test_that(".calc_fatalities works", { x <- read_sf( system.file("extdata", "burundi.gpkg", package = "mapme.biodiversity" ) ) .clear_resources() outdir <- file.path(tempdir(), "mapme.data") .copy_resource_dir(outdir) mapme_options(outdir = outdir, verbose = FALSE) get_resources(x, get_ucdp_ged(version = "22.1")) ucdp_ged <- prep_resources(x)[["ucdp_ged"]][[1]] expect_error( calc_fatalities(years = 1980), "The target years do not intersect with the availability of ucdp_ged." ) expect_error( calc_fatalities(precision_location = 8), "Argument precision_location must be a single numeric between 1 and 7." ) expect_error( calc_fatalities(precision_time = 6), "Argument precision_time must be a single numeric between 1 and 5." ) cf <- calc_fatalities(years = 1991:1992) result_default <- cf(x, list(ucdp_ged)) cf <- calc_fatalities(years = 1991:1992, precision_location = 7, precision_time = 5) result_all <- cf(x, list(ucdp_ged)) conf_types <- c("state_based_conflict", "non_state_conflict", "one_sided_violence") death_types <- c("deaths_civilians", "deaths_unknown", "deaths_total") vars <- paste(rep(conf_types, each = length(death_types)), death_types, sep = "_") n_rows <- 216 expect_silent(.check_single_asset(result_default)) expect_equal(unique(result_default$variable), vars) expect_equal(nrow(result_default), n_rows) expect_equal(sum(result_default$value), 40) expect_equal(unique(result_all$variable), vars) expect_equal(nrow(result_all), n_rows) expect_equal(sum(result_all$value), 673) })