context("Coordinate handling test") test_that("getCoords can read and write coordinates", { x <- maxample("pop") coords <- data.frame(x = 1:ncells(x) + 0.1, y = ncells(x):1 + 0.1) expect_error(getCoords(x), "No coordinates found") expect_silent(getCoords(x) <- coords) expect_identical(getCoords(x), coords) expect_silent(getCoords(x) <- as.matrix(coords)) expect_identical(getCoords(x), coords) expect_error(getCoords(x) <- 1:10, "unsupported format") expect_error(getCoords(x) <- head(coords), "Number of rows does not match") expect_identical(getItems(x, "x"), sub(".", "p", coords$x, fixed = TRUE)) coords2 <- data.frame(x = coords$y, y = coords$x) expect_silent(getCoords(x) <- coords2) expect_identical(getItems(x, "x"), sub(".", "p", coords2$x, fixed = TRUE)) expect_identical(getCoords(x), coords2) expect_silent(getCoords(x, xlab = "x2", ylab = "y2") <- coords) expect_identical(getItems(x, "y2"), sub(".", "p", coords$y, fixed = TRUE)) expect_identical(getCoords(x, xlab = "x2", ylab = "y2"), coords) })