test_that("matrixset row info join works for Matrix", { student_results_M <- mutate_matrix(student_results, failure = Matrix::Matrix(matrix_elm(student_results, 1)), remedial = Matrix::Matrix(matrix_elm(student_results, 2))) ms1 <- remove_row_annotation(student_results_M, class, teacher) suppressWarnings(ms <- join_row_info(ms1, student_results_M)) ms_ref <- student_results_M ri <- row_info(ms_ref) ri <- dplyr::mutate(ri, previous_year_score.y = previous_year_score) ri <- dplyr::rename(ri, previous_year_score.x = previous_year_score) ri <- ri[, c(".rowname", "previous_year_score.x", "class", "teacher", "previous_year_score.y")] row_info(ms_ref) <- ri expect_identical(ms, ms_ref) ms <- join_row_info(ms1, student_results_M, by = c(".rowname", "previous_year_score")) ms_ref <- student_results_M ri <- row_info(ms_ref) ri <- ri[, c(".rowname", "previous_year_score", "class", "teacher")] row_info(ms_ref) <- ri expect_identical(ms, ms_ref) expect_error(join_row_info(ms1, student_results_M, by = c(".rowname", "previous_score")), "variable \"previous_score\" is not a known trait") ms1 <- remove_row_annotation(filter_row(student_results_M, class %in% c("classA", "classC")), class, teacher) suppressWarnings(ms <- join_row_info(ms1, student_results_M)) ms_ref <- filter_row(student_results_M, class %in% c("classA", "classC")) ri <- row_info(ms_ref) ri <- dplyr::mutate(ri, previous_year_score.y = previous_year_score) ri <- dplyr::rename(ri, previous_year_score.x = previous_year_score) ri <- ri[, c(".rowname", "previous_year_score.x", "class", "teacher", "previous_year_score.y")] row_info(ms_ref) <- ri expect_identical(ms, ms_ref) expect_error(join_row_info(ms1, student_results_M, type = "full"), "the number of rows is modified by the join operation, which is against the 'matrixset' paradigm\\. Use 'adjust' to still perform the operation\\.") ms2 <- remove_row_annotation(ms1, previous_year_score) ms <- join_row_info(ms2, student_results_M, type = "full", adjust = TRUE) m <- student_results_M[c(1:5, 11:15), , , keep_annotation = FALSE, warn_class_change = FALSE] mNA <- matrix(NA_real_, 10, 3) rownames(mNA) <- paste("student", c(6:10, 16:20)) colnames(mNA) <- colnames(student_results_M) m <- lapply(m, function(M) rbind(M, mNA)) ri <- row_info(student_results_M) ri <- ri[c(1:5, 11:15, 6:10, 16:20), ] ci <- column_info(student_results_M) ms_ref <- matrixset(m, row_info = ri, column_info = ci, row_key = ".rowname", column_key = ".colname") expect_identical(ms, ms_ref) expect_error(join_row_info(student_results_M, ms1, type = "inner"), "the number of rows is modified by the join operation, which is against the 'matrixset' paradigm\\. Use 'adjust' to still perform the operation\\.") ms2 <- remove_row_annotation(student_results_M, previous_year_score) ms <- join_row_info(ms2, ms1, type = "inner", adjust = TRUE) ms_ref <- filter_row(student_results_M, class %in% c("classA", "classC")) expect_identical(ms, ms_ref) ms3 <- remove_row_annotation(student_results_M, class) ms <- join_row_info(row_group_by(ms3, teacher), student_results_M, by = c(".rowname", "previous_year_score", "teacher")) ms_ref <- student_results_M ri <- row_info(ms_ref) ri <- ri[, c(".rowname", "teacher", "previous_year_score", "class")] row_info(ms_ref) <- ri ms_ref <- row_group_by(ms_ref, teacher) expect_identical(ms, ms_ref) ms3 <- remove_row_annotation(student_results_M, class) suppressWarnings(ms <- join_row_info(row_group_by(ms3, teacher), student_results_M, by = c(".rowname", "previous_year_score"))) ms_ref <- student_results_M ri <- row_info(ms_ref) ri$teacher.x <- ri$teacher ri$teacher.y <- ri$teacher ri <- ri[, c(".rowname", "teacher.x", "previous_year_score", "class", "teacher.y")] row_info(ms_ref) <- ri expect_identical(ms, ms_ref) })