* using log directory 'd:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lsirm12pl.Rcheck' * using R Under development (unstable) (2024-07-26 r86926 ucrt) * using platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32 * R was compiled by gcc.exe (GCC) 13.2.0 GNU Fortran (GCC) 13.2.0 * running under: Windows Server 2022 x64 (build 20348) * using session charset: UTF-8 * checking for file 'lsirm12pl/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * checking extension type ... Package * this is package 'lsirm12pl' version '1.3.0' * package encoding: UTF-8 * checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... [11s] WARNING Maintainer: 'Jina Park ' Insufficient package version (submitted: 1.3.0, existing: 1.3.1) The Date field is over a month old. * checking package namespace information ... OK * checking package dependencies ... OK * checking if this is a source package ... OK * checking if there is a namespace ... OK * checking for hidden files and directories ... OK * checking for portable file names ... OK * checking serialization versions ... OK * checking whether package 'lsirm12pl' can be installed ... OK * used C++ compiler: 'g++.exe (GCC) 13.2.0' * checking installed package size ... OK * checking package directory ... OK * checking for future file timestamps ... OK * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * checking top-level files ... OK * checking for left-over files ... OK * checking index information ... OK * checking package subdirectories ... OK * checking code files for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking R files for syntax errors ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking loading without being on the library search path ... OK * checking use of S3 registration ... OK * checking dependencies in R code ... OK * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING print: function(x, ...) print.summary.lsirm: function(object, ...) summary: function(object, ...) summary.lsirm: function(object, chain.idx, estimate, CI) plot: function(x, ...) plot.lsirm: function(object, option, rotation, cluster, which.clust, interact, chain.idx, ...) See section 'Generic functions and methods' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual. * checking replacement functions ... OK * checking foreign function calls ... OK * checking R code for possible problems ... [45s] NOTE diagnostic.lsirm: no visible binding for global variable 'iteration' diagnostic.lsirm: no visible binding for global variable 'var1' diagnostic.lsirm: no visible binding for global variable 'Chain' diagnostic.lsirm: no visible binding for global variable 'Lag' diagnostic.lsirm: no visible binding for global variable 'ACF' diagnostic.lsirm: no visible global function definition for 'pdf' diagnostic.lsirm: no visible global function definition for 'dev.off' diagnostic.lsirm: no visible binding for global variable 'Type' diagnostic.lsirm: no visible binding for global variable 'Iteration' diagnostic.lsirm: no visible binding for global variable 'PSRF' gof.lsirm: no visible global function definition for 'stack' make_prob: no visible global function definition for 'rbinom' plot.lsirm : : no visible global function definition for 'dist' plot.lsirm : : no visible global function definition for 'kmeans' Undefined global functions or variables: ACF Chain Iteration Lag PSRF Type dev.off dist iteration kmeans pdf rbinom stack var1 Consider adding importFrom("grDevices", "dev.off", "pdf") importFrom("stats", "dist", "kmeans", "rbinom") importFrom("utils", "stack") to your NAMESPACE file. * checking Rd files ... OK * checking Rd metadata ... OK * checking Rd line widths ... NOTE Rd file 'lsirm1pl.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: lsirm1pl(data, spikenslab = FALSE, fixed_gamma = FALSE, missing_data = NA, chains = 1, multicore = 1, seed = NA, pr_mean_beta = 0, pr_sd_beta = 1, pr_mean_theta = 0, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001, ...) \examples lines wider than 100 characters: # Using the 'lsirm' function, the output is an object of class 'lsirm', enabling the application of additional methods. Rd file 'lsirm1pl_fixed_gamma_mar.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: lsirm1pl_fixed_gamma_mar(data, ndim = 2, niter = 15000, nburn = 2500, nthin = 5, nprint = 500, pr_mean_beta = 0, pr_sd_beta = 1.0, pr_mean_theta = 0, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001, missing.val = 9 ... [TRUNCATED] Rd file 'lsirm1pl_fixed_gamma_mcar.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: lsirm1pl_fixed_gamma_mcar(data, ndim = 2, niter = 15000, nburn = 2500, nthin = 5, nprint = 500, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001, missing.val = 99, verbose=FALSE) Rd file 'lsirm1pl_mar.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1, jump_gamma = 0.025, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_mean_gamma = 0.5, pr_sd_gamma = 1, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001, missing.val = 99, verbose=FALSE) Rd file 'lsirm1pl_mar_ss.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1.0, jump_gamma = 1, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_spike_mean = -3, pr_spike_sd = 1.0, pr_slab_mean = 0.5, pr_slab_sd = 1.0, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001, pr_xi_a = 1, pr_xi_b = 1, missing.val = 99, verbose=FALSE) Rd file 'lsirm1pl_mcar.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1.0, jump_gamma = 0.025, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_mean_beta = 0, pr_sd_beta = 1.0, pr_mean_theta = 0, pr_mean_gamma = 0.5, pr_sd_gamma = 1.0, Rd file 'lsirm1pl_mcar_ss.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1.0, jump_gamma = 1, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_spike_mean = -3, pr_spike_sd = 1.0, pr_slab_mean = 0.5, pr_slab_sd = 1.0, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001, pr_xi_a = 1, pr_xi_b = 1, missing.val = 99, verbose=FALSE) Rd file 'lsirm1pl_normal_fixed_gamma.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: lsirm1pl_normal_fixed_gamma(data, ndim = 2, niter = 15000, nburn = 2500, nthin = 5, nprint = 500, Rd file 'lsirm1pl_normal_fixed_gamma_mar.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: lsirm1pl_normal_fixed_gamma_mar(data, ndim = 2, niter = 15000, nburn = 2500, nthin = 5, nprint = 500, jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1.0, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_a_eps = 0.001, pr_b_eps = 0.001, missing.val = 99, verbose=FALSE) Rd file 'lsirm1pl_normal_fixed_gamma_mcar.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: lsirm1pl_normal_fixed_gamma_mcar(data, ndim = 2, niter = 15000, nburn = 2500, nthin = 5, nprint = 500, jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1.0, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_a_eps = 0.001, pr_b_eps = 0.001, missing.val = 99, verbose=FALSE) Rd file 'lsirm1pl_normal_mar.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1.0, jump_gamma = 1.0, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_mean_beta = 0, pr_sd_beta = 1.0, pr_mean_theta = 0, pr_mean_gamma = 0.5, pr_sd_gamma =1.0, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001, pr_a_eps = 0.001, pr_b_eps = 0.001, missing.val = 99, verbose=FALSE) Rd file 'lsirm1pl_normal_mar_ss.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: lsirm1pl_normal_mar_ss(data, ndim = 2, niter = 15000, nburn = 2500, nthin = 5, nprint = 500, jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1.0, jump_gamma = 1.0, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_spike_mean = -3, pr_spike_sd = 1.0, pr_slab_mean = 0.5, pr_slab_sd = 1.0, Rd file 'lsirm1pl_normal_mcar.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1.0, jump_gamma = 1.0, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_mean_beta = 0, pr_sd_beta = 1.0, pr_mean_theta = 0, pr_mean_gamma = 0.5, pr_sd_gamma =1.0, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001, pr_a_eps = 0.001, pr_b_eps = 0.001, missing.val = 99, verbose=FALSE) Rd file 'lsirm1pl_normal_mcar_ss.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: lsirm1pl_normal_mcar_ss(data, ndim = 2, niter = 15000, nburn = 2500, nthin = 5, nprint = 500, jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1.0, jump_gamma = 1.0, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_spike_mean = -3, pr_spike_sd = 1.0, pr_slab_mean = 0.5, pr_slab_sd = 1.0, Rd file 'lsirm1pl_normal_o.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1.0, jump_gamma = 1.0, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_mean_beta = 0, pr_sd_beta = 1.0, pr_mean_theta = 0, pr_mean_gamma = 0.5, pr_sd_gamma =1.0, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001, pr_a_eps = 0.001, pr_b_eps = 0.001, verbose=FALSE) Rd file 'lsirm1pl_normal_ss.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1.0, jump_gamma = 1.0, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_spike_mean = -3, pr_spike_sd = 1.0, pr_slab_mean = 0.5, pr_slab_sd = 1.0, Rd file 'lsirm1pl_o.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1, jump_gamma = 0.025, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_mean_gamma = 0.5, pr_sd_gamma = 1, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001, verbose=FALSE) Rd file 'lsirm1pl_ss.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1.0, jump_gamma = 1.0, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001, pr_xi_a = 1, pr_xi_b = 1, verbose=FALSE) Rd file 'lsirm2pl.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: lsirm2pl(data, spikenslab = FALSE, fixed_gamma = FALSE, missing_data = NA, chains = 1, multicore = 1, seed = NA, pr_mean_alpha = 0.5, pr_sd_alpha = 1, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001, ...) \examples lines wider than 100 characters: # Using the 'lsirm' function, the output is an object of class 'lsirm', enabling the application of additional methods. Rd file 'lsirm2pl_fixed_gamma.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1, jump_alpha = 1.0, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_mean_alpha = 0.5, pr_sd_alpha = 1, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001, verbose=FALSE) Rd file 'lsirm2pl_fixed_gamma_mar.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: lsirm2pl_fixed_gamma_mar(data, ndim = 2, niter = 15000, nburn = 2500, nthin = 5, nprint = 500, jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1, jump_alpha = 1.0, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_mean_alpha = 0.5, pr_sd_alpha = 1, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001, Rd file 'lsirm2pl_fixed_gamma_mcar.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: lsirm2pl_fixed_gamma_mcar(data, ndim = 2, niter = 15000, nburn = 2500, nthin = 5, nprint = 500, jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1, jump_alpha = 1.0, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_mean_alpha = 0.5, pr_sd_alpha = 1, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001, Rd file 'lsirm2pl_mar.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1, jump_alpha = 1.0, jump_gamma = 0.025, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_mean_beta = 0, pr_sd_beta = 1, pr_mean_theta = 0, pr_mean_gamma = 0.5, pr_sd_gamma = 1, Rd file 'lsirm2pl_mar_ss.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1.0, jump_alpha = 1.0, jump_gamma = 1.0, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_spike_mean = -3, pr_spike_sd = 1.0, pr_slab_mean = 0.5, pr_slab_sd = 1.0 , Rd file 'lsirm2pl_mcar.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1, jump_alpha = 1.0, jump_gamma = 0.025, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_mean_beta = 0, pr_sd_beta = 1, pr_mean_theta = 0, pr_mean_gamma = 0.5, pr_sd_gamma = 1, pr_mean_alpha = 0.5, pr_sd_alpha = 1, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001, Rd file 'lsirm2pl_mcar_ss.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1.0, jump_alpha = 1.0, jump_gamma = 1.0, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_spike_mean = -3, pr_spike_sd = 1.0, pr_slab_mean = 0.5, pr_slab_sd = 1.0 , jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1.0, jump_alpha = 1.0, jump_gamma = 1.0, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_spike_mean = -3, pr_spike_sd = 1.0, pr_slab_mean = 0.5, pr_slab_sd = 1.0 , Rd file 'lsirm2pl_normal_fixed_gamma.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: lsirm2pl_normal_fixed_gamma(data, ndim = 2, niter = 15000, nburn = 2500, nthin = 5, nprint = 500, jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1.0, jump_alpha = 1.0, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001,pr_a_eps = 0.001, pr_b_eps = 0.001, verbose=FALSE) Rd file 'lsirm2pl_normal_fixed_gamma_mar.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: lsirm2pl_normal_fixed_gamma_mar(data, ndim = 2, niter = 15000, nburn = 2500, nthin = 5, nprint = 500, jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1.0, jump_alpha = 1.0, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001,pr_a_eps = 0.001, pr_b_eps = 0.001, missing.val = 99, verbose=FA ... [TRUNCATED] Rd file 'lsirm2pl_normal_fixed_gamma_mcar.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: lsirm2pl_normal_fixed_gamma_mcar(data, ndim = 2, niter = 15000, nburn = 2500, nthin = 5, nprint = 500, jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1.0, jump_alpha = 1.0, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001,pr_a_eps = 0.001, pr_b_eps = 0.001, missing.val = 99, verbose=F ... [TRUNCATED] Rd file 'lsirm2pl_normal_mar.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1.0, jump_alpha = 1.0, jump_gamma = 1.0, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001,pr_a_eps = 0.001, pr_b_eps = 0.001, Rd file 'lsirm2pl_normal_mar_ss.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: lsirm2pl_normal_mar_ss(data, ndim = 2, niter = 15000, nburn = 2500, nthin = 5, nprint = 500, jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1.0, jump_alpha = 1.0, jump_gamma = 1.0, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_spike_mean = -3, pr_spike_sd = 1.0, pr_slab_mean = 0.5, pr_slab_sd = 1.0, pr_a_eps = 0.001, pr_b_eps = 0.001, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001, pr_xi_a = 0.001, pr_xi_b = 0.001, Rd file 'lsirm2pl_normal_mcar.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1.0, jump_alpha = 1.0, jump_gamma = 1.0, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001,pr_a_eps = 0.001, pr_b_eps = 0.001, Rd file 'lsirm2pl_normal_mcar_ss.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: lsirm2pl_normal_mcar_ss(data, ndim = 2, niter = 15000, nburn = 2500, nthin = 5, nprint = 500, jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1.0, jump_alpha = 1.0, jump_gamma = 1.0, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_spike_mean = -3, pr_spike_sd = 1.0, pr_slab_mean = 0.5, pr_slab_sd = 1.0, pr_a_eps = 0.001, pr_b_eps = 0.001, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001, pr_xi_a = 0.001, pr_xi_b = 0.001, Rd file 'lsirm2pl_normal_o.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1.0, jump_alpha = 1.0, jump_gamma = 0.025, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001,pr_a_eps = 0.001, pr_b_eps = 0.001, verbose=FALSE) Rd file 'lsirm2pl_normal_ss.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1.0, jump_alpha = 1.0, jump_gamma = 1.0, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_spike_mean = -3, pr_spike_sd = 1.0, pr_slab_mean = 0.5, pr_slab_sd = 1.0, pr_a_eps = 0.001, pr_b_eps = 0.001, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001, pr_xi_a = 0.001, pr_xi_b = 0.001, verbos ... [TRUNCATED] Rd file 'lsirm2pl_ss.Rd': \usage lines wider than 90 characters: jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1.0, jump_alpha = 1.0, jump_gamma = 1.0, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001, pr_xi_a = 1, pr_xi_b = 1, verbose=FALSE) These lines will be truncated in the PDF manual. * checking Rd cross-references ... OK * checking for missing documentation entries ... OK * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... WARNING Codoc mismatches from Rd file 'lsirm1pl.Rd': lsirm1pl Code: function(data, spikenslab = FALSE, fixed_gamma = FALSE, missing_data = NA, chains = 1, multicore = 1, seed = NA, ...) Docs: function(data, spikenslab = FALSE, fixed_gamma = FALSE, missing_data = NA, chains = 1, multicore = 1, seed = NA, ndim = 2, niter = 15000, nburn = 2500, nthin = 5, nprint = 500, jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_mean_beta = 0, pr_sd_beta = 1, pr_mean_theta = 0, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001, ...) Argument names in docs not in code: ndim niter nburn nthin nprint jump_beta jump_theta jump_z jump_w pr_mean_beta pr_sd_beta pr_mean_theta pr_a_theta pr_b_theta Mismatches in argument names: Position: 8 Code: ... Docs: ndim Codoc mismatches from Rd file 'lsirm2pl.Rd': lsirm2pl Code: function(data, spikenslab = FALSE, fixed_gamma = FALSE, missing_data = NA, chains = 1, multicore = 1, seed = NA, ...) Docs: function(data, spikenslab = FALSE, fixed_gamma = FALSE, missing_data = NA, chains = 1, multicore = 1, seed = NA, ndim = 2, niter = 15000, nburn = 2500, nthin = 5, nprint = 500, jump_beta = 0.4, jump_theta = 1, jump_alpha = 1, jump_z = 0.5, jump_w = 0.5, pr_mean_beta = 0, pr_sd_beta = 1, pr_mean_theta = 0, pr_mean_alpha = 0.5, pr_sd_alpha = 1, pr_a_theta = 0.001, pr_b_theta = 0.001, ...) Argument names in docs not in code: ndim niter nburn nthin nprint jump_beta jump_theta jump_alpha jump_z jump_w pr_mean_beta pr_sd_beta pr_mean_theta pr_mean_alpha pr_sd_alpha pr_a_theta pr_b_theta Mismatches in argument names: Position: 8 Code: ... Docs: ndim * checking Rd \usage sections ... WARNING Undocumented arguments in Rd file 'lsirm1pl_mar_ss.Rd' 'jump_gamma' 'verbose' Undocumented arguments in Rd file 'lsirm1pl_mcar_ss.Rd' 'jump_gamma' Undocumented arguments in Rd file 'lsirm1pl_normal_mar_ss.Rd' 'jump_gamma' Undocumented arguments in Rd file 'lsirm1pl_normal_mcar_ss.Rd' 'jump_gamma' Undocumented arguments in Rd file 'lsirm1pl_normal_ss.Rd' 'jump_gamma' Undocumented arguments in Rd file 'lsirm1pl_ss.Rd' 'jump_gamma' Undocumented arguments in Rd file 'lsirm2pl_mar_ss.Rd' 'jump_gamma' 'verbose' Undocumented arguments in Rd file 'lsirm2pl_mcar_ss.Rd' 'jump_gamma' Undocumented arguments in Rd file 'lsirm2pl_normal_mar_ss.Rd' 'jump_gamma' Undocumented arguments in Rd file 'lsirm2pl_normal_mcar_ss.Rd' 'jump_gamma' Undocumented arguments in Rd file 'lsirm2pl_normal_ss.Rd' 'jump_gamma' Undocumented arguments in Rd file 'lsirm2pl_ss.Rd' 'jump_gamma' Undocumented arguments in Rd file 'print.summary.lsirm.Rd' '...' Functions with \usage entries need to have the appropriate \alias entries, and all their arguments documented. The \usage entries must correspond to syntactically valid R code. See chapter 'Writing R documentation files' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual. * checking Rd contents ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK * checking contents of 'data' directory ... OK * checking data for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking LazyData ... OK * checking data for ASCII and uncompressed saves ... OK * checking line endings in C/C++/Fortran sources/headers ... OK * checking line endings in Makefiles ... OK * checking compilation flags in Makevars ... OK * checking for GNU extensions in Makefiles ... OK * checking for portable use of $(BLAS_LIBS) and $(LAPACK_LIBS) ... OK * checking use of PKG_*FLAGS in Makefiles ... OK * checking use of SHLIB_OPENMP_*FLAGS in Makefiles ... OK * checking pragmas in C/C++ headers and code ... OK * checking compilation flags used ... OK * checking compiled code ... NOTE File 'lsirm12pl/libs/x64/lsirm12pl.dll': Found '_ZSt4cout', possibly from 'std::cout' (C++) Object: 'utility_cpp.o' Compiled code should not call entry points which might terminate R nor write to stdout/stderr instead of to the console, nor use Fortran I/O nor system RNGs nor [v]sprintf. See 'Writing portable packages' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual. * checking examples ... [96s] OK * checking PDF version of manual ... [26s] OK * checking HTML version of manual ... [14s] OK * DONE Status: 4 WARNINGs, 3 NOTEs