R Under development (unstable) (2025-02-06 r87702 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > # minitest - a minimal testing framework v0.0.2 -------------------------------- > test_library <- function(package) library(package = package, character.only = TRUE) > test_true <- function(x) invisible(isTRUE(x) || {print(x); stop("the above was returned instead of TRUE")}) > test_null <- function(x) invisible(is.null(x) || {print(x); stop("the above was returned instead of NULL")}) > test_zero <- function(x) invisible(x == 0L || {print(x); stop("the above was returned instead of 0L")}) > test_type <- function(type, x) invisible(typeof(x) == type || {stop("object of type '", typeof(x), "' was returned instead of '", type, "'")}) > test_class <- function(class, x) invisible(inherits(x, class) || {stop("object of class '", paste(class(x), collapse = ", "), "' was returned instead of '", class, "'")}) > test_equal <- function(a, b) invisible(a == b || {print(a); print(b); stop("the above expressions were not equal")}) > test_identical <- function(a, b) invisible(identical(a, b) || {print(a); print(b); stop("the above expressions were not identical")}) > test_print <- function(x) invisible(is.character(capture.output(print(x))) || stop("print output of expression cannot be captured as a character value")) > test_error <- function(x, containing = "") invisible(inherits(x <- tryCatch(x, error = identity), "error") && grepl(containing, x[["message"]], fixed = TRUE) || stop("Expected error message containing: ", containing, "\nActual error message: ", x[["message"]])) > # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > test_library("mirai") > connection <- !is_error_value(collect_mirai(mirai(TRUE, .timeout = 2000L))) > # core tests > test_type("list", status()) > test_zero(status()[["connections"]]) > test_zero(status()[["daemons"]]) > test_zero(daemons(0L)) > test_error(mirai(), "missing expression, perhaps wrap in {}?") > test_error(mirai(a, 1), "all `...` arguments must be named") > test_error(mirai(a, .args = list(1)), "all items in `.args` must be named") > test_error(mirai_map(1:2, identity), "daemons must be set") > test_error(daemons(url = "URL"), "Invalid argument") > test_error(daemons(-1), "zero or greater") > test_error(daemons(raw(0L)), "must be numeric") > test_error(daemons(1, dispatcher = "p"), "must be either") > test_error(daemons(url = local_url(), dispatcher = "t"), "must be either") > test_error(dispatcher(client = "URL"), "must be 1 or greater") > test_error(daemon("URL"), "Invalid argument") > test_error(launch_local(1L), "daemons must be set") > test_type("character", host_url()) > test_true(startsWith(host_url(tls = TRUE), "tls")) > test_true(grepl("5555", host_url(port = 5555), fixed = TRUE)) > test_type("list", ssh_config("ssh://remotehost")) > test_type("list", ssh_config("ssh://remotehost", tunnel = TRUE, port = "5555")) > test_true(is_mirai_interrupt(r <- mirai:::mk_interrupt_error())) > test_print(r) > test_true(is_mirai_error(r <- `class<-`("Error in: testing\n", c("miraiError", "errorValue", "try-error")))) > test_print(r) > test_null(r$stack.trace) > test_equal(mirai:::.DollarNames.miraiError(r, "c"), "class") > test_true(mirai:::is.promising.mirai()) > test_error(everywhere({}), "not found") > test_null(nextstream()) > test_null(nextget("pid")) > for (i in 0:4) + test_type("character", nextcode(i)) > # mirai and daemons tests > connection && { + Sys.sleep(1L) + n <- function() m + m <- mirai({ + Sys.sleep(0.1) + q <- m + n() + 2L + q / m + }, m = 2L, .args = environment(), .timeout = 2000L) + test_identical(call_mirai(m), m) + if (!is_error_value(m$data)) test_equal(m$data, 3L) + Sys.sleep(1L) + `lang obj` <- quote(m + n + 2L) + args <- c(m = 2L, n = 4L) + m <- mirai(.expr = `lang obj`, .args = args, .timeout = 2000L) + if (!is_error_value(call_mirai_(m)$data)) test_equal(m$data, 8L) + test_true(!stop_mirai(m)) + Sys.sleep(1L) + test_equal(1L, d <- daemons(1L, dispatcher = FALSE, asyncdial = FALSE, seed = 1546L)) + test_print(d) + test_error(daemons(1L), "daemons already set") + me <- mirai(mirai::mirai(), .timeout = 2000L)[] + if (!is_mirai_error(me)) test_true(is_error_value(me)) + if (is_mirai_error(me)) test_type("list", me$stack.trace) + if (is_mirai_error(me)) test_true(length(me$stack.trace) >= 2L) + if (is_mirai_error(me)) test_true(all(as.logical(lapply(me$stack.trace, is.language)))) + test_true(!is_mirai_interrupt(me)) + test_class("errorValue", me) + test_print(me) + df <- data.frame(a = 1, b = 2) + dm <- mirai(as.matrix(df), .args = list(df = df), .timeout = 2000L) + test_true(is_mirai(call_mirai(dm))) + test_true(!unresolved(dm)) + if (!is_error_value(dm$data)) test_class("matrix", dm$data) + test_print(dm) + test_type("integer", status()[["connections"]]) + test_type("character", status()[["daemons"]]) + test_type("character", mlc <- launch_remote()) + test_class("miraiLaunchCmd", mlc) + test_print(mlc) + test_error(launch_remote(1L, remote = remote_config(command = "echo", args = "invalid")), "must be an element") + test_error(launch_remote(3L, remote = remote_config(command = "echo", args = list(c("test", "."), c("test", ".")))), "must equal the length") + test_zero(daemons(0L)) + Sys.sleep(1L) + test_equal(1L, daemons(1L, dispatcher = FALSE, maxtasks = 10L, walltime = 10000L, idletime = 20000L, cleanup = FALSE, output = TRUE, .compute = "new")) + test_type("character", nextget("urls", .compute = "new")) + test_type("integer", nextstream(.compute = "new")) + Sys.sleep(1.5) + test_type("list", everywhere({}, as.environment(df), .compute = "new")) + mn <- mirai("test1", .compute = "new") + mp <- mirai(b + 1, .compute = "new") + Sys.sleep(1L) + if (!unresolved(mn$data)) test_equal(mn$data, "test1") + if (!unresolved(mp$data)) test_equal(mp$data, 3) + Sys.sleep(1L) + test_type("integer", status(.compute = "new")[["connections"]]) + test_error(mirai_map(1:2, "a function", .compute = "new"), "must be of type function, not character") + test_error(daemons(url = local_url(), .compute = "new"), "daemons already set") + test_zero(daemons(0L, .compute = "new")) + } [1] TRUE > # additional daemons tests > connection && { + Sys.sleep(1L) + test_zero(daemons(url = value <- local_url(), dispatcher = FALSE)) + test_identical(status()$daemons, value) + test_identical(nextget("urls"), value) + test_type("character", launch_remote(remote = remote_config(command = "echo", args = list(c("Test out:", ".", ">/dev/null")), rscript = "/usr/lib/R/bin/Rscript"))) + test_type("character", launch_remote(remote = ssh_config(remotes = c("ssh://remotehost", "ssh://remotenode"), tunnel = TRUE, port = "5555", command = "echo"))) + test_zero(daemons(0L)) + Sys.sleep(1L) + test_zero(daemons(n = 2L, url = value <- "ws://:0", dispatcher = FALSE, remote = remote_config(quote = TRUE))) + test_true(status()$daemons != value) + test_zero(daemons(0L)) + } -R 5555: -o ConnectTimeout=10 -fTp 22 remotehost Rscript -e "mirai::daemon(\"ipc://73cb35080f1143540cadb9ff\",dispatcher=FALSE,rs=c(10407,-1209802504,1128831386,661468088,-970413058,-515962602,-1832631945))" -R 5555: -o ConnectTimeout=10 -fTp 22 remotenode Rscript -e "mirai::daemon(\"ipc://73cb35080f1143540cadb9ff\",dispatcher=FALSE,rs=c(10407,81173970,-193962038,1709255680,107241048,1104353464,1934716474))" Test out: /usr/lib/R/bin/Rscript -e mirai::daemon("ipc://73cb35080f1143540cadb9ff",dispatcher=FALSE,rs=c(10407,-811502339,-331839590,-1883150253,1484767608,479790361,-1327212026)) >/dev/null [1] TRUE > # mirai_map tests > connection && { + Sys.sleep(1L) + m <- with(daemons(1, dispatcher = FALSE, .compute = "ml"), { + if (is.null(tryCatch(mirai_map(list(1, "a", 2), sum, .compute = "ml")[.stop], error = function(e) NULL))) + mirai_map(1:3, rnorm, .args = list(mean = 20, 2), .compute = "ml")[] + }) + test_true(!is_mirai_map(m)) + test_type("list", m) + test_equal(length(m), 3L) + test_true(all(as.logical(lapply(m, is.numeric)))) + Sys.sleep(1L) + daemons(1, dispatcher = FALSE) + mp <- mirai_map(list(x = "a"), function(...) do(...), do = function(x, y) sprintf("%s%s", x, y), .args = list("b")) + test_print(mp) + test_identical(collect_mirai(mp)[["x"]], "ab") + test_identical(call_mirai(mp)[["x"]][["data"]], "ab") + mres <- mirai_map(data.frame(1:3, 3:1), sum, .args = list(3L))[.flat] + test_true(all(mres == 7L)) + test_null(names(mres)) + test_true(all(mirai_map(list(c(a = 1, b = 1, c = 1), 3), sum)[.flat] == 3)) + test_type("language", mirai_map(list(quote(1+2)), identity)[][[1]]) + test_class("Date", mirai_map(data.frame(x = as.Date("2020-01-01")), identity)[][[1]]) + test_zero(daemons(0L)) + } [1] TRUE > # parallel cluster tests > library(parallel) > test_null(tryCatch(mirai::register_cluster(), error = function(e) NULL)) > connection && { + Sys.sleep(1L) + cluster <- make_cluster(1) + test_class("miraiCluster", cluster) + test_class("cluster", cluster) + test_equal(length(cluster), 1L) + test_class("miraiNode", cluster[[1]]) + test_print(cluster[[1]]) + test_type("list", cluster[1]) + test_type("character", launch_remote(cluster)) + test_type("character", launch_remote(cluster[[1L]])) + test_type("list", status(cluster)) + clusterSetRNGStream(cluster, 123) + j <- clusterEvalQ(cluster, expr = .GlobalEnv[[".Random.seed"]]) + a <- parSapply(cluster, 1:4, runif) + setDefaultCluster(cluster) + res <- parLapply(X = 1:10, fun = rnorm) + test_type("list", res) + test_equal(length(res), 10L) + test_type("double", res[[1L]]) + test_equal(length(res[[1L]]), 1L) + test_type("double", res[[10L]]) + test_equal(length(res[[10L]]), 10L) + res <- parLapplyLB(X = 1:10, fun = rnorm) + test_type("list", res) + test_equal(length(res), 10L) + test_type("double", res[[1L]]) + test_equal(length(res[[1L]]), 1L) + test_type("double", res[[10L]]) + test_equal(length(res[[10L]]), 10L) + test_identical(parSapply(NULL, 1:4, factorial), c(1, 2, 6, 24)) + test_identical(parSapplyLB(NULL, 1:8, factorial), c(1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, 40320)) + df <- data.frame(a = c(1, 2, 3), b = c(6, 7, 8)) + test_identical(parApply(cluster, df, 2, sum), `names<-`(c(6, 21), c("a", "b"))) + test_identical(parCapply(cluster, df, sum), `names<-`(c(6, 21), c("a", "b"))) + test_identical(parRapply(cluster, df, sum), `names<-`(c(7, 9, 11), c("1", "2", "3"))) + res <- clusterEvalQ(expr = .GlobalEnv[[".Random.seed"]][[1L]]) + test_type("integer", res[[1L]]) + test_error(clusterEvalQ(cluster, elephant()), "Error in elephant(): could not find function \"elephant\"") + test_null(stop_cluster(cluster)) + Sys.sleep(1L) + test_class("miraiCluster", cl <- make_cluster(1)) + test_true(attr(cl, "id") != attr(cluster, "id")) + clusterSetRNGStream(cl, 123) + k <- clusterEvalQ(cl, expr = .GlobalEnv[[".Random.seed"]]) + b <- parSapply(cl, 1:4, runif) + test_identical(j, k) + test_identical(a, b) + test_identical(clusterApply(cl, 1:2, get("+"), 3), list(4, 5)) + xx <- 1 + clusterExport(cl, "xx", environment()) + test_identical(clusterCall(cl, function(y) xx + y, 2), list(3)) + test_identical(clusterMap(cl, function(x, y) seq_len(x) + y, c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3), c(A = 10, B = 0, C = -10)), + list(a = 11, b = c(1, 2), c = c(-9, -8, -7))) + test_identical(parSapply(cl, 1:20, get("+"), 3), as.double(4:23)) + test_null(stopCluster(cl)) + test_error(parLapply(cluster, 1:10, runif), "cluster is no longer active") + Sys.sleep(1L) + test_print(cl <- make_cluster(url = local_url())) + test_null(stopCluster(cl)) + Sys.sleep(1L) + test_print(cl <- make_cluster(n = 1, url = local_url(), remote = remote_config())) + test_null(stopCluster(cl)) + } [1] TRUE > # advanced daemons and dispatcher tests > connection && Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN") == "true" && { + Sys.sleep(0.5) + test_zero(daemons(url = "ws://:0", correctype = 0L, token = TRUE)) + test_zero(daemons(0L)) + test_zero(with(daemons(url = "tcp://:0", correcttype = c(1, 0), token = TRUE), {8L - 9L + 1L})) + test_zero(daemons(n = 2, "ws://:0")) + test_type("integer", nextget("pid")) + test_equal(length(nextget("urls")), 1L) + Sys.sleep(1L) + status <- daemons() + test_type("list", status) + test_zero(status[["connections"]]) + test_type("integer", status[["mirai"]]) + test_zero(status[["mirai"]][["awaiting"]]) + test_zero(status[["mirai"]][["executing"]]) + test_zero(status[["mirai"]][["completed"]]) + test_zero(daemons(0)) + test_equal(daemons(2, correcttype = NA), 2L) + test_equal(daemons()[["connections"]], 2L) + test_type("list", res <- mirai_map(c(1,1), rnorm)[.progress]) + test_true(res[[1L]] != res[[2L]]) + test_equal(2L, daemons()[["connections"]]) + test_zero(daemons(0L)) + Sys.sleep(1L) + test_zero(daemons(url = "tls+tcp://", dispatcher = TRUE)) + test_equal(launch_local(), 1L) + Sys.sleep(1L) + test_true(grepl("CERTIFICATE", launch_remote(), fixed = TRUE)) + q <- quote(list2env(list(b = 2), envir = .GlobalEnv)) + m <- mirai("Seattle", .timeout = 1000) + if (!is_error_value(m[])) test_equal(m[], "Seattle") + test_class("errorValue", mirai(q(), .timeout = 1000)[]) + test_zero(daemons(0)) + } [1] FALSE > # TLS tests > connection && Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN") == "true" && { + Sys.sleep(0.5) + cfg <- serial_config("custom", function(x) serialize(x, NULL), unserialize) + test_zero(daemons(url = host_url(), pass = "test", serial = cfg)) + test_equal(launch_local(1L), 1L) + Sys.sleep(1L) + q <- quote({ list2env(list(b = 2), envir = .GlobalEnv); 0L}) + mm <- everywhere(q) + test_type("list", mm) + test_zero(collect_mirai(mm, ".flat")) + m <- mirai(b, .timeout = 1000) + if (!is_error_value(m[])) test_equal(m[], 2L) + test_zero(daemons(0)) + test_tls <- function(cert) { + file <- tempfile() + on.exit(unlink(file)) + cat(cert[["server"]], file = file) + daemons(url = "tls+tcp://", tls = file) == 0L && daemons(0L) == 0L + } + test_true(test_tls(nanonext::write_cert(cn = ""))) + } [1] FALSE > # promises tests > connection && requireNamespace("promises", quietly = TRUE) && Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN") == "true" && { + Sys.sleep(0.5) + test_equal(daemons(1, notused = "wrongtype"), 1L) + test_true(grepl("://", launch_remote(1L), fixed = TRUE)) + test_true(promises::is.promise(p1 <- promises::as.promise(mirai("completed")))) + test_true(promises::is.promise(p2 <- promises::`%...>%`(mirai("completed"), identity()))) + test_true(promises::is.promise(p3 <- promises::as.promise(call_mirai(mirai("completed"))))) + test_zero(mirai_map(0:1, function(x) x, .promise = identity)[][[1L]]) + mat <- matrix(1:4, nrow = 2L) + dimnames(mat) <- list(c("a", "b"), c("y", "x")) + test_true(is_mirai_map(mp <- mirai_map(mat, function(x, y) x - y, .promise = list(identity)))) + test_true(all(mp[.flat, .stop] == 2L)) + test_identical(names(mp[]), c("a", "b")) + test_class("errorValue", mirai_map(1, function(x) stop(x), .promise = list(identity, identity))[][[1L]]) + Sys.sleep(1L) + getNamespace("later")[["run_now"]]() + test_zero(daemons(NULL)) + } [1] FALSE > # mirai daemon limits tests > connection && Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN") == "true" && { + Sys.sleep(0.5) + test_equal(daemons(1, cleanup = FALSE, maxtasks = 2L, id = 125L), 1L) + test_equal(mirai(1)[], mirai(1)[]) + m <- mirai(0L) + Sys.sleep(1L) + res <- status() + test_zero(res$connections) + test_identical(res$events, c(125L, -125L)) + test_equal(res$mirai[["awaiting"]], 1L) + test_equal(launch_local(1, idletime = 5000L, walltime = 500L, id = 129L), 1L) + test_zero(m[]) + Sys.sleep(1L) + res <- status() + test_zero(res$connections) + test_identical(res$events, c(129L, -129L)) + test_zero(daemons(0)) + test_equal(daemons(1, dispatcher = FALSE, maxtasks = 1L), 1L) + test_zero(mirai(0L)[]) + Sys.sleep(0.5) + test_zero(status()$connections) + test_equal(launch_local(1, idletime = 200L, walltime = 1000L), 1L) + test_zero(mirai(0)[]) + Sys.sleep(1L) + test_zero(status()$connections) + test_zero(daemons(0)) + } [1] FALSE > # mirai cancellation tests > connection && Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN") == "true" && { + Sys.sleep(0.5) + test_equal(daemons(1, dispatcher = TRUE, cleanup = FALSE), 1L) + m1 <- mirai({ Sys.sleep(1); res <<- "m1 done" }) + m2 <- mirai({ Sys.sleep(1); res <<- "m2 done" }) + Sys.sleep(0.1) + test_true(stop_mirai(m2)) + test_true(stop_mirai(m1)) + test_equal(m2$data, 20L) + test_equal(m1$data, 20L) + test_class("errorValue", mirai(res)[]) + m <- mirai_map(1:10, function(x) { Sys.sleep(2); y <<- TRUE }) + Sys.sleep(0.1) + s <- stop_mirai(m) + test_equal(sum(unlist(m[])), 200L) + test_class("errorValue", mirai(y)[]) + test_identical(s, !logical(10L)) + test_equal(status()$connections, 1L) + test_equal(length(nextget("urls")), 1L) + test_class("miraiLaunchCmd", launch_remote(1)) + test_zero(daemons(0)) + } [1] FALSE > # additional stress testing > connection && Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN") == "true" && { + Sys.sleep(0.5) + q <- vector(mode = "list", length = 10000L) + Sys.setenv(R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES = "stats,utils") + test_equal(daemons(4), 4L) + Sys.unsetenv("R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES") + for (i in seq_len(10000L)) {q[[i]] <- mirai(1L); attr(q[[i]], "status") <- status()} + test_equal(sum(unlist(collect_mirai(q))), 10000L) + test_true(all(as.logical(lapply(lapply(q, attr, "status"), is.list)))) + for (i in seq_len(10000L)) {q[[i]] <- mirai({Sys.sleep(0.001); rnorm(1)}); attr(q[[i]], "status") <- status()} + test_equal(length(unique(unlist(collect_mirai(q)))), 10000L) + test_true(all(as.logical(lapply(lapply(q, attr, "status"), is.list)))) + test_equal(daemons()[["mirai"]][["completed"]], 20000L) + test_zero(daemons(0)) + } [1] FALSE > test_zero(daemons(0)) > Sys.sleep(1L) > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.45 0.14 19.75