#+ setup library('mapmisc') #if(!exists('mapmiscCachePath')) # mapmiscCachePath = system.file('extdata', package='mapmisc') #if(!exists('mapmiscCacheReadOnly')) # mapmiscCacheReadOnly = TRUE options( # mapmiscCachePath = mapmiscCachePath, # mapmiscCacheReadOnly = mapmiscCacheReadOnly, mapmiscVerbose=TRUE) #getOption("mapmiscCachePath") #getOption("mapmiscCacheReadOnly") #' if(!interactive()) pdf("openmap.pdf") #+ simplePlot myraster = rast(ext(8,18,0,10), crs=crsLL) values(myraster) = seq(0,1,len=ncell(myraster)) myPoints = as.points(myraster)[ seq(1,ncell(myraster),len=5)] plot(myraster) points(myPoints) #' #' #+ africaPlots # utm zone 32 utmproj = crs("+init=epsg:3064") myrasterUTM = project(myraster, utmproj) myPointsUTM = project(myPoints, utmproj) plot(myrasterUTM) points(myPointsUTM) myPointsMercator = project(myPoints, crsMerc) myplot = function(first,second=first) { par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)) plot(first) plot(mytiles, add=TRUE) plot(second,add=TRUE,col='blue') # points(mycities,col='red') # text(mycities, labels=mycities$name, col='red',pos=4) scaleBar(first) } thezoom=6 print(1) # and if the OpenStreetMap.org web site can be accessed # raster, result will be in project of the raster (long-lat) mytiles = openmap( x=extend(myraster,1), zoom=thezoom) # mycities = GNcities(extend(myraster,1),max=5) myplot(myraster, myPoints) print(2) # slash at the end mytiles = openmap(extend(myraster,1),zoom=thezoom, path="http://tile.openstreetmap.org/") # mycities = GNcities(extend(myraster,1),max=5) myplot(myraster, myPoints) print(3) # no http at beginning mytiles = openmap(extend(myraster,1),path="tile.openstreetmap.org") # mycities = GNcities(extend(myraster,1),max=5) myplot(myraster, myPoints) print(4) # extent, tiles will be long-lat mytiles = openmap(ext(myraster),zoom=thezoom) # cities will be long=lat # mycities = GNcities(extent(myraster),max=5,lang="fr") # myplot(mycities,myPoints) print(5) # give the bbox, long lat mytiles = openmap(ext(myraster),zoom=thezoom) # mycities = GNcities(bbox(myraster),max=5) # myplot(mycities,myPoints) print(6) # give points, result is CRS of points (long-lat) mytiles = openmap(myPoints,zoom=thezoom) # mycities = GNcities(myPoints,max=5,lang="es") myplot(myPoints) print(7) # UTM raster mytiles = openmap(myrasterUTM,zoom=thezoom) # mycities = GNcities(myrasterUTM,max=5) myplot(myrasterUTM, myPointsUTM) print(8) # supply a crs mytiles = openmap(x=ext(myrasterUTM),zoom=thezoom, crs=crs(myrasterUTM)) # mycities = GNcities(myrasterUTM,max=5) myplot(myrasterUTM, myPointsUTM) print(9) # utm points mytiles = openmap(myPointsUTM,zoom=thezoom) # mycities = GNcities(myPointsUTM,max=5) myplot(myPointsUTM) print(10) # specify different output crs mytiles = openmap(myPointsUTM, crs=crsLL) # mycities = GNcities(myPoints,max=5) myplot(myPoints) print(11) # one point only mytiles = openmap(crds(myPoints)[1,], zoom=4, crs=crs(myPoints), buffer=10, fact=2) myplot(myPoints) print(12) #' #' #' ams city hall #+ ams cityHall = vect(cbind(4.891111, 52.373056), crs=crsLL) # cityHall = spTransform(cityHall,CRS("+init=epsg:28992")) cityHall = project(cityHall,crs("+init=epsg:32631")) mytiles = openmap(cityHall, buffer=50) map.new(mytiles) plot(mytiles, add=TRUE) points(cityHall, pch=3, col='blue',cex=4) scaleBar(mytiles, 'topleft', bty='n', col='red') #' if(!interactive()) dev.off()