test_that("is.POSIXt works as expected", { expect_false(is.POSIXt(234)) expect_true(is.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2008-08-03 13:01:59", tz = "UTC"))) expect_true(is.POSIXt(as.POSIXlt("2008-08-03 13:01:59", tz = "UTC"))) expect_false(is.POSIXt(Sys.Date())) expect_false(is.POSIXt(minutes(1))) expect_false(is.POSIXt(dminutes(1))) expect_false(is.POSIXt(interval( as.POSIXct("2008-08-03 13:01:59", tz = "UTC"), as.POSIXct("2009-08-03 13:01:59", tz = "UTC") ))) }) test_that("is.POSIXt handles vectors", { expect_true(is.POSIXt(c( as.POSIXct("2008-08-03 13:01:59", tz = "UTC"), as.POSIXct("2009-08-03 13:01:59", tz = "UTC") ))) }) test_that("c.POSIXct deals correctly with heterogeneous date-time classes", { d <- make_date(2000, 1, 1) dt <- make_datetime(2000, 1, 1, tz = "Europe/Berlin") expect_equal(c(dt, d), make_datetime(c(2000, 2000), 1, 1, tz = "Europe/Berlin")) expect_equal(c(dt, list(d)), make_datetime(c(2000, 2000), 1, 1, tz = "Europe/Berlin")) expect_equal(c(dt, list(d, list(d))), make_datetime(c(2000, 2000, 2000), 1, 1, tz = "Europe/Berlin")) dt <- make_datetime(2000, 1, 1, tz = "UTC") expect_equal(c(dt, d), make_datetime(c(2000, 2000), 1, 1, tz = "UTC")) ct <- as.POSIXct("1999-01-01 01:02:03", tz = "America/New_York") lt <- as.POSIXlt("2001-01-30 01:02:03", tz = "Europe/Berlin") expect_equal(c(ct, lt), ymd_hms(c("1999-01-01 01:02:03", "2001-01-29 19:02:03"), tz = "America/New_York")) expect_equal(c(lt, ct), as.POSIXlt(ymd_hms(c("2001-01-30 01:02:03", "1999-01-01 07:02:03"), tz = "Europe/Berlin"))) }) test_that("c.POSIXct deals correctly with empty vectors", { expect_equal(c(POSIXct()), POSIXct()) expect_equal(c(POSIXct(), POSIXct()), POSIXct()) expect_equal(c(POSIXct(), Date()), POSIXct()) expect_equal(c(POSIXct(tz = "America/New_York")), POSIXct(tz = "America/New_York")) expect_equal( c(ymd("2021-01-01", tz = "America/New_York"), NULL, c()), ymd("2021-01-01", tz = "America/New_York") ) expect_equal( c( ymd("2021-01-01", tz = "America/New_York"), POSIXct(), ymd("2021-01-02", tz = "America/New_York") ), ymd(c("2021-01-01", "2021-01-02"), tz = "America/New_York") ) expect_equal( c(ymd("2021-01-01", tz = "UTC"), POSIXct(), ymd("2021-01-02"), NULL), ymd(c("2021-01-01", "2021-01-02"), tz = "UTC") ) }) # as_datetime ------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("converts numeric", { dt <- as_datetime(0) expect_s3_class(dt, "POSIXct") expect_equal(tz(dt), "UTC") expect_equal(unclass(dt)[[1]], 0) }) test_that("converts date", { dt <- as_datetime(as.Date("1970-01-01")) expect_s3_class(dt, "POSIXct") expect_equal(tz(dt), "UTC") expect_equal(unclass(dt)[[1]], 0) }) test_that("as_datetime.Date respects tz and sets HMS to 00:00:00", { d <- ymd(c("2000-01-01", "2020-10-10")) expect_equal( as_datetime(d, tz = "Europe/Berlin"), ymd(c("2000-01-01", "2020-10-10"), tz = "Europe/Berlin") ) expect_equal( as_datetime(d), ymd(c("2000-01-01", "2020-10-10"), tz = "UTC") ) }) test_that("converts character", { chars <- c("2017-03-22T15:48:00.000Z", "2017-03-01 0:0:0", "2017-03-01 0:0:0.23", "2017-03-01 0:0:0.23") dt <- as_datetime(chars) expect_s3_class(dt, "POSIXct") expect_equal(tz(dt), "UTC") expect_equal(dt, ymd_hms(chars)) expect_equal(suppressMessages(as_datetime(chars, tz = "Europe/Amsterdam")), ymd_hms(chars, tz = "Europe/Amsterdam", quiet = TRUE)) }) test_that("as_datetime parses partial time-dates identically as as.POSIXct would", { expected <- c( as.POSIXct(c("2009-05-10", "2009-05-10"), tz="UTC"), as.POSIXct(c("2009-05-10 23:00:00", "2009-05-10 23:00:00"), tz="UTC"), as.POSIXct(c("2009-05-10 23:59:00", "2009-05-10 23:59:00"), tz="UTC"), as.POSIXct(c("2009-05-10 23:59:20", "2009-05-10 23:59:20"), tz="UTC"), as.POSIXct(c("2009-05-10 20:59:20", "2009-05-10 20:59:20"), tz="UTC")) actual <- as_datetime( c("09-05-10", "2009-05-10", "09-05-10 23", "2009-05-10 23", "09-05-10 23:59", "2009-05-10 23:59", "09-05-10 23:59:20", "2009-05-10 23:59:20", "09-05-10 23:59:20+0300", "2009-05-10 23:59:20+0300")) expect_equal(actual, expected) expected2 <- force_tz(expected, tzone = "America/New_York") actual2 <- suppressMessages(as_datetime( c("09-05-10", "2009-05-10", "09-05-10 23", "2009-05-10 23", "09-05-10 23:59", "2009-05-10 23:59", "09-05-10 23:59:20", "2009-05-10 23:59:20", "09-05-10 23:59:20-0100", "2009-05-10 23:59:20-0100"), tz="America/New_York")) expect_equal(actual2, expected2) }) test_that("changes timezone of POSIXct", { dt <- as_datetime(make_datetime(tz = "America/Chicago"), tz = "UTC") expect_equal(tz(dt), "UTC") }) test_that("addition of large seconds doesn't overflow", { from_period <- origin + seconds(2^31 + c(-2:2)) from_char <- ymd_hms(c( "2038-01-19 03:14:06", "2038-01-19 03:14:07", "2038-01-19 03:14:08", "2038-01-19 03:14:09", "2038-01-19 03:14:10" )) expect_equal(from_period, from_char) }) test_that("as_datetime works correctly", { x <- c( "17-01-20", "2017-01-20 01:02:03", "2017-03-22T15:48:00.000Z", "2017-01-20", "2017-01-20 01:02:03", "2017-03-22T15:48:00.000Z" ) y <- c( "2017-01-20 00:00:00 UTC", "2017-01-20 01:02:03 UTC", "2017-03-22 15:48:00 UTC", "2017-01-20 00:00:00 UTC", "2017-01-20 01:02:03 UTC", "2017-03-22 15:48:00 UTC" ) zns <- c(3, 6) putc <- ymd_hms(y) pus <- ymd_hms(y[-zns], tz = "America/Chicago") expect_equal(as_datetime(x), putc) expect_equal(as_datetime(x[-zns], tz = "America/Chicago"), pus) for (i in seq_along(x)) { expect_equal(as_datetime(x[[i]]), putc[[i]]) } for (i in seq_along(pus)) { expect_equal(as_datetime(x[-zns][[i]], tz = "America/Chicago"), pus[[i]]) } }) test_that("as_datetime() always returns POSIXct", { expect_s3_class(as_datetime("2010-01-01"), "POSIXct") expect_s3_class(as_datetime("2010-01-01", format = "%Y-%m-%d"), "POSIXct") })