library("matrixStats") rowProds_R <- function(x, FUN = prod, na.rm = FALSE, ..., useNames = TRUE) { res <- apply(x, MARGIN = 1L, FUN = FUN, na.rm = na.rm) if (!useNames) names(res) <- NULL res } <- function(target, current, ...) { # Computations involving NaN may return NaN or NA, cf. ?is.nan current[is.nan(current)] <- NA_real_ target[is.nan(target)] <- NA_real_ all.equal(target, current, ...) } for (mode in c("integer", "double")) { # Missing values x <- matrix(c(1, NA, NaN, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0), nrow = 4, ncol = 2) cat("mode: ", mode, "\n", sep = "") storage.mode(x) <- mode str(x) # To check names attribute dimnames <- list(letters[1:4], LETTERS[1:2]) # Test with and without dimnames on x for (setDimnames in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { if (setDimnames) dimnames(x) <- dimnames else dimnames(x) <- NULL # Check names attribute for (useNames in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { y0 <- rowProds_R(x, na.rm = TRUE, useNames = useNames) print(y0) y1 <- rowProds(x, na.rm = TRUE, useNames = useNames) print(y1) y2 <- colProds(t(x), na.rm = TRUE, useNames = useNames) print(y2) stopifnot(all.equal(y1, y0)) stopifnot(all.equal(y2, y1)) # Missing values y0 <- rowProds_R(x, na.rm = FALSE, useNames = useNames) print(y0) y1 <- rowProds(x, na.rm = FALSE, useNames = useNames) print(y1) y2 <- colProds(t(x), na.rm = FALSE, useNames = useNames) print(y2) stopifnot(all.equal(y1, y0)) stopifnot(all.equal(y2, y1)) # "Empty" rows y0 <- rowProds_R(x[integer(0), , drop = FALSE], na.rm = FALSE, useNames = useNames) print(y0) y1 <- rowProds(x[integer(0), , drop = FALSE], na.rm = FALSE, useNames = useNames) print(y1) y2 <- colProds(t(x[integer(0), , drop = FALSE]), na.rm = FALSE, useNames = useNames) print(y2) stopifnot(, y0)) stopifnot(all.equal(y2, y1)) stopifnot(length(y1) == 0L) # Using product() y1 <- rowProds(x, method = "expSumLog", na.rm = FALSE, useNames = useNames) print(y1) y2 <- colProds(t(x), method = "expSumLog", na.rm = FALSE, useNames = useNames) print(y2) stopifnot(all.equal(y2, y1)) } } } # for (mode ...) # Bug report 2012-06-25 x <- matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0), nrow = 4, ncol = 2) y0 <- rowProds_R(x) print(y0) y1 <- rowProds(x) print(y1) y2 <- colProds(t(x)) print(y2) stopifnot(, y0)) stopifnot(, x[, 1] * x[, 2])) stopifnot(, y1)) # Check names attribute dimnames(x) <- dimnames y0 <- rowProds_R(x, useNames = TRUE) print(y0) y1 <- rowProds(x, useNames = TRUE) print(y1) y2 <- colProds(t(x), useNames = TRUE) print(y2) stopifnot(, y0)) stopifnot(, x[, 1] * x[, 2])) stopifnot(, y1)) # Bug report 2014-03-25 ("all rows contains a zero") x <- matrix(c(0, 1, 1, 0), nrow = 2, ncol = 2) # To check names attribute dimnames <- list(letters[1:2], LETTERS[1:2]) y0 <- rowProds_R(x) print(y0) y1 <- rowProds(x) print(y1) y2 <- colProds(t(x)) print(y2) stopifnot(, y0)) stopifnot(, c(0, 0))) stopifnot(, y1)) # Check names attribute dimnames(x) <- dimnames y0 <- rowProds_R(x, useNames = TRUE) print(y0) y1 <- rowProds(x, useNames = TRUE) print(y1) y2 <- colProds(t(x), useNames = TRUE) print(y2) stopifnot(, y0)) stopifnot(, y1))