library(loo) options(mc.cores=1) options(loo.cores=NULL) set.seed(123) context("psis") LLarr <- example_loglik_array() LLmat <- example_loglik_matrix() LLvec <- LLmat[, 1] chain_id <- rep(1:2, each = dim(LLarr)[1]) r_eff_arr <- relative_eff(exp(LLarr)) r_eff_vec <- relative_eff(exp(LLvec), chain_id = chain_id) psis1 <- psis(log_ratios = -LLarr, r_eff = r_eff_arr) test_that("psis results haven't changed", { expect_equal_to_reference(psis1, "reference-results/psis.rds") }) test_that("psis returns object with correct structure", { expect_true(is.psis(psis1)) expect_false(is.loo(psis1)) expect_false(is.psis_loo(psis1)) expect_named(psis1, c("log_weights", "diagnostics")) expect_named(psis1$diagnostics, c("pareto_k", "n_eff", "r_eff")) expect_equal(dim(psis1), dim(LLmat)) expect_length(psis1$diagnostics$pareto_k, dim(psis1)[2]) expect_length(psis1$diagnostics$n_eff, dim(psis1)[2]) }) test_that("psis methods give same results", { psis2 <- suppressWarnings(psis(-LLmat, r_eff = r_eff_arr)) expect_identical(psis1, psis2) psisvec <- suppressWarnings(psis(-LLvec, r_eff = r_eff_vec)) psismat <- suppressWarnings(psis(-LLmat[, 1], r_eff = r_eff_vec)) expect_identical(psisvec, psismat) }) test_that("psis throws correct errors and warnings", { # r_eff default no warnings expect_no_warning(psis(-LLarr)) expect_no_warning(psis(-LLmat)) expect_no_warning(psis(-LLmat[, 1])) # r_eff=NULL no warnings expect_silent(psis(-LLarr, r_eff = NULL)) expect_silent(psis(-LLmat, r_eff = NULL)) expect_silent(psis(-LLmat[,1], r_eff = NULL)) # r_eff=NA disables warnings expect_silent(psis(-LLarr, r_eff = NA)) expect_silent(psis(-LLmat, r_eff = NA)) expect_silent(psis(-LLmat[,1], r_eff = NA)) # r_eff default and r_eff=NA give same answer expect_equal( suppressWarnings(psis(-LLarr)), psis(-LLarr, r_eff = NA) ) # r_eff=NULL and r_eff=NA give same answer expect_equal( suppressWarnings(psis(-LLarr, r_eff=NULL)), psis(-LLarr, r_eff = NA) ) # r_eff scalar is fine expect_silent(psis(-LLarr, r_eff = r_eff_arr[1])) # r_eff non-scalar wrong length is error expect_error(psis(-LLarr, r_eff = r_eff_arr[-1]), "one value per observation") # r_eff has some NA values causes error r_eff_arr[2] <- NA expect_error(psis(-LLarr, r_eff = r_eff_arr), "mix NA and not NA values") # tail length warnings expect_warning( psis(-LLarr[1:5,, ]), "Not enough tail samples to fit the generalized Pareto distribution" ) # no NAs or non-finite values allowed LLmat[1,1] <- NA expect_error(psis(-LLmat), "NAs not allowed in input") LLmat[1,1] <- 1 LLmat[10, 2] <- -Inf expect_error(psis(-LLmat), "All input values must be finite or -Inf") # log ratio of -Inf is allowed LLmat[10, 2] <- Inf expect_no_error(psis(-LLmat)) # no lists allowed expect_error(expect_warning(psis(as.list(-LLvec))), "List not allowed as input") # if array, must be 3-D array dim(LLarr) <- c(2, 250, 2, 32) expect_error( psis(-LLarr), "length(dim(log_ratios)) == 3 is not TRUE", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("throw_tail_length_warnings gives correct output", { expect_silent(throw_tail_length_warnings(10)) expect_equal(throw_tail_length_warnings(10), 10) expect_warning(throw_tail_length_warnings(1), "Not enough tail samples") expect_warning(throw_tail_length_warnings(c(1, 10, 2)), "Skipping the following columns: 1, 3") expect_warning(throw_tail_length_warnings(rep(1, 21)), "11 more not printed") }) test_that("weights method returns correct output", { # default arguments expect_identical(weights(psis1), weights(psis1, normalize = TRUE, log = TRUE)) # unnormalized log-weights same as in psis object expect_equal(psis1$log_weights, weights(psis1, normalize = FALSE)) # normalized weights sum to 1 expect_equal( colSums(weights(psis1, normalize = TRUE, log = FALSE)), rep(1, ncol(psis1$log_weights)) ) }) test_that("psis_n_eff methods works properly", { w <- weights(psis1, normalize = TRUE, log = FALSE) expect_equal(psis_n_eff.default(w[, 1], r_eff = 1), 1 / sum(w[, 1]^2)) expect_equal(psis_n_eff.default(w[, 1], r_eff = 2), 2 / sum(w[, 1]^2)) expect_equal( psis_n_eff.default(w[, 1], r_eff = 2), psis_n_eff.matrix(w, r_eff = rep(2, ncol(w)))[1] ) expect_no_warning(psis_n_eff.default(w[, 1])) expect_no_warning(psis_n_eff.matrix(w)) }) test_that("do_psis_i throws warning if all tail values the same", { xx <- c(1,2,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4) val <- expect_warning(do_psis_i(xx, tail_len_i = 6), "all tail values are the same") expect_equal(val$pareto_k, Inf) }) test_that("psis_smooth_tail returns original tail values if k is infinite", { # skip on M1 Mac until we figure out why this test fails only on M1 Mac skip_if([["sysname"]] == "Darwin" && R.version$arch == "aarch64") xx <- c(1,2,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4) val <- suppressWarnings(psis_smooth_tail(xx, 3)) expect_equal(val$tail, xx) expect_equal(val$k, Inf) })