R Under development (unstable) (2025-02-24 r87814 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(testthat) > library(lpcde) > > test_check("lpcde") Call: lpbwcde Sample size 100 Number of grid points 19 Polynomial order for Y point estimation (p=) 2 Polynomial order for X point estimation (q=) 1 Order of derivative estimated for Y (mu=) 1 Order of derivative estimated for X (nu=) 0 Kernel function epanechnikov Bandwidth method imse-rot Use summary(...) to show bandwidths. Call: lpbwcde Sample size 100 Polynomial order for Y point estimation (p=) 2 Polynomial order for X point estimation (q=) 1 Density function estimated (mu=) 1 Order of derivative estimated for covariates (nu=) 0 Kernel function epanechnikov Bandwidth method imse-rot ================================== Index y_grid B.W. Eff.n ================================== 1 -1.4358 1.7241 65 2 -1.2868 1.7241 67 3 -1.1377 1.7241 70 4 -0.9887 1.7241 75 5 -0.8397 1.7241 77 ---------------------------------- 6 -0.6906 1.7241 80 7 -0.5416 1.7241 81 8 -0.3926 1.7241 86 9 -0.2435 1.7241 87 10 -0.0945 1.7241 87 ---------------------------------- 11 0.0545 1.7241 85 12 0.2036 1.7241 83 13 0.3526 1.7241 83 14 0.5016 1.7241 81 15 0.6507 1.7241 75 ---------------------------------- 16 0.7997 1.7241 72 17 0.9487 1.7241 71 18 1.0978 1.7241 68 19 1.2468 1.7241 60 ================================== Call: lpbwcde Sample size 100 Polynomial order for Y point estimation (p=) 2 Polynomial order for X point estimation (q=) 1 Density function estimated (mu=) 1 Order of derivative estimated for covariates (nu=) 0 Kernel function epanechnikov Bandwidth method imse-rot ================================== Index y_grid B.W. Eff.n ================================== 1 -1.2057 1.0595 21 2 -0.9482 1.0595 28 3 -0.5360 1.0595 31 4 -0.2240 1.0595 34 5 -0.0247 1.0595 34 ---------------------------------- 6 0.1705 1.0595 33 7 0.4533 1.0595 34 8 0.8878 1.0595 29 9 1.2624 1.0595 18 ================================== Call: lpbwcde Sample size 100 Number of grid points 9 Polynomial order for Y point estimation (p=) 3 Polynomial order for X point estimation (q=) 1 Order of derivative estimated for Y (mu=) 0 Order of derivative estimated for X (nu=) 0 Kernel function epanechnikov Bandwidth method imse-rot Use summary(...) to show bandwidths. Call: lpbwcde Sample size 100 Polynomial order for Y point estimation (p=) 3 Polynomial order for X point estimation (q=) 1 Distribution function estimated (mu=) 0 Order of derivative estimated for covariates (nu=) 0 Kernel function epanechnikov Bandwidth method imse-rot ================================== Index y_grid B.W. Eff.n ================================== 1 -1.2982 1.9107 71 2 -0.9020 1.9107 81 3 -0.4877 1.9107 88 4 -0.3706 1.9107 89 5 -0.0693 1.9107 90 ---------------------------------- 6 0.1065 1.9107 90 7 0.2193 1.9107 89 8 0.6006 1.9107 82 9 1.1273 1.9107 72 ================================== Call: lpcde Sample size 100 Number of grid points 9 Polynomial order for Y point estimation (p=) 2 Polynomial order for X point estimation (q=) 1 Order of derivative estimated for Y (mu=) 1 Order of derivative estimated for X (nu=) 0 Kernel function epanechnikov Bandwidth method Use summary(...) to show estimates. Call: lpcde Sample size 100 Polynomial order for Y point estimation (p=) 2 Polynomial order for X point estimation (q=) 1 Density function estimated (mu=) 1 Order of derivative estimated for covariates (nu=) 0 Kernel function epanechnikov Bandwidth method ============================================================================= Point Std. Robust B.C. Index Grid B.W. Eff.n Est. Error [ Unif. 95% C.I. ] ============================================================================= 1 -1.2982 1.8000 70 0.1904 0.0268 0.0964 , 0.3362 2 -0.9020 1.8000 80 0.2931 0.0156 0.2451 , 0.4131 3 -0.4877 1.8000 88 0.3521 0.0101 0.3329 , 0.4855 4 -0.3706 1.8000 88 0.3595 0.0092 0.3449 , 0.4986 5 -0.0693 1.8000 90 0.3652 0.0077 0.3585 , 0.5047 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 0.1065 1.8000 91 0.3599 0.0072 0.3546 , 0.4816 7 0.2193 1.8000 89 0.3528 0.0071 0.3432 , 0.4637 8 0.6006 1.8000 81 0.3048 0.0071 0.2724 , 0.3868 9 1.1273 1.8000 71 0.1856 0.0134 0.1235 , 0.2496 ============================================================================= Call: lpcde Sample size 100 Polynomial order for Y point estimation (p=) 3 Polynomial order for X point estimation (q=) 1 Distribution function estimated (mu=) 0 Order of derivative estimated for covariates (nu=) 0 Kernel function epanechnikov Bandwidth method ============================================================================= Point Std. Robust B.C. Index Grid B.W. Eff.n Est. Error [ 95% C.I. ] ============================================================================= 1 -1.2982 1.9107 75 0.1123 0.0038 -12.6857 , 12.9185 2 -0.9020 1.9107 81 0.2123 0.0027 -8.9238 , 9.3480 3 -0.4877 1.9107 89 0.3549 0.0020 -6.6401 , 7.3600 4 -0.3706 1.9107 91 0.3991 0.0022 -6.1191 , 6.9326 5 -0.0693 1.9107 92 0.5202 0.0020 -5.1785 , 6.2463 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 0.1065 1.9107 93 0.5897 0.0019 -4.4537 , 5.6577 7 0.2193 1.9107 92 0.6332 0.0017 -4.2205 , 5.5086 8 0.6006 1.9107 85 0.7611 0.0021 -4.5493 , 6.0849 9 1.1273 1.9107 72 0.8833 0.0030 -7.5958 , 9.3644 ============================================================================= Call: lpcde Sample size 100 Polynomial order for Y point estimation (p=) 2 Polynomial order for X point estimation (q=) 1 Density function estimated (mu=) 1 Order of derivative estimated for covariates (nu=) 0 Kernel function epanechnikov Bandwidth method ============================================================================= Point Std. Robust B.C. Index Grid B.W. Eff.n Est. Error [ Unif. 95% C.I. ] ============================================================================= 1 -1.2057 1.0595 20 0.2804 0.0795 -0.2174 , 1.4343 2 -0.9482 1.0595 26 0.3389 0.0761 -0.3813 , 1.9992 3 -0.5360 1.0595 28 0.3703 0.0633 -0.2949 , 1.4756 4 -0.2240 1.0595 31 0.3325 0.0580 -0.5407 , 1.2027 5 -0.0247 1.0595 31 0.3096 0.0603 -0.6350 , 1.0310 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 0.1705 1.0595 30 0.2876 0.0551 -0.4997 , 0.7829 7 0.4533 1.0595 33 0.2672 0.0437 -0.2942 , 0.5810 8 0.8878 1.0595 27 0.2753 0.0769 -0.3795 , 0.6829 9 1.2624 1.0595 19 0.3536 0.2492 -1.0474 , 1.5455 ============================================================================= [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 45 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 37.51 1.26 38.81