context("regularity of matrix of regressors") test_that("Duplicate regressors in z regressors", { y = rnorm(20) data = data.frame(y) data$c = rep(1,20) expect_error(dosequa('y','c',data=data),paste('There are duplicate regressors in both x and z regressors.')) }) test_that("Same regressors in z and x regressors", { y = rnorm(20) data = data.frame(y) data$c = rep(1,20) expect_error(dosequa('y',x_name='c',data=data),paste('There are duplicate regressors in both x and z regressors.')) }) test_that("Misspecified coefficient estimates of full sample regressors", { y = rnorm(100) data = data.frame(y) data$x = rnorm(100) fixb=1 betaini=c(2,1) expect_error(dofix('y',x_name='x',fixb=1,betaini=c(2,1),data=data),paste('The initial estimates for full sample regressors are not in matrix form. Please specify beta0 in a p by 1 matrix')) })