context("Fidelity of estimates with censoring") A <- c("A1", "A2") L <- list(c("L1"), c("L2")) C <- c("C1", "C2") truth <- 0.8 sub <- sw(lmtp_sub(sim_cens, A, "Y", time_vary = L, cens = C, k = 0, shift = NULL, folds = 1)) ipw <- sw(lmtp_ipw(sim_cens, A, "Y", time_vary = L, cens = C, k = 0, shift = NULL, folds = 1)) tmle <- sw(lmtp_tmle(sim_cens, A, "Y", time_vary = L, cens = C, k = 0, shift = NULL, folds = 1)) sdr <- sw(lmtp_sdr(sim_cens, A, "Y", time_vary = L, cens = C, k = 0, shift = NULL, folds = 1)) # tests test_that("estimator fidelity with censoring", { expect_equal(truth, sub$theta, tolerance = 0.15) expect_equal(truth, ipw$theta, tolerance = 0.15) expect_equal(truth, tmle$theta, tolerance = 0.15) expect_equal(truth, sdr$theta, tolerance = 0.15) })