library(mdftracks) library(tools) # Load reference data load('test_df.RData') ref_expected_output <- "^MTrackJ [0-9.]+ Data File Assembly 1 Cluster 1 Track 1 Point 1 187.1 263.2 27.4 1 1 Point 2 309.2 264.4 15.8 2 1 Track 2 Point 1 18.4 438.5 28.1 1 1 Point 2 142.9 58.6 28.2 2 1 Point 3 290.1 197.5 18.8 3 1 Track 3 Point 1 310.1 15.4 5.8 1 1 Track 4 Point 1 99.1 33.5 22.5 1 1 Point 2 220.2 396 16.4 2 1 Track 5 Point 1 8.4 305.8 30.2 1 1 Point 2 84.7 227.7 21.1 2 1 End of MTrackJ Data File$" ref.file <- 'test_mdf.mdf' # md5 of test_mdf.mdf (dos and unix line endings) ref.mdf5s <- c('9b98632350636ab11735feed7fb60958', 'ebe73d04d76925f36c6fbeb74f076bca') test_that("Data frames with columns id, t, x, y, z (MotilyLab) can be exported using default arguments (numeric columns)", { expect_output(write.mdf(test.df[,c('uid','t', 'x', 'y', 'z')]), ref_expected_output) }) test_that("Writing tibbles works", { expect_output(write.mdf(tibble::as_tibble(test.df[,c('uid','t', 'x', 'y', 'z')])), ref_expected_output) }) test_that("Factor columns are converted to numeric", { temp.df <- test.df[,c('uid','t', 'x', 'y', 'z')] temp.df$uid <- as.factor(temp.df$uid) expect_message(capture.output(write.mdf(temp.df)), "Converting factor to numeric in columns: uid") }) test_that("Output to file works", { file <- "temp_test_mdf.mdf" unlink(file) on.exit(unlink(file)) write.mdf(test.df, file, cluster.column = "cl", id.column = "id", time.column = "t", pos.columns = letters[24:26], channel.column = "ch", point.column = "p") expect_true(file.exists(file)) expect_true(md5sum(file)[[1]] %in% ref.mdf5s) }) test_that("Output to file connection works when connection is closed", { file <- "temp_test_mdf.mdf" unlink(file) on.exit(unlink(file)) con <- file(file) expect_false(isOpen(con)) write.mdf(test.df, con, cluster.column = "cl", id.column = "id", time.column = "t", pos.columns = letters[24:26], channel.column = "ch", point.column = "p") expect_true(file.exists(file)) expect_true(md5sum(file)[[1]] %in% ref.mdf5s) }) test_that("Output to connection works", { dest.string <- "" con <- textConnection("dest.string", open = "w", local = T) on.exit(close(con)) write.mdf(test.df[,c('uid','t', 'x', 'y', 'z')], con) expect_output(writeLines(dest.string), ref_expected_output) expect_true(isOpen(con)) }) test_that("Output to non-connections fails", { expect_error(write.mdf(test.df[,c('uid','t', 'x', 'y', 'z')], file = T), "'file' must be a character string or connection", fixed = T) }) test_that("time is correctly scaled", { expected_output <- "^MTrackJ [0-9.]+ Data File Assembly 1 Cluster 1 Track 1 Point 1 187.1 263.2 27.4 0.1 1 Point 2 309.2 264.4 15.8 0.2 1 Track 2 Point 1 18.4 438.5 28.1 0.1 1 Point 2 142.9 58.6 28.2 0.2 1 Point 3 290.1 197.5 18.8 0.3 1 Track 3 Point 1 310.1 15.4 5.8 0.1 1 Track 4 Point 1 99.1 33.5 22.5 0.1 1 Point 2 220.2 396 16.4 0.2 1 Track 5 Point 1 8.4 305.8 30.2 0.1 1 Point 2 84.7 227.7 21.1 0.2 1 End of MTrackJ Data File$" expect_output(write.mdf(test.df[,c('uid','t', 'x', 'y', 'z')], scale.time = 0.1), expected_output) }) test_that("Default channel is set correctly", { expected_output <- "^MTrackJ [0-9.]+ Data File Assembly 1 Cluster 1 Track 1 Point 1 187.1 263.2 27.4 1 2 Point 2 309.2 264.4 15.8 2 2 Track 2 Point 1 18.4 438.5 28.1 1 2 Point 2 142.9 58.6 28.2 2 2 Point 3 290.1 197.5 18.8 3 2 Track 3 Point 1 310.1 15.4 5.8 1 2 Track 4 Point 1 99.1 33.5 22.5 1 2 Point 2 220.2 396 16.4 2 2 Track 5 Point 1 8.4 305.8 30.2 1 2 Point 2 84.7 227.7 21.1 2 2 End of MTrackJ Data File$" expect_output(write.mdf(test.df[,c('uid','t', 'x', 'y', 'z')], = 2), expected_output) }) test_that("2D data has Z = 1.0", { expected_output <- "^MTrackJ [0-9.]+ Data File Assembly 1 Cluster 1 Track 1 Point 1 187.1 263.2 1 1 1 Point 2 309.2 264.4 1 2 1 Track 2 Point 1 18.4 438.5 1 1 1 Point 2 142.9 58.6 1 2 1 Point 3 290.1 197.5 1 3 1 Track 3 Point 1 310.1 15.4 1 1 1 Track 4 Point 1 99.1 33.5 1 1 1 Point 2 220.2 396 1 2 1 Track 5 Point 1 8.4 305.8 1 1 1 Point 2 84.7 227.7 1 2 1 End of MTrackJ Data File$" expect_output(write.mdf(test.df[,c('uid','t', 'x', 'y')], pos.columns = letters[24:25]), expected_output) }) test_that("all columns specified", { expected_output <- "^MTrackJ [0-9.]+ Data File Assembly 1 Cluster 1 Track 1 Point 1 187.1 263.2 27.4 1 2 Point 3 309.2 264.4 15.8 2 2 Track 2 Point 1 18.4 438.5 28.1 1 2 Point 2 142.9 58.6 28.2 2 2 Point 5 290.1 197.5 18.8 3 2 Cluster 2 Track 1 Point 1 310.1 15.4 5.8 1 2 Track 2 Point 1 99.1 33.5 22.5 1 2 Point 2 220.2 396 16.4 2 2 Track 3 Point 1 8.4 305.8 30.2 1 2 Point 2 84.7 227.7 21.1 2 2 End of MTrackJ Data File$" expect_output(write.mdf(test.df, cluster.column = 'cl', id.column = 'id', pos.columns = letters[24:26], channel.column = 'ch', point.column = 'p', time.column = 't'), expected_output) }) test_that("Invalid column specification should give errors", { expect_error( write.mdf(test.df[,c('uid','t', 'x', 'y', 'z')], id.column = "id"), "Column(s) not found: id", fixed = T) expect_error( write.mdf(test.df[,c('uid','t', 'x', 'y', 'z')], id.column = 10), "Column(s) not found: 10", fixed = T) })