test_that("portoflio I/O works as expected", { mapme_options(verbose = F) x <- read_sf( system.file("extdata", "sierra_de_neiba_478140.gpkg", package = "mapme.biodiversity" ) ) x <- suppressWarnings(st_cast(x, to = "POLYGON")[1, ]) x[["assetid"]] <- 1 dsn <- tempfile(fileext = ".gpkg") expect_error( write_portfolio(x, dsn), "No calculated indicators have been found" ) indicator <- list(tibble( datetime = "2000-01-01", variable = "biome", unit = "ha", value = 1 )) x[["biome"]] <- indicator expect_invisible(out <- write_portfolio(x, dsn, quiet = TRUE)) expect_equal(out, dsn) expect_silent(write_portfolio(x, dsn)) expect_equal(st_layers(dsn)[["name"]], c("metadata", "indicators")) meta <- st_read(dsn, layer = "metadata", quiet = TRUE) inds <- st_read(dsn, layer = "indicators", quiet = TRUE) expect_true(inherits(meta, "sf")) expect_true(inherits(inds, "data.frame")) vars <- c("assetid", "indicator", "datetime", "variable", "unit", "value") expect_true(all(vars %in% names(inds))) data <- read_portfolio(dsn, quiet = TRUE) vars <- c("WDPAID", "ISO3", "assetid", "biome", "geom") expect_true(all(vars %in% names(data))) expect_true(inherits(data[["biome"]], "list")) file.remove(dsn) x[["biome2"]] <- indicator write_portfolio(x, dsn, quiet = TRUE) data <- read_portfolio(dsn, quiet = TRUE) vars <- c("biome", "biome2") expect_true(all(vars %in% names(data))) file.remove(dsn) x2 <- x x2[["biome"]] <- list(NULL) x2[["biome2"]] <- list(NULL) x <- do.call(rbind, list(x, x2)) x$assetid <- 1:2 write_portfolio(x, dsn) data <- read_portfolio(dsn) expect_true(!is.null(data[["biome"]][[1]])) expect_true(!is.null(data[["biome2"]][[1]])) expect_true(is.null(data[["biome"]][[2]])) expect_true(is.null(data[["biome2"]][[2]])) file.remove(dsn) x$biome2 <- list(c(NULL, NULL)) expect_warning(write_portfolio(x, dsn), "Dropping") data <- read_portfolio(dsn) expect_true(!"biome2" %in% names(data)) suppressWarnings(inds <- read_sf(dsn, "indicators")) # check NULL was not writte expect_equal(nrow(inds), 1) }) test_that(".check_portfolio works as expected", { x <- read_sf( system.file("extdata", "sierra_de_neiba_478140.gpkg", package = "mapme.biodiversity" ) ) p <- suppressWarnings(st_centroid(x)) expect_error(.check_portfolio(p), "Only assets of type 'POLYGON' and 'MULTIPOLYGON' are supported.") expect_silent(.check_portfolio(x)) center <- as.numeric(suppressWarnings(st_coordinates(st_centroid(x)))) srs <- sprintf( "+proj=laea +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +lon_0=%s +lat_0=%s", center[1], center[2] ) x <- st_transform(x, srs) expect_message( x <- .check_portfolio(x), "CRS of x is not EPSG:4326. Attempting to transform." ) mapme_options(verbose = TRUE) expect_silent(.check_portfolio(x)) x$assetid <- NULL expect_silent(x <- .check_portfolio(x)) expect_true("assetid" %in% names(x)) x <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:2, function(y) x)) expect_message(.check_portfolio(x), "Found a column named 'assetid' with non-unique identifiers") }) test_that("portfolio helpers work as expected", { mapme_options(verbose = FALSE) x <- read_sf( system.file("extdata", "sierra_de_neiba_478140.gpkg", package = "mapme.biodiversity" ) ) x <- suppressWarnings(st_cast(x, to = "POLYGON")[1, ]) x[["assetid"]] <- 1 expect_error(.indicators_col(x)) indicator <- list(tibble( datetime = "2000-01-01", variable = "biome", unit = "ha", value = 1 )) x[["biome"]] <- indicator x[["biome2"]] <- indicator cols <- .indicators_col(x) expected <- 5:6 names(expected) <- c("biome", "biome2") expect_equal(cols, expected) vars <- c("indicator", "datetime", "variable", "unit", "value") out <- portfolio_long(x, names(cols)) expect_equal(nrow(out), 2) expect_true(inherits(out, "sf")) expect_true(all(vars %in% names(out))) out <- portfolio_long(x, names(cols)[1], drop_geoms = TRUE) expect_equal(nrow(out), 1) expect_false(inherits(out, "sf")) expect_true(all(vars %in% names(out))) out <- portfolio_wide(x, names(cols)) expect_equal(nrow(out), 1) vars <- c("assetid", "biome_2000-01-01_biome_ha", "biome2_2000-01-01_biome_ha") expect_true(all(vars %in% names(out))) expect_true(inherits(out, "sf")) out <- portfolio_wide(x, names(cols), drop_geoms = TRUE) expect_equal(nrow(out), 1) expect_true(all(vars %in% names(out))) expect_false(inherits(out, "sf")) out <- portfolio_wide(x, names(cols)[1]) expect_equal(nrow(out), 1) expect_true(inherits(out, "sf")) expect_true(all(c(vars[1:2], "biome2") %in% names(out))) x$biome <- list(NULL) expect_silent(portfolio_long(x)) expect_silent(portfolio_wide(x)) x$biome2 <- list(NULL) expect_warning(portfolio_long(x), "All indicator columns contained 'NULL'.") expect_warning(portfolio_wide(x), "All indicator columns contained 'NULL'.") })