test_that("Test 1: File HashSum does not change for ex1.R", { scriptPath <- test_path("ref", "ex1.R") logDir <- tempdir() axecute(scriptPath, log_path = logDir) con <- file(file.path(logDir, "ex1.log"), "r") flines <- readLines(con) close(con) expect_true(any(grepl("File HashSum: e3b7438926d8fc6e55d927db377c9670a057e0a8", flines) == TRUE)) # remove all the stuff we added rm(scriptPath, logDir) log_remove() }) test_that("Test 2: File HashSum generated for temp file", { options("log.rx" = NULL) scriptPath <- tempfile() logDir <- tempdir() writeLines( c("message('hello logrx')", "cat('this is output')", "data.frame(c(8, 6, 7, 5, 3, 0, 9))"), con = scriptPath) log_config(scriptPath, log_name = "log_out_report", log_path = logDir) logrx:::run_safely_loudly(scriptPath) log_write(scriptPath, remove_log_object = FALSE, to_report = c("messages", "result")) con <- file(file.path(logDir, "log_out_report"), "r") flines <- readLines(con) close(con) expect_true(any(grepl("File HashSum: 1a850097971365b8846fd7a935cc792896e97fbe", flines) == TRUE)) # remove all the stuff we added rm(scriptPath, logDir) log_remove() }) test_that("Test 3: Different File HashSum generated for similar temp file with slight change", { options("log.rx" = NULL) scriptPath <- tempfile() logDir <- tempdir() writeLines( c("message('hello again logrx')", "cat('this is output')", "data.frame(c(8, 6, 7, 5, 3, 0, 9))"), con = scriptPath) log_config(scriptPath, log_name = "log_out_report", log_path = logDir) logrx:::run_safely_loudly(scriptPath) log_write(scriptPath, remove_log_object = FALSE, to_report = c("messages", "result")) con <- file(file.path(logDir, "log_out_report"), "r") flines <- readLines(con) close(con) expect_true(any(grepl("File HashSum: 1a850097971365b8846fd7a935cc792896e97fbe", flines) != TRUE)) # remove all the stuff we added rm(scriptPath, logDir) log_remove() }) test_that("Test 4: Same File HashSum generated for temp file in Test 2", { options("log.rx" = NULL) scriptPath <- tempfile() logDir <- tempdir() writeLines( c("message('hello logrx')", "cat('this is output')", "data.frame(c(8, 6, 7, 5, 3, 0, 9))"), con = scriptPath) log_config(scriptPath, log_name = "log_out_report", log_path = logDir) logrx:::run_safely_loudly(scriptPath) log_write(scriptPath, remove_log_object = FALSE, to_report = c("messages", "result")) con <- file(file.path(logDir, "log_out_report"), "r") flines <- readLines(con) close(con) expect_true(any(grepl("File HashSum: 1a850097971365b8846fd7a935cc792896e97fbe", flines) == TRUE)) # remove all the stuff we added rm(scriptPath, logDir) log_remove() })