# Trait based ---- test_that("Providing gamma overrules f0 in newTraitParams()", { gamma <- 2000 params <- newTraitParams(f0 = 0.4, gamma = gamma) expect_identical(params@species_params$gamma, rep(gamma, nrow(params@species_params))) }) # * check a few messages ---- test_that("newTraitParams produces errors and messages", { expect_error(newTraitParams(ext_mort_prop = 2), "ext_mort_prop must be a number between 0 and 1") expect_error(newTraitParams(reproduction_level = 1), "The reproduction level must be smaller than 1 and non-negative.") expect_error(newTraitParams(min_w = -1), "The smallest egg size min_w must be greater than zero.") expect_error(newTraitParams(min_w_max = 10^4), "The maximum size of the smallest species min_w_max must be smaller than") }) # * Multiple gears work correctly in trait-based model ---- test_that("Multiple gears work correctly in trait-based model", { # Check multiple gears are working properly min_w_max <- 10 max_w_max <- 1e5 no_sp <- 10 w_max <- 10^seq(from = log10(min_w_max), to = log10(max_w_max), length = no_sp) knife_edges <- w_max * 0.05 params <- newTraitParams(no_sp = no_sp, min_w_max = min_w_max, max_w_max = max_w_max, knife_edge_size = knife_edges) expect_identical(params@gear_params$knife_edge_size, knife_edges) # All gears fire sim1 <- project(params, t_max = 10, effort = 1) fmg <- getFMortGear(sim1) for (i in 1:no_sp) { expect_true(all(fmg[10,1,i,params@w < knife_edges[i]] == 0)) expect_true(all(fmg[10,1,i,params@w >= knife_edges[i]] == 1)) } # Only the 4th gear fires params <- newTraitParams(no_sp = no_sp, min_w_max = min_w_max, max_w_max = max_w_max, knife_edge_size = knife_edges, gear_names = 1:no_sp) effort <- c(0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0) names(effort) <- 1:no_sp sim2 <- project(params, t_max = 10, effort = effort) fmg <- getFMortGear(sim2) expect_true(all(fmg[10, c(1:3,5:10),c(1:3,5:10),] == 0)) expect_true(all(fmg[10, 4, 4, params@w < knife_edges[4]] == 0)) expect_true(all(fmg[10, 4, 4, params@w >= knife_edges[4]] == 1)) }) # * Scaling model is set up correctly ---- test_that("Scaling model is set up correctly", { p <- newTraitParams(perfect_scaling = TRUE, sigma = 1, n = 2/3, lambda = 2 + 3/4 - 2/3) sim <- project(p, t_max = 5) # Check some dimensions no_sp <- length(p@species_params$species) expect_equal(no_sp, 11) # Check against analytic results sp <- 6 # check middle species gamma <- p@species_params$gamma[[sp]] sigma <- p@species_params$sigma[[sp]] beta <- p@species_params$beta[[sp]] alpha <- p@species_params$alpha[[sp]] h <- p@species_params$h[[sp]] ks <- p@species_params$ks[[sp]] f0 <- 0.6 n <- p@species_params$n[[sp]] mu0 <- (1 - f0) * sqrt(2 * pi) * p@resource_params$kappa * gamma * sigma * (beta ^ (n - 1)) * exp(sigma ^ 2 * (n - 1) ^ 2 / 2) hbar <- alpha * h * f0 - ks # Check encounter rate lm2 <- p@resource_params$lambda - 2 q <- p@species_params$q[[sp]] e <- getEncounter(p, p@initial_n, p@initial_n_pp)[sp, ] * p@w^(lm2 - q) ae <- gamma * p@resource_params$kappa * exp(lm2^2 * sigma^2 / 2) * beta^lm2 * sqrt(2 * pi) * sigma * # The following factor takes into account the cutoff in the integral (pnorm(3 - lm2 * sigma) + pnorm(log(beta)/sigma + lm2 * sigma) - 1) # TODO: not precise enough yet expect_equivalent(e, rep(ae, length(e)), tolerance = 1e-1) # Check feeding level f <- getFeedingLevel(p, p@initial_n, p@initial_n_pp)[sp, ] names(f) <- NULL expect_equal(f, rep(f[1], length(f)), tolerance = 1e-14) # Death rate mu <- getMort(p, p@initial_n, p@initial_n_pp, effort = 0)[sp, ] mumu <- mu # To set the right names mumu[] <- mu0 * p@w^(p@species_params$n[[sp]] - 1) expect_equal(mu, mumu, tolerance = 0.2) # Growth rate g <- getEGrowth(p, p@initial_n, p@initial_n_pp)[sp, ] gg <- g # To set the right names gg[] <- hbar * p@w^p@species_params$n[[sp]] * (1 - p@psi[sp, ]) # TODO: not precise enough yet expect_equal(g, gg, tolerance = 1e-4) # Check that community is perfect power law expect_identical(p@sc, colSums(p@initial_n)) total <- p@initial_n_pp fish_idx <- (length(p@w_full) - length(p@w) + 1):length(p@w_full) total[fish_idx] <- total[fish_idx] + p@sc total <- total * p@w_full^p@resource_params$lambda expected <- rep(p@resource_params$kappa, length(p@w_full)) expect_equivalent(total, expected, tolerance = 1e-15, check.names = FALSE) # All erepros should be equal expect_equal(p@species_params$erepro, rep(p@species_params$erepro[1], no_sp)) # Check that total biomass changes little (relatively) bm <- getBiomass(sim) expect_lt(max(abs(bm[1, ] - bm[6, ])), 1.3e-4) })