test_that("matrixset creation works with Matrix", { lst <- list(a = Matrix::Matrix(0, 2, 3)) matset <- matrixset(lst) expect_equal(matset[,,, keep_annotation = F, warn_class_change = F], lst) expect_equal(row_info(matset), tibble::tibble(.rowname = logical())) expect_equal(column_info(matset), tibble::tibble(.colname = logical())) expect_equal(attr(matset, "n_row"), 2) expect_equal(attr(matset, "n_col"), 3) expect_equal(attr(matset, "row_names"), character(0)) expect_equal(attr(matset, "col_names"), character(0)) lst <- list(a = Matrix::Matrix(0, 2, 3)) matset <- matrixset(a = Matrix::Matrix(0, 2, 3)) expect_equal(matset[,,, keep_annotation = F, warn_class_change = F], lst) expect_equal(row_info(matset), tibble::tibble(.rowname = logical())) expect_equal(column_info(matset), tibble::tibble(.colname = logical())) expect_equal(attr(matset, "n_row"), 2) expect_equal(attr(matset, "n_col"), 3) expect_equal(attr(matset, "row_names"), character(0)) expect_equal(attr(matset, "col_names"), character(0)) lst <- list(a = NULL, b = Matrix::Matrix(0, 2, 3)) matset <- matrixset(lst) expect_equal(matset[,,, keep_annotation = F, warn_class_change = F], lst) expect_equal(row_info(matset), tibble::tibble(.rowname = logical())) expect_equal(column_info(matset), tibble::tibble(.colname = logical())) expect_equal(attr(matset, "n_row"), 2) expect_equal(attr(matset, "n_col"), 3) expect_equal(attr(matset, "row_names"), character(0)) expect_equal(attr(matset, "col_names"), character(0)) lst <- list(a = NULL, b = matrix(0, 2, 3), c = Matrix::Matrix(0, 2, 3)) matset <- matrixset(lst) expect_equal(matset[,,, keep_annotation = F, warn_class_change = F], lst) expect_equal(row_info(matset), tibble::tibble(.rowname = logical())) expect_equal(column_info(matset), tibble::tibble(.colname = logical())) expect_equal(attr(matset, "n_row"), 2) expect_equal(attr(matset, "n_col"), 3) expect_equal(attr(matset, "row_names"), character(0)) expect_equal(attr(matset, "col_names"), character(0)) lst <- list(a = NULL, b = matrix(0, 2, 3), c = Matrix::Matrix(0, 2, 3)) matset <- matrixset(a = NULL, b = matrix(0, 2, 3), c = Matrix::Matrix(0, 2, 3)) expect_equal(matset[,,, keep_annotation = F, warn_class_change = F], lst) expect_equal(row_info(matset), tibble::tibble(.rowname = logical())) expect_equal(column_info(matset), tibble::tibble(.colname = logical())) expect_equal(attr(matset, "n_row"), 2) expect_equal(attr(matset, "n_col"), 3) expect_equal(attr(matset, "row_names"), character(0)) expect_equal(attr(matset, "col_names"), character(0)) lst <- list(a = matrix(0, 2, 3), b = Matrix::Matrix(0, 2, 3), c = NULL) rownames(lst$a) <- c("r1", "r2") rownames(lst$b) <- c("r1", "r2") matset <- matrixset(lst) expect_equal(matset[,,, keep_annotation = F, warn_class_change = F], lst) expect_equal(row_info(matset), tibble::tibble(.rowname = c("r1", "r2"))) expect_equal(column_info(matset), tibble::tibble(.colname = logical())) expect_equal(attr(matset, "n_row"), 2) expect_equal(attr(matset, "n_col"), 3) expect_equal(attr(matset, "row_names"), c("r1", "r2")) expect_equal(attr(matset, "col_names"), character(0)) lst <- list(a = matrix(0, 2, 3), b = Matrix::Matrix(0, 2, 3), c = NULL) rownames(lst$a) <- c("r1", "r2") rownames(lst$b) <- c("r1", "r2") colnames(lst$a) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3") colnames(lst$b) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3") matset <- matrixset(lst) expect_equal(matset[,,, keep_annotation = F, warn_class_change = F], lst) expect_equal(row_info(matset), tibble::tibble(.rowname = c("r1", "r2"))) expect_equal(column_info(matset), tibble::tibble(.colname = c("c1", "c2", "c3"))) expect_equal(attr(matset, "n_row"), 2) expect_equal(attr(matset, "n_col"), 3) expect_equal(attr(matset, "row_names"), c("r1", "r2")) expect_equal(attr(matset, "col_names"), c("c1", "c2", "c3")) lst <- list(a = matrix(0, 2, 3), b = Matrix::Matrix(0, 2, 3), c = NULL) rownames(lst$a) <- c("r1", "r2") rownames(lst$b) <- c("r1", "r2") colnames(lst$a) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3") colnames(lst$b) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3") ri <- tibble::tibble(rowname = c("r1", "r2"), g = 1:2) matset <- matrixset(lst, row_info = ri) expect_equal(matset[,,, keep_annotation = F, warn_class_change = F], lst) expect_equal(row_info(matset), setNames(ri, c(".rowname", "g"))) expect_equal(column_info(matset), tibble::tibble(.colname = c("c1", "c2", "c3"))) expect_equal(attr(matset, "n_row"), 2) expect_equal(attr(matset, "n_col"), 3) expect_equal(attr(matset, "row_names"), c("r1", "r2")) expect_equal(attr(matset, "col_names"), c("c1", "c2", "c3")) lst <- list(a = matrix(0, 2, 3), b = Matrix::Matrix(0, 2, 3), c = NULL) rownames(lst$a) <- c("r1", "r2") rownames(lst$b) <- c("r1", "r2") colnames(lst$a) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3") colnames(lst$b) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3") ri <- tibble::tibble(rowname = c("r1", "r2"), g = 1:2) matset <- matrixset(lst, row_info = ri, row_tag = "foo_bar") expect_equal(matset[,,, keep_annotation = F, warn_class_change = F], lst) expect_equal(row_info(matset), setNames(ri, c("foo_bar", "g"))) expect_equal(column_info(matset), tibble::tibble(.colname = c("c1", "c2", "c3"))) expect_equal(attr(matset, "n_row"), 2) expect_equal(attr(matset, "n_col"), 3) expect_equal(attr(matset, "row_names"), c("r1", "r2")) expect_equal(attr(matset, "col_names"), c("c1", "c2", "c3")) lst <- list(a = matrix(0, 2, 3), b = Matrix::Matrix(0, 2, 3), c = NULL) rownames(lst$a) <- c("r1", "r2") rownames(lst$b) <- c("r1", "r2") colnames(lst$a) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3") colnames(lst$b) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3") ri <- tibble::tibble(rowname = c("r1", "r2"), g = 1:2) ci <- tibble::tibble(colname = c("c1", "c2", "c3"), h = 1:3) matset <- matrixset(lst, row_info = ri, column_info = ci) expect_equal(matset[,,, keep_annotation = F, warn_class_change = F], lst) expect_equal(row_info(matset), setNames(ri, c(".rowname", "g"))) expect_equal(column_info(matset), setNames(ci, c(".colname", "h"))) expect_equal(attr(matset, "n_row"), 2) expect_equal(attr(matset, "n_col"), 3) expect_equal(attr(matset, "row_names"), c("r1", "r2")) expect_equal(attr(matset, "col_names"), c("c1", "c2", "c3")) lst <- list(a = matrix(0, 2, 3), b = Matrix::Matrix(0, 2, 3), c = NULL) rownames(lst$a) <- c("r1", "r2") rownames(lst$b) <- c("r1", "r2") colnames(lst$a) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3") colnames(lst$b) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3") ri <- tibble::tibble(rowname = c("r1", "r2"), g = 1:2) ci <- tibble::tibble(colname = c("c1", "c2", "c3"), h = 1:3) matset <- matrixset(lst, row_info = ri, column_info = ci, row_tag = "foo", column_tag = "bar") expect_equal(matset[,,, keep_annotation = F, warn_class_change = F], lst) expect_equal(row_info(matset), setNames(ri, c("foo", "g"))) expect_equal(column_info(matset), setNames(ci, c("bar", "h"))) expect_equal(attr(matset, "n_row"), 2) expect_equal(attr(matset, "n_col"), 3) expect_equal(attr(matset, "row_names"), c("r1", "r2")) expect_equal(attr(matset, "col_names"), c("c1", "c2", "c3")) lst <- list(a = Matrix::Matrix(1:6, 2, 3), b = matrix(letters[1:6], 2, 3), c = NULL) rownames(lst$a) <- c("r1", "r2") rownames(lst$b) <- c("r1", "r2") colnames(lst$a) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3") colnames(lst$b) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3") ri <- tibble::tibble(rowname = c("r1", "r2"), g = 1:2) ci <- tibble::tibble(colname = c("c1", "c2", "c3"), h = 1:3) matset <- matrixset(lst, row_info = ri, column_info = ci, row_tag = "foo", column_tag = "bar") expect_equal(matset[,,, keep_annotation = F, warn_class_change = F], lst) expect_equal(row_info(matset), setNames(ri, c("foo", "g"))) expect_equal(column_info(matset), setNames(ci, c("bar", "h"))) expect_equal(attr(matset, "n_row"), 2) expect_equal(attr(matset, "n_col"), 3) expect_equal(attr(matset, "row_names"), c("r1", "r2")) expect_equal(attr(matset, "col_names"), c("c1", "c2", "c3")) }) test_that("matrixset creation with expansion works for Matrix", { m1 <- matrix(1:6, 2, 3) m1e <- matrix(c(1,2,0,3,4,0,5,6,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),3,5) m1e2 <- matrix(c(1,2,NA,NA,NA,3,4,NA,NA,NA,5,6,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA),5,5) m1e20 <- matrix(c(1,2,0,0,0,3,4,0,0,0,5,6,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),5,5) storage.mode(m1e) <- "integer" storage.mode(m1e2) <- "integer" m2 <- matrix(101:115, 3, 5) m3 <- matrix(7:12, 3, 2) m3e <- matrix(c(rep(0,15), 0,0,7:9,0,0,10:12), 5, 5) m3e2 <- matrix(c(rep(-1,15), -1,-1,7:9,-1,-1,10:12), 5, 5) rownames(m1) <- c("r1", "r2") rownames(m1e) <- paste0("r", 1:3) rownames(m1e2) <- paste0("r", 1:5) rownames(m1e20) <- paste0("r", 1:5) rownames(m2) <- paste0("r", c(1,3,2)) rownames(m3) <- paste0("r", 3:5) rownames(m3e) <- paste0("r", 1:5) rownames(m3e2) <- paste0("r", 1:5) colnames(m1) <- paste0("c", 1:3) colnames(m1e) <- paste0("c", 1:5) colnames(m1e2) <- paste0("c", 1:5) colnames(m1e20) <- paste0("c", 1:5) colnames(m2) <- paste0("c", c(1,2,4,3,5)) colnames(m3) <- paste0("c", 4:5) colnames(m3e) <- paste0("c", 1:5) colnames(m3e2) <- paste0("c", 1:5) m1 <- Matrix::Matrix(m1) m1e <- Matrix::Matrix(m1e) m1e2 <- Matrix::Matrix(m1e2) m1e20 <- Matrix::Matrix(m1e20) m2 <- Matrix::Matrix(m2) m3 <- Matrix::Matrix(m3) m3e <- Matrix::Matrix(m3e) m3e2 <- Matrix::Matrix(m3e2) ms <- matrixset(a=m1e, b=m2[c(1,3,2), c(1,2,4,3,5)]) ms2e <- matrixset(a=m1e2, b=m3e) ms2e0 <- matrixset(a=m1e20, b=m3e) ms3e <- matrixset(a=m1e2, b=m3e2) expect_identical(matrixset(a=m1, b=m2, expand = TRUE), ms) expect_identical(matrixset(a=m1, b=m3, expand = TRUE), ms2e0) expect_identical(matrixset(a=m1, b=m3, expand = list(NA, -1)), ms3e) expect_identical(matrixset(a=m1, b=m3, expand = list(a=NA, b=-1)), ms3e) expect_identical(matrixset(a=m1, b=m3, expand = list(b=-1, c=NA, a=NA)), ms3e) # test warning of multiple expand in vector form }) # # # test_that("matrixset properly fails", { # # # testthat::expect_error(matrixset(Matrix::Matrix(0,2,3)), "The list elements must be named") # # expect_error(matrixset(a=matrix(0,2,3),a=Matrix::Matrix(1,2,3)), # "matrix names must be unique") # # # lst <- list(a = matrix(0, 2, 3), b = Matrix::Matrix(0, 3, 3)) # testthat::expect_error(matrixset(lst), "All matrices must have the same number of rows") # # # lst <- list(a = matrix(0, 3, 2), b = Matrix::Matrix(0, 3, 3)) # testthat::expect_error(matrixset(lst), "All matrices must have the same number of columns") # # # lst <- list(a = matrix(0, 2, 3), b = Matrix::Matrix(0, 2, 3)) # rownames(lst$a) <- c("r1", "r2") # testthat::expect_error(matrixset(lst), "All matrices must have the same row names \\(NULL accepted\\)") # # # lst <- list(a = matrix(0, 2, 3), b = Matrix::Matrix(0, 2, 3), c = NULL) # rownames(lst$a) <- c("r1", "r2") # rownames(lst$b) <- c("r1", "r2") # colnames(lst$a) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3") # testthat::expect_error(matrixset(lst), "All matrices must have the same column names \\(NULL accepted\\)") # # # lst <- list(a = matrix(0, 2, 3), b = Matrix::Matrix(0, 2, 3), c = NULL) # rownames(lst$a) <- c("r1", "r1") # rownames(lst$b) <- c("r1", "r1") # testthat::expect_error(matrixset(lst), "Row names must be unique") # # # lst <- list(a = matrix(0, 2, 3), b = Matrix::Matrix(0, 2, 3), c = NULL) # rownames(lst$a) <- c("r1", "r2") # rownames(lst$b) <- c("r1", "r2") # colnames(lst$a) <- c("c1", "c2", "c1") # colnames(lst$b) <- c("c1", "c2", "c1") # testthat::expect_error(matrixset(lst), "Column names must be unique") # # # lst <- list(a = matrix(0, 2, 3), b = Matrix::Matrix(0, 2, 3), c = NULL) # rownames(lst$a) <- c("r1", "") # rownames(lst$b) <- c("r1", "") # testthat::expect_error(matrixset(lst), "Empty row names are not allowed") # # # lst <- list(a = matrix(0, 2, 3), b = Matrix::Matrix(0, 2, 3), c = NULL) # rownames(lst$a) <- c("r1", "r2") # rownames(lst$b) <- c("r1", "r2") # colnames(lst$a) <- c("c1", "", "c3") # colnames(lst$b) <- c("c1", "", "c3") # testthat::expect_error(matrixset(lst), "Empty column names are not allowed") # # # }) # # # # # test_that("matrixset creation with expansion properly fails", { # # # m1 <- Matrix::Matrix(1:6, 2, 3) # m2 <- Matrix::Matrix(101:115, 3, 5) # # # expect_error(matrixset(a=m1, b=m2, expand = TRUE), # "matrices must have dimnames for expansion") # # rownames(m1) <- paste0("r", 1:2) # rownames(m2) <- paste0("r", 1:3) # colnames(m1) <- paste0("c", 1:3) # colnames(m2) <- paste0("c", 1:5) # # expect_error(matrixset(a=m1, b=m2, expand=list(a=NA, -1)), # "Empty expansion list names are not allowed") # # expect_error(matrixset(a=m1, b=m2, expand=list(c=NA, d=-1)), # "No expansion list name matches the matrix names") # # expect_error(matrixset(a=m1, b=m2, expand=list(a=NA)), # "Number of expansion fill values is not compatible with the number of matrices") # }) #