cfg <- getConfig(verbose = FALSE) nc <- function(x) { getComment(x) <- NULL return(x) } test_that("calcOutput will stop if unused arguments are provided", { calcTest1 <- function(testarg = FALSE) { return(list(x = as.magpie(0), weight = NULL, isocountries = FALSE, unit = "1", description = "calcOutput test data dummy")) } globalassign("calcTest1") expect_error(co <- capture.output(calcOutput("Test1", testarg = TRUE, blubba = 1, aggregate = FALSE)), "unused argument \\(blubba = 1\\)") }) test_that("Malformed inputs are properly detected", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline("") expect_error(localConfig(packages = "nonexistentpackage"), 'Setting "packages" can only be set to installed packages') expect_error(calcOutput("TauTotal", aggregate = "wtf"), "None of the columns given in aggregate = wtf could be found in the mappings!") expect_error(calcOutput(TRUE), "Invalid type \\(must be a character\\)") expect_error(calcOutput(c("a", "b")), "Invalid type \\(must be a single character string\\)") }) test_that("Malformed calc outputs are properly detected", { localConfig(verbosity = 0, .verbose = FALSE) calcBla1 <- function() return(as.magpie(1)) calcBla2 <- function() return(list(x = 1, weight = NULL)) calcBla3 <- function() return(list(x = as.magpie(1), weight = 1)) calcBla4 <- function() return(list(x = as.magpie(1), weight = new.magpie(years = 1:2))) calcBla5 <- function() { return(list(x = new.magpie(years = 1:2, fill = 1), weight = new.magpie(years = 3, fill = 1), unit = "1", description = "test")) } calcBla6 <- function() { return(list(x = new.magpie(years = 1:2, fill = 1), weight = new.magpie(years = 3, fill = 1), description = "test")) } calcBla7 <- function() { return(list(x = new.magpie(years = 1:2, fill = 1), weight = new.magpie(years = 3, fill = 1), unit = "1")) } calcBla8 <- function() { return(list(x = new.magpie(years = 1:2), weight = new.magpie(years = 3, fill = 1), unit = "1", description = "test")) } calcBla9 <- function() { return(list(x = new.magpie(years = 1:2, fill = 1), weight = new.magpie(years = 3, fill = 1), unit = "1", description = "test", max = 0)) } calcBla10 <- function() { return(list(x = new.magpie(years = 1:2, fill = 1), weight = new.magpie(years = 3, fill = 1), unit = "1", description = "test", min = 10)) } calcBla11 <- function() return(list(x = 1, class = list)) calcBla12 <- function() return(list(x = 1, class = c("classA", "classB"))) calcBla13 <- function() return(list(x = 1, class = "list")) calcBla14 <- function() { return(list(x = list(1), class = "list", unit = "1", description = "test")) } globalassign(paste0("calcBla", 1:14)) expect_error(calcOutput("Bla1"), "not list of two MAgPIE objects") expect_error(calcOutput("Bla2"), "Output x of function .* is not a MAgPIE object") expect_error(calcOutput("Bla3"), "Output weight of function .* is not a MAgPIE object") expect_error(calcOutput("Bla4"), "Number of years disagree between data and weight") expect_error(calcOutput("Bla5"), "Neither .* contain a mapping compatible to the provided data") expect_warning(calcOutput("Bla6", aggregate = FALSE), "Missing unit information") expect_warning(calcOutput("Bla7", aggregate = FALSE), "Missing description") expect_warning(calcOutput("Bla8", aggregate = FALSE), "contains NAs") expect_warning(calcOutput("Bla9", aggregate = FALSE), "values greater than the predefined maximum") expect_warning(calcOutput("Bla10", aggregate = FALSE), "values smaller than the predefined minimum") expect_error(calcOutput("Bla11"), "class must be a single element of class character or NULL!") expect_error(calcOutput("Bla12"), "class must be a single element of class character or NULL!") expect_error(calcOutput("Bla13"), "Output x of function .* is not of promised class") expect_error(calcOutput("Bla14"), "Aggregation can only be used in combination with x\\$class=\"magpie\"") a <- calcOutput("Bla5", aggregate = FALSE) writeLines("CorruptCache", cacheName("calc", "Bla5", packages = "madrat", mode = "get")) expect_warning(b <- calcOutput("Bla5", aggregate = FALSE), "corrupt cache") expect_identical(nc(a), nc(b)) expect_identical(nc(b), nc(calcOutput("Bla5", aggregate = FALSE))) calcError <- function() stop("I am an error!") globalassign("calcError") expect_warning(suppressMessages(a <- calcOutput("Error", try = TRUE)), "I am an error", ) expect_identical(class(a), "try-error") }) test_that("Calculation for tau example data set works", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline("") sink(tempfile()) require(magclass) localConfig(ignorecache = FALSE, forcecache = FALSE, verbosity = 2) expectedResult <- new("magpie", .Data = structure(c(0.99, 0.83, 0.68, 1.47, 0.9, 0.64, 0.8, 0.97, 1.17, 0.89, 1.27, 1.25), .Dim = c(12L, 1L, 1L), .Dimnames = list(region = c("LAM", "OAS", "SSA", "EUR", "NEU", "MEA", "REF", "CAZ", "CHA", "IND", "JPN", "USA"), year = NULL, data = NULL))) x <- calcOutput("TauTotal", source = "historical", years = 1995, round = 2, supplementary = TRUE) expect_true(is.list(x)) expect_equivalent(x$x, expectedResult) expect_message(x <- readSource("Tau", "historical"), "loading cache") expect_error(x <- readSource("Tau", "wtf"), "Unknown subtype") expect_warning(calcOutput("TauTotal", source = "historical", years = 1800), "Some years are missing") x <- suppressWarnings(calcOutput("TauTotal", source = "historical", years = seq(1970, 2050, 1), round = 2, supplementary = FALSE)) expect_true(length(getYears(x, as.integer = TRUE)) == 38) expect_true(1970 %in% getYears(x, as.integer = TRUE)) expect_true(2007 %in% getYears(x, as.integer = TRUE)) expect_false(2008 %in% getYears(x, as.integer = TRUE)) sink() }) test_that("Standard workflow works", { downloadTest2 <- function() { a <- as.magpie(1) getCells(a) <- "DEU" write.magpie(a, "") } readTest2 <- function() return(read.magpie("")) convertTest2 <- function(x) return(toolCountryFill(x, fill = 10)) calcTest2 <- function() { return(list(x = readSource("Test2"), weight = NULL, unit = "1")) } fullTEST2 <- function(rev = 0, dev = "") { expectedOutput <- new("magpie", .Data = structure(c(540, 490, 510, 331, 160, 210, 120, 50, 40, 10, 10, 10), .Dim = c(12L, 1L, 1L), .Dimnames = list(fake = c("LAM", "OAS", "SSA", "EUR", "NEU", "MEA", "REF", "CAZ", "CHA", "IND", "JPN", "USA"), year = NULL, data = NULL))) expect_warning(co <- capture.output(a <- calcOutput("Test2", file = "")), 'Missing description for data set "Test2"') expect_equivalent(a, expectedOutput) } globalassign("downloadTest2", "readTest2", "convertTest2", "calcTest2", "fullTEST2") co <- capture.output(retrieveData("test2", puc = FALSE)) }) test_that("Custom class support works", { localConfig(outputfolder = withr::local_tempdir(), verbosity = 0, .verbose = FALSE) calcBla1 <- function() { return(list(x = list(1), class = "list", unit = "1", description = "test")) } globalassign(paste0("calcBla", 1)) data <- calcOutput("Bla1", aggregate = FALSE, file = "test.rds") expect_equivalent(data, list(1)) expect_identical(readRDS(file.path(getConfig("outputfolder"), "test.rds")), data) }) test_that("Old descriptors are properly removed from comment", { localConfig(outputfolder = withr::local_tempdir(), verbosity = 0, .verbose = FALSE) calcBlub <- function() { x <- as.magpie(1) getComment(x) <- "test comment" return(list(x = x, unit = "1", description = "Descriptor test ", title = "Blub")) } calcBlub2 <- function() { return(list(x = calcOutput("Blub", aggregate = FALSE), unit = "1", description = "Descriptor test 2", title = "Blub2")) } globalassign("calcBlub", "calcBlub2") a <- calcOutput("Blub", aggregate = FALSE) expect_true(" comment: test comment" %in% getComment(a)) a <- calcOutput("Blub2", aggregate = FALSE) expect_false(any(grepl("comment:", getComment(a)))) }) test_that("Aggregation works", { localConfig(outputfolder = withr::local_tempdir(), verbosity = 0, .verbose = FALSE) calcAggregationTest <- function() { x <- new.magpie(getISOlist(), fill = 1) return(list(x = x, weight = NULL, description = "Aggregation test data", unit = "1")) } calcAggregationTest2 <- function() { x <- new.magpie(getISOlist(), fill = 1) return(list(x = x, weight = NULL, description = "Aggregation test data 2", unit = "1", mixed_aggregation = TRUE, aggregationFunction = function(x, rel, mixed_aggregation) return(as.magpie(1)))) # nolint } calcAggregationTest3 <- function() { x1 <- new.magpie(getISOlist(), fill = 1) getSets(x1)[1] <- "country" x2 <- new.magpie(1:4, fill = 2) x <- x1 * x2 return(list(x = x, weight = NULL, description = "Aggregation test data 3", unit = "1")) } calcAggregationTest4 <- function() { x1 <- new.magpie(getISOlist()[1:12], fill = 1) getSets(x1)[1] <- "country" x2 <- new.magpie(1:4, fill = 2) x <- x1 * x2 return(list(x = x, weight = NULL, description = "Aggregation test data 3", unit = "1", isocountries = FALSE)) } calcMalformedAggregation <- function() { x <- new.magpie(getISOlist(), fill = 1) return(list(x = x, weight = NULL, description = "Aggregation test data 2", unit = "1", mixed_aggregation = TRUE, aggregationFunction = 99)) } calcMalformedAggregation2 <- function() { x <- new.magpie(getISOlist(), fill = 1) return(list(x = x, weight = NULL, description = "Aggregation test data 2", unit = "1", mixed_aggregation = TRUE, aggregationArguments = 42, aggregationFunction = function(x, rel, mixed_aggregation) return(as.magpie(1)))) # nolint } globalassign("calcAggregationTest", "calcAggregationTest2", "calcAggregationTest3", "calcAggregationTest4", "calcMalformedAggregation", "calcMalformedAggregation2") reg <- new("magpie", .Data = structure(c(54, 49, 51, 34, 16, 21, 12, 5, 4, 1, 1, 1), .Dim = c(12L, 1L, 1L), .Dimnames = list(region = c("LAM", "OAS", "SSA", "EUR", "NEU", "MEA", "REF", "CAZ", "CHA", "IND", "JPN", "USA"), year = NULL, data = NULL))) glo <- new("magpie", .Data = structure(249, .Dim = c(1L, 1L, 1L), .Dimnames = list(region = "GLO", year = NULL, data = NULL))) country2 <- new("magpie", .Data = structure(rep(8, 249), .Dim = c(249L, 1L, 1L), .Dimnames = list(country = unname(getISOlist()), year = NULL, data = NULL))) reg2 <- new("magpie", .Data = structure(c(432, 392, 408, 272, 128, 168, 96, 40, 32, 8, 8, 8), .Dim = c(12L, 1L, 1L), .Dimnames = list(region = c("LAM", "OAS", "SSA", "EUR", "NEU", "MEA", "REF", "CAZ", "CHA", "IND", "JPN", "USA"), year = NULL, data = NULL))) glo2 <- new("magpie", .Data = structure(1992, .Dim = c(1L, 1L, 1L), .Dimnames = list(global = "GLO", year = NULL, data = NULL))) region1 <- new("magpie", .Data = structure(rep(24, 4), .Dim = c(4L, 1L, 1L), .Dimnames = list(region1 = c("1", "2", "3", "4"), year = NULL, data = NULL))) expect_identical(nc(calcOutput("AggregationTest")), reg) expect_identical(nc(calcOutput("AggregationTest2")), clean_magpie(as.magpie(1))) expect_identical(nc(calcOutput("AggregationTest3")), reg2) expect_identical(nc(calcOutput("AggregationTest", aggregate = "glo")), glo) expect_identical(nc(calcOutput("AggregationTest3", aggregate = "glo")), glo2) expect_identical(nc(calcOutput("AggregationTest3", aggregate = "country")), country2) expect_error(calcOutput("AggregationTest4", aggregate = TRUE), "Cannot aggregate to regions") expect_identical(nc(calcOutput("AggregationTest4", aggregate = "region1")), region1) expect_identical(nc(calcOutput("AggregationTest", aggregate = "regglo")), mbind(reg, glo)) expect_warning(a <- nc(calcOutput("AggregationTest", aggregate = "global+region+cheese")), "Omitting cheese from aggregate") expect_identical(a, mbind(glo, reg)) expect_error(calcOutput("MalformedAggregation"), "must be a function") expect_error(calcOutput("MalformedAggregation2"), "must be a list of function arguments") xtramap <- file.path(withr::local_tempdir(), "blub.csv") file.copy(toolGetMapping(getConfig("regionmapping"), returnPathOnly = TRUE), xtramap) localConfig(extramappings = xtramap) # use 'local' to have the change of verbosity level only local and let the remainder of the script unaffected local({ # set verbosity to a level that will produce the expected NOTE localConfig(verbosity = 1) expect_message(a <- nc(calcOutput("AggregationTest", aggregate = "glo")), paste0("Ignoring column\\(s\\) X, region, global from .* as the column\\(s\\) ", "already exist in another mapping\\.")) expect_identical(a, glo) }) }) test_that("1on1 country mappings do not alter the data", { map <- data.frame(country = getISOlist(), region = getISOlist()) tmpFile <- withr::local_tempfile(fileext = ".csv") write.csv(map, tmpFile) localConfig(outputfolder = withr::local_tempdir(), regionmapping = tmpFile, verbosity = 0, .verbose = FALSE) expect_equal(nc(calcOutput("TauTotal")), nc(calcOutput("TauTotal", aggregate = FALSE))) calc1on1Test <- function() { x1 <- new.magpie(getISOlist(), fill = 1) getSets(x1)[1] <- "country" x2 <- new.magpie(1:4, fill = 2) x <- x1 * x2 # fill with random numbers and mix order to test whether this # affects the country-country mapping x[, , ] <- unlist(randu)[seq_len(length(x))] x <- x[order(x), , ] return(list(x = x, weight = NULL, description = "Aggregation test data 3", unit = "1")) } globalassign("calc1on1Test") aCountry <- magpiesort(nc(calcOutput("1on1Test", aggregate = "country"))) getSets(aCountry)[1] <- "region" aRegion <- magpiesort(nc(calcOutput("1on1Test"))) expect_equal(aRegion, aCountry) }) test_that("Bilateral aggregation works", { calcBilateral <- function() { map <- toolGetMapping("regionmappingH12.csv", where = "madrat") tmp <- expand.grid(map[[2]], map[[2]], stringsAsFactors = FALSE) x <- new.magpie(paste0(tmp[[1]], ".", tmp[[2]])) x[, , ] <- rep(seq_len(nrow(map)), nrow(map)) return(list(x = x, weight = x, unit = "SpaceDollar", description = "Test data set")) } localConfig(verbosity = 0, .verbose = FALSE) globalassign("calcBilateral") aExp <- new("magpie", .Data = structure(c(161.215558601782, 176.61906116643, 171.777380952381), .Dim = c(3L, 1L, 1L), .Dimnames = list(region.region1 = c("LAM.LAM", "OAS.LAM", "SSA.LAM"), year = NULL, data = NULL))) a <- calcOutput("Bilateral") getComment(a) <- NULL expect_equal(head(a), aExp) }) test_that("Edge cases work as expected", { localConfig(outputfolder = withr::local_tempdir(), verbosity = 0, .verbose = FALSE) calcEdgeTest <- function() { x <- new.magpie(getISOlist(), fill = 1) return(list(x = x, weight = NULL, description = "Aggregation test data", unit = "1")) } calcEdgeTest2 <- function() { x <- new.magpie(getISOlist(), fill = 1) getYears(x) <- 2000 return(list(x = x, weight = NULL, description = "Aggregation test data", unit = "1")) } calcNoMag <- function() { x <- list(1, 2, 3) return(list(x = x, weight = NULL, class = "list", description = "Non magclass test", unit = "1")) } calcNoMag2 <- function() { x <- list(1, 2, 3) return(list(x = x, weight = 12, class = "list", description = "Non magclass test", unit = "1")) } calcNoMag3 <- function() { x <- list(1, 2, 3) return(list(x = x, weight = NULL, class = "list", description = "Non magclass test", min = 0, unit = "1")) } calcNoMag4 <- function() { x <- list(1, 2, 3) return(list(x = x, weight = NULL, class = "list", description = "Non magclass test", = list(), unit = "1")) } calcNoMag5 <- function() { x <- list(1, 2, 3) return(list(x = x, weight = NULL, class = "list", description = "Non magclass test", isocountries = TRUE, unit = "1")) } globalassign("calcEdgeTest", "calcEdgeTest2", "calcNoMag", "calcNoMag2", "calcNoMag3", "calcNoMag4", "calcNoMag5") expect_warning(calcOutput("EdgeTest", append = TRUE), "works only when the file name is provided") expect_warning(calcOutput("EdgeTest", file = "blub.mif"), "Time dimension missing and data cannot be written to a mif-file") a <- calcOutput("EdgeTest2", file = "blub.rds") expect_identical(a, readRDS(paste0(getConfig("outputfolder"), "/blub.rds"))) expect_error(calcOutput("NoMag"), "Aggregation can only be used") expect_identical(nc(calcOutput("NoMag", aggregate = FALSE)), list(1, 2, 3)) # now from cache... expect_identical(nc(calcOutput("NoMag", aggregate = FALSE)), list(1, 2, 3)) expect_error(calcOutput("NoMag", aggregate = FALSE, round = 0), "rounding can only be used") expect_error(calcOutput("NoMag", aggregate = FALSE, years = 2000), "years argument can only be used") expect_error(calcOutput("NoMag", aggregate = FALSE, file = ""), "Unsupported file format") expect_error(calcOutput("NoMag2", aggregate = FALSE), "Weights are currently not supported") expect_error(calcOutput("NoMag3", aggregate = FALSE), "Min/Max checks cannot be used") expect_error(calcOutput("NoMag4", aggregate = FALSE), "Structure checks cannot be used") expect_error(calcOutput("NoMag5", aggregate = FALSE), "isocountries can only be set if") skip_if_not_installed("reshape2") a <- calcOutput("EdgeTest2", file = "blub.mif") b <-"outputfolder"), "blub.mif"), as.list = FALSE) expect_identical(sum(a - b), 0) }) test_that("Data check works as expected", { localConfig(outputfolder = withr::local_tempdir(), verbosity = 0, .verbose = FALSE) calcMalformedISO <- function() { x <- new.magpie(getISOlist(), fill = 1) return(list(x = x, weight = NULL, description = "Malformed example", isocountries = 12, unit = "1")) } calcMalformedMixed <- function() { x <- new.magpie(getISOlist(), fill = 1) return(list(x = x, weight = NULL, description = "Malformed example", mixed_aggregation = 12, unit = "1")) } calcMalformedISO2 <- function() { x <- as.magpie(1) return(list(x = x, weight = NULL, description = "Malformed example", isocountries = TRUE, unit = "1")) } calcMalformedISO3 <- function() { x <- new.magpie(getISOlist(), fill = 1) getCells(x)[1] <- "BLA" return(list(x = x, weight = NULL, description = "Malformed example", isocountries = TRUE, unit = "1")) } calcMalformedStruct <- function() { x <- new.magpie(getISOlist(), fill = 1) return(list(x = x, weight = NULL, description = "Malformed example", structure.spatial = "ABC", unit = "1")) } calcMalformedStruct2 <- function() { x <- new.magpie(getISOlist(), fill = 1) return(list(x = x, weight = NULL, description = "Malformed example", structure.temporal = "y[0-9]*", unit = "1")) } calcMatchingStruct <- function() { x <- new.magpie(getISOlist(), fill = 1) return(list(x = x, weight = NULL, description = "Malformed example", structure.spatial = "[A-Z]{3}", unit = "1")) } calcInfinite <- function() { x <- as.magpie(Inf) return(list(x = x, weight = NULL, description = "Malformed example", unit = "1")) } globalassign("calcMalformedISO", "calcMalformedMixed", "calcMalformedISO2", "calcMalformedISO3", "calcMalformedStruct", "calcMalformedStruct2", "calcMatchingStruct", "calcInfinite") expect_error(calcOutput("MalformedISO"), "isocountries must be a logical") expect_error(calcOutput("MalformedMixed"), "mixed_aggregation must be a logical") expect_error(calcOutput("MalformedISO2"), "Wrong number of countries") expect_error(calcOutput("MalformedISO3"), "Countries .* do not agree with iso country list") expect_warning(calcOutput("MalformedStruct"), "Invalid names") expect_warning(calcOutput("MalformedStruct2"), "Missing names") expect_silent(suppressMessages(calcOutput("MatchingStruct"))) cache <- cacheName("calc", "MatchingStruct") a <- readRDS(cache) getCells(a$x)[1] <- "BLA" saveRDS(a, cache) localConfig(verbosity = 2, .verbose = FALSE) expect_message(calcOutput("MatchingStruct"), "cache file corrupt") expect_warning(calcOutput("Infinite", aggregate = FALSE), "infinite values") })