context('Test all raster combinations.') test_that('All combinations of spatially aligned requests work', { skip_on_cran() # Static MDG_shp <- getShp(ISO = "MDG", admin_level = "admin0") skip_on_cran() # Time varying single MDG_PfPR2_10 <- getRaster(dataset_id = "Malaria__202206_Global_Pf_Parasite_Rate", shp = MDG_shp, year = 2015) expect_true(inherits(MDG_PfPR2_10, 'SpatRaster')) #time varying range MDG_PfPR2_10_range <- getRaster(dataset_id = "Malaria__202206_Global_Pf_Parasite_Rate", shp = MDG_shp, year = 2012:2015) expect_true(inherits(MDG_PfPR2_10_range, 'SpatRasterCollection')) # Time varying default MDG_PfPR2_10_def <- getRaster(dataset_id = "Malaria__202206_Global_Pf_Parasite_Rate", shp = MDG_shp, year = NA) expect_true(inherits(MDG_PfPR2_10_def, 'SpatRaster')) # two time varying single MDG_tvs_tvs <- getRaster(dataset_id = c("Malaria__202206_Global_Pf_Parasite_Rate", 'Interventions__202106_Africa_IRS_Coverage'), shp = MDG_shp, year = list(2012, 2010)) expect_true(inherits(MDG_tvs_tvs, 'SpatRasterCollection')) # time varying range plus time varying single MDG_tvr_tvs <- getRaster(dataset_id = c("Malaria__202206_Global_Pf_Parasite_Rate", 'Interventions__202106_Africa_IRS_Coverage'), shp = MDG_shp, year = list(2009:2012, 2010)) expect_true(inherits(MDG_tvr_tvs, 'SpatRasterCollection')) # two time varying range MDG_tvr_tvr <- getRaster(dataset_id = c("Malaria__202206_Global_Pf_Parasite_Rate", 'Interventions__202106_Africa_IRS_Coverage'), shp = MDG_shp, year = list(2009:2012, 2005:2007)) expect_true(inherits(MDG_tvr_tvr, 'SpatRasterCollection')) # two static MDG_stat_stat <- getRaster(dataset_id = c("Accessibility__202001_Global_Motorized_Travel_Time_to_Healthcare", 'Accessibility__202001_Global_Walking_Only_Travel_Time_To_Healthcare'), shp = MDG_shp, year = c(NA, NA)) expect_true(inherits(MDG_stat_stat, 'SpatRasterCollection')) # one time varying single plus one static MDG_tvs_stat <- getRaster(dataset_id = c("Interventions__202106_Africa_Insecticide_Treated_Net_Use", 'Blood_Disorders__201201_Africa_HbC_Allele_Frequency'), shp = MDG_shp, year = c(2012, NA)) expect_true(inherits(MDG_tvs_stat, 'SpatRasterCollection')) # time varying range plus static MDG_tvr_tvs <- getRaster( dataset_id = c("Interventions__202106_Africa_Insecticide_Treated_Net_Use", 'Blood_Disorders__201201_Africa_HbC_Allele_Frequency'), shp = MDG_shp, year = list(2009:2012, NA)) expect_true(inherits(MDG_tvr_tvs, 'SpatRasterCollection')) # two time varying range plus static. MDG_tvr_tvr_s <- getRaster( dataset_id = c("Interventions__202106_Africa_Insecticide_Treated_Net_Use", 'Interventions__202106_Africa_IRS_Coverage', 'Blood_Disorders__201201_Africa_HbC_Allele_Frequency'), shp = MDG_shp, year = list(2009:2012, 2005:2007, NA) ) expect_true(inherits(MDG_tvr_tvr_s, 'SpatRasterCollection')) # p <- autoplot_MAPraster(MDG_tvr_tvr_s) # Different resolutions MDG_res <- getRaster( dataset_id = c("Interventions__202106_Africa_Insecticide_Treated_Net_Use", 'Accessibility__202001_Global_Motorized_Friction_Surface'), shp = MDG_shp, year = list(2009, NA) ) expect_true(inherits(MDG_res, 'SpatRasterCollection')) expect_true(!all(terra::res(MDG_res[1]) == terra::res(MDG_res[2])) ) # p <- autoplot_MAPraster(MDG_tvr_tvr_s) }) test_that('arg length mismatched work', { skip_on_cran() expect_error( MDG_rasters <- getRaster(dataset_id = c("Malaria__202206_Global_Pf_Mortality_Count", 'Malaria__202206_Global_Pf_Mortality_Rate', 'Malaria__202206_Global_Pf_Incidence_Count'), year = list(2009:2011)), regexp = "If downloading multiple different rasters, 'year' must be a list of the same length as 'dataset_id'.") }) test_that('Wrong name errors correctly', { skip_on_cran() expect_error( MDG_rasters <- getRaster(dataset_id = "Plasmodium falciparum PR2", year = NA)) }) test_that('Wrong year errors correctly', { skip_on_cran() MDG_rasters <- expect_warning(getRaster(dataset_id = "Malaria__202206_Global_Pf_Incidence_Count", year = 1902)) expect_true(inherits(MDG_rasters, 'character')) expect_true(grepl('not available for all requested years', MDG_rasters)) }) test_that('Using surface works', { skip_on_cran() # Trying to handle new and old data depending on whether the database has been updated yet # fails with new data tryCatch({ r <- getRaster(surface = "Number of deaths from Plasmodium falciparum during a defined year 2000-2020", year = 2015) MDG_surface <- r }, error = function(e) { print("Failed with new data") }) # fails with old data tryCatch({ r <- getRaster(surface = "Number of deaths from Plasmodium falciparum during a defined year", year = 2015) MDG_surface <- r }, error = function(e) { print("Failed with old data") }) expect_true(inherits(MDG_surface, 'SpatRaster')) }) test_that('Explorer datasets work', { skip_on_cran() MDG_surface <- getRaster(dataset_id = c("Explorer__2020_Global_Pv_Cases", "Explorer__2020_Global_PvPR", "Explorer__2020_Global_Pf_Reproductive_Number"), year = list(2015, 2004:2007, NA)) expect_true(inherits(MDG_surface, 'SpatRasterCollection')) #TODO: Failing })