test_that("destination for one origin and destination", { skip_if_no_key() Sys.sleep(0.11) d <- rail_destination("A01", "C04") expect_equal(nrow(d), 1) }) test_that("destination for one origin and all destinations", { skip_if_no_key() Sys.sleep(0.11) d <- rail_destination(FromStationCode = "A01") expect_gt(nrow(d), 1) expect_equal(unique(d$SourceStation), "A01") }) test_that("destination for all origin and one destination", { skip_if_no_key() Sys.sleep(0.11) d <- rail_destination(ToStationCode = "A01") expect_gt(nrow(d), 1) expect_equal(unique(d$DestinationStation), "A01") }) test_that("all destination and origin combos", { skip_if_no_key() Sys.sleep(0.11) d <- rail_destination() expect_length(d, 7) expect_s3_class(d, "data.frame") expect_type(d$CompositeMiles, "double") expect_type(d$RailTime, "integer") expect_gt(nrow(d), 1000) })