test_that("class SmallMultiCompanion is ok", { m <- matrix(c(1, 0.5, 1, 1), ncol = 2) jd1 <- new("JordanDecompositionDefault", values = c(1,0), heights=c(1L,1L), vectors = m) obj <- new("SmallMultiCompanion", jdMtop = jd1, MbotXtop = m) obj obj@Mtop obj@Mbot ## mc.0chain.dx(4,2) # error, mc.0chain.dx() manipulates F0top, so it can't be missing ch <- mc.0chain.dx(4,2, list(obj@jdMtop@vectors[ , 2, drop = FALSE] ), obj@Mbot) as.matrix(obj@jdMtop@vectors)[ ,2, drop = FALSE] eigen(obj@Mtop) reduce_chains_simple(ch) ## 2015-12-27 commenting out since arg. F0bot hass been removed. ## ## ex5 <- mc_0chains(4,4,2, list(matrix(c(1,0,1,1), ncol=2)), F0bot = obj@Mbot) ## j2mat(ex5) }) test_that("class JordanDecomposition and SmallMultiCompanion are ok", { m <- matrix(c(1, 0, 1, 1), ncol=2) jdtmp <- new("JordanDecompositionDefault", values = 0, heights = 2, vectors = m) smc1 <- new("SmallMultiCompanion", jdMtop = jdtmp, MbotXtop = m) smc1.co <- smc_chains(smc1) expect_equal_to_reference( jdtmp, "jd01") expect_equal_to_reference( smc1, "smc1") expect_equal_to_reference(smc1.co, "smc1_co") JordanDecomposition(smc1) as(smc1, "matrix") as.matrix(smc1) })