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Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(mbbefd) Loading required package: fitdistrplus Loading required package: MASS Loading required package: survival Loading required package: alabama Loading required package: numDeriv Loading required package: Rcpp Package: mbbefd Version: 0.8.13 Date: BugReport: https://github.com/spedygiorgio/mbbefd/issues > library(fitdistrplus) > > #____________________________________________________________ > #gbeta > n <- 1e3 > nboot <- 100 > nboot <- 10 > set.seed(12345) > x <- rgbeta(n, 2, 2, 5/2) > > initpar <- list(shape0=2, shape1=2, shape2=5/2) > > if(FALSE) + { + #____________________________________________________________ + #test all computation methods + ctr <- list(trace=0, REPORT=1, maxit=1000) + reslist <- NULL + for(meth in c("BFGS", "Nelder", "CG")) #CG with FR update + { + nograd$time <- system.time(nograd <- mledist(x, dist="gbeta", optim.method=meth, + control=ctr, start=initpar))[3] + reslist <- c(reslist, list(nograd)) + } + for(type in 2:3) #CG with PR or BS updates + { + nograd$time <- system.time(nograd <- mledist(x, dist="gbeta", optim.method="CG", + control=c(ctr, type=type), start=initpar))[3] + reslist <- c(reslist, list(nograd)) + } + fullname <- c("BFGS", "NM", paste("CG", c("FR", "PR", "BS"))) + names(reslist) <- fullname + + dgbeta2 <- function(x, shape0, shape1, shape2, log=FALSE) + dgbeta(x, exp(shape0), exp(shape1), exp(shape2), log=log) + + initpar2 <- lapply(initpar, log) + + for(meth in c("BFGS", "Nelder", "CG")) #CG with FR update + { + nograd$time <- system.time(nograd <- mledist(x, dist="gbeta2", optim.method="BFGS", + control=ctr, start=initpar2))[3] + nograd$estimate <- exp(nograd$estimate) + reslist <- c(reslist, list(nograd)) + } + for(type in 2:3) #CG with PR or BS updates + { + nograd$time <- system.time(nograd <- mledist(x, dist="gbeta2", optim.method="CG", + control=c(ctr, type=type), start=initpar2))[3] + nograd$estimate <- exp(nograd$estimate) + reslist <- c(reslist, list(nograd)) + } + names(reslist)[(length(fullname)+1):length(reslist)] <- paste("exp.", fullname) + + getval <- function(x) + c(x$estimate, loglik=x$loglik, x$counts, x$time) + + resNM <- sapply(reslist[grep("NM", names(reslist))], getval) + resCG <- sapply(reslist[grep("CG", names(reslist))], getval) + resBFGS <- sapply(reslist[grep("BFGS", names(reslist))], getval) + rownames(resNM) <- rownames(resCG) <- rownames(resBFGS) <- c(paste("fitted", c("shape0", "shape1", "shape2")), "fitted loglik", "func. eval. nb.", "grad. eval. nb.", "time (sec)") + + + #____________________________________________________________ + #empirical check of the log-likelihood computation + head(cbind(do.call("dgbeta", c(list(x), initpar, NULL, log=TRUE)), + log(do.call("dgbeta", c(list(x), initpar, NULL) ) ) + )) + colSums(cbind(do.call("dgbeta", c(list(x), initpar, NULL, log=TRUE)), + log(do.call("dgbeta", c(list(x), initpar, NULL) ) ) + )) + + #____________________________________________________________ + #test with starting values equal theoretical values + + f1 <- fitDR(x, "oigbeta", "mle") + + f1 <- fitdist(x, "gbeta", method="mle", start=initpar) # , control=list(trace=3, REPORT=1)) + summary(f1) + cdfcomp(f1, do.points=FALSE, ylogscale = TRUE) + lines(0:100/100, pgbeta(0:100/100, 2, 2, 5/2), col="green") + + denscomp(f1) + lines(0:100/100, dgbeta(0:100/100, 2, 2, 5/2), col="green") + + #____________________________________________________________ + #look at the log-likelihood function around the estimated value + par(mfrow=c(1,3)) + llsurface(plot.min=c(0.1, 0.1), plot.max=c(5, 4), nlevels=20, + plot.arg=c("shape1", "shape2"), fix.arg=as.list(f1$estimate[1]), + plot.np=50, obs=x, distr="gbeta", plot.type="contour") + points(f1$estimate["shape1"], f1$estimate["shape2"], pch="+", col="red") + points(2, 5/2, pch="x", col="green") + llsurface(plot.min=c(0.1, 0.1), plot.max=c(6, 4), nlevels=20, + plot.arg=c("shape0", "shape2"), fix.arg=as.list(f1$estimate[2]), + plot.np=50, obs=x, distr="gbeta", plot.type="contour") + points(f1$estimate["shape0"], f1$estimate["shape2"], pch="+", col="red") + points(2, 5/2, pch="x", col="green") + llsurface(plot.min=c(0.1, 0.1), plot.max=c(5, 6), nlevels=20, + plot.arg=c("shape1", "shape0"), fix.arg=as.list(f1$estimate[3]), + plot.np=50, obs=x, distr="gbeta", plot.type="contour") + points(f1$estimate["shape1"], f1$estimate["shape0"], pch="+", col="red") + points(2, 2, pch="x", col="green") + + + par(mfrow=c(1,3)) + llcurve(plot.min=0.1, plot.max=5, plot.arg="shape0", fix.arg=as.list(f1$estimate[-1]), plot.np=50, + obs=x, distr="gbeta", enhance=FALSE) + abline(v=c(2, f1$estimate["shape0"]), col=c("green", "red")) + llcurve(plot.min=0.1, plot.max=4, plot.arg="shape1", fix.arg=as.list(f1$estimate[-2]), plot.np=50, + obs=x, distr="gbeta", enhance=FALSE) + abline(v=c(2, f1$estimate["shape1"]), col=c("green", "red")) + llcurve(plot.min=0.1, plot.max=4, plot.arg="shape2", fix.arg=as.list(f1$estimate[-3]), plot.np=50, + obs=x, distr="gbeta", enhance=FALSE) + abline(v=c(5/2, f1$estimate["shape2"]), col=c("green", "red")) + + + #bootstrap + b1 <- bootdist(f1, niter=nboot, silent=TRUE) + summary(b1) + + plot(b1, enhance=TRUE, trueval=c(2, 2, 5/2)) + } > > #____________________________________________________________ > #init value > > > > > s00 <- optimize(function(z) + (mbbefd:::Theil.emp(x) - mbbefd:::Theil.theo.shape0(z, obs=x))^2, lower=0.01, upper=20)$minimum > initpar1 <- c(list(shape0=1), as.list(fitdist(x, "beta", method="mme")$estimate)) Warning messages: 1: In cov2cor(varcovar) : diag(V) had non-positive or NA entries; the non-finite result may be dubious 2: In sqrt(diag(varcovar)) : NaNs produced > initpar2 <- c(list(shape0=s00), as.list(fitdist(x^s00, "beta", method="mme")$estimate)) > > > > > #____________________________________________________________ > > fitdist(x, "gbeta", method="mle", start=initpar1) Fitting of the distribution ' gbeta ' by maximum likelihood Parameters: estimate Std. Error shape0 4.2327147 1.4141502 shape1 0.8631648 0.3481856 shape2 2.9658930 0.2832509 > fitdist(x, "gbeta", method="mle", start=initpar2) Fitting of the distribution ' gbeta ' by maximum likelihood Parameters: estimate Std. Error shape0 4.2345065 1.4087431 shape1 0.8626725 0.3465092 shape2 2.9659882 0.2824930 > > f2 <- fitdist(x, "gbeta", method="mle", start=initpar1) > summary(f2) Fitting of the distribution ' gbeta ' by maximum likelihood Parameters : estimate Std. Error shape0 4.2327147 1.4141502 shape1 0.8631648 0.3481856 shape2 2.9658930 0.2832509 Loglikelihood: 407.0968 AIC: -808.1936 BIC: -793.4703 Correlation matrix: shape0 shape1 shape2 shape0 1.0000000 -0.995292 0.8699008 shape1 -0.9952920 1.000000 -0.8320690 shape2 0.8699008 -0.832069 1.0000000 > cdfcomp(f2, do.points=FALSE, ylogscale = TRUE) > lines(0:100/100, pgbeta(0:100/100, 2, 2, 5/2), col="green") > > proc.time() user system elapsed 2.62 0.29 2.90