test_that("matrixset extraction works", { as_dge <- function(m) methods::as(methods::as(m, "generalMatrix"), "unpackedMatrix") lst <- list(a = Matrix::Matrix(1:6, 2, 3), b = Matrix::Matrix(101:106, 2, 3), c = NULL) lst1 <- list(a = Matrix::Matrix(seq(1,5,2),1,3), b = Matrix::Matrix(seq(101,105,2),1,3), c = NULL) lst2 <- list(a = Matrix::Matrix(3:4,2,1), b = Matrix::Matrix(103:104,2,1), c = NULL) # lst12 <- list(a = methods::as(Matrix::Matrix(3), "dgeMatrix"), # b = methods::as(Matrix::Matrix(103), "dgeMatrix"), c = NULL) lst12 <- list(a = as_dge(Matrix::Matrix(3)), b = as_dge(Matrix::Matrix(103)), c = NULL) lst1213 <- list(a = Matrix::Matrix(c(1,2,5,6),2,2), b = Matrix::Matrix(c(101,102,105,106),2,2), c = NULL) rownames(lst$a) <- rownames(lst$b) <- c("r1", "r2") rownames(lst1$a) <- rownames(lst1$b) <- "r1" rownames(lst12$a) <- rownames(lst12$b) <- "r1" rownames(lst2$a) <- rownames(lst2$b) <- c("r1", "r2") rownames(lst1213$a) <- rownames(lst1213$b) <- c("r1", "r2") colnames(lst$a) <- colnames(lst$b) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3") colnames(lst1$a) <- colnames(lst1$b) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3") colnames(lst2$a) <- colnames(lst2$b) <- "c2" colnames(lst12$a) <- colnames(lst12$b) <- "c2" colnames(lst1213$a) <- colnames(lst1213$b) <- c("c1", "c3") ri <- data.frame(rowname = c("r1", "r2"), g = 1:2) ri1 <- ri[1,,drop=FALSE] ci <- data.frame(colname = c("c1", "c2", "c3"), h = 1:3) ci2 <- ci[2,,drop=FALSE] ci13 <- ci[c(1,3),,drop=FALSE] matset <- matrixset(lst, row_info = ri, column_info = ci, row_tag = "foo", column_tag = "bar") matset1 <- matrixset(lst1, row_info = ri1, column_info = ci, row_tag = "foo", column_tag = "bar") matset2 <- matrixset(lst2, row_info = ri, column_info = ci2, row_tag = "foo", column_tag = "bar") matset12 <- matrixset(lst12, row_info = ri1, column_info = ci2, row_tag = "foo", column_tag = "bar") matset1213 <- matrixset(lst1213, row_info = ri, column_info = ci13, row_tag = "foo", column_tag = "bar") expect_equal(matset, matset[]) expect_equal(matset[1, ,], matset1) expect_equal(matset[,2, ], matset2, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(matset[1,2,], matset12, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(matset[1:2,c(1,3),], matset1213, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(matset[1, , , keep_annotation = FALSE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lst1) expect_equal(matset[, 2, , keep_annotation = FALSE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lst2) expect_equal(matset[1, 2, , keep_annotation = FALSE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lst12) expect_equal(matset[1:2, c(1,3), , keep_annotation = FALSE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lst1213) expect_equal(matset[1, , , drop = TRUE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lapply(lst, function(u) u[1,])) expect_equal(matset[, 2, , drop = TRUE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lapply(lst, function(u) u[,2])) expect_equal(matset[1, 2, , drop = TRUE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lapply(lst, function(u) u[1,2])) expect_equal(matset[1:2, c(1,3), , drop = TRUE], matset1213, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(matset[matrix(c(1:2, 1, 3), 2), ,], matset1213, ignore_attr = TRUE) # test char expect_equal(matset["r1", ,], matset1) expect_equal(matset[, "c2", ], matset2, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(matset["r1","c2",], matset12, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(matset[c("r1", "r2"), c("c1","c3"),], matset1213, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(matset["r1", , , keep_annotation = FALSE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lst1) expect_equal(matset[, "c2", , keep_annotation = FALSE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lst2) expect_equal(matset["r1", "c2", , keep_annotation = FALSE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lst12) expect_equal(matset[c("r1", "r2"), c("c1","c3"), , keep_annotation = FALSE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lst1213) expect_equal(matset["r1", , , drop = TRUE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lapply(lst, function(u) u[1,])) expect_equal(matset[, "c2", , drop = TRUE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lapply(lst, function(u) u[,2])) expect_equal(matset["r1", "c2", , drop = TRUE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lapply(lst, function(u) u[1,2])) expect_equal(matset[c("r1", "r2"), c("c1","c3"), , drop = TRUE], matset1213, ignore_attr = TRUE) # test logical expect_equal(matset[c(T, F), ,], matset1) expect_equal(matset[, c(F,T,F),], matset2, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(matset[c(T,F),c(F,T,F),], matset12, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(matset[c(T, T), c(T,F,T),], matset1213, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(matset[c(T,F), , , keep_annotation = FALSE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lst1) expect_equal(matset[, c(F,T,F), , keep_annotation = FALSE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lst2) expect_equal(matset["r1", "c2", , keep_annotation = FALSE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lst12) expect_equal(matset[c(T, T), c(T,F,T), , keep_annotation = FALSE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lst1213) expect_equal(matset[c(T,F), , , drop = TRUE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lapply(lst, function(u) u[1,])) expect_equal(matset[, c(F,T,F), , drop = TRUE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lapply(lst, function(u) u[,2])) expect_equal(matset[c(T,F), c(F,T,F), , drop = TRUE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lapply(lst, function(u) u[1,2])) expect_equal(matset[c(T,T), c(T,F,T), , drop = TRUE], matset1213, ignore_attr = TRUE) # test neg index (removal) expect_equal(matset[-2, ,], matset1) expect_equal(matset[,-c(1,3),], matset2, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(matset[-2,-c(1,3),], matset12, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(matset[1:2,-2,], matset1213, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(matset[-2, , , keep_annotation = FALSE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lst1) expect_equal(matset[, -c(1,3), , keep_annotation = FALSE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lst2) expect_equal(matset[-2, -c(1,3), , keep_annotation = FALSE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lst12) expect_equal(matset[1:2, -2, , keep_annotation = FALSE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lst1213) expect_equal(matset[-2, , , drop = TRUE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lapply(lst, function(u) u[1,])) expect_equal(matset[, -c(1,3), , drop = TRUE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lapply(lst, function(u) u[,2])) expect_equal(matset[-2, -c(1,3), , drop = TRUE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lapply(lst, function(u) u[1,2])) expect_equal(matset[1:2, -2, , drop = TRUE], matset1213, ignore_attr = TRUE) }) test_that("grouped matrixset extraction works for Matrix", { as_dge <- function(m) methods::as(methods::as(m, "generalMatrix"), "unpackedMatrix") lst <- list(a = Matrix::Matrix(1:24, 4, 6), b = Matrix::Matrix(101:124, 4, 6), c = NULL) lst1 <- list(a = Matrix::Matrix(seq(1,21,4),1,6), b = Matrix::Matrix(seq(101,121,4),1,6), c = NULL) lst2 <- list(a = Matrix::Matrix(5:8,4,1), b = Matrix::Matrix(105:108,4,1), c = NULL) # lst12 <- list(a = methods::as(Matrix::Matrix(5), "dgeMatrix"), # b = methods::as(Matrix::Matrix(105), "dgeMatrix"), c = NULL) lst12 <- list(a = as_dge(Matrix::Matrix(5)), b = as_dge(Matrix::Matrix(105)), c = NULL) rownames(lst12$a) <- rownames(lst12$b) <- "r1" colnames(lst12$a) <- colnames(lst12$b) <- "c2" lst1213 <- list(a = Matrix::Matrix(c(1,2,9,10),2,2), b = Matrix::Matrix(c(101,102,109,110),2,2), c = NULL) rownames(lst1$a) <- rownames(lst1$b) <- "r1" colnames(lst1$a) <- colnames(lst1$b) <- paste0("c", 1:6) rownames(lst$a) <- rownames(lst$b) <- paste0("r", 1:4) colnames(lst$a) <- colnames(lst$b) <- paste0("c", 1:6) rownames(lst2$a) <- rownames(lst2$b) <- paste0("r", 1:4) colnames(lst2$a) <- colnames(lst2$b) <- "c2" rownames(lst1213$a) <- rownames(lst1213$b) <- c("r1", "r2") colnames(lst1213$a) <- colnames(lst1213$b) <- c("c1", "c3") ri <- data.frame(rowname = paste0("r", 1:4), g = 1:4, h = letters[1:4]) ci <- data.frame(colname = paste0("c", 1:6), gg = 1:6, foo = rep(c("a", "b"), each=3), bar = rep(c("u","v"), 3)) ci13 <- ci[c(1,3),,drop=FALSE] matset <- matrixset(lst, row_info = ri, column_info = ci, row_tag = "ROW", column_tag = "COL") matset1213 <- matrixset(lst1213, row_info = ri[1:2,], column_info = ci13, row_tag = "ROW", column_tag = "COL") gms <- row_group_by(matset, g, h) expect_identical(row_group_by(matset[1:2,,], g, h), gms[1:2,,]) expect_equal(gms, gms[]) expect_equal(row_group_by(matset[1, ,], g, h), gms[1, ,]) expect_equal(row_group_by(matset[,2, ], g, h), gms[,2, ]) expect_equal(row_group_by(matset[1,2,], g, h), gms[1,2,]) expect_equal(row_group_by(matset[1:2,c(1,3),], g, h), gms[1:2,c(1,3),]) expect_equal(gms[1, , , keep_annotation = FALSE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lst1) expect_equal(gms[, 2, , keep_annotation = FALSE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lst2) expect_equal(gms[1, 2, , keep_annotation = FALSE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lst12) expect_equal(gms[1:2, c(1,3), , keep_annotation = FALSE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lst1213) expect_equal(gms[1, , , drop = TRUE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lapply(lst, function(u) u[1,])) expect_equal(gms[, 2, , drop = TRUE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lapply(lst, function(u) u[,2])) expect_equal(gms[1, 2, , drop = TRUE, warn_class_change = FALSE], lapply(lst, function(u) u[1,2])) expect_equal(gms[1:2, c(1,3), , drop = TRUE], matset1213, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(gms[matrix(c(1:2, 1, 3), 2), ,], matset1213, ignore_attr = TRUE) }) # class change warning test_that("matrixset extraction warns properly for Matrix", { as_dge <- function(m) methods::as(methods::as(m, "generalMatrix"), "unpackedMatrix") lst <- list(a = Matrix::Matrix(1:6, 2, 3), b = Matrix::Matrix(101:106, 2, 3), c = NULL) lst1 <- list(a = Matrix::Matrix(seq(1,5,2),1,3), b = Matrix::Matrix(seq(101,105,2),1,3), c = NULL) lst2 <- list(a = Matrix::Matrix(3:4,2,1), b = Matrix::Matrix(103:104,2,1), c = NULL) # lst12 <- list(a = methods::as(Matrix::Matrix(3), "dgeMatrix"), # b = methods::as(Matrix::Matrix(103), "dgeMatrix"), c = NULL) lst12 <- list(a = as_dge(Matrix::Matrix(3)), b = as_dge(Matrix::Matrix(103)), c = NULL) lst1213 <- list(a = Matrix::Matrix(c(1,2,5,6),2,2), b = Matrix::Matrix(c(101,102,105,106),2,2), c = NULL) rownames(lst$a) <- rownames(lst$b) <- c("r1", "r2") rownames(lst1$a) <- rownames(lst1$b) <- "r1" rownames(lst12$a) <- rownames(lst12$b) <- "r1" rownames(lst2$a) <- rownames(lst2$b) <- c("r1", "r2") rownames(lst1213$a) <- rownames(lst1213$b) <- c("r1", "r2") colnames(lst$a) <- colnames(lst$b) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3") colnames(lst1$a) <- colnames(lst1$b) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3") colnames(lst2$a) <- colnames(lst2$b) <- "c2" colnames(lst12$a) <- colnames(lst12$b) <- "c2" colnames(lst1213$a) <- colnames(lst1213$b) <- c("c1", "c3") ri <- data.frame(rowname = c("r1", "r2"), g = 1:2) ri1 <- ri[1,,drop=FALSE] ci <- data.frame(colname = c("c1", "c2", "c3"), h = 1:3) ci2 <- ci[2,,drop=FALSE] ci13 <- ci[c(1,3),,drop=FALSE] matset <- matrixset(lst, row_info = ri, column_info = ci, row_tag = "foo", column_tag = "bar") matset1 <- matrixset(lst1, row_info = ri1, column_info = ci, row_tag = "foo", column_tag = "bar") matset2 <- matrixset(lst2, row_info = ri, column_info = ci2, row_tag = "foo", column_tag = "bar") matset12 <- matrixset(lst12, row_info = ri1, column_info = ci2, row_tag = "foo", column_tag = "bar") matset1213 <- matrixset(lst1213, row_info = ri, column_info = ci13, row_tag = "foo", column_tag = "bar") warn_msg <- "Result object is no longer a matrixset" expect_warning(matset[1, , , keep_annotation = FALSE], warn_msg) expect_warning(matset[, 2, , keep_annotation = FALSE], warn_msg) expect_warning(matset[1, 2, , keep_annotation = FALSE], warn_msg) expect_warning(matset[1:2, c(1,3), , keep_annotation = FALSE], warn_msg) expect_warning(matset[1, , , drop = TRUE], warn_msg) expect_warning(matset[, 2, , drop = TRUE, ], warn_msg) expect_warning(matset[1, 2, , drop = TRUE, ], warn_msg) # test char expect_warning(matset["r1", , , keep_annotation = FALSE], warn_msg) expect_warning(matset[, "c2", , keep_annotation = FALSE], warn_msg) expect_warning(matset["r1", "c2", , keep_annotation = FALSE], warn_msg) expect_warning(matset[c("r1", "r2"), c("c1","c3"), , keep_annotation = FALSE], warn_msg) expect_warning(matset["r1", , , drop = TRUE], warn_msg) expect_warning(matset[, "c2", , drop = TRUE], warn_msg) expect_warning(matset["r1", "c2", , drop = TRUE], warn_msg) # test logical expect_warning(matset[c(T,F), , , keep_annotation = FALSE], warn_msg) expect_warning(matset[, c(F,T,F), , keep_annotation = FALSE], warn_msg) expect_warning(matset["r1", "c2", , keep_annotation = FALSE], warn_msg) expect_warning(matset[c(T, T), c(T,F,T), , keep_annotation = FALSE], warn_msg) expect_warning(matset[c(T,F), , , drop = TRUE], warn_msg) expect_warning(matset[, c(F,T,F), , drop = TRUE], warn_msg) expect_warning(matset[c(T,F), c(F,T,F), , drop = TRUE], warn_msg) # test neg index (removal) expect_warning(matset[-2, , , keep_annotation = FALSE], warn_msg) expect_warning(matset[, -c(1,3), , keep_annotation = FALSE], warn_msg) expect_warning(matset[-2, -c(1,3), , keep_annotation = FALSE], warn_msg) expect_warning(matset[1:2, -2, , keep_annotation = FALSE], warn_msg) expect_warning(matset[-2, , , drop = TRUE], warn_msg) expect_warning(matset[, -c(1,3), , drop = TRUE], warn_msg) expect_warning(matset[-2, -c(1,3), , drop = TRUE], warn_msg) }) test_that("matrixset extraction reports errors properly for Matrix", { lst <- list(a = Matrix::Matrix(1:6, 2, 3), b = Matrix::Matrix(101:106, 2, 3), c = NULL) matset_nonm <- matrixset(lst) rownames(lst$a) <- rownames(lst$b) <- c("r1", "r2") colnames(lst$a) <- colnames(lst$b) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3") ri <- data.frame(rowname = c("r1", "r2"), g = 1:2) ci <- data.frame(colname = c("c1", "c2", "c3"), h = 1:3) matset <- matrixset(lst, row_info = ri, column_info = ci, row_tag = "foo", column_tag = "bar") expect_error(matset[,], "incorrect number of dimensions") expect_error(matset[,], "incorrect number of dimensions") expect_error(matset[1,], "incorrect number of dimensions") expect_error(matset[,1], "incorrect number of dimensions") expect_error(matset[1, keep_annotation=TRUE,drop=FALSE], "incorrect number of dimensions") expect_error(matset[T, , ], "logical subscript not of appropriate length") expect_error(matset[c(T,T,T), , ], "logical subscript not of appropriate length") # expect_error(matset[c(F,F), ,], "logical subscript has no TRUEs") expect_error(matset["r3", ,], "character subscript has no matches") expect_error(matset[list(1,2),,], "subscript type not handled") expect_error(matset_nonm["r1",,], "character subscript has no matches") expect_error(matset[matrix(c(1,2,2,3), 2), 2, ], "index j must not be provided if i is a matrix") expect_error(matset[matrix(1:6, 2, 3), ,], "matrix for extraction must have 2 columns") expect_error(matset[NA, ,], "NAs are not allowed for indexing matrixset objects") expect_error(matset[,,matrix=NA], "NAs are not allowed for indexing matrixset objects") expect_error(matset[,,matrix=0], "wrong subscript specification: nothing to subset") expect_error(matset[0, ,], "wrong subscript specification: nothing to subset") })