# diagTab ---- test_that("diagTab function works as expected with default settings", { data("qualData") res <- qualData %>% diagTab(formula = ~ CandidateN + ComparativeN) expect_s4_class(res, "MCTab") expect_equal(matrix(res@tab), matrix(c(54, 8, 16, 122))) expect_equal(res@levels, c("0", "1")) }) test_that("diagTab function works as expected for qualitative performance", { data("qualData") res <- qualData %>% diagTab( formula = ~ CandidateN + ComparativeN, levels = c(1, 0) ) expect_equal(matrix(res@tab), matrix(c(122, 16, 8, 54))) }) test_that("diagTab function works as expected for within-reader performance", { data("PDL1RP") res <- PDL1RP$wtn_reader %>% diagTab( formula = Order ~ Value, bysort = "Sample", levels = c("Positive", "Negative"), rep = TRUE, across = "Site" ) expect_equal(matrix(res@tab), matrix(c(203, 17, 7, 223))) }) test_that("diagTab function works as expected for between-reader performance", { data("PDL1RP") res <- PDL1RP$btw_reader %>% diagTab( formula = Reader ~ Value, bysort = "Sample", levels = c("Positive", "Negative"), rep = TRUE, across = "Site" ) expect_equal(matrix(res@tab), matrix(c(200, 15, 7, 228))) }) test_that("diagTab function works as expected for between-site performance", { data("PDL1RP") res <- PDL1RP$btw_site %>% diagTab( formula = Site ~ Value, bysort = "Sample", levels = c("Positive", "Negative"), rep = TRUE ) expect_equal(matrix(res@tab), matrix(c(201, 12, 4, 233))) }) # getAccuracy ---- test_that("getAccuracy function works as expected with wilson method", { data("qualData") res <- qualData %>% diagTab( formula = ~ CandidateN + ComparativeN, levels = c(1, 0) ) %>% getAccuracy(ref = "r", r_ci = "wilson") object <- matrix( c( "0.8841", "0.8200", "0.9274", "0.8710", "0.7655", "0.9331", "0.9385", "0.8833", "0.9685", "0.7714", "0.6605", "0.8541", "6.8514", "3.5785", "13.1181", "0.1331", "0.0832", "0.2131" ), nrow = 6, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list( c("sens", "spec", "ppv", "npv", "plr", "nlr"), ComparativeN = c("EST", "LowerCI", "UpperCI") ) ) expect_equal(res, as.data.frame(object)) }) test_that("getAccuracy function works as expected without reference", { data("qualData") res <- qualData %>% diagTab( formula = ~ CandidateN + ComparativeN, levels = c(1, 0) ) %>% getAccuracy(ref = "nr", nr_ci = "wilson") object <- matrix( c( "0.8841", "0.8200", "0.9274", "0.8710", "0.7655", "0.9331", "0.8800", "0.8277", "0.9180", "0.7291", "0.6283", "0.8299" ), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list( c("ppa", "npa", "opa", "kappa"), ComparativeN = c("EST", "LowerCI", "UpperCI") ) ) expect_equal(res, as.data.frame(object)) }) test_that("getAccuracy function works as expected with digits is 3", { data("qualData") res <- qualData %>% diagTab( formula = ~ CandidateN + ComparativeN, levels = c(1, 0) ) %>% getAccuracy(ref = "r", r_ci = "wilson", digits = 3) object <- matrix( c( "0.884", "0.820", "0.927", "0.871", "0.766", "0.933", "0.938", "0.883", "0.968", "0.771", "0.660", "0.854", "6.851", "3.578", "13.118", "0.133", "0.083", "0.213" ), nrow = 6, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list( c("sens", "spec", "ppv", "npv", "plr", "nlr"), ComparativeN = c("EST", "LowerCI", "UpperCI") ) ) expect_equal(res, as.data.frame(object)) }) test_that("getAccuracy function works as expected with between-readers precision", { data("PDL1RP") res <- PDL1RP$btw_reader %>% diagTab( formula = Reader ~ Value, bysort = "Sample", levels = c("Positive", "Negative"), rep = TRUE, across = "Site" ) %>% getAccuracy(ref = "bnr", rng.seed = 12306) object <- matrix( c( "0.9479", "0.9260", "0.9686", "0.9540", "0.9342", "0.9730", "0.9511", "0.9311", "0.9711" ), nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list( c("apa", "ana", "opa"), ComparativeN = c("EST", "LowerCI", "UpperCI") ) ) expect_equal(res, as.data.frame(object)) })