test_that("message works as it does in base R", { # message works as in base R (with echo = TRUE) expect_identical_message(message(), base::message()) expect_identical_message(message("this is a message test"), base::message("this is a message test")) expect_identical_message(message("this", "is a", "message test"), base::message("this", "is a", "message test")) expect_identical_message(message("Some numbers", 3L, 1:5, "!"), base::message("Some numbers", 3L, 1:5, "!")) # message works as in base R (with echo = FALSE) expect_identical_message(message(echo = FALSE), base::message(), ignore_call = TRUE) expect_identical_message( message("this is a message test", echo = FALSE), base::message("this is a message test"), ignore_call = TRUE ) expect_identical_message( message("this", "is a", "message test", echo = FALSE), base::message("this", "is a", "message test"), ignore_call = TRUE ) expect_identical_message( message("Some numbers", c(3.12, 1L, 2L), 1:5, "!", echo = FALSE), base::message("Some numbers", c(3.12, 1L, 2L), 1:5, "!"), ignore_call = TRUE ) # Multiple args are concatenated # Test looks different to get around the message() call expect_output(suppressMessages(message("this should be ", "concatenated ", "in the log"))) expect_silent(suppressMessages(message("this should be ", "concatenated ", "in the log", echo = FALSE))) logdata <- read_logs() logdata <- logdata[nrow(logdata),] expect_identical(logdata[["log_lvl"]], "INFO") expect_identical(logdata[["log_msg"]], "this should be concatenated in the log\n") # Condition is accepted as input sm <- simpleMessage(message = "Test message", call = str2lang("base::print(x)")) expect_identical_message(message(sm), base::message(sm)) }) cleanup() test_that("warning works as it does in base R", { # warning works as in base R (with echo = TRUE) expect_identical_warning(warning(), base::warning()) expect_identical_warning(warning("this is a warning test"), base::warning("this is a warning test")) expect_identical_warning(warning("this", "is a", "warning test"), base::warning("this", "is a", "warning test")) expect_identical_warning(warning("Some numbers", 3L, 1:5, "!"), base::warning("Some numbers", 3L, 1:5, "!")) # warning works as in base R (with echo = FALSE) expect_identical_warning(warning(echo = FALSE), base::warning()) expect_identical_warning(warning("this is a warning test", echo = FALSE), base::warning("this is a warning test")) expect_identical_warning( warning("this", "is a", "warning test", echo = FALSE), base::warning("this", "is a", "warning test") ) expect_identical_warning( warning("Some numbers", c(3.12, 1L, 2L), 1:5, "!", echo = FALSE), base::warning("Some numbers", c(3.12, 1L, 2L), 1:5, "!") ) # Multiple args are concatenated # Test looks different to get around the warning() call expect_output(suppressWarnings(warning("this should be ", "concatenated ", "in the log"))) expect_silent(suppressWarnings(warning("this should be ", "concatenated ", "in the log", echo = FALSE))) logdata <- read_logs() logdata <- logdata[nrow(logdata),] expect_identical(logdata[["log_lvl"]], "WARN") expect_identical(logdata[["log_msg"]], "this should be concatenated in the log") # Condition is accepted as input sw <- simpleWarning(message = "Test message", call = str2lang("base::print(x)")) expect_identical_warning(warning(sw), base::warning(sw)) }) cleanup() test_that("stop works as it does in base R", { # stop works as in base R (with echo = TRUE) expect_identical_error(stop(), base::stop()) expect_identical_error(stop("this is a stop test"), base::stop("this is a stop test")) expect_identical_error(stop("this", "is a", "stop test"), base::stop("this", "is a", "stop test")) expect_identical_error(stop("Some numbers", 3L, 1:5, "!"), base::stop("Some numbers", 3L, 1:5, "!")) # stop works as in base R (with echo = FALSE) expect_identical_error(stop(echo = FALSE), base::stop()) expect_identical_error(stop("this is a stop test", echo = FALSE), base::stop("this is a stop test")) expect_identical_error(stop("this", "is a", "stop test", echo = FALSE), base::stop("this", "is a", "stop test")) expect_identical_error( stop("Some numbers", c(3.12, 1L, 2L), 1:5, "!", echo = FALSE), base::stop("Some numbers", c(3.12, 1L, 2L), 1:5, "!") ) # Multiple args are concatenated # Test looks different to get around the stop() call expect_output(try(stop("this should be ", "concatenated ", "in the log"), silent = TRUE)) expect_silent(try(stop("this should be ", "concatenated ", "in the log", echo = FALSE), silent = TRUE)) logdata <- read_logs() logdata <- logdata[nrow(logdata),] expect_identical(logdata[["log_lvl"]], "ERROR") expect_identical(logdata[["log_msg"]], "this should be concatenated in the log") # Condition is accepted as input se <- simpleError(message = "Test message", call = str2lang("base::print(x)")) expect_identical_error(stop(se), base::stop(se)) }) cleanup() test_that("stopifnot", { # stopifnot works as in base R (with echo = TRUE) expect_no_error(stopifnot()) expect_identical_error(stopifnot(FALSE), base::stopifnot(FALSE)) f <- function(x, ...) x expect_identical_error(stopifnot(f(x = FALSE)), base::stopifnot(f(x = FALSE))) g <- function() f(FALSE) expect_identical_error(stopifnot(4L == 4L, g()), base::stopifnot(4L == 4L, g())) expect_identical_error(stopifnot(4L == 4L, Test = g()), base::stopifnot(4L == 4L, Test = g())) expect_identical_error(stopifnot(exprs = { TRUE; FALSE }), base::stopifnot(exprs = { TRUE; FALSE })) expect_identical_error(stopifnot(exprObject = { TRUE; FALSE }), base::stopifnot(exprObject = { TRUE; FALSE })) expect_no_error(stopifnot(TRUE, 3L == 3L)) # stopifnot works as in base R (with echo = FALSE) expect_no_error(stopifnot(echo = FALSE)) expect_identical_error(stopifnot(FALSE, echo = FALSE), base::stopifnot(FALSE)) f <- function(x, ...) x expect_identical_error(stopifnot(f(x = FALSE), echo = FALSE), base::stopifnot(f(x = FALSE))) g <- function() f(FALSE) expect_identical_error(stopifnot(4L == 4L, g(), echo = FALSE), base::stopifnot(4L == 4L, g())) expect_identical_error(stopifnot(4L == 4L, "A Test" = g(), echo = FALSE), base::stopifnot(4L == 4L, "A Test" = g())) expect_identical_error(stopifnot(exprs = { TRUE; FALSE }, echo = FALSE), base::stopifnot(exprs = { TRUE; FALSE })) expect_identical_error( stopifnot(exprObject = { TRUE; FALSE }, echo = FALSE), base::stopifnot(exprObject = { TRUE; FALSE }) ) expect_no_error(stopifnot(TRUE, 3L == 3L, echo = FALSE)) cleanup() # Test for logging expect_output(try(stopifnot("This is a stop if not error" = FALSE), silent = TRUE)) expect_silent(try(stopifnot("Should not echo" = FALSE, echo = FALSE), silent = TRUE)) stopifnot("Should not show" = TRUE) log_actual <- read_logs() expect_setequal(names(log_actual), c("timestamp", "log_lvl", "log_msg")) log_actual[["timestamp"]] <- NULL log_expected <- data.frame( log_lvl = "ERROR", log_msg = c("This is a stop if not error", "Should not echo"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) expect_identical(log_actual, log_expected) }) cleanup() test_that("split_ndjson error", { expect_error(split_ndjson(3L), "Input must be a character vector.") })