# object without nodal attributes net_node1 <- as_tidygraph(data.frame( from = c("A", "B", "C", "D","E"), to = c("B", "C", "D", "E", "A"))) # object with nodal attributes net_node2 <- net_node1 %>% dplyr::mutate(attribute = c("friend", "family", "friend", "friend", "family")) # object without edge attributes net_edge1 <- data.frame( from = c("A", "B", "C", "D","E"), to = c("C", "D", "A", "A", "B")) test_that("add_node_attribute works", { # Test on one mode network expect_equal(as_tidygraph(add_node_attribute(net_node1, "attribute", c("friend", "family", "friend", "friend", "family"))), net_node2) # On two mode network # First nodeset south1 <- add_node_attribute(ison_southern_women, "Age", rep(25, 18)) expect_equal(igraph::vertex_attr(south1, "Age"), c(rep(25, 18), rep(NA, 14))) # Second nodeset south2 <- add_node_attribute(ison_southern_women, "Budget", rep(100, 14)) expect_equal(igraph::vertex_attr(as_igraph(south2), "Budget"), c(rep(NA, 18), rep(100, 14))) # Test error when wrong number of attributes expect_error(add_node_attribute(ison_southern_women, "Budget", rep(100, 15))) }) test_that("bind_node_attributes works", { expect_equal(as_tidygraph(bind_node_attributes(net_node1, net_node2)), net_node2) # Test error when different number of dimensions net_node3 <- as_tidygraph(data.frame( from = c("A", "B", "C"), to = c("B", "C", "D"))) expect_error(bind_node_attributes(net_node1, net_node3)) }) test_that("add_tie_attribute works", { expect_equal(unname(unlist(add_tie_attribute(net_edge1, "weight", c(1,2,1,2,1))[,"weight"])), c(1,2,1,2,1)) expect_s3_class(add_tie_attribute(net_edge1, "weight", c(1,2,1,2,1)), "data.frame") }) test_that("join_ties works", { testmutateedges <- join_ties(ison_southern_women, create_filled(c(3,4))) expect_equal(class(testmutateedges), c("tbl_graph", "igraph")) }) test_that("mutate_ties and filter_ties works", { orig <- ison_southern_women %>% mutate_ties(year = 1:93) filt <- orig %>% activate(edges) %>% dplyr::filter(year > 5) %>% activate(nodes) filt1 <- filter_ties(orig, year > 5) expect_equal(1:93, igraph::edge_attr(as_igraph(orig), "year")) expect_equal(igraph::edge_attr(as_igraph(filt), "year"), igraph::edge_attr(as_igraph(filt1), "year")) }) test_that("summarise_ties works", { set.seed(1234) orig <- as_tidygraph(ison_southern_women) %>% tidygraph::graph_join(as_tidygraph(ison_southern_women)) %>% mutate_ties(year = sample(1:3, 186, replace = TRUE)) sum <- summarise_ties(orig, mean = mean(year)) expect_length(igraph::edge_attr(sum, "weight"), 93) }) test_that("delete_nodes works", { expect_length(ison_adolescents, 8) expect_length(delete_nodes(ison_adolescents, "Betty"), 7) })