library("matrixStats") dense_rank <- function(x) match(x, table = sort(unique(x))) rowRanks_R <- function(x, ties.method, ..., useNames = TRUE) { if (ties.method == "dense") { res <- t(apply(x, MARGIN = 1L, FUN = dense_rank)) } else { res <- t(apply(x, MARGIN = 1L, FUN = rank, na.last = "keep", ties.method = ties.method)) } # Preserve dimnames attribute? dim(res) <- dim(x) dimnames(res) <- if (useNames) dimnames(x) else NULL res } colRanks_R <- function(x, ties.method, preserveShape = FALSE, ..., useNames = TRUE) { if (ties.method == "dense") { res <- t(apply(x, MARGIN = 2L, FUN = dense_rank)) } else { res <- t(apply(x, MARGIN = 2L, FUN = rank, na.last = "keep", ties.method = ties.method)) } # Preserve dimnames attribute? tx <- t(x) dim(res) <- dim(tx) dimnames(res) <- if (useNames) dimnames(tx) else NULL if (preserveShape) res <- t(res) res } set.seed(1) cat("Consistency checks:\n") xs <- vector("list", length = 4L) for (kk in 1:4) { # Simulate data in a matrix of any shape dim <- sample(40:80, size = 2L) n <- prod(dim) x <- rnorm(n, sd = 10) dim(x) <- dim # Add NAs? if ((kk %% 4) %in% c(3, 0)) { cat("Adding NAs\n") nna <- sample(n, size = 1L) x[sample(length(x), size = nna)] <- NA_real_ } # Integer or double? if ((kk %% 4) %in% c(2, 0)) { cat("Coercing to integers\n") storage.mode(x) <- "integer" } xs[[kk]] <- x } # for (kk ...) str(xs) for (kk in 1:4) { cat("Random test #", kk, "\n", sep = "") x <- xs[[kk]] tx <- t(x) for (ties in c("max", "min", "average", "first", "last", "dense")) { cat(sprintf("ties.method = %s\n", ties)) # rowRanks(): y1 <- matrixStats::rowRanks(x, ties.method = ties) y2 <- rowRanks_R(x, ties.method = ties) stopifnot(identical(y1, y2)) y3 <- matrixStats::colRanks(tx, ties.method = ties) stopifnot(identical(y1, y3)) # colRanks(): y1 <- matrixStats::colRanks(x, ties.method = ties) y2 <- colRanks_R(x, ties.method = ties) stopifnot(identical(y1, y2)) y3 <- matrixStats::rowRanks(tx, ties.method = ties) stopifnot(identical(y1, y3)) } } # for (kk ...) # Note, below we know ties.method %in% c("min", "max", "average") is correct cat("Consistency checks for random:\n") tolerance <- 0.1 nsamples <- 10000 for (kk in 1:4) { cat("Random test #", kk, "\n", sep = "") x <- xs[[kk]] tx <- t(x) for (ties in c("random")) { cat(sprintf("ties.method = %s\n", ties)) ## rowRanks(): y0 <- rowRanks_R(x, ties.method = ties) y1 <- matrixStats::rowRanks(x, ties.method = ties) ## Assert symmetric rank differences d <- y1 - y0 stopifnot(all(rowSums(d) == 0, na.rm = TRUE)) ## Assert within [min, max] y2min <- matrixStats::rowRanks(x, ties.method = "min") y2max <- matrixStats::rowRanks(x, ties.method = "max") stopifnot(all(y1 >= y2min, na.rm = TRUE) && all(y1 <= y2max, na.rm = TRUE)) ## Assert near average y1list <- replicate(nsamples, matrixStats::rowRanks(x, ties.method = ties), simplify = FALSE) y1mean <- Reduce(`+`, y1list) / nsamples y2avg <- matrixStats::rowRanks(x, ties.method = "average") stopifnot(all(abs(y1mean - y2avg) < tolerance, na.rm = TRUE)) ## colRanks(): y0 <- colRanks_R(x, ties.method = ties) y1 <- matrixStats::colRanks(x, ties.method = ties) ## Assert symmetric rank differences d <- y1 - y0 stopifnot(all(rowSums(d) == 0, na.rm = TRUE)) ## Assert within [min, max] y2min <- matrixStats::colRanks(x, ties.method = "min") y2max <- matrixStats::colRanks(x, ties.method = "max") stopifnot(all(y1 >= y2min, na.rm = TRUE) && all(y1 <= y2max, na.rm = TRUE)) y1list <- replicate(nsamples, matrixStats::colRanks(x, ties.method = ties), simplify = FALSE) y1mean <- Reduce(`+`, y1list) / nsamples ## Assert near average y2avg <- matrixStats::colRanks(x, ties.method = "average") stopifnot(all(abs(y1mean - y2avg) < tolerance, na.rm = TRUE)) } } # for (kk ...) ## Exception handling x <- matrix(1:12, nrow = 3L, ncol = 4L) y <- try(rowRanks(x, ties.method = "unknown"), silent = TRUE) stopifnot(inherits(y, "try-error")) y <- try(colRanks(x, ties.method = "unknown"), silent = TRUE) stopifnot(inherits(y, "try-error")) dimnames <- list(letters[1:3], LETTERS[1:4]) for (mode in c("integer", "double")){ storage.mode(x) <- mode # Test with and without dimnames on x for (setDimnames in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { if (setDimnames) dimnames(x) <- dimnames else dimnames(x) <- NULL # Check names attribute for (useNames in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { for (ties in c("max", "min", "average", "first", "last", "dense", "random")) { cat(sprintf("ties.method = %s\n", ties)) # rowRanks(): y1 <- matrixStats::rowRanks(x, ties.method = ties, useNames = useNames) y2 <- rowRanks_R(x, ties.method = ties, useNames = useNames) stopifnot(identical(y1, y2)) y3 <- matrixStats::colRanks(t(x), ties.method = ties, useNames = useNames) stopifnot(identical(y1, y3)) # colRanks(): y1 <- matrixStats::colRanks(x, ties.method = ties, useNames = useNames) y2 <- colRanks_R(x, ties.method = ties, useNames = useNames) stopifnot(identical(y1, y2)) y3 <- matrixStats::rowRanks(t(x), ties.method = ties, useNames = useNames) stopifnot(identical(y1, y3)) # Check preserveShape y1 <- matrixStats::colRanks(x, ties.method = ties, preserveShape = TRUE, useNames = useNames) y2 <- colRanks_R(x, ties.method = ties, preserveShape = TRUE, useNames = useNames) stopifnot(identical(y1, y2)) } } } }