tol_large = 1e-10 test_that(".check_data correctly detects input type", { a <- 1:10 expect_error(.check_data(a), "The object passed to the umbrella function is not a data.frame object.", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data correctly detects multiple paper columns", { df <- df.SMD[1:2,] df$study <- paste0(df$author, "_", df$year) expect_message(message(attr(.check_data(df), "message")), "There are both a column called 'study' and a column called 'author' or 'year'.", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data correctly detects missing required columns 1", { df <- df.SMD[1:2,] df <- subset(df.SMD, select = -c(meta_review, factor, author, year, measure)) expect_message(message(attr(.check_data(df), "message")), "The following required variables are missing:", fixed = TRUE) }) # test_that(".check_data correctly detects missing required columns 2", { # df <- df.SMD[1:2,] # df <- subset(df.SMD, select = -c(n_cases, n_controls)) # expect_message(message(attr(.check_data(df), "message")), # "The following required variables are missing:", fixed = TRUE) # }) test_that(".check_data correctly detects wrong numeric inputs 1", { df <- df.SMD[1:2,] df$value[1] <- "4.32,3" expect_message(message(attr(.check_data(df), "message")), "A numeric cell in the column 'value'", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data correctly detects wrong numeric inputs 2", { df <- df.SMD[1:2,] df$n_cases[1] <- "?" df$n_controls[1] <- "!!" check <- grepl("The dataframe contains non-numeric characters while this is expected. Please check inputs.", attr(suppressWarnings(.check_data(df)), "message"), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(check, TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data correctly removes rows with empty authors/study column", { df <- df.SMD[1:10, ] df$author[6:9] <- NA expect_message(message(attr(.check_data(df), "message")), "Some rows of the original dataset have been removed because they do not include any value in 'author' column: rows = ", fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(c(1:5, 10), attr(.check_data(df), "data")$row_index) }) test_that(".fix_measure_name correctly rename measures", { df <- df.SMD[1:9, ] df$measure <- c("d", "Cohen d", "hr", "irr", "or", "odds ratio", "rr", "g", "md") actual_measure = attr(.check_data(df), "data")$measure expected_measure <- c("SMD", "SMD", "HR", "IRR", "OR", "OR", "RR", "G", "MD") expect_equal(actual_measure, expected_measure) }) test_that(".check_data correctly identify wrong measure names", { df <- df.SMD df$measure[3] <- "a" dferror <- attr(.check_data(df), "data") check <- grepl("Measure ' a ' not supported", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) check2 <- grepl("Measure ' a ' not supported", dferror[dferror$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(check, TRUE) expect_equal(check2, TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data correctly identify missing measures", { df <- df.SMD df$measure[3] <- NA dferror <- attr(.check_data(df), "data") check <- grepl("Measure cannot be empty or NA.", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) check2 <- grepl("Wrong measure: measure cannot be empty or NA. //", dferror[dferror$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(check, TRUE) expect_equal(check2, TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data correctly identify wrong values", { df <- df.OR df$value[3] <- - 2 df$ci_lo[3] <- - 4 df$ci_up[3] <- 0 dferror <- attr(.check_data(df), "data") verif1 <- grepl("Wrong value", dferror[dferror$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) verif2 <- grepl("Wrong 'ci_lo'", dferror[dferror$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) verif3 <- grepl("Wrong 'ci_up'", dferror[dferror$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) check <- grepl("Wrong value. Values should be positive for 'OR', 'RR', 'HR' and 'IRR'.", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(verif1, TRUE) expect_equal(verif2, TRUE) expect_equal(verif3, TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data correctly identify wrong ci_lo values", { df <- df.SMD df$value[3] <- 2 df$ci_lo[3] <- 3 df$ci_up[3] <- 4 dferror <- attr(.check_data(df), "data") verif <- grepl("Wrong 'ci_lo', should be lower than 'value' and should be > 0 with OR RR HR IRR.", dferror[dferror$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) check <- grepl("Lower bound of the 95% CI should be lower than 'value' and should not be negative or null with 'OR', 'RR', 'IRR' and 'HR' measures.", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(verif, TRUE) expect_equal(check, TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data correctly identify wrong ci_up values", { df <- df.SMD df$value[3] <- 2 df$ci_lo[3] <- 1 df$ci_up[3] <- 1 dferror <- attr(.check_data(df), "data") verif <- grepl("Wrong 'ci_up', should be higher than 'value' and should be > 0 with OR RR HR IRR", dferror[dferror$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) check <- grepl("Upper bound of the 95% CI should be higher than 'value' and should not be negative or null with 'OR', 'RR', 'IRR' and 'HR' measures.", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(verif, TRUE) expect_equal(check, TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data correctly identify wrong rob values", { df <- df.SMD df$rob[1:4] <- c("Low", "High", "Moderate", "Unclear") dferror <- attr(.check_data(df), "data") verif <- grepl("Wrong risk of bias", dferror[dferror$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) check <- grepl("Wrong risk of bias", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(verif, TRUE) expect_equal(check, TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data correctly identify upper case rob values", { df <- df.SMD df$rob2_report[1:3] <- c("Low", "High", "Unclear") dferror <- attr(.check_data(df), "data") check <- grepl("Your dataset is well formatted", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(check, TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data correctly identify upper case rob values", { df <- df.SMD df$rob2_report[1:3] <- c("2") dferror <- attr(.check_data(df), "data") check <- grepl("Wrong risk of bias", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(check, TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data correctly identify wrong amstar values", { df <- df.SMD df$amstar[3] <- -3 dferror <- attr(.check_data(df), "data") verif <- grepl("Wrong AMSTAR value. Should be a positive number.", dferror[dferror$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) check <- grepl("Wrong AMSTAR value. Should be a positive number.", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(verif, TRUE) expect_equal(check, TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data correctly identify wrong multiple_es values", { df <- df.SMD df$multiple_es[3] <- "multivariate" dferror <- attr(.check_data(df), "data") verif <- grepl("Wrong identifier for studies with multiple effect sizes:", dferror[dferror$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) check <- grepl("Wrong identifier for studies with multiple effect sizes", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(verif, TRUE) expect_equal(check, TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data correctly identify wrong reverse_es values", { df <- df.SMD df$reverse_es <- NA; df$reverse_es[3] <- "reversal" dferror <- attr(.check_data(df), "data") verif <- grepl("identifier for studies in which the direction of the effect size must be reversed. Should be 'reverse'.", dferror[dferror$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) check <- grepl("Wrong identifier for studies in which the direction of the effect size must be reversed. Should be 'reverse'.", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(verif, TRUE) }) # test_that(".check_data correctly identify wrong sample size inputs: HR", { # df1 <- df.HR # df1$n_cases[3] <- NA # dferror1 <- attr(.check_data(df1), "data") # verif1 <- grepl("For HR measure, the number of cases is mandatory", # dferror1[dferror1$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) # check1 <- grepl("For HR measure, the number of cases is mandatory", # attr(.check_data(df1), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # expect_equal(verif1, TRUE) # expect_equal(check1, TRUE) # }) # test_that(".check_data correctly identify wrong sample size inputs: IRR", { # df1 <- df.IRR # df1$n_cases_exp[3] <- NA # df1$n_cases[3] <- NA # dferror1 <- attr(.check_data(df1), "data") # verif1 <- grepl("For IRR measure, only one group between (n_cases), and (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp) can be empty, not both", # dferror1[dferror1$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) # check1 <- grepl("For IRR measure, only one group between (n_cases), and (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp) can be empty, not both.", # attr(.check_data(df1), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # expect_equal(verif1, TRUE) # expect_equal(check1, TRUE) # # df2 <- df.IRR # df2$n_cases_nexp[3] <- NA # df2$n_cases[3] <- NA # dferror2 <- attr(.check_data(df2), "data") # verif2 <- grepl("For IRR measure, only one group between (n_cases), and (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp) can be empty, not both", # dferror2[dferror2$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) # check2 <- grepl("For IRR measure, only one group between (n_cases), and (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp) can be empty, not both.", # attr(.check_data(df2), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # expect_equal(verif2, TRUE) # expect_equal(check2, TRUE) # # df3 <- df.IRR # df3$n_cases <- NA # dferror3 <- attr(.check_data(df3), "data") # check3 <- grepl("Your dataset is well formatted.", # attr(.check_data(dferror3), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # expect_equal(check3, TRUE) # # df4 <- df.IRR # df4$n_cases_exp <- NA # df4$n_cases_nexp <- NA # dferror4 <- attr(.check_data(df4), "data") # check4 <- grepl("Your dataset is well formatted.", # attr(.check_data(dferror4), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # expect_equal(check4, TRUE) # }) # test_that(".check_data correctly identify wrong sample size inputs: OR", { # df1 <- df.OR # df1$n_cases[3] <- NA; #df1$n_controls[3] <- NA # df1$n_exp[3] <- NA; df1$n_nexp[3] <- NA # df1$n_cases_exp[3] <- NA; df1$n_cases_nexp[3] <- NA # df1$n_controls_exp[3] <- NA; df1$n_controls_nexp[3] <- NA # dferror1 <- attr(.check_data(df1), "data") # verif1 <- grepl("For OR measure, one group between (n_cases, n_controls) / (n_exp, n_nexp) / (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp, n_controls_exp, n_controls_nexp) has to be indicated", # dferror1[dferror1$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) # check1 <- grepl("For OR measure, one group between (n_cases, n_controls) / (n_exp, n_nexp) / (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp, n_controls_exp, n_controls_nexp) has to be indicated.", # attr(.check_data(df1), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # expect_equal(verif1, TRUE) # expect_equal(check1, TRUE) # # df2 <- df.OR # df2$n_controls[3] <- NA # df2$n_exp[3] <- NA; df2$n_nexp[3] <- NA # df2$n_cases_exp[3] <- NA; df2$n_cases_nexp[3] <- NA # df2$n_controls_exp[3] <- NA; df2$n_controls_nexp[3] <- NA # dferror2 <- attr(.check_data(df2), "data") # verif2 <- grepl("For OR measure, one group between (n_cases, n_controls) / (n_exp, n_nexp) / (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp, n_controls_exp, n_controls_nexp) has to be indicated", # dferror2[dferror2$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) # check2 <- grepl("For OR measure, one group between (n_cases, n_controls) / (n_exp, n_nexp) / (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp, n_controls_exp, n_controls_nexp) has to be indicated", # attr(.check_data(df2), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # expect_equal(verif2, TRUE) # expect_equal(check2, TRUE) # # df3 <- df.OR # df3$n_cases[3] <- NA; df3$n_controls[3] <- NA # df3$n_exp[3] <- NA; #df3$n_nexp[3] <- NA # df3$n_cases_exp[3] <- NA; df3$n_cases_nexp[3] <- NA # df3$n_controls_exp[3] <- NA; df3$n_controls_nexp[3] <- NA # dferror3 <- attr(.check_data(df3), "data") # verif3 <- grepl("For OR measure, one group between (n_cases, n_controls) / (n_exp, n_nexp) / (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp, n_controls_exp, n_controls_nexp) has to be indicated", # dferror3[dferror3$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) # check3 <- grepl("For OR measure, one group between (n_cases, n_controls) / (n_exp, n_nexp) / (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp, n_controls_exp, n_controls_nexp) has to be indicated", # attr(.check_data(df3), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # expect_equal(verif3, TRUE) # expect_equal(check3, TRUE) # # # df4 <- df.OR # df4$n_cases[3] <- NA; df4$n_controls[3] <- NA # df4$n_nexp[3] <- NA # df4$n_exp[3] <- NA; # df4$n_cases_exp[3] <- NA; df4$n_cases_nexp[3] <- NA # df4$n_controls_exp[3] <- NA; df4$n_controls_nexp[3] <- NA # dferror4 <- attr(.check_data(df4), "data") # verif4 <- grepl("For OR measure, one group between (n_cases, n_controls) / (n_exp, n_nexp) / (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp, n_controls_exp, n_controls_nexp) has to be indicated", # dferror4[dferror4$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) # check4 <- grepl("For OR measure, one group between (n_cases, n_controls) / (n_exp, n_nexp) / (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp, n_controls_exp, n_controls_nexp) has to be indicated", # attr(.check_data(df4), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # expect_equal(verif4, TRUE) # expect_equal(check4, TRUE) # # df5 <- df.OR # df5$n_cases[3] <- NA; df5$n_controls[3] <- NA # df5$n_exp[3] <- NA; df5$n_nexp[3] <- NA # df5$n_cases_exp[3] <- NA; #df5$n_cases_nexp[3] <- NA # df5$n_controls_exp[3] <- NA; df5$n_controls_nexp[3] <- NA # dferror5 <- attr(.check_data(df5), "data") # verif5 <- grepl("For OR measure, one group between (n_cases, n_controls) / (n_exp, n_nexp) / (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp, n_controls_exp, n_controls_nexp) has to be indicated", # dferror5[dferror5$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) # check5 <- grepl("For OR measure, one group between (n_cases, n_controls) / (n_exp, n_nexp) / (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp, n_controls_exp, n_controls_nexp) has to be indicated", # attr(.check_data(df5), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # expect_equal(verif5, TRUE) # expect_equal(check5, TRUE) # # df6 <- df.OR # df6$n_cases[3] <- NA; df6$n_controls[3] <- NA # df6$n_exp[3] <- NA; df6$n_nexp[3] <- NA # df6$n_cases_nexp[3] <- NA #df6$n_cases_exp[3] <- NA; # df6$n_controls_exp[3] <- NA; df6$n_controls_nexp[3] <- NA # dferror6 <- attr(.check_data(df6), "data") # verif6 <- grepl("For OR measure, one group between (n_cases, n_controls) / (n_exp, n_nexp) / (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp, n_controls_exp, n_controls_nexp) has to be indicated", # dferror6[dferror6$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) # check6 <- grepl("For OR measure, one group between (n_cases, n_controls) / (n_exp, n_nexp) / (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp, n_controls_exp, n_controls_nexp) has to be indicated", # attr(.check_data(df6), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # expect_equal(verif6, TRUE) # expect_equal(check6, TRUE) # # df7 <- df.OR # df7$n_cases[3] <- NA; df7$n_controls[3] <- NA # df7$n_exp[3] <- NA; df7$n_nexp[3] <- NA # df7$n_cases_exp[3] <- NA; df7$n_cases_nexp[3] <- NA # df7$n_controls_exp[3] <- NA; # df7$n_controls_nexp[3] <- NA # dferror7 <- attr(.check_data(df7), "data") # verif7 <- grepl("For OR measure, one group between (n_cases, n_controls) / (n_exp, n_nexp) / (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp, n_controls_exp, n_controls_nexp) has to be indicated", # dferror7[dferror7$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) # check7 <- grepl("For OR measure, one group between (n_cases, n_controls) / (n_exp, n_nexp) / (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp, n_controls_exp, n_controls_nexp) has to be indicated", # attr(.check_data(df7), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # expect_equal(verif7, TRUE) # expect_equal(check7, TRUE) # # df8 <- df.OR # df8$n_cases[3] <- NA; df8$n_controls[3] <- NA # df8$n_exp[3] <- NA; df8$n_nexp[3] <- NA # df8$n_cases_exp[3] <- NA; df8$n_cases_nexp[3] <- NA # df8$n_controls_nexp[3] <- NA # dferror8 <- attr(.check_data(df8), "data") # verif8 <- grepl("For OR measure, one group between (n_cases, n_controls) / (n_exp, n_nexp) / (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp, n_controls_exp, n_controls_nexp) has to be indicated", # dferror8[dferror8$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) # check8 <- grepl("For OR measure, one group between (n_cases, n_controls) / (n_exp, n_nexp) / (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp, n_controls_exp, n_controls_nexp) has to be indicated", # attr(.check_data(df8), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # expect_equal(verif8, TRUE) # expect_equal(check8, TRUE) # # df9 <- df.OR # df9$n_cases[3] <- NA; df9$n_controls[3] <- NA # dferror9 <- attr(.check_data(df9), "data") # check9 <- grepl("Your dataset is well formatted.", # attr(.check_data(dferror9), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # expect_equal(check9, TRUE) # # df10 <- df.OR # df10$n_exp[3] <- NA; df10$n_nexp[3] <- NA # dferror10 <- attr(.check_data(df10), "data") # check10 <- grepl("Your dataset is well formatted.", # attr(.check_data(dferror10), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # expect_equal(check10, TRUE) # # df11 <- df.OR # df11$n_cases_exp[3] <- NA; df11$n_cases_nexp[3] <- NA # df11$n_controls_exp[3] <- NA; df11$n_controls_nexp[3] <- NA # dferror11 <- attr(.check_data(df11), "data") # check11 <- grepl("Your dataset is well formatted.", # attr(.check_data(dferror11), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # expect_equal(check11, TRUE) # }) # # test_that(".check_data correctly identify wrong sample size inputs: RR", { # df1 <- df.RR # df1$n_cases_exp[3] <- NA # dferror1 <- attr(.check_data(df1), "data") # verif1 <- grepl("For RR measure, one group between (n_cases, n_controls) / (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp, n_controls_exp, n_controls_nexp) has to be indicated", # dferror1[dferror1$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) # check1 <- grepl("For RR measure, one group between (n_cases, n_controls) / (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp, n_controls_exp, n_controls_nexp) has to be indicated", # attr(.check_data(df1), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # expect_equal(verif1, TRUE) # expect_equal(check1, TRUE) # # # df2 <- df.RR # df2$n_cases_nexp[3] <- NA # dferror2 <- attr(.check_data(df2), "data") # verif2 <- grepl("For RR measure, one group between (n_cases, n_controls) / (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp, n_controls_exp, n_controls_nexp) has to be indicated", # dferror2[dferror2$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) # check2 <- grepl("For RR measure, one group between (n_cases, n_controls) / (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp, n_controls_exp, n_controls_nexp) has to be indicated", # attr(.check_data(df2), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # expect_equal(verif2, TRUE) # expect_equal(check2, TRUE) # # # # df3 <- df.RR # df3$n_exp[3] <- NA; df3$n_controls[3] <- NA # dferror3 <- attr(.check_data(df3), "data") # verif3 <- grepl("For RR measure, one group between (n_cases, n_controls) / (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp, n_controls_exp, n_controls_nexp) has to be indicated", # dferror3[dferror3$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) # check3 <- grepl("For RR measure, one group between (n_cases, n_controls) / (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp, n_controls_exp, n_controls_nexp) has to be indicated", # attr(.check_data(df3), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # expect_equal(verif3, TRUE) # expect_equal(check3, TRUE) # # df4 <- df.RR # df4$n_nexp[3] <- NA # dferror4 <- attr(.check_data(df4), "data") # verif4 <- grepl("For RR measure, one group between (n_cases, n_controls) / (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp, n_controls_exp, n_controls_nexp) has to be indicated", # dferror4[dferror4$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) # check4 <- grepl("For RR measure, one group between (n_cases, n_controls) / (n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp, n_controls_exp, n_controls_nexp) has to be indicated", # attr(.check_data(df4), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # expect_equal(verif4, TRUE) # expect_equal(check4, TRUE) # # df7 <- df.RR # df7$n_cases[3] <- NA; # dferror7 <- attr(.check_data(df7), "data") # check7 <- grepl("Your dataset is well formatted.", # attr(.check_data(dferror7), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # expect_equal(check7, TRUE) # # }) test_that(".check_data correctly identify non symmetric CI", { df1 <- df.SMD df2 <- df.OR df1$ci_lo[20] <- 0.02 df2$ci_lo[20] <- 0.02 dferror1 <- attr(.check_data(df1), "data") dferror2 <- attr(.check_data(df2), "data") verif1 <- grepl("Non-symmetric confidence interval", dferror1[dferror1$row_index == 20,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) verif2 <- grepl("Non-symmetric confidence interval", dferror2[dferror2$row_index == 20,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(verif1, TRUE) expect_equal(verif2, TRUE) check1 <- grepl("The confidence interval is not symmetric around the effect size", attr(.check_data(df1), "message"), fixed = TRUE) check2 <- grepl("The confidence interval is not symmetric around the effect size", attr(.check_data(df2), "message"), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(check1, TRUE) expect_equal(check2, TRUE) }) # test_that(".check_data correctly identify missing information for applying shared_nexp / shared_controls", { # df1 <- subset(df.OR, select = -c(n_exp, n_nexp, n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp, n_controls_exp, n_controls_nexp)) # df1$shared_nexp <- c(1,1,1,2:(nrow(df1)-2)) # df2 <- subset(df.OR, select = -c(n_cases, n_controls, n_cases_exp, n_cases_nexp, n_controls_exp, n_controls_nexp)) # df2$shared_controls <- c(1,1,1,2:(nrow(df2)-2)) # df3 <- subset(df.OR, select = -c(n_cases, n_controls, n_exp, n_nexp)) # df3$shared_controls <- c(1,1,1,2:(nrow(df3)-2)) # df4 <- subset(df.OR, select = -c(n_cases, n_controls, n_exp, n_nexp)) # df4$shared_nexp <- c(1,1,1,2:(nrow(df4)-2)) # # dferror1 <- attr(.check_data(df1), "data") # dferror2 <- attr(.check_data(df2), "data") # dferror3 <- attr(.check_data(df3), "data") # dferror4 <- attr(.check_data(df4), "data") # # check1 <- grepl("The number of participants in the non-exposed group(s) (resp. in the control group(s)) is mandatory when 'shared_nexp' (resp. 'shared_control') is indicated.", # attr(.check_data(df1), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # check2 <- grepl("The number of participants in the non-exposed group(s) (resp. in the control group(s)) is mandatory when 'shared_nexp' (resp. 'shared_control') is indicated.", # attr(.check_data(df2), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # check3 <- grepl("Your dataset is well formatted", # attr(.check_data(df3), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # check4 <- grepl("Your dataset is well formatted", # attr(.check_data(df4), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # expect_equal(check1, TRUE) # expect_equal(check2, TRUE) # expect_equal(check3, TRUE) # expect_equal(check4, TRUE) # # verif1 <- grepl("Missing n_controls / n_nexp while shared_controls / shared_nexp is indicated.", # unique(dferror1$column_errors), fixed = TRUE) # verif2 <- grepl("Missing n_controls / n_nexp while shared_controls / shared_nexp is indicated.", # unique(dferror2$column_errors), fixed = TRUE) # verif3 <-$column_errors)) # verif4 <-$column_errors)) # # expect_equal(verif1, TRUE) # expect_equal(verif2, TRUE) # expect_equal(verif3, TRUE) # expect_equal(verif4, TRUE) # }) # test_that(".check_data correctly identify both shared_nexp/n_controls entry", { # df <- df.SMD # df$shared_controls <- c(1,1,1,2:(nrow(df)-2)) # df$shared_nexp <- c(1,1,1,2:(nrow(df)-2)) # # dferror <- attr(.check_data(df), "data") # # verif <- grepl("The 'shared_nexp' and 'shared_controls' columns cannot be indicated for the same study.", # unique(dferror$column_errors), fixed = TRUE) # # expect_equal(verif, TRUE) # }) # # test_that(".check_data correctly prevents users to apply a shared corrections with specific measures", { # df1 <- df.IRR # df2 <- df.RR # df3 <- df.HR # df4 <- df.HR # df5 <- df.SMD # df6 <- df.SMD; df6$measure <- "MD" # df7 <- df.SMD; df6$measure <- "G" # df1$shared_controls <- c(1,1,1,2:(nrow(df1)-2)) # df2$shared_controls <- c(1,1,1,2:(nrow(df2)-2)) # df3$shared_controls <- c(1,1,1,2:(nrow(df3)-2)) # df4$shared_nexp <- c(1,1,1,2:(nrow(df4)-2)) # df5$shared_nexp <- c(1,1,1,2:(nrow(df5)-2)) # df6$shared_nexp <- c(1,1,1,2:(nrow(df6)-2)) # df7$shared_nexp <- c(1,1,1,2:(nrow(df7)-2)) # dferror1 <- attr(.check_data(df1), "data") # dferror2 <- attr(.check_data(df2), "data") # dferror3 <- attr(.check_data(df3), "data") # dferror4 <- attr(.check_data(df4), "data") # dferror5 <- attr(.check_data(df5), "data") # dferror6 <- attr(.check_data(df6), "data") # dferror7 <- attr(.check_data(df7), "data") # # verif1 <- grepl("The 'shared_controls' column cannot be indicated with a 'RR' or 'IRR' measure", # unique(dferror1$column_errors), fixed = TRUE) # verif2 <- grepl("The 'shared_controls' column cannot be indicated with a 'RR' or 'IRR' measure", # unique(dferror2$column_errors), fixed = TRUE) # verif3 <- grepl("The 'shared_nexp' / 'shared_controls' columns cannot be indicated with a 'HR', 'R' or 'Z' measures", # unique(dferror3$column_errors), fixed = TRUE) # verif4 <- grepl("The 'shared_nexp' / 'shared_controls' columns cannot be indicated with a 'HR', 'R' or 'Z' measures", # unique(dferror4$column_errors), fixed = TRUE) # verif5 <- grepl("The 'shared_nexp' column cannot be indicated with a 'SMD', 'SMC', 'MD', or 'G' measure", # unique(dferror5$column_errors), fixed = TRUE) # verif6 <- grepl("The 'shared_nexp' column cannot be indicated with a 'SMD', 'SMC', 'MD', or 'G' measure", # unique(dferror6$column_errors), fixed = TRUE) # verif7 <- grepl("The 'shared_nexp' column cannot be indicated with a 'SMD', 'SMC', 'MD', or 'G' measure", # unique(dferror7$column_errors), fixed = TRUE) # # check1 <- grepl("The 'shared_controls' column is only supported for the SMD, SMC, MD, G or OR measure", # attr(.check_data(df1), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # check2 <- grepl("The 'shared_controls' column is only supported for the SMD, SMC, MD, G or OR measure", # attr(.check_data(df2), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # check3 <- grepl("The 'shared_nexp' and 'shared_controls' columns are not supported in combination with the HR, R and Z measures", # attr(.check_data(df3), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # check4 <- grepl("The 'shared_nexp' and 'shared_controls' columns are not supported in combination with the HR, R and Z measures", # attr(.check_data(df4), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # check5 <- grepl("The 'shared_nexp' column cannot be indicated with a 'SMD', 'SMC', 'MD', or 'G' measure", # attr(.check_data(df5), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # check6 <- grepl("The 'shared_nexp' column cannot be indicated with a 'SMD', 'SMC', 'MD', or 'G' measure", # attr(.check_data(df6), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # check7 <- grepl("The 'shared_nexp' column cannot be indicated with a 'SMD', 'SMC', 'MD', or 'G' measure", # attr(.check_data(df7), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # # expect_equal(check1, TRUE) # expect_equal(check2, TRUE) # expect_equal(check3, TRUE) # expect_equal(check4, TRUE) # expect_equal(check5, TRUE) # expect_equal(check6, TRUE) # expect_equal(check7, TRUE) # expect_equal(verif1, TRUE) # expect_equal(verif2, TRUE) # expect_equal(verif3, TRUE) # expect_equal(verif4, TRUE) # expect_equal(verif5, TRUE) # expect_equal(verif6, TRUE) # expect_equal(verif7, TRUE) # }) # test_that(".check_data correctly identify not indicated multiple entry", { df <- df.SMD df$author[33] <- df$author[31] df$year[33] <- df$year[31] dferror <- attr(.check_data(df), "data") verif1 <- grepl("Study with same factor, author and year. If it is not an erroneous repeated entry, specify whether the multiple effect sizes come from multiple 'groups' or 'outcomes' in the 'multiple_es' column", dferror[dferror$row_index == 31,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) verif2 <- grepl("Study with same factor, author and year. If it is not an erroneous repeated entry, specify whether the multiple effect sizes come from multiple 'groups' or 'outcomes' in the 'multiple_es' column", dferror[dferror$row_index == 33,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) check <- grepl("Some repeated studies (author and year) in the same factor do not have any 'multiple_es' value.", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(verif1, TRUE) expect_equal(verif2, TRUE) expect_equal(check, TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data correctly identify indicated multiple entries", { df <- df.SMD df$author[33] <- df$author[31] df$year[33] <- df$year[31] df$multiple_es <- NA df$multiple_es[c(31, 33)] <- "groups" dferror1 <- attr(.check_data(df), "data") check1 <- grepl("Your dataset is well formatted", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) verif1 <- all($column_errors)) expect_equal(verif1, TRUE) expect_equal(check1, TRUE) df$multiple_es[c(31,33)] <- "outcomes" dferror2 <- attr(.check_data(df), "data") check2 <- grepl("Your dataset is well formatted", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) verif2 <- all($column_errors)) expect_equal(verif2, TRUE) expect_equal(check2, TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data correctly identify multiple 'multiple_es' values per study", { df <- df.SMD df$author[33] <- df$author[31] df$year[33] <- df$year[31] df$multiple_es <- NA df$multiple_es[c(31)] <- "groups" df$multiple_es[c(33)] <- "outcomes" dferror <- attr(.check_data(df), "data") check <- grepl("Study with several multiple_es values. Please, specify only one of either 'groups' or 'outcomes'", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) verif1 <- grepl("Study with several multiple_es values. Please, specify only one of either 'groups' or 'outcomes'", dferror[dferror$row_index == 31,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) verif2 <- grepl("Study with several multiple_es values. Please, specify only one of either 'groups' or 'outcomes'", dferror[dferror$row_index == 33,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(verif1, TRUE) expect_equal(verif2, TRUE) expect_equal(check, TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data correctly identify multiple 'r' values per study", { df <- df.SMD df$author[33] <- df$author[31] df$year[33] <- df$year[31] df$multiple_es <- NA df$multiple_es[c(31)] <- "outcomes" df$multiple_es[c(33)] <- "outcomes" df$r <- NA; df$r[33] <- 0.5; df$r[31] <- 0.4; dferror <- attr(.check_data(df), "data") check <- grepl("Study with several r values. Please, specify only one unique value per study.", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) verif1 <- grepl("Study with several r values. Please, specify only one unique value per study.", dferror[dferror$row_index == 31,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) verif2 <- grepl("Study with several r values. Please, specify only one unique value per study.", dferror[dferror$row_index == 33,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(verif1, TRUE) expect_equal(verif2, TRUE) expect_equal(check, TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data correctly detects multiple 'reverse_es' values per study", { df <- df.SMD df$author[33] <- df$author[31] df$year[33] <- df$year[31] df$multiple_es <- NA df$multiple_es[c(31, 33)] <- "groups" df$reverse_es <- NA df$reverse_es[c(31)] <- "reverse" dferror <- attr(.check_data(df), "data") verif1 <- grepl("Some but not all effect sizes are reversed for this factor. Check this is what you want", dferror[dferror$row_index == 31,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) verif2 <- grepl("Some but not all effect sizes are reversed for this factor. Check this is what you want", dferror[dferror$row_index == 33,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) check <- grepl("Some but not all effect sizes are reversed for a factor. Check this is what you want (this is only a warning, not an error)", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(check, TRUE) expect_equal(verif1, TRUE) expect_equal(verif2, TRUE) }) # test_that(".check_data correctly identify multiple 'shared_controls' values per multivariate study", { # df <- df.SMD # df$author[33] <- df$author[31] # df$year[33] <- df$year[31] # df$multiple_es <- NA # df$multiple_es[c(31)] <- "groups" # df$multiple_es[c(33)] <- "groups" # df$shared_controls <- 1:nrow(df) # # dferror <- attr(.check_data(df), "data") # verif1 <- grepl("Study associated with multiple 'shared_controls' or 'shared_nexp' values. There should be an unique value.", # dferror[dferror$row_index == 31,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) # verif2 <- grepl("Study associated with multiple 'shared_controls' or 'shared_nexp' values. There should be an unique value.", # dferror[dferror$row_index == 33,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) # # check <- grepl("A study is associated with multiple 'shared_controls' or 'shared_nexp' values. There should be an unique value per study", # attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # expect_equal(verif1, TRUE) # expect_equal(verif2, TRUE) # expect_equal(check, TRUE) # }) test_that(".check_data correctly identify varying amstar values", { df <- df.SMD df$amstar[3] <- 2 dferror <- attr(.check_data(df), "data") verif <- grepl("Values of amstar should not differ within a factor. Please insert a unique value for each factor.", dferror[dferror$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) check <- grepl("AMSTAR values should be constant within a factor.", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(verif, TRUE) expect_equal(check, TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data correctly identify varying reverse values", { df <- df.SMD df$reverse_es <- "reverse" df$reverse_es[3] <- NA dferror <- attr(.check_data(df), "data") verif <- grepl("Some but not all effect sizes are reversed for this factor. Check this is what you want.", dferror[dferror$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) check <- grepl("Some but not all effect sizes are reversed for a factor. Check this is what you want (this is only a warning, not an error)", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(check, TRUE) expect_equal(verif, TRUE) }) # test_that(".check_data correctly identify shared_control groups with another study", { # df <- df.SMD # df$author[33] <- df$author[31] # df$year[33] <- df$year[31] # df$multiple_es <- NA # df$multiple_es[c(31)] <- "groups" # df$multiple_es[c(33)] <- "groups" # df$shared_controls <- 1:nrow(df) # df$shared_controls[c(30,31,33)] <- 40 # df$shared_controls[c(1:25)] <- NA # # dferror <- attr(.check_data(df), "data") # verif1 <- grepl("It is not currently possible to have a study with multiple independent subgroups that shares a control group with another study.", # dferror[dferror$row_index == 30,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) # verif2 <- grepl("It is not currently possible to have a study with multiple independent subgroups that shares a control group with another study.", # dferror[dferror$row_index == 31,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) # verif3 <- grepl("It is not currently possible to have a study with multiple independent subgroups that shares a control group with another study.", # dferror[dferror$row_index == 33,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) # # check <- grepl("It is not currently possible to have a study with multiple independent subgroups that shares a control group with another study", # attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) # expect_equal(check, TRUE) # expect_equal(verif1, TRUE) # expect_equal(verif2, TRUE) # expect_equal(verif3, TRUE) # }) test_that(".check_data correctly converts sample sizes", { df1 <- subset(df.OR, select = -c(n_cases, n_controls, n_exp, n_nexp)) dfcheck <- attr(.check_data(df1), "data") dfcheck <- dfcheck[order(dfcheck$row_index), ] expect_equal(dfcheck$n_cases, df.OR$n_cases) expect_equal(dfcheck$n_controls, df.OR$n_controls) expect_equal(dfcheck$n_exp, df.OR$n_exp) expect_equal(dfcheck$n_nexp, df.OR$n_nexp) df2 <- subset(df.IRR, select = -c(time)) dfcheck <- attr(.check_data(df2), "data") dfcheck <- dfcheck[order(dfcheck$row_index), ] expect_equal(dfcheck$time, df.IRR$time) }) test_that(".check_data correctly estimates value from CI", { df1 <- df.SMD df2 <- df.OR df1$value <- NA df2$value <- NA dfcheck1 <- attr(.check_data(df1), "data") dfcheck1 <- dfcheck1[order(dfcheck1$row_index), ] dfcheck2 <- attr(.check_data(df2), "data") dfcheck2 <- dfcheck2[order(dfcheck2$row_index), ] verif1 <- all(df.SMD$value == dfcheck1$value) verif2 <- all(df.OR$value == dfcheck2$value) expect_equal(df.SMD$value, dfcheck1$value, tolerance = tol_large) expect_equal(df.OR$value, dfcheck2$value, tolerance = tol_large) }) test_that(".check_data correctly estimates CI from value+ CI", { df1 <- df.SMD df2 <- df.OR df1$ci_lo <- NA df2$ci_up <- NA dfcheck1 <- attr(.check_data(df1), "data") dfcheck1 <- dfcheck1[order(dfcheck1$row_index), ] dfcheck2 <- attr(.check_data(df2), "data") dfcheck2 <- dfcheck2[order(dfcheck2$row_index), ] expect_equal(df.SMD$ci_lo, dfcheck1$ci_lo, tolerance = tol_large) expect_equal(df.OR$ci_up, dfcheck2$ci_up, tolerance = tol_large) }) test_that(".check_data detects missing information for SMD: 1", { df <- df.SMD df$value[3] <- df$ci_lo[3] <- df$mean_cases[3] <- NA dferror <- attr(.check_data(df), "data") verif <- grepl("Unknown value of the SMD or G / means and SD", dferror[dferror$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) check <- grepl("SMD/G measure is not associated with sufficient information", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(verif, TRUE) expect_equal(check, TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data detects missing information for SMD: 2", { df <- df.SMD df$value[3] <- df$se[3] <- df$mean_cases[3] <- NA check <- grepl("Your dataset is well formatted", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(check, TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data detects missing information for SMD: 2", { df <- df.SMD df$ci_up[3] <- df$ci_lo[3] <- df$se[3] <- df$mean_cases[3] <- NA check <- grepl("Your dataset is well formatted", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(check, TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data detects missing information for SMD: 3", { dfS <- subset(df.SMD, select=-c(ci_lo, ci_up, n_cases,n_controls, mean_cases, mean_controls, se)) dferror <- attr(.check_data(dfS), "data") verif <- grepl("Unknown value of the n_cases/n_controls / se or 95% CI of the SMD", dferror[dferror$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) check <- grepl("SMD/G measure is not associated with sufficient information to run the umbrel", attr(.check_data(dfS), "message"), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(verif, TRUE) expect_equal(check, TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data detects missing information for MD", { dfM <- subset(df.SMD, select=-c(sd_controls, value, se, ci_lo)) dfM$measure = "MD" dferror <- attr(.check_data(dfM), "data") verif <- grepl("Unknown value + (confidence interval / se / var) or n_cases", dferror[dferror$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) check <- grepl("MC or MD measure is not associated with sufficient information to run the umbrella review", attr(.check_data(dfM), "message"), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(check, TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data detects missing information for MD: 2", { df <- df.SMD df$measure = "MD" df$ci_up[3] <- df$ci_lo[3] <- df$se[3] <- df$mean_cases[3] <- NA check <- grepl("MD measure is not associated with sufficient information to run the umbrella review", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(check, TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data detects missing information for MD: 3", { df <- df.SMD df$measure = "MD" df$ci_up[3] <- df$ci_lo[3] <- df$mean_cases[3] <- NA check <- grepl("Your dataset is well formatted", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(check, TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data detects missing information for HR", { df <- df.HR df$ci_lo[3] <- df$ci_up[3] <- NA dferror <- attr(.check_data(df), "data") verif <- grepl("Unknown value + (confidence interval / se / var) of the HR.", dferror[dferror$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) check <- grepl("HR measure is not associated with sufficient information to run the umbrella review", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(verif, TRUE) expect_equal(check, TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data detects missing information for HR2", { df <- df.HR df$var <- 5 df$ci_lo[3] <- df$ci_up[3] <- NA check <- grepl("Your dataset is well", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(check, TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data detects missing CI and (n_exp|n_nexp|n_cases_exp|n_cases_nexp|n_controls_exp|n_controls_nexp) for RR IRR", { # RR df <- subset(df.RR, select = -c(n_exp, n_nexp)) df$ci_lo[3] <- df$ci_up[3] <- NA dferror <- attr(.check_data(df), "data") verif1 <- grepl("Unknown value + (confidence interval / se / var) of the RR or unknown 2x2 table.", dferror[dferror$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) check <- grepl("RR measure is not associated with sufficient information to run the umbrella review", attr(.check_data(df), "message"), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(check, TRUE) expect_equal(verif1, TRUE) # IRR df <- subset(df.IRR, select = -c(time)) df1 <- df2 <- df df1$ci_lo[3] <- df1$ci_up[3] <- df1$time_exp[3] <- NA df2$ci_lo[3] <- df2$ci_up[3] <- df2$time_nexp[3] <- NA dferror1 <- attr(.check_data(df1), "data") dferror2 <- attr(.check_data(df2), "data") verif1 <- grepl("Unknown (value + (ci/se/var) + n_cases + time) OR number of cases and time for both exp and non-exp groups.", dferror1[dferror1$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) verif2 <- grepl("Unknown (value + (ci/se/var) + n_cases + time) OR number of cases and time for both exp and non-exp groups.", dferror2[dferror2$row_index == 3,]$column_errors, fixed = TRUE) check1 <- grepl("IRR measure is not associated with sufficient information to run the umbrella review", attr(.check_data(df1), "message"), fixed = TRUE) check2 <- grepl("IRR measure is not associated with sufficient information to run the umbrella review", attr(.check_data(df2), "message"), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(check1, TRUE) expect_equal(check2, TRUE) expect_equal(verif1, TRUE) expect_equal(verif2, TRUE) })