R Under development (unstable) (2024-11-08 r87310 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > if(capabilities('long.double') && requireNamespace("tinytest", quietly=TRUE)){ + library(tinytest) + options(covr = FALSE) + data.table::setDTthreads(2) + test_package("maditr", remove_side_effects=FALSE) + data.table::setDTthreads(NULL) + } To select columns from data: columns(mtcars, mpg, vs:carb) Context: coalesce test_coalesce.R............... 0 tests test_coalesce.R............... 0 tests test_coalesce.R............... 0 tests test_coalesce.R............... 0 tests test_coalesce.R............... 1 tests OK test_coalesce.R............... 2 tests OK test_coalesce.R............... 2 tests OK test_coalesce.R............... 2 tests OK test_coalesce.R............... 3 tests OK 49ms Context: columns test_columns.R................ 0 tests test_columns.R................ 0 tests test_columns.R................ 0 tests test_columns.R................ 0 tests test_columns.R................ 1 tests OK test_columns.R................ 1 tests OK test_columns.R................ 1 tests OK test_columns.R................ 2 tests OK test_columns.R................ 2 tests OK test_columns.R................ 2 tests OK test_columns.R................ 2 tests OK test_columns.R................ 3 tests OK test_columns.R................ 3 tests OK test_columns.R................ 3 tests OK test_columns.R................ 3 tests OK test_columns.R................ 4 tests OK test_columns.R................ 4 tests OK test_columns.R................ 4 tests OK test_columns.R................ 5 tests OK test_columns.R................ 5 tests OK test_columns.R................ 6 tests OK test_columns.R................ 6 tests OK test_columns.R................ 7 tests OK test_columns.R................ 7 tests OK test_columns.R................ 8 tests OK test_columns.R................ 8 tests OK test_columns.R................ 9 tests OK test_columns.R................ 9 tests OK test_columns.R................ 10 tests OK test_columns.R................ 10 tests OK test_columns.R................ 11 tests OK test_columns.R................ 11 tests OK test_columns.R................ 11 tests OK test_columns.R................ 11 tests OK test_columns.R................ 12 tests OK test_columns.R................ 12 tests OK test_columns.R................ 13 tests OK test_columns.R................ 14 tests OK test_columns.R................ 14 tests OK test_columns.R................ 15 tests OK test_columns.R................ 16 tests OK test_columns.R................ 16 tests OK test_columns.R................ 17 tests OK test_columns.R................ 17 tests OK test_columns.R................ 18 tests OK test_columns.R................ 18 tests OK test_columns.R................ 19 tests OK test_columns.R................ 19 tests OK test_columns.R................ 20 tests OK test_columns.R................ 20 tests OK test_columns.R................ 21 tests OK test_columns.R................ 21 tests OK test_columns.R................ 22 tests OK test_columns.R................ 23 tests OK test_columns.R................ 24 tests OK test_columns.R................ 25 tests OK 53ms Context: cube, rollup and etc test_cube.R................... 0 tests test_cube.R................... 0 tests test_cube.R................... 0 tests test_cube.R................... 0 tests test_cube.R................... 0 tests test_cube.R................... 1 tests OK test_cube.R................... 2 tests OK test_cube.R................... 3 tests OK 46ms Context: dcast/melt test_dcast_melt.R............. 0 tests test_dcast_melt.R............. 0 tests test_dcast_melt.R............. 0 tests test_dcast_melt.R............. 0 tests test_dcast_melt.R............. 0 tests test_dcast_melt.R............. 1 tests OK test_dcast_melt.R............. 1 tests OK test_dcast_melt.R............. 2 tests OK test_dcast_melt.R............. 2 tests OK test_dcast_melt.R............. 3 tests OK test_dcast_melt.R............. 3 tests OK test_dcast_melt.R............. 4 tests OK test_dcast_melt.R............. 4 tests OK Using 'price' as value column. Use 'value.var' to override test_dcast_melt.R............. 4 tests OK test_dcast_melt.R............. 5 tests OK Using 'price' as value column. Use 'value.var' to override test_dcast_melt.R............. 5 tests OK test_dcast_melt.R............. 6 tests OK test_dcast_melt.R............. 6 tests OK Using 'price' as value column. Use 'value.var' to override test_dcast_melt.R............. 6 tests OK test_dcast_melt.R............. 7 tests OK Using 'price' as value column. Use 'value.var' to override test_dcast_melt.R............. 7 tests OK test_dcast_melt.R............. 8 tests OK 24ms test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 0 tests Context: verbs errors test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 0 tests test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 1 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 2 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 3 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 4 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 5 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 6 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 7 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 8 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 9 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 10 tests OK Context: dt_mutate test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 10 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 10 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 10 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 10 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 10 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 10 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 11 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 12 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 13 tests OK Context: summarize/summarize_all test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 13 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 13 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 13 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 13 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 13 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 14 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 15 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 15 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 15 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 15 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 16 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 17 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 17 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 17 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 17 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 17 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 18 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 19 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 19 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 19 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 19 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 19 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 20 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 21 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 21 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 21 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 21 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 21 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 22 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 23 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 23 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 23 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 23 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 23 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 24 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 25 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 25 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 25 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 25 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 25 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 25 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 25 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 25 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 25 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 26 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 27 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 27 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 27 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 27 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 27 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 28 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 29 tests OK Context: dt_filter test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 29 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 29 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 29 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 29 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 30 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 31 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 31 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 31 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 32 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 32 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 32 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 32 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 32 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 33 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 33 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 33 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 33 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 33 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 34 tests OK Context: dt_select test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 34 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 34 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 34 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 34 tests OK test_dplyr_verbs.R............ 35 tests OK 60ms Context: dt_join_* test_join.R................... 0 tests test_join.R................... 0 tests test_join.R................... 0 tests test_join.R................... 0 tests test_join.R................... 0 tests test_join.R................... 1 tests OK test_join.R................... 2 tests OK test_join.R................... 3 tests OK test_join.R................... 4 tests OK test_join.R................... 5 tests OK test_join.R................... 6 tests OK test_join.R................... 7 tests OK test_join.R................... 8 tests OK test_join.R................... 9 tests OK test_join.R................... 10 tests OK dt_inner_join: joining, by = "name" test_join.R................... 10 tests OK test_join.R................... 10 tests OK test_join.R................... 11 tests OK dt_left_join: joining, by = "name" test_join.R................... 11 tests OK test_join.R................... 11 tests OK test_join.R................... 12 tests OK dt_right_join: joining, by = "name" test_join.R................... 12 tests OK test_join.R................... 12 tests OK test_join.R................... 13 tests OK dt_full_join: joining, by = "name" test_join.R................... 13 tests OK test_join.R................... 13 tests OK test_join.R................... 14 tests OK dt_anti_join: joining, by = "name" test_join.R................... 14 tests OK test_join.R................... 14 tests OK test_join.R................... 15 tests OK dt_semi_join: joining, by = "name" test_join.R................... 15 tests OK test_join.R................... 15 tests OK test_join.R................... 16 tests OK test_join.R................... 16 tests OK test_join.R................... 16 tests OK test_join.R................... 17 tests OK test_join.R................... 17 tests OK test_join.R................... 17 tests OK test_join.R................... 17 tests OK test_join.R................... 18 tests OK test_join.R................... 18 tests OK test_join.R................... 18 tests OK test_join.R................... 19 tests OK test_join.R................... 19 tests OK test_join.R................... 19 tests OK test_join.R................... 20 tests OK test_join.R................... 20 tests OK test_join.R................... 20 tests OK test_join.R................... 20 tests OK test_join.R................... 20 tests OK test_join.R................... 21 tests OK test_join.R................... 21 tests OK test_join.R................... 21 tests OK test_join.R................... 22 tests OK test_join.R................... 22 tests OK test_join.R................... 22 tests OK test_join.R................... 22 tests OK test_join.R................... 22 tests OK test_join.R................... 23 tests OK test_join.R................... 23 tests OK test_join.R................... 23 tests OK test_join.R................... 24 tests OK test_join.R................... 24 tests OK test_join.R................... 24 tests OK test_join.R................... 24 tests OK test_join.R................... 24 tests OK test_join.R................... 25 tests OK test_join.R................... 25 tests OK test_join.R................... 25 tests OK test_join.R................... 25 tests OK test_join.R................... 26 tests OK test_join.R................... 26 tests OK test_join.R................... 26 tests OK test_join.R................... 27 tests OK test_join.R................... 27 tests OK test_join.R................... 27 tests OK test_join.R................... 28 tests OK 73ms Context: let_all test_let_all.R................ 0 tests test_let_all.R................ 0 tests test_let_all.R................ 0 tests test_let_all.R................ 0 tests test_let_all.R................ 0 tests test_let_all.R................ 0 tests test_let_all.R................ 1 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 2 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 2 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 3 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 3 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 4 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 4 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 4 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 4 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 5 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 5 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 5 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 5 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 6 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 6 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 6 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 6 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 7 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 7 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 8 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 8 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 9 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 9 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 10 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 10 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 11 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 11 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 12 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 12 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 13 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 13 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 14 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 14 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 15 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 15 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 16 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 16 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 17 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 17 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 17 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 18 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 18 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 18 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 18 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 19 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 19 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 20 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 20 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 21 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 21 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 21 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 21 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 21 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 21 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 21 tests OK test_let_all.R................ 22 tests OK 0.2s Context: take selectors test_selectors.R.............. 0 tests test_selectors.R.............. 0 tests test_selectors.R.............. 0 tests test_selectors.R.............. 1 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 2 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 3 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 4 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 4 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 4 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 5 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 6 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 7 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 8 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 8 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 9 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 10 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 11 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 12 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 13 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 14 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 15 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 16 tests OK Context: take_if selectors test_selectors.R.............. 16 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 16 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 17 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 18 tests OK Context: take_if selectors inside fun test_selectors.R.............. 18 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 18 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 18 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 19 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 20 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 20 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 20 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 21 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 21 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 22 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 22 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 23 tests OK ****** Context: let selectors ******* test_selectors.R.............. 23 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 23 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 23 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 24 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 24 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 25 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 25 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 26 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 26 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 27 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 27 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 28 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 28 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 28 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 29 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 29 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 30 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 30 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 31 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 31 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 32 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 32 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 33 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 33 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 34 tests OK Context: let_if selectors test_selectors.R.............. 34 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 34 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 34 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 35 tests OK Context: let_if selectors inside fun test_selectors.R.............. 35 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 35 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 35 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 36 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 37 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 37 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 37 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 38 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 38 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 39 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 39 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 40 tests OK Context: let selectors LHS test_selectors.R.............. 40 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 40 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 40 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 40 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 40 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 41 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 41 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 41 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 41 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 42 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 42 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 42 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 43 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 43 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 43 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 44 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 44 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 44 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 45 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 45 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 45 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 46 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 46 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 46 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 47 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 47 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 47 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 48 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 49 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 50 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 50 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 50 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 51 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 51 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 51 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 52 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 52 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 52 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 53 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 53 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 53 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 53 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 53 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 54 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 54 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 54 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 55 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 55 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 55 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 56 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 56 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 56 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 57 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 57 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 57 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 58 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 58 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 58 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 59 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 59 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 59 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 60 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 60 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 60 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 61 tests OK test_selectors.R.............. 62 tests OK 0.2s Context: take_all test_take_all.R............... 0 tests test_take_all.R............... 0 tests test_take_all.R............... 0 tests test_take_all.R............... 0 tests test_take_all.R............... 1 tests OK test_take_all.R............... 2 tests OK test_take_all.R............... 3 tests OK test_take_all.R............... 4 tests OK test_take_all.R............... 5 tests OK test_take_all.R............... 6 tests OK test_take_all.R............... 7 tests OK test_take_all.R............... 8 tests OK test_take_all.R............... 9 tests OK test_take_all.R............... 10 tests OK test_take_all.R............... 11 tests OK test_take_all.R............... 12 tests OK test_take_all.R............... 13 tests OK test_take_all.R............... 14 tests OK test_take_all.R............... 15 tests OK test_take_all.R............... 15 tests OK test_take_all.R............... 15 tests OK test_take_all.R............... 15 tests OK test_take_all.R............... 16 tests OK test_take_all.R............... 16 tests OK test_take_all.R............... 17 tests OK test_take_all.R............... 17 tests OK test_take_all.R............... 18 tests OK 91ms Context: text_expand test_text_expand.R............ 0 tests test_text_expand.R............ 0 tests test_text_expand.R............ 1 tests OK test_text_expand.R............ 2 tests OK test_text_expand.R............ 3 tests OK test_text_expand.R............ 4 tests OK test_text_expand.R............ 5 tests OK test_text_expand.R............ 6 tests OK test_text_expand.R............ 7 tests OK test_text_expand.R............ 8 tests OK test_text_expand.R............ 9 tests OK test_text_expand.R............ 9 tests OK test_text_expand.R............ 10 tests OK test_text_expand.R............ 10 tests OK test_text_expand.R............ 11 tests OK test_text_expand.R............ 12 tests OK test_text_expand.R............ 12 tests OK test_text_expand.R............ 13 tests OK test_text_expand.R............ 13 tests OK test_text_expand.R............ 14 tests OK test_text_expand.R............ 14 tests OK test_text_expand.R............ 15 tests OK test_text_expand.R............ 16 tests OK 14ms Context: to_list test_to_list.R................ 0 tests test_to_list.R................ 1 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 1 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 2 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 3 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 4 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 5 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 6 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 7 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 8 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 9 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 10 tests OK Context: to_vec test_to_list.R................ 10 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 11 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 12 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 13 tests OK Context: to_df test_to_list.R................ 13 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 13 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 14 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 15 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 16 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 17 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 18 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 18 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 19 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 20 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 21 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 22 tests OK Context: to_list scoping test_to_list.R................ 22 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 22 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 23 tests OK Context: to_list nested test_to_list.R................ 23 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 23 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 23 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 24 tests OK test_to_list.R................ 24 tests OK 22ms Context: to_long test_to_wide.R................ 0 tests test_to_wide.R................ 0 tests test_to_wide.R................ 0 tests test_to_wide.R................ 0 tests test_to_wide.R................ 0 tests test_to_wide.R................ 1 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 2 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 3 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 4 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 5 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 6 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 7 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 7 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 8 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 9 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 9 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 10 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 10 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 11 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 11 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 12 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 12 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 13 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 14 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 15 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 16 tests OK Context: to_wide test_to_wide.R................ 16 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 16 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 16 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 16 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 17 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 18 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 19 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 20 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 21 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 22 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 22 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 23 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 24 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 25 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 26 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 27 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 27 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 28 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 29 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 30 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 31 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 31 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 31 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 31 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 32 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 33 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 33 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 34 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 35 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 35 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 36 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 37 tests OK test_to_wide.R................ 38 tests OK 0.2s Context: dt_count test_utils.R.................. 0 tests test_utils.R.................. 0 tests test_utils.R.................. 1 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 2 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 3 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 4 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 5 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 6 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 6 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 6 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 7 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 8 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 9 tests OK Context: dt_add_count test_utils.R.................. 9 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 9 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 10 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 11 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 12 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 13 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 13 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 13 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 13 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 14 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 15 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 16 tests OK Context: dt_top_n test_utils.R.................. 16 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 16 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 17 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 18 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 19 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 19 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 20 tests OK test_utils.R.................. 21 tests OK Context: copy test_utils.R.................. 21 tests OK 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