mod <- exmodel(add_exdata = FALSE) dat <- exdata(ID = 1:3) dat$ID[dat$ID == 2] <- 20 est_all <- mapbayest(mod, dat) test_that("mapbayr fits multiple ID", { expect_equal(nrow(get_eta(est_all)), 3) esttab <- expect_equal(dat$ID, esttab$ID) expect_equal(dat$time, esttab$time ) expect_equal(dat$evid, esttab$evid) expect_equal(dat$amt, esttab$amt) expect_equal(dat$cmt, esttab$cmt) expect_equal(dat$mdv, esttab$mdv) expect_equal(dat$DV, esttab$DV) }) test_that("order of IDs is preserved", { est1 <- mapbayest(mod, dat[dat$ID == 1,]) est20<- mapbayest(mod, dat[dat$ID == 20,]) est3 <- mapbayest(mod, dat[dat$ID == 3,]) etalist <- get_eta(est_all, output = "list") expect_named(etalist, c("1", "20", "3")) expect_equal( lapply(list(est1, est20, est3), get_eta), unname(etalist) ) }) test_that("can pass a dataset with iID column", { dat <- dat[dat$ID==1, ] dat$iID <- 99 expect_error(mapbayest(mod, dat), NA) })