context("lwgeom") test_that("st_make_valid works", { library(sf) x = st_sfc(st_polygon(list(rbind(c(0,0),c(0.5,0),c(0.5,0.5),c(0.5,0),c(1,0),c(1,1),c(0,1),c(0,0))))) fls = suppressWarnings(sf::st_is_valid(x, FALSE)) expect_false(fls) y = st_make_valid(x) expect_true(st_is_valid(y)) expect_true(st_is_valid(st_make_valid(x[[1]]))) expect_true(st_is_valid(lwgeom_make_valid(x))) expect_true(st_is_valid(st_make_valid(st_sf(a = 1, geom = x)))) expect_equal(lwgeom::st_geohash(st_sfc(st_point(c(1.5,3.5)), st_point(c(0,90))), 2), c( "s0","up")) expect_equal(lwgeom::st_geohash(st_sfc(st_point(c(1.5,3.5)), st_point(c(0,90))), 10), c("s095fjhkbx","upbpbpbpbp")) l = st_as_sfc('MULTILINESTRING((10 10, 190 190), (15 15, 30 30, 100 90))') pt = st_sfc(st_point(c(30,30))) expect_silent(lwgeom::st_split(l, pt)) # sfc expect_silent(lwgeom::st_split(l[[1]], pt)) # sfg expect_silent(lwgeom::st_split(st_sf(a = 1, geom = l), pt)) # sf # : p1 = st_point(c(7,52)) geom.sf = st_sfc(p1, crs = 4326) x <- st_transform_proj(geom.sf, "+proj=wintri") if (sf_extSoftVersion()["proj.4"] >= "6.0.0") { x2 <- st_transform_proj(geom.sf, c("EPSG:4326", "+proj=wintri")) } x3 <- st_transform_proj(geom.sf, st_crs(3857)) p = st_crs(4326)$proj4string x <- st_transform_proj(structure(geom.sf[[1]], proj4string = p), "+proj=wintri") nc = st_read(system.file("gpkg/nc.gpkg", package="sf"), quiet = TRUE) st_transform_proj(nc[1,], "+proj=wintri +over") lwgeom_extSoftVersion() }) #test_that("st_minimum_bounding_circle works", { # library(sf) # x = st_multipoint(matrix(c(0,1,0,1),2,2)) # y = st_multipoint(matrix(c(0,0,1,0,1,1),3,2)) # plot(st_minimum_bounding_circle(x), axes=TRUE); plot(x, add=TRUE) # plot(st_minimum_bounding_circle(y), axes=TRUE); plot(y, add=TRUE) # nc = st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf"), quiet = TRUE) # state = st_union(st_geometry(nc)) # st_minimum_bounding_circle(state) # st_minimum_bounding_circle(st_sf(st = "nc", geom = state)) #}) test_that("st_subdivide works", { library(sf) x = st_read(system.file("gpkg/nc.gpkg", package="sf"), quiet = TRUE) expect_silent(st_subdivide(x, 10)) expect_silent(st_subdivide(st_geometry(x), 10)) expect_silent(st_subdivide(st_geometry(x)[[1]], 10)) }) test_that("st_snap_to_grid_works", { # make data library(sf) x = st_read(system.file("gpkg/nc.gpkg", package="sf"), quiet = TRUE) %>% st_transform(3395) # snap to grid err <- try(y1 <- st_snap_to_grid(x, 5000), silent = TRUE) if (inherits(err, "try-error")) # not available in liblwgeom < 2.5.0 skip("snap_to_grid not available in this liblwgeom version") y2 = st_snap_to_grid(st_geometry(x), 5000) y3 = st_snap_to_grid(st_geometry(x)[[1]], 5000) # check that output class match inputs expect_is(y1, "sf") expect_is(y2, "sfc") expect_is(y3, "sfg") # check that outputs contain correct number of geometries expect_equal(nrow(x), nrow(y1)) expect_equal(nrow(x), length(y2)) # check that outputs have correct crs expect_equal(st_crs(x), st_crs(y1)) expect_equal(st_crs(x), st_crs(y2)) # check that outputs have been snapped correctly, # i.e. the coordinates of the geometries divided by the tolerance (5000) # should not yield a remainder y1_m <-, lapply(st_cast(st_geometry(y1), "MULTIPOINT"), as.matrix)) expect_true(all(c(y1_m %% 5000) == 0)) y2_m <-, lapply(st_cast(y2, "MULTIPOINT"), as.matrix)) expect_true(all(c(y2_m %% 5000) == 0)) expect_true(all(c(as.matrix(st_cast(y3, "MULTIPOINT")) %% 5000) == 0)) }) #test_that("st_transform_proj finds sf's PROJ files", { # # skip_on_os("mac") # FIXME: in sf rather than here # library(sf) # nc <- st_read(system.file("gpkg/nc.gpkg", package="sf"), quiet = TRUE) # bb1 = st_bbox(nc) # bb2 = st_bbox(st_transform(nc, "+proj=longlat")) # bb3 = st_bbox(st_transform_proj(nc, "+proj=longlat")) # bb4 = st_bbox(st_transform_proj(nc, st_crs(4326)$proj4string)) # # expect_false(any(bb1 == bb2)) # # expect_true(all.equal(as.numeric(bb2), as.numeric(bb3))) # # expect_true(all.equal(as.numeric(bb4), as.numeric(bb3))) #}) test_that("st_linesubstring warns on 4326", { library(sf) lines = st_sfc(st_linestring(rbind(c(0,0), c(1,2), c(2,0))), crs = 4326) library(lwgeom) expect_warning(spl <- st_linesubstring(lines, 0.2, 0.8)) expect_silent(spl <- st_linesubstring(lines[[1]], 0.2, 0.8)) # sfg has no crs expect_warning(spl <- st_linesubstring(st_sf(lines), 0.2, 0.8)) plot(st_geometry(lines), col = 'red', lwd = 3) plot(spl, col = 'black', lwd = 3, add = TRUE) }) #test_that("st_startpoint works", { # library(sf) # library(lwgeom) # sp = st_startpoint(st_sfc(st_linestring(matrix(1:10,,2)), st_linestring(matrix(3:12,,2)),crs=4326)) #}) test_that("st_wrap_x works", { library(sf) library(lwgeom) nc <- st_read(system.file("gpkg/nc.gpkg", package="sf"), quiet = TRUE) splitline <- -78 offset <- 10 x <- st_wrap_x(nc, splitline, offset) expect_equal(nrow(x), nrow(nc)) expect_equal(st_bbox(x)$xmin, splitline, check.attributes = FALSE) expect_equal(st_bbox(x)$xmax, splitline + offset, check.attributes = FALSE) })