::import("mlflow.pyfunc") py_model <- pyfunc$load_model(testthat_model_dir) expected <-, h2o::as.h2o(test))) expected$predict <- as.character(expected$predict) expect_equivalent($predict(test)), expected ) mlflow.h2o <- reticulate::import("mlflow.h2o") h2o_native_model <- mlflow.h2o$load_model(testthat_model_dir) h2o <- reticulate::import("h2o") expect_equivalent( h2o_native_model$predict(h2o$H2OFrame(test))$as_data_frame() ), expected ) }) test_that("Can predict with cli backend", { expected <-, h2o::as.h2o(test))) # # Test that we can score this model with pyfunc backend temp_in_csv <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv") temp_in_json <- tempfile(fileext = ".json") temp_in_json_split <- tempfile(fileext = ".json") temp_out <- tempfile(fileext = ".json") check_output <- function() { actual <- rbind, lapply(jsonlite::read_json(temp_out)$predictions, ) expect_true(!is.null(actual)) actual$predict <- as.factor(actual$predict) expect_equal(actual, expected) } write.csv(test[, predictors], temp_in_csv, row.names = FALSE) mlflow_cli( "models", "predict", "-m", testthat_model_dir, "-i", temp_in_csv, "-o", temp_out, "-t", "csv", "--install-mlflow" ) check_output() # json records jsonlite::write_json(list(dataframe_records = test[, predictors]), temp_in_json) mlflow_cli( "models", "predict", "-m", testthat_model_dir, "-i", temp_in_json, "-o", temp_out, "-t", "json", "--install-mlflow" ) check_output() # json split mtcars_split <- list( columns = colnames(test), index = row.names(test), data = as.matrix(test) ) jsonlite::write_json(list(dataframe_split = mtcars_split), temp_in_json_split) mlflow_cli( "models", "predict", "-m", testthat_model_dir, "-i", temp_in_json_split, "-o", temp_out, "-t", "json", "--install-mlflow" ) check_output() })