context("Basic cluster sampling") wrap_cluster_gen <- function(...) { cluster_gen(..., family = "gaussian", verbose = FALSE) } # Basic argument handling ===================================================== test_that("Basic argument handling generates data", { df01 <- wrap_cluster_gen(1:2) df02 <- wrap_cluster_gen(2:4) df03 <- wrap_cluster_gen(2:4, cluster_labels = LETTERS[1:2]) df04 <- wrap_cluster_gen(2:3, resp_labels = LETTERS[1:2]) df05 <- wrap_cluster_gen(2:4, cluster_labels = LETTERS[1:2], resp_labels = LETTERS[3:5] ) df06 <- wrap_cluster_gen(2:3, n_X = 1) df07 <- wrap_cluster_gen(2:3, n_X = 1, n_W = 1) df08 <- wrap_cluster_gen(2:3, n_X = 2:3, n_W = 3) df09 <- wrap_cluster_gen(2:3, n_X = 0, n_W = list(5, 2)) df10 <- wrap_cluster_gen(rep(10, 3), c_mean = list(c(1, 10), c(1e2, 1e3)), n_X = 2 ) df11 <- wrap_cluster_gen(2:4, separate_questionnaires = FALSE, c_mean = c(1, 10), n_X = 2 ) df12 <- wrap_cluster_gen(2:4, collapse = "partial") df13 <- wrap_cluster_gen(2:4, collapse = "full") df14 <- wrap_cluster_gen(2:4, collapse = "full", separate_questionnaires = FALSE ) expect_output(str(df01), "List of 1") expect_output(str(df02), "List of 2") expect_equal(names(df03), LETTERS[1:2]) expect_equal(df04$school[[1]]$uniqueID[1], "A1_school1") expect_equal(df05$B[[3]]$uniqueID[4], "D4_B3_A1") expect_equal( as.vector(sapply( df06$school, function(c) sapply(c[1:3], class) )), rep(c("integer", "numeric", "factor"), 2) ) expect_equal(as.vector(sapply(df07$school, function(c) sapply(c, class))), rep(c("integer", "numeric", "factor", rep("numeric", "numeric", 3), "character"), 2)) expect_equal(as.vector(sapply(df08$school, function(c) sapply(c, class))), rep(c("integer", rep("numeric", 2), rep("factor", 3), rep("numeric", 3), "character"), 2)) expect_output(str(df09$school[[1]]$q1), "Factor w/ 5 levels") expect_output(str(df09$school[[1]]$q2), "Factor w/ 2 levels") expect_output(str(df09$school[[2]]$q1), "Factor w/ 5 levels") expect_output(str(df09$school[[2]]$q2), "Factor w/ 2 levels") expect_equivalent(sapply(df10, function(x) apply(x[[1]][2:3], 2, mean))[, 1], c(1, 10), tolerance = .5) expect_equivalent(sapply(df10, function(x) apply(x[[2]][2:3], 2, mean))[, 1], c(1, 10), tolerance = .5) expect_equivalent(sapply(df10, function(x) apply(x[[1]][2:3], 2, mean))[, 2], c(1e2, 1e3), tolerance = .5) expect_equivalent(sapply(df10, function(x) apply(x[[2]][2:3], 2, mean))[, 2], c(1e2, 1e3), tolerance = .5) expect_output(str(df11), "List of 6") expect_output(str(df12), "List of 2") expect_output(str(df13), "24 obs.") expect_output(str(df14), "24 obs.") }) # Errors are caught =========================================================== test_that("Errors are caught", { expect_error(cluster_gen(1)) expect_error(cluster_gen(2:4, separate_questionnaires = FALSE, n_X = 1:2)) expect_error(cluster_gen(2:4, separate_questionnaires = FALSE, n_W = 1:2)) expect_error(cluster_gen(2:4, cluster_labels = "a")) expect_warning(cluster_gen(2:4, separate_quest = FALSE, collapse = "partial", verbose = FALSE)) }) # uniqueIDs are correct ======================================================= test_that("uniqueIDs are correct", { wrap_cluster_gen_2 <- function(..., coll = "full", return_all = FALSE, verb = FALSE) { data <- cluster_gen(..., n_X = 0, n_W = 1, family = "gaussian", verbose = verb, collapse = coll) if (!return_all) data <- data[, 6] return(data) # corresponds to the bottom level's uniqueID } scheme1 <- list(1, 2, c(1, 2), c(3, 2, 3)) scheme2 <- list(2, c(3, 2), c(1, 1, 2, 3, 2), rep(2, 9)) df1 <- wrap_cluster_gen_2(2:4) df2 <- wrap_cluster_gen_2(2:4, separate_questionnaires = FALSE) df3 <- wrap_cluster_gen_2(scheme1) df4 <- wrap_cluster_gen_2(scheme1, separate_questionnaires = FALSE) df6 <- wrap_cluster_gen_2(scheme2) df7 <- wrap_cluster_gen_2(scheme2, separate_questionnaires = FALSE) df8 <- wrap_cluster_gen(c(2, 3, 4), n_X = 1, n_W = 1, c_mean = 10, cluster_labels = c("school", "class"), resp_labels = c("teacher", "student"), separate_questionnaires = FALSE) expect_equal(df1, c("student1_class1_school1", "student2_class1_school1", "student3_class1_school1", "student4_class1_school1", "student1_class1_school2", "student2_class1_school2", "student3_class1_school2", "student4_class1_school2", "student1_class2_school1", "student2_class2_school1", "student3_class2_school1", "student4_class2_school1", "student1_class2_school2", "student2_class2_school2", "student3_class2_school2", "student4_class2_school2", "student1_class3_school1", "student2_class3_school1", "student3_class3_school1", "student4_class3_school1", "student1_class3_school2", "student2_class3_school2", "student3_class3_school2", "student4_class3_school2") ) expect_equal(df2, c("student1_class1_school1", "student2_class1_school1", "student3_class1_school1", "student4_class1_school1", "student1_class2_school1", "student2_class2_school1", "student3_class2_school1", "student4_class2_school1", "student1_class3_school1", "student2_class3_school1", "student3_class3_school1", "student4_class3_school1", "student1_class1_school2", "student2_class1_school2", "student3_class1_school2", "student4_class1_school2", "student1_class2_school2", "student2_class2_school2", "student3_class2_school2", "student4_class2_school2", "student1_class3_school2", "student2_class3_school2", "student3_class3_school2", "student4_class3_school2") ) expect_equal(df3, c("student1_class1_school1_state1", "student2_class1_school1_state1", "student3_class1_school1_state1", "student1_class1_school2_state1", "student2_class1_school2_state1", "student1_class2_school2_state1", "student2_class2_school2_state1", "student3_class2_school2_state1") ) expect_equal(df4, c("student1_class1_school1_state1", "student2_class1_school1_state1", "student3_class1_school1_state1", "student1_class1_school2_state1", "student2_class1_school2_state1", "student1_class2_school2_state1", "student2_class2_school2_state1", "student3_class2_school2_state1") ) expect_equal(df6, c("student1_class1_school1_state1", "student2_class1_school1_state1", "student1_class1_school1_state2", "student2_class1_school1_state2", "student1_class1_school2_state1", "student2_class1_school2_state1", "student1_class1_school2_state2", "student2_class1_school2_state2", "student1_class1_school3_state1", "student2_class1_school3_state1", "student1_class2_school1_state2", "student2_class2_school1_state2", "student1_class2_school2_state2", "student2_class2_school2_state2", "student1_class2_school3_state1", "student2_class2_school3_state1", "student1_class3_school1_state2", "student2_class3_school1_state2") ) expect_equal(df7, c("student1_class1_school1_state1", "student2_class1_school1_state1", "student1_class1_school2_state1", "student2_class1_school2_state1", "student1_class1_school3_state1", "student2_class1_school3_state1", "student1_class2_school3_state1", "student2_class2_school3_state1", "student1_class1_school1_state2", "student2_class1_school1_state2", "student1_class2_school1_state2", "student2_class2_school1_state2", "student1_class3_school1_state2", "student2_class3_school1_state2", "student1_class1_school2_state2", "student2_class1_school2_state2", "student1_class2_school2_state2", "student2_class2_school2_state2") ) }) # Named n vector ============================================================== test_that("Named vectors are working properly", { df1 <- cluster_gen(n = c("land" = 1, "skole" = 3, "klasse" = 2), verbose = FALSE, collapse = "full") df2 <- cluster_gen(n = list("pais" = 1, "cidade" = 4, "escola" = 1:4, "estudante" = rep(1, 10)), verbose = FALSE, collapse = "full") expect_equal(df1$uniqueID, c("klasse1_skole1_land1", "klasse2_skole1_land1", "klasse1_skole2_land1", "klasse2_skole2_land1", "klasse1_skole3_land1", "klasse2_skole3_land1")) expect_equal(df2$uniqueID, c("estudante1_escola1_cidade1_pais1", "estudante1_escola1_cidade2_pais1", "estudante1_escola1_cidade3_pais1", "estudante1_escola1_cidade4_pais1", "estudante1_escola2_cidade2_pais1", "estudante1_escola2_cidade3_pais1", "estudante1_escola2_cidade4_pais1", "estudante1_escola3_cidade3_pais1", "estudante1_escola3_cidade4_pais1", "estudante1_escola4_cidade4_pais1")) }) # Different means ============================================================= test_that("Different means are working", { wrap_c_gen_mu <- function(...) { cluster_gen(..., n_X = 2, n_W = 0, family = "gaussian", verbose = FALSE, calc_weights = FALSE) } df1 <- wrap_c_gen_mu(c(2, 1000)) df2 <- wrap_c_gen_mu(c(2, 1000), c_mean = 10) df3 <- wrap_c_gen_mu(c(2, 1000), c_mean = c(10, 100)) df4 <- wrap_c_gen_mu(c(2, 1000), c_mean = list(list(c(10, 100), c(20, 200)))) df5 <- wrap_c_gen_mu(n = c(school = 2, class = 3, student = 1000), c_mean = list( school = list(c(10, 100), c(20, 200)), class = list(c(30, 300), c(40, 400), c(50, 500), c(60, 600), c(70, 700), c(80, 800)) ) ) mean_Xs <- function(x) colMeans(x[2:3]) expect_equivalent(sapply(df1$school, mean_Xs)[, 1], c(0, 0), tol = .5) expect_equivalent(sapply(df1$school, mean_Xs)[, 2], c(0, 0), tol = .5) expect_equivalent(sapply(df2$school, mean_Xs)[, 1], c(10, 10), tol = .5) expect_equivalent(sapply(df2$school, mean_Xs)[, 2], c(10, 10), tol = .5) expect_equivalent(sapply(df3$school, mean_Xs)[, 1], c(10, 100), tol = .5) expect_equivalent(sapply(df3$school, mean_Xs)[, 2], c(10, 100), tol = .5) expect_equivalent(sapply(df4$school, mean_Xs)[, 1], c(10, 100), tol = .5) expect_equivalent(sapply(df4$school, mean_Xs)[, 2], c(20, 200), tol = .5) expect_equivalent(sapply(df5$school, mean_Xs)[, 1], c(10, 100), tol = .5) expect_equivalent(sapply(df5$school, mean_Xs)[, 2], c(20, 200), tol = .5) expect_equivalent(sapply(df5$class, mean_Xs)[, 1], c(30, 300), tol = .5) expect_equivalent(sapply(df5$class, mean_Xs)[, 2], c(40, 400), tol = .5) expect_equivalent(sapply(df5$class, mean_Xs)[, 3], c(50, 500), tol = .5) expect_equivalent(sapply(df5$class, mean_Xs)[, 4], c(60, 600), tol = .5) expect_equivalent(sapply(df5$class, mean_Xs)[, 5], c(70, 700), tol = .5) expect_equivalent(sapply(df5$class, mean_Xs)[, 6], c(80, 800), tol = .5) }) # Sampling weights ============================================================= context("Sampling weights") calc_weights <- function(data_list) { w <- sapply(data_list, function(x) colSums(x[4:6])) w_sum <- rowSums(w) w_1_i <- w_sum[1] n_i_w_ij <- w_sum[3] out <- c(w_1_i, n_i_w_ij) return(out) } # Example from PISA manual tables ============================================== test_that("Weights and labels from PISA examples are correct", { wrap_cl_gen <- function(n, N, meth = "SRS", sum_pop = sapply(N, sum), sep = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ...) { data <- cluster_gen( n = n, N = N, sum_pop = sum_pop, n_X = 1, n_W = 1, sampling_method = meth, separate_questionnaires = sep, verbose = verbose, ... ) if (verbose) print(data) return(data) } ex_3.3 <- wrap_cl_gen(n = c(school = 4, student = 10), N = c( 10, 40)) ex_3.4 <- wrap_cl_gen( n = list(school = 4, student = c(10, 10, 10, 10)), N = list(school = 10, student = c(15, 30, 40, 100, 10, 20, 25, 35, 45, 80)) ) ex_3.5 <- wrap_cl_gen( n = list(school = 4, student = c(10, 10, 10, 10)), N = list(school = 10, student = c(10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 80, 100)) ) ex_3.6 <- wrap_cl_gen( n = list(school = 4, student = c(10, 10, 10, 10)), N = list(school = 10, student = c(40, 45, 80, 100, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35)) ) ex_3.7 <- wrap_cl_gen( n = list(school = 4, student = c(10, 10, 10, 10)), N = list(school = 10, student = c(20, 40, 80, 100, 10, 15, 25, 30, 35, 45)), "PPS" ) expect_equivalent(calc_weights(ex_3.3), c(2.5 * 10 * 4, 400)) expect_equivalent(calc_weights(ex_3.4), c(2.5 * 10 * 4, 462.5)) expect_equivalent(calc_weights(ex_3.5), c(2.5 * 10 * 4, 175)) expect_equivalent(calc_weights(ex_3.6), c(2.5 * 10 * 4, 662.5)) expect_equivalent(calc_weights(ex_3.7), c(9.75 * 10, 400)) weight_names <- c("school.weight", "final.student.weight") expect_equal(names(calc_weights(ex_3.3)), weight_names) expect_equal(names(calc_weights(ex_3.4)), weight_names) expect_equal(names(calc_weights(ex_3.5)), weight_names) expect_equal(names(calc_weights(ex_3.6)), weight_names) expect_equal(names(calc_weights(ex_3.7)), weight_names) }) # Custom weight tests ========================================================== wrap_cluster_gen <- function(n, N, meth = "SRS", sum_pop = sapply(N, sum), sep = FALSE, verb = FALSE, print = FALSE, ...) { data <- cluster_gen(n = n, N = N, sum_pop = sum_pop, n_X = 1, n_W = 1, sampling_method = meth, separate_questionnaires = sep, verbose = verb, ...) if (print) print(data) return(data) } test_that("Sampling weights are correct", { ex1 <- wrap_cluster_gen(n = c(1, 2, 3), N = c(10, 100, 600)) ex2 <- wrap_cluster_gen(n = list(school = 4, student = c(10, 5, 2, 3)), N = list(school = 10, students = rep(100, 10)), meth = "PPS") ex3 <- wrap_cluster_gen(n = list(school = 4, student = c(10, 5, 2, 3)), N = list(school = 10, students = rep(100, 10)), meth = "PPS") expect_equivalent(calc_weights(ex1)["class.weight"] / 3, 100 * 10) expect_equivalent(calc_weights(ex2)["final.student.weight"], 100 * 10) expect_equivalent(calc_weights(ex3)["school.weight"], 2.5 * (10 + 5 + 2 + 3)) }) # Exploring different sampling methods ========================================= n1 <- list(cnt = 1, sch = 3, cls = c(2, 1, 3), stu = rep(2, 6)) N1 <- list(cnt = 1, sch = 5, cls = 8:4, stu = rep(8, sum(8:4))) ex4 <- wrap_cluster_gen(n1, N1, meth = "SRS", sep = TRUE) ex5 <- wrap_cluster_gen(n1, N1, meth = "PPS", sep = TRUE) ex6 <- wrap_cluster_gen(n1, N1, meth = c("PPS", "SRS", "PPS"), sep = TRUE) n2 <- list(1, 3, c(2, 1, 3), rep(2, 6)) N2 <- list(1, 5, 8:4, rep(8, sum(8:4))) ex7 <- wrap_cluster_gen(n2, N2, meth = "mixed", sep = TRUE, cluster_labels = c("state", "school", "class"), resp_labels = c("governor", "principal", "student")) test_that("Weights are correct for different sampling methods", { expect_equivalent(calc_weights(ex4$cnt)["cnt.weight"], 1 * 3) expect_equivalent(calc_weights(ex4$sch)["sch.weight"], (5 / 3) * 6) expect_equivalent(calc_weights(ex4$cls)["cls.weight"], 5 * 2 * 6) expect_equivalent(calc_weights(ex5$cnt)["final.sch.weight"], 5) expect_equivalent(calc_weights(ex5$sch)["final.cls.weight"], sum(8:4)) expect_equivalent(calc_weights(ex5$cls)["final.stu.weight"], sum(rep(8, sum(8:4)))) expect_equivalent(calc_weights(ex6$cnt)["final.sch.weight"], 5) expect_equivalent(calc_weights(ex6$sch)["sch.weight"], (5 / 3) * 6) expect_equivalent(calc_weights(ex6$cls)["final.stu.weight"], sum(rep(8, sum(8:4)))) expect_equivalent(calc_weights(ex7$state)["state.weight"], 1 * 3) expect_equivalent(calc_weights(ex7$school)["final.principal.weight"], sum(8:4)) expect_equivalent(calc_weights(ex7$class)["class.weight"], 5 * 2 * 6) }) # Script for testing with Leslie =============================================== test_that("Examples worked on with Leslie have correct weights", { wrap_cluster_gen <- function(..., verb = FALSE) { suppressWarnings(cluster_gen(..., n_X = 1, n_W = 1, verbose = verb)) } lr1 <- wrap_cluster_gen(n = c(school = 2, student = 10)) lr2 <- wrap_cluster_gen(n = c(school = 2, class = 1, student = 5), N = c(school = 5, class = 2, student = 10)) lr3 <- wrap_cluster_gen(n = list(state = 2, school = c(2, 3), student = c(10, 20, 6, 9, 12)), N = list(state = 10, school = c(20, 3, rep(1, 8)), student = c(20, 30, 1:18, rep(12, 3), 1:8))) expect_equal( object = sapply(seq_along(lr1$school), function (x) sum(lr1$school[[x]]["final.student.weight"])), expected = rep(10, 2) ) expect_equal( object = sapply(seq_along(lr2$school), function (x) sum(lr2$school[[x]]["final.class.weight"])), expected = rep(5, 2) ) expect_equal( object = sapply(seq_along(lr2$class), function (x) sum(lr2$class[[x]]["final.student.weight"])), expected = rep(50, 2) ) expect_equal( object = sapply(seq_along(lr3$state), function (x) sum(lr3$state[[x]]["state.weight"])), expected = 5 * c(2, 3) ) expect_equal( object = sapply(seq_along(lr3$school), function (x) sum(lr3$school[[x]]["final.student.weight"])), expected = rep(58.6, 5) ) }) # Ranges for n and N ========================================================== context("Cluster sampling with ranged number of elements") check_cluster_structure <- function(n, FUN = "length") { set.seed(1234) n_list <- convert_vector_to_list(n) structure <- draw_cluster_structure(n_list, output="text") func <- structure_out <- func(structure) return(structure_out) } n <- c(city = 2, school = 2, class = 3, student = 4) n2 <- list(city = 2, school = 2, class = 3, student = ranges(10, 50)) n3 <- list(city = 2, school = 2, class = ranges(1, 3), stu = ranges(10, 50)) n4 <- list(city = 2, school = 2, class = ranges(1, 3), student = 20) n5 <- list(city = 2, school = ranges(5, 8), class = ranges(1, 3), stu = 20) n6 <- list(2, ranges(1, 3), ranges(2, 5), ranges(1, 5), ranges(5, 100)) test_that("Random levels work", { expect_equal(check_cluster_structure(n), 18) expect_equal(check_cluster_structure(n2), 18) expect_equal(check_cluster_structure(n3), 13) expect_equal(check_cluster_structure(n4), 11) expect_equal(check_cluster_structure(n5), 40) expect_equal(check_cluster_structure(n6), 37) }) test_that("Random level-generated data generates questionnaires", { set.seed(1234); df2 <- cluster_gen(n2, verbose = FALSE, separate = FALSE) set.seed(1234); df3 <- cluster_gen(n3, verbose = FALSE) set.seed(1234); df4 <- cluster_gen(n4, verbose = FALSE) set.seed(7646); df5 <- cluster_gen(n5, verbose = FALSE) set.seed(7646); df6 <- cluster_gen(n6, verbose = FALSE) expect_output(str(df2), "List of 12") expect_output(str(df3$school), "List of 4") expect_output(str(df3$class), "List of 7") expect_output(str(df4$school), "List of 4") expect_output(str(df5$city), "List of 2") expect_output(str(df5$school), "List of 13") expect_output(str(df6$state), "List of 2") expect_output(str(df6$city), "List of 3") expect_output(str(df6$school), "List of 8") expect_output(str(df6$class), "List of 17") }) test_that("Combinations of ranges for n and N are treated correctly", { wrap_cluster_gen_3 <- function(n, N, ...) { suppressWarnings( cluster_gen(n = n, N = N, n_X = 1, n_W = 0, verbose = FALSE) ) } # Templates for n and N n_combos_2 <- list( n_vect_nn = c(4, 5), n_list_nr = list(4, ranges(5, 10)), n_list_rn = list(ranges(1, 5), 5), n_list_rr = list(ranges(1, 5), ranges(5, 10)) ) n_combos_3 <- list( n_vect_nnn = c(4, 3, 5), n_list_nnr = list(4, 3, ranges(5, 10)), n_list_nrn = list(4, ranges(1, 3), 5), n_list_nrr = list(4, ranges(2, 3), ranges(5, 10)), n_list_rnn = list(ranges(1, 5), 3, 5), n_list_rnr = list(ranges(1, 5), 3, ranges(5, 10)), n_list_rrn = list(ranges(1, 5), ranges(2, 3), 5), n_list_rrr = list(ranges(1, 5), ranges(2, 3), ranges(5, 10)) ) N_combos_2 <- list( N_nn = list(10, rep(10, 10)), N_nr = list(10, ranges(10, 20)), N_rn = list(ranges(5, 10), ranges(10, 20)) ) N_combos_3 <- list( N_nnr = list(10, 3, ranges(10, 30)), N_nrn = list(10, ranges(1, 3), 10), N_nrr = list(10, ranges(1, 3), ranges(10, 30)), N_rnn = list(ranges(1, 5), 3, 10), N_rnr = list(ranges(1, 5), 3, ranges(10, 30)), N_rrn = list(ranges(1, 5), ranges(1, 3), 10), N_rrr = list(ranges(1, 5), ranges(1, 3), ranges(10, 30)) ) # Data combining templates data <- list() for (n in names(n_combos_2)) { for (N in names(N_combos_2)) { name <- paste(n, N, sep=",") data[[name]] <- wrap_cluster_gen_3(n_combos_2[[n]], N_combos_2[[N]]) } } for (n in names(n_combos_3)) { for (N in names(N_combos_3)) { name <- paste(n, N, sep=",") data[[name]] <- wrap_cluster_gen_3(n_combos_3[[n]], N_combos_3[[N]]) } } expect_length(data, 68) }) test_that("N cannot be smaller than n", { N7 <- list(ranges(1, 5), ranges(2, 5), ranges(5, 10)) n7 <- list(ranges(2, 4), 6, ranges(5, 15)) set.seed(212128) expect_warning(df7 <- cluster_gen(n7, N = N7, verbose = FALSE)) expect_warning(df8 <- cluster_gen(n = 2:4, N = 1:3, verbose = FALSE)) expect_warning(df9 <- cluster_gen(n = list(2, 3:4, ranges(3, 9)), N = list(1, 2, 1:2), verbose = FALSE)) expect_output(str(df7), "List of 2") expect_output(str(df8), "List of 2") expect_output(str(df9), "List of 2") }) test_that("n cannor be larger than N", { n7 <- list(school = ranges(5, 10), student = ranges(10, 20)) N7 <- c(150, 40) set.seed(683) expect_output(str(cluster_gen(n7, N7, verbose = FALSE)), "List of 7") }) # Replicate weights =========================================================== context("Replicate weights") test_that("Replication weights are correct", { set.seed(230) df <- cluster_gen(c(sch = 4, stu = 10), n_X = 3, n_W = 1, verb = FALSE) df2 <- cluster_gen(c(4, 2, 50), N = 2, n_X = 3, n_W = 1, verb = FALSE) expect_equivalent( unlist(calc_replicate_weights(df, "Jackknife")), c(0.1583, 0.25863, -0.6291, 0.22373, 0.37991, 0.22653, 0.46595, 0.12253, -0.21558, 0.21949, 0.007635, 0.19926, 0.22443, 0.35964, 0.57823, 0.29161, 0.55662, 0.380, -0.22718, 0.24207, -0.062089, 0.34626, -0.058133, 0.38484), tolerance = .001 ) expect_equivalent( unlist(calc_replicate_weights(df, "BRR")), c(0.1583, 0.26948, -0.6291, 0.25458, 0.37991, 0.26840, 0.46595, 0.087336, -0.21558, 0.18462, 0.007635, 0.11830, 0.22443, 0.42200, 0.57823, 0.19830, 0.55662, 0.19854, -0.22718, 0.18062, -0.062089, 0.15298, -0.058133, 0.39506), tolerance = .001 ) expect_equivalent( unlist(calc_replicate_weights(df, "BRR Fay")), c(0.1583, 0.37924, -0.6291, 0.37981, 0.37991, 0.35083, 0.46595, 0.11388, -0.21558, 0.17835, 0.007635, 0.061061, 0.22443, 0.31347, 0.57823, 0.26680, 0.55662, 0.27788, -0.22718, 0.15690, -0.062089, 0.16565, -0.058133, 0.43946), tolerance = .001 ) expect_equivalent( unlist(calc_replicate_weights(df2, "Jackknife")), c(-0.91682, 0.58524, -0.75526, 0.62202, 0.078651, 0.18152, -0.60683, 1.0304, -0.61887, 0.28214, 0.14648, 0.097626, 0.34393, 0.81689, -0.3518, 0.69058, -0.18448, 1.0098, -0.97671, 0.54090, 0.089031, 0.33646, 0.31780, 0.24962, 0.14199, 0.160, -0.17590, 0.15325, -0.14977, 0.15775, 0.016379, 0.13521, -0.039737, 0.15934, -0.083488, 0.14985, -0.0065551, 0.12376, 0.14174, 0.12627, -0.11362, 0.12734, -0.088833, 0.15358, 0.055686, 0.13908, -0.038120, 0.1048, 0.00044528, 0.14973, -0.083442, 0.16180, -0.073915, 0.16425, -0.22734, 0.13211, 0.12983, 0.1326, 0.057065, 0.15071, -0.12838, 0.13798, -0.10214, 0.13505, -0.13884, 0.13237, 0.071190, 0.14779, -0.048908, 0.12694, -0.082624, 0.12896), tolerance = .001 ) expect_equivalent( unlist(calc_replicate_weights(df2, "BRR")), c(-0.91682, 0.58524, -0.75526, 0.62202, 0.078651, 0.18152, -0.60683, 1.0304, -0.61887, 0.28214, 0.14648, 0.097626, 0.34393, 0.81689, -0.3518, 0.69058, -0.18448, 1.0098, -0.97671, 0.54090, 0.089031, 0.33646, 0.31780, 0.24962, 0.14199, 0.17590, -0.17590, 0.16296, -0.14977, 0.18931, 0.016379, 0.1367, -0.039737, 0.14701, -0.083488, 0.11212, -0.0065551, 0.1253, 0.14174, 0.097715, -0.11362, 0.11582, -0.088833, 0.14864, 0.055686, 0.13105, -0.038120, 0.11423, 0.00044528, 0.175, -0.083442, 0.18967, -0.073915, 0.18524, -0.22734, 0.15204, 0.12983, 0.16000, 0.057065, 0.18171, -0.12838, 0.16736, -0.10214, 0.19531, -0.13884, 0.13627, 0.071190, 0.1124, -0.048908, 0.11426, -0.082624, 0.10313), tolerance = .001 ) expect_equivalent( unlist(calc_replicate_weights(df2, "BRR Fay")), c(-0.91682, 0.58524, -0.75526, 0.62202, 0.078651, 0.18152, -0.60683, 1.0304, -0.61887, 0.28214, 0.14648, 0.097626, 0.34393, 0.81689, -0.3518, 0.69058, -0.18448, 1.0098, -0.97671, 0.54090, 0.089031, 0.33646, 0.31780, 0.24962, 0.14199, 0.14960, -0.17590, 0.15219, -0.14977, 0.13998, 0.016379, 0.13424, -0.039737, 0.14775, -0.083488, 0.10442, -0.0065551, 0.16460, 0.14174, 0.14578, -0.11362, 0.12667, -0.088833, 0.13911, 0.055686, 0.13834, -0.038120, 0.10972, 0.00044528, 0.17486, -0.083442, 0.18864, -0.073915, 0.18789, -0.22734, 0.11231, 0.12983, 0.15832, 0.057065, 0.18278, -0.12838, 0.1378, -0.10214, 0.1269, -0.13884, 0.12953, 0.071190, 0.14217, -0.048908, 0.12724, -0.082624, 0.097933), tolerance = .001 ) # Tests shown to Eugene on 4/sep/2019 set.seed(1127) w <- cluster_gen(N = c(school = 3, class = 2, student = 10), n = c(school = 2, class = 2, student = 5), verbose = FALSE) x <- cluster_gen(N = list(school = 2, class = c(2, 3), student = c(6, 7, 3, 2, 9)), n = list(school = 2, class = c(1, 2), student = c(2, 2, 2)), verbose = FALSE) y <- cluster_gen(c(4, 2, 50), N = 2, n_X = 3, n_W = 1, verbose = FALSE) z <- cluster_gen(n = c(sch = 20, stu = 5), N = c(sch = 1e2, stu = 20), n_X = 3, n_W = 1, print_pop_structure = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) expect_equivalent(mean(unlist(calc_replicate_weights(w, "Jackknife"))), 0.2, .1) expect_equivalent(mean(unlist(calc_replicate_weights(w, "BRR"))), 0.2, .1) expect_equivalent(mean(unlist(calc_replicate_weights(w, "BRR Fay"))), 0.2, .1) expect_equal(mean(unlist(calc_replicate_weights(x, "Jackknife"))), NaN) expect_equal(mean(unlist(calc_replicate_weights(x, "BRR"))), 0.4, .1) expect_equivalent(mean(unlist(calc_replicate_weights(x, "BRR Fay"))), 0.4, .1) expect_equivalent(mean(unlist(calc_replicate_weights(y, "Jackknife"))), 0.1, .1) expect_equivalent(mean(unlist(calc_replicate_weights(y, "BRR"))), 0.1, .1) expect_equivalent(mean(unlist(calc_replicate_weights(y, "BRR Fay"))), 0.1, .1) expect_equivalent(mean(unlist(calc_replicate_weights(z, "Jackknife"))), 0.2, .1) expect_equivalent(mean(unlist(calc_replicate_weights(z, "BRR"))), 0.2, .1) expect_equivalent(mean(unlist(calc_replicate_weights(z, "BRR Fay"))), 0.2, .1) }) # Intraclass correlations ===================================================== context("Intraclass correlations") reps <- 100 rep_stats <- matrix(nrow = reps, ncol = 14) retrieved <- vector() bias <- vector() for (r in seq_len(reps)) { rho <- runif(1) df <- cluster_gen(c(rpois(1, 10), rpois(1, 100)), n_X = 2, n_W = 0, rho = rho, sigma = rpois(1, 10), verbose = FALSE) df_stats <- anova(df, FALSE) rep_stats[r, ] <- unlist(df_stats) bias <- append(bias, rep_stats[r, 9] - rho) } colnames(rep_stats) <- names(unlist(df_stats)) test_that("Observed rho is an unbiased estimator", { expect_equivalent(mean(bias), 0, tol = .1) }) test_that("Rho changes as expected", { rho <- c(.9, .3, .2) set.seed(8141221) df <- cluster_gen(c(40, 100), n_X = 3, n_W = 0, rho = rho, verbose = FALSE) df_stats <- anova(df, FALSE) expect_equivalent( unlist(df_stats$population_estimates)[c(3, 7, 11)], rho, tol = .1 ) }) test_that("Rho works for dataframes with three or more levels", { set.seed(9621) df <- cluster_gen(c(5, 4, 50), rho = .7, verbose = FALSE) df_stats <- anova(df, FALSE) expect_equivalent(mean(unlist(df_stats$school$population_estimates)[c(3, 7)]), .52, tol = .1) expect_equivalent(unlist(df_stats$class$population_estimates)[3], .68, tol = .1) set.seed(6485) df2 <- cluster_gen(c(10, 20, 50), rho = c(.7, .2), verbose = FALSE) df2_stats <- anova(df2, FALSE) expect_equivalent(unlist(df2_stats$school$population_estimates)[c(3, 7)], c(.7, .2), tol = .1) expect_equivalent(unlist(df2_stats$class$population_estimates)[c(3, 7)], c(.7, .2), tol = .1) set.seed(893961) df3 <- cluster_gen(c(25, 15, 50), rho = list(.4, .9), verbose = FALSE) df3_stats <- anova(df3, FALSE) expect_equivalent(unlist(df3_stats$school$population_estimates)[c(3, 7)], c(.4, .4), tol = .1) expect_equivalent(unlist(df3_stats$class$population_estimates)[c(3, 7)], c(.9, .9), tol = .1) # set.seed(977753) set.seed(9775) df4 <- cluster_gen( n = c(10, 20, 50), rho = list(.4, c(.1, .2, .3)), n_X = list(2, 3), verbose = FALSE ) df4_stats <- anova(df4, FALSE) expect_equivalent(unlist(df4_stats$school$population_estimates)[c(3, 7)], c(.4, .4), tol = .2) expect_equivalent(unlist(df4_stats$class$population_estimates)[c(3, 7, 11)], c(.1, .2, .3), tol = .1) }) test_that("c_mean and rho work together", { rho <- .3 df <- cluster_gen(n = c(20, 200), n_X = 1, n_W = 0, rho = rho, c_mean = 5, verbose = FALSE) expect_equivalent(summary(df, print = "none")$school$y_bar, 5, .1) expect_equivalent( anova(df, print = FALSE)$population_estimates$q1[3], rho, .1 ) rho <- .5 df <- cluster_gen(n = c(50, 500), n_X = 1, n_W = 0, rho = rho, c_mean = list(as.list(seq(1, 4, length.out = 50))), verbose = FALSE) expect_equivalent( anova(df, FALSE)$population_estimates$q1[3], rho, .1 ) }) test_that("Rho behaves properly with sigma and c_mean", { expect_error( cluster_gen( n = c(40, 100), n_X = 1, n_W = 0, sigma = list(as.list(1:40)), rho = .5, verbose = FALSE ) ) set.seed(9624063) df2 <- cluster_gen( n = c(5, 40, 100), n_X = 1, n_W = 0, sigma = list(5, 10), verbose = FALSE ) df3 <- cluster_gen( n = c(5, 40, 100), n_X = 1, n_W = 0, c_mean = list(1, 7), sigma = list(3, 9), verbose = FALSE ) expect_equivalent( anova(df2, print=FALSE)$school$sample_statistics[1], 25, 1 ) expect_equivalent( anova(df2, print=FALSE)$class$sample_statistics[1], 100, 1 ) expect_equivalent( anova(df3, print=FALSE)$school$sample_statistics[1], 9, 1 ) expect_equivalent( anova(df3, print=FALSE)$class$sample_statistics[1], 64, 1 ) anova(df3, print=FALSE) }) test_that("Rho is retrieved when c_mean is provided and sigma2 is missing", { n_classes <- 150 c_mean_narrow <- list(as.list(seq(10, 12, length = n_classes))) c_mean_wide <- list(as.list(seq(10, 50, length = n_classes))) df_narrow <- cluster_gen( n = c(n_classes, 50), n_X = 1, n_W = 0, rho = .2, verbose = FALSE, c_mean = c_mean_narrow ) df_wide <- cluster_gen( n = c(n_classes, 50), n_X = 1, n_W = 0, rho = .2, verbose = FALSE, c_mean = c_mean_wide ) df_narrow_tog <- cluster_gen( n = c(n_classes, 50), n_X = 1, n_W = 0, rho = .2, verbose = FALSE, separate_questionnaires = FALSE, c_mean = unlist(c_mean_narrow) ) df_wide_tog <- cluster_gen( n = c(n_classes, 50), n_X = 1, n_W = 0, rho = .2, verbose = FALSE, separate_questionnaires = FALSE, c_mean = unlist(c_mean_wide) ) expect_equivalent( object = anova(df_narrow, print = FALSE)$population$q1["rho_hat.q1"], expected = .2, tol = .1 ) expect_equivalent( object = anova(df_wide, print = FALSE)$population$q1["rho_hat.q1"], expected = .2, tol = .1 ) expect_equivalent( object = anova(df_narrow_tog, print = FALSE)$pop$q1["rho_hat.q1"], expected = .2, tol = .1 ) expect_equivalent( object = anova(df_wide, print = FALSE)$pop$q1["rho_hat.q1"], expected = .2, tol = .1 ) }) test_that("Rho works for together questionnaires", { set.seed(278074) df1 <- cluster_gen(c(50, 20), rho = .8, n_X = 1, verbose = FALSE, separate_questionnaires = FALSE) df2 <- cluster_gen( n = c(5, 40, 100), n_X = 2, n_W = 0, c_mean = c(1, 7), rho = c(.2, .8), verbose = FALSE, separate_questionnaires = FALSE ) df3 <- cluster_gen( n = c(5, 40, 100), n_X = 2, n_W = 0, sigma = c(5, 10), rho = .5, verbose = FALSE, separate_questionnaires = FALSE ) df4 <- cluster_gen( n = c(5, 40, 100), n_X = 2, n_W = 0, sigma = c(3, 9), rho = c(.2, .8), verbose = FALSE, separate_questionnaires = FALSE ) expect_equivalent(anova(df1, print=F)$pop$q1["rho_hat.q1"], .8, .1) expect_equivalent(anova(df2, print=F)$pop$q1["rho_hat.q1"], .2, .1) expect_equivalent(anova(df2, print=F)$pop$q2["rho_hat.q2"], .8, .1) expect_equivalent( summary(df2, print="none")$class$y_bar, c(1, 7), .1 ) expect_equivalent(anova(df3, print=F)$pop$q1["rho_hat.q1"], .5, .1) expect_equivalent(anova(df3, print=F)$pop$q2["rho_hat.q2"], .5, .1) expect_equivalent(anova(df3, print=F)$pop$q1["sigma2_hat.q1"], 25, .1) expect_equivalent(anova(df3, print=F)$pop$q2["sigma2_hat.q2"], 100, 1) expect_equivalent(anova(df4, print=F)$pop$q1["rho_hat.q1"], .2, .1) expect_equivalent(anova(df4, print=F)$pop$q2["rho_hat.q2"], .8, .1) expect_equivalent(anova(df4, print=F)$pop$q1["sigma2_hat.q1"], 9, .1) expect_equivalent(anova(df4, print=F)$pop$q2["sigma2_hat.q2"], 81, .1) }) # Adding cor_matrix and cat_prop to cluster_gen =============================== context("Passing cor_matrix and cat_prop from cluster_gen to questionnaire_gen") cl_gen_cor <- function(n, mx, nX = 0, nW = 0, sep = TRUE) { cluster_gen( n, n_X = nX, n_W = nW, cor_matrix = mx, verbose = FALSE, separate_questionnaires = sep ) } test_that("Correlation matrix is correctly parsed in 2-level structures", { ## Setting up datasets ------------------------------------------------------ cor_mx <- matrix(c(1, .8, .8, 1), 2) set.seed(33602732) dfXX <- cl_gen_cor(c(4, 100), cor_mx, 2) dfXW <- cl_gen_cor(c(4, 100), cor_mx, 1, 1) dfWW <- cl_gen_cor(c(4, 100), cor_mx, 0, 2) dfXXt <- cl_gen_cor(c(4, 100), cor_mx, 2, 0, FALSE) ## Testing output ----------------------------------------------------------- expect_equivalent( object = lapply(dfXX$school, function(x) cor(x[, c("q1", "q2")])), expected = replicate(4, list(cor_mx)), tolerance = .1 ) expect_equivalent( object = with(dfXW$school[[1]], polycor::polychor(q1, q2)), expected = cor_mx[1, 2], tolerance = .1 ) expect_equivalent( object = with(dfXW$school[[3]], polycor::polychor(q1, q2)), expected = cor_mx[1, 2], tolerance = .1 ) expect_equivalent( object = with(dfWW$school[[1]], polycor::polychor(q1, q2)), expected = cor_mx[1, 2], tolerance = .1 ) expect_equivalent( object = lapply(dfXXt, function(x) cor(x[, c("q1", "q2")])), expected = replicate(4, list(cor_mx)), tolerance = .1 ) }) test_that("Correlation matrix works for structures with 3+ levels", { ## Generating data ---------------------------------------------------------- cor_mx_schools <- matrix(c(1, .6, .3, .6, 1, -.4, .3, -.4, 1), 3) cor_mx_classes <- matrix(c(1, -.9, -.9, 1), 2) cor_mx <- list(school = cor_mx_schools, class = cor_mx_classes) set.seed(6400492) df3 <- cl_gen_cor(c(2, 200, 100), cor_mx, list(3, 2)) ## Testing output ----------------------------------------------------------- expect_equivalent( object = lapply(df3$school, function(x) cor(x[, c("q1", "q2", "q3")])), expected = list(cor_mx$school, cor_mx$school), tolerance = .1 ) expect_equivalent( object = lapply(df3$class, function(x) cor(x[, c("q1", "q2")])), expected = replicate(400, list(cor_mx$class)), tolerance = .1 ) }) test_that("cor_matrix is customizable between elements at the same level", { ## Generating data ---------------------------------------------------------- cor_mx_school1 <- matrix(c(1, -.9, -.9, 1), 2) cor_mx_school2 <- matrix(c(1, .4, .4, 1), 2) cor_mx <- list(school = list(cor_mx_school1, cor_mx_school2)) df_sep <- cl_gen_cor(c(2, 200), cor_mx, 2) df_tog <- cl_gen_cor(c(2, 200), cor_mx, 2, 0, FALSE) ## Testing output ----------------------------------------------------------- expect_equivalent( object = lapply(df_sep$school, function(x) cor(x[, c("q1", "q2")])), expected = cor_mx$school, tolerance = .5 ) expect_equivalent( object = lapply(df_tog, function(x) cor(x[, c("q1", "q2")])), expected = cor_mx$school, tolerance = .5 ) }) # Passing cat_prop ============================================================ context("Passing cat_prop to cluster_gen") wrap_cluster_gen_cat <- function(n, cat, sep = TRUE) { cluster_gen(n, cat_prop = cat, separate_questionnaires = sep, verbose = FALSE) } test_that("cat_prop is parsed correctly: unique props for all structures", { set.seed(288497) propX <- list(1) propW <- list(c(.5, .8, 1)) propXW <- list(1, c(.3, 1)) propXX <- list(1, 1) propWW <- list(c(.7, 1), c(.2, .3, .7, .9, 1)) propXXWW <- list(1, 1, c(.5, 1), c(.25, .75, 1)) nXW <- c(1, 100) dfXsep <- wrap_cluster_gen_cat(nXW, propX) dfWsep <- wrap_cluster_gen_cat(nXW, propW) dfXWsep <- wrap_cluster_gen_cat(nXW, propXW) dfXXsep <- wrap_cluster_gen_cat(nXW, propXX) dfWWsep <- wrap_cluster_gen_cat(nXW, propWW) dfXXWWsep <- wrap_cluster_gen_cat(nXW, propXXWW) dfXtog <- wrap_cluster_gen_cat(nXW, propX, FALSE) dfWtog <- wrap_cluster_gen_cat(nXW, propW, FALSE) dfXWtog <- wrap_cluster_gen_cat(nXW, propXW, FALSE) dfXXtog <- wrap_cluster_gen_cat(nXW, propXX, FALSE) dfWWtog <- wrap_cluster_gen_cat(nXW, propWW, FALSE) dfXXWWtog <- wrap_cluster_gen_cat(nXW, propXXWW, FALSE) expect_equivalent( object = sapply(dfXsep$school[[1]], class), expected = c("integer", "numeric", rep("numeric", 3), "character") ) expect_equivalent( object = sapply(dfXtog$school1, class), expected = c("integer", "numeric", rep("numeric", 3), "character") ) expect_equivalent( object = sapply(dfWsep$school[[1]], class), expected = c("integer", "factor", rep("numeric", 3), "character") ) expect_equivalent( object = sapply(dfWtog$school1, class), expected = c("integer", "factor", rep("numeric", 3), "character") ) expect_equivalent( object = sapply(dfXWsep$school[[1]], class), expected = c("integer", "numeric", "factor", rep("numeric", 3), "character") ) expect_equivalent( object = sapply(dfXWtog$school1, class), expected = c("integer", "numeric", "factor", rep("numeric", 3), "character") ) expect_equivalent( object = sapply(dfWWsep$school[[1]], class), expected = c("integer", "factor", "factor", rep("numeric", 3), "character") ) expect_equivalent( object = sapply(dfWWtog$school1, class), expected = c("integer", "factor", "factor", rep("numeric", 3), "character") ) expect_equivalent( object = sapply(dfXXWWsep$school[[1]], class), expected = c("integer", "numeric", "numeric", "factor", "factor", rep("numeric", 3), "character") ) expect_equivalent( object = sapply(dfXXWWtog$school1, class), expected = c("integer", "numeric", "numeric", "factor", "factor", rep("numeric", 3), "character") ) expect_equivalent( object = cumsum(prop.table(table(dfWsep$school[[1]]["q1"]))), expected = unlist(propW), tol = .1 ) expect_equivalent( object = cumsum(prop.table(table(dfXWsep$school[[1]]["q2"]))), expected = unlist(propXW[[2]]), tol = .1 ) expect_equivalent( object = cumsum(prop.table(table(dfWWsep$school[[1]]["q1"]))), expected = unlist(propWW[[1]]), tol = .1 ) expect_equivalent( object = cumsum(prop.table(table(dfWWsep$school[[1]]["q2"]))), expected = unlist(propWW[[2]]), tol = .1 ) expect_equivalent( object = cumsum(prop.table(table(dfXXWWsep$school[[1]]["q3"]))), expected = unlist(propXXWW[[3]]), tol = .1 ) expect_equivalent( object = cumsum(prop.table(table(dfXXWWsep$school[[1]]["q4"]))), expected = unlist(propXXWW[[4]]), tol = .1 ) expect_equivalent( object = cumsum(prop.table(table(dfWtog$school1["q1"]))), expected = unlist(propW), tol = .1 ) expect_equivalent( object = cumsum(prop.table(table(dfXWtog$school1["q2"]))), expected = unlist(propXW[[2]]), tol = .1 ) expect_equivalent( object = cumsum(prop.table(table(dfWWtog$school1["q1"]))), expected = unlist(propWW[[1]]), tol = .1 ) expect_equivalent( object = cumsum(prop.table(table(dfWWtog$school1["q2"]))), expected = unlist(propWW[[2]]), tol = .1 ) expect_equivalent( object = cumsum(prop.table(table(dfXXWWtog$school1["q3"]))), expected = unlist(propXXWW[[3]]), tol = .1 ) expect_equivalent( object = cumsum(prop.table(table(dfXXWWtog$school1["q4"]))), expected = unlist(propXXWW[[4]]), tol = .1 ) }) test_that("cat_prop is parsed correctly: individual props for each level", { set.seed(879752) nXW <- c(1, 30, 100) propXXWW <- list(list(1, 1, c(.5, 1)), list(1, c(.25, .75, 1), c(.9, 1))) dfXXWWsep <- wrap_cluster_gen_cat(nXW, propXXWW) dfXXWWtog <- wrap_cluster_gen_cat(nXW, propXXWW, FALSE) expect_equivalent( object = cumsum(prop.table(table(dfXXWWsep$school[[1]]["q3"]))), expected = unlist(propXXWW[[1]][[3]]), tol = .1 ) expect_equivalent( object = cumsum(prop.table(table(dfXXWWsep$class[[1]]["q2"]))), expected = unlist(propXXWW[[2]][[2]]), tol = .1 ) expect_equivalent( object = cumsum(prop.table(table(dfXXWWsep$class[[1]]["q3"]))), expected = unlist(propXXWW[[2]][[3]]), tol = .1 ) }) test_that("cat_prop is parsed correctly: individual props within a level", { set.seed(87975) nXW <- c(2, 100) propXXWW <- list(list(list(c(.9, 1)), list(c(.1, 1)))) dfXXWWsep <- wrap_cluster_gen_cat(nXW, propXXWW) dfXXWWtog <- wrap_cluster_gen_cat(nXW, propXXWW, FALSE) expect_equivalent( object = cumsum(prop.table(table(dfXXWWsep$school[[1]]["q1"]))), expected = unlist(propXXWW[[1]][[1]][[1]]), tol = .1 ) expect_equivalent( object = cumsum(prop.table(table(dfXXWWsep$school[[2]]["q1"]))), expected = unlist(propXXWW[[1]][[2]][[1]]), tol = .1 ) expect_equivalent( object = cumsum(prop.table(table(dfXXWWtog$school1["q1"]))), expected = unlist(propXXWW[[1]][[1]][[1]]), tol = .1 ) expect_equivalent( object = cumsum(prop.table(table(dfXXWWtog$school2["q1"]))), expected = unlist(propXXWW[[1]][[2]][[1]]), tol = .1 ) }) # n_W as list of lists ========================================================= context("Complex n_W") test_that("Special cases of n_W work as expected", { n3 <- c(school = 3, class = 2, student = 5) cluster_gen_2 <- function(...) { cluster_gen( ..., verbose = FALSE, calc_weights = FALSE, family = "gaussian" ) } df3 <- cluster_gen_2(n3, n_X = 0, n_W = list(list(3, 4, 4), list(2, 5))) for (i in seq_len(3)) { expect_equivalent( object = sapply(df3$school[[i]][, 2:4], function(x) max(levels(x))), expected = c("3", "4", "4") ) } for (i in seq_len(6)) { expect_equivalent( object = sapply(df3$class[[i]][, 2:3], function(x) max(levels(x))), expected = c("2", "5") ) } })