################# ### ### ### gfm tests ### ### ### ################# gfm_tests_to_md = function() { file = system.file("specs/gfm/spec.txt", package="md4r") tests = read_gfm_tests(file) # Seem to be essentially the same issues as for CommonMark skip_tests = tibble::tribble( ~ex, ~msg, 235, "Ambiguous list to code block case #235", 293, "Ambiguous list to code block case #293", 528, "Ambiguous normal text escaping #528", 623, "Ambiguous normal text escaping #623", 624, "Ambiguous normal text escaping #624", 631, "Ambiguous normal text escaping #631" ) purrr::iwalk( tests, function(test, i) { section = paste(test$sec, collapse = " > ") label = glue::glue("gfm - Ex {i} (L{test$line_start}-{test$line_end}) - {section}") url = glue::glue("https://github.github.com/gfm/#example-{i}") test_that(label, { if (test$disabled) { testthat::skip("Disabled test(s)") } sub = (i == skip_tests[["ex"]]) if (any(sub)) { testthat::skip( paste0( "gfm #", skip_tests[["ex"]][sub], " - ", skip_tests[["msg"]][sub] ) ) } flags = "MD_DIALECT_GITHUB" expect_identical_md( md = test$md, flags = flags, info = url ) }) } ) } gfm_tests_to_md()