library("testthat") library("lme4") source(system.file("testdata", "lme-tst-funs.R", package="lme4", mustWork=TRUE))# -> uc() [back-compatible c()] testLevel <- lme4:::testLevel() gives_error_or_warning <- function (regexp = NULL, all = FALSE, ...) { function(expr) { res <- try(evaluate_promise(expr),silent=TRUE) no_error <- !inherits(res, "try-error") if (no_error) { warnings <- res$warnings if (!is.null(regexp) && length(warnings) > 0) { return(matches(regexp, all = FALSE, ...)(warnings)) } else { return(expectation(length(warnings) > 0, "no warnings or errors given", paste0(length(warnings), " warnings created"))) } } if (!is.null(regexp)) { return(matches(regexp, ...)(res)) } else { expectation(TRUE, "no error thrown", "threw an error") } } } ## expect_that(stop("foo"),gives_error_or_warning("foo")) ## expect_that(warning("foo"),gives_error_or_warning("foo")) ## expect_that(TRUE,gives_error_or_warning("foo")) ## expect_that(stop("bar"),gives_error_or_warning("foo")) ## expect_that(warning("bar"),gives_error_or_warning("foo")) if(testLevel > 1) { context("fitting glmer models") test_that("glmer", { set.seed(101) d <- data.frame(z=rbinom(200,size=1,prob=0.5), f=factor(sample(1:10,200,replace=TRUE))) ## Using 'method=*' defunct in 2019-05 (after 6 years of deprecation) ## expect_warning(glmer(z~ 1|f, d, family=binomial, method="abc"),"Use the nAGQ argument") ## expect_warning(glmer(z~ 1|f, d, family=binomial, method="Laplace"),"Use the nAGQ argument") ##sp expect_warning(glmer(z~ 1|f, d, sparseX=TRUE),"has no effect at present") expect_that(gm1 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd), data = cbpp, family = binomial), is_a("glmerMod")) expect_that(gm1@resp, is_a("glmResp")) expect_that(gm1@pp, is_a("merPredD")) expect_equal(ge1 <- unname(fixef(gm1)), c(-1.39854982537216, -0.992335519118859, -1.12867532780426, -1.58030423764517), tolerance=5e-4) expect_equal(c(VarCorr(gm1)[[1]]), 0.41245527438386, tolerance=6e-4) ### expect_that(family(gm1), equals(binomial())) ### ?? binomial() has an 'initialize' component ... and the order is different expect_equal(deviance(gm1), 73.47428, tolerance=1e-5) ## was -2L = 184.05267459802 expect_equal(sigma(gm1), 1) expect_equal(extractAIC(gm1), c(5, 194.052674598026), tolerance=1e-5) expect_equal(theta <- unname(getME(gm1, "theta")), 0.642226809144453, tolerance=6e-4) expect_that(X <- getME(gm1, "X"), is_equivalent_to( model.matrix(model.frame(~ period, data=cbpp), cbpp))) expect_that(Zt <- getME(gm1, "Zt"), is_a("dgCMatrix")) expect_equal(dim(Zt), c(15L, 56L)) expect_equal(Zt@x,, 56L)) expect_that(Lambdat <- getME(gm1, "Lambdat"), is_a("dgCMatrix")) expect_equivalent(as(Lambdat, "matrix"), diag(theta, 15L, 15L)) expect_is(gm1_probit <- update(gm1,family=binomial(link="probit")),"merMod") expect_equal(family(gm1_probit)$link,"probit") ## FIXME: test user-specified/custom family? expect_error(glFormula(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd), data = subset(cbpp, herd==levels(herd)[1]), family = binomial), "must have > 1") expect_warning(glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd), data = subset(cbpp, herd %in% levels(herd)[1:4]), family = binomial, control=glmerControl(check.nlev.gtreq.5="warning")), "< 5 sampled levels") expect_warning(fm1. <- glmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy), regexp="calling .* with family=gaussian .* as a shortcut") options(warn=2) options(glmerControl=list(junk=1,check.conv.grad="ignore")) expect_warning(glmer(z~ 1|f, d, family=binomial), "some options") options(glmerControl=NULL) cbppX <- transform(cbpp,prop=incidence/size) expect_is(glmer(prop ~ period + (1 | herd), data = cbppX, family = binomial, weights=size), "glmerMod") expect_is(glmer(prop ~ period + (1 | herd), data = cbppX, family = binomial, weights=size, start=NULL), "glmerMod") expect_is(glmer(prop ~ period + (1 | herd), data = cbppX, family = binomial, weights=size, verbose=0L), "glmerMod") expect_is(glmer(prop ~ period + (1 | herd), data = cbppX, family = binomial, weights=size, subset=TRUE), "glmerMod") expect_is(glmer(prop ~ period + (1 | herd), data = cbppX, family = binomial, weights=size, na.action="na.exclude"), "glmerMod") expect_is(glmer(prop ~ period + (1 | herd), data = cbppX, family = binomial, weights=size, offset=rep(0,nrow(cbppX))), "glmerMod") expect_is(glmer(prop ~ period + (1 | herd), data = cbppX, family = binomial, weights=size, contrasts=NULL), "glmerMod") expect_is(glmer(prop ~ period + (1 | herd), data = cbppX, family = binomial, weights=size, devFunOnly=FALSE), "glmerMod") expect_is(glmer(prop ~ period + (1 | herd), data = cbppX, family = binomial, weights=size, control=glmerControl(optimizer="Nelder_Mead")), "glmerMod") expect_is(glmer(prop ~ period + (1 | herd), data = cbppX, family = binomial, weights=size, control=glmerControl()), "glmerMod") options(warn=0) expect_error(glmer(prop ~ period + (1 | herd), data = cbppX, family = binomial, weights=size, junkArg=TRUE), "unused argument") if(FALSE) { ## Hadley broke this expect_warning(glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd), data = cbpp, family = binomial, control=list()), "instead of passing a list of class") expect_warning(glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd), data = cbpp, family = binomial, control=lmerControl()), "instead of passing a list of class") } ## load(system.file("testdata","radinger_dat.RData",package="lme4")) mod <- glmer(presabs~predictor+(1|species),family=binomial, radinger_dat) expect_is(mod,"merMod") ## tolerance: 32-bit Windows (CRAN) reported ave.diff of 5.33e-8 ## 64-bit Win-builder r73242 now reports ave. diff of 1.31e-5 ... expect_equal(unname(fixef(mod)), c(0.5425528,6.4289962), tolerance = 1e-4) set.seed(101) ## complete separation case d <- data.frame(y=rbinom(1000,size=1,p=0.5), x=runif(1000), f=factor(rep(1:20,each=50)), x2=rep(0:1,c(999,1))) expect_message(mod2 <- glmer(y~x+x2+(1|f),data=d,family=binomial, control=glmerControl(check.conv.hess="ignore", check.conv.grad="ignore")), "singular") expect_equal(unname(fixef(mod2))[1:2], c(-0.10036244,0.03548523), tolerance=1e-4) expect_true(unname(fixef(mod2)[3] < -10)) expect_message(mod3 <- update(mod2, family=binomial(link="probit")), "singular") # singular Hessian warning expect_equal(unname(fixef(mod3))[1:2], c(-0.062889, 0.022241), tolerance=1e-4) expect_true(fixef(mod3)[3] < -4) expect_message(mod4 <- update(mod2, family=binomial(link="cauchit"), control=glmerControl(check.conv.hess="ignore", check.conv.grad="ignore")))#--> singular Hessian warning ## on-the-fly creation of index variables if (FALSE) { ## FIXME: fails in testthat context -- 'd' is not found ## in the parent environment of glmer() -- but works fine ## otherwise ... set.seed(101) d <- data.frame(y1=rpois(100,1), x=rnorm(100), ID=1:100) fit1 <- glmer(y1 ~ x+(1|ID),data=d,family=poisson) fit2 <- update(fit1, .~ x+(1|rownames(d))) expect_equal(unname(unlist(VarCorr(fit1))), unname(unlist(VarCorr(fit2)))) } ## if(testLevel > 2) { load(system.file("testdata","mastitis.rda",package="lme4")) t1 <- system.time(g1 <- suppressWarnings(glmer(NCM ~ birth + calvingYear + (1|sire) + (1|herd), mastitis, poisson, ## current (2014-04-24) default: --> Warning control=glmerControl( # max|grad| = 0.021 .. optimizer=c("bobyqa","Nelder_Mead"))))) t2 <- system.time(g2 <- suppressWarnings(update(g1, control=glmerControl(optimizer="bobyqa")))) ## rbind(t1,t2)[,"elapsed"] ## 20 (then 13.0) seconds N-M vs 8 (then 4.8) seconds bobyqa ... ## print(t1[3] / t2[3]) # 0.37; => 1.25 should be on the safe side expect_lte(t2[3], 1.25 * t1[3]) ## problem is fairly ill-conditioned so parameters ## are relatively far apart even though likelihoods are OK expect_equal(logLik(g1),logLik(g2),tolerance=2e-7) } ## test bootstrap/refit with nAGQ>1 gm1AGQ <- update(gm1,nAGQ=2) s1 <- simulate(gm1AGQ) expect_equal(attr(bootMer(gm1AGQ,fixef),"bootFail"),0) ##,...) bug new <- "foo" expect_that(gm1 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd), data = cbpp, family = binomial), is_a("glmerMod")) rm("new") ## test issue #47, from Wolfgang Viechtbauer ## create some data n <- 100 ai <- rep(0:1, each = n/2) bi <- 1-ai ci <- c(rep(0,42), rep(1,8), rep(0,18), rep(1,32)) di <- 1-ci event <- c(rbind(ai,ci)) group <- rep(c(1,0), times=n) id <- rep(1:n, each=2) gm3 <- glmer(event ~ group + (1 | id), family=binomial, nAGQ=21) sd3 <- sqrt(diag(vcov(gm3))) expect_equal(uc(`(Intercept)` = 0.42542855, group = 0.42492581), sd3, tolerance=1e-5) # 7e-9 {Lnx} ## unfortunately these answers aren't reliably "wrong" any more (2024-07-02 Pop!OS Linux) expect_warning(vcov(gm3, use.hessian=FALSE), "finite-difference Hessian") expect_equal(suppressWarnings(sqrt(diag(vcov(gm3,use.hessian=FALSE)))), uc(`(Intercept)` = 0.3840921, group = 0.3768747), tolerance=1e-7) # 6.5e-8 expect_equal(sd3, unn(coef(summary(gm3))[,"Std. Error"])) ## test non-pos-def finite-difference Hessian ... if(getRversion() > "3.0.0") { ## saved fits are not safe with old R versions L <- load(system.file("testdata","polytomous_vcov_ex.RData", package="lme4", mustWork=TRUE)) expect_warning(vcov(polytomous_vcov_ex),"falling back to var-cov") } ## damage Hessian to make it singular ## (example thanks to J. Dushoff) gm1H <- gm1 gm1H@optinfo$derivs$Hessian[5,] <- 0 expect_warning(vcov(gm1H),"falling back to var-cov") ## test convergence warnings L <- load(system.file("testdata","gopherdat2.RData", package="lme4", mustWork=TRUE)) g0 <- glmer(shells~prev + (1|Site)+offset(log(Area)), family=poisson, data=Gdat) ## fit year as factor: OK gc <- glmerControl(check.conv.grad="stop") expect_is(update(g0,.~.+factor(year), control=gc), "glmerMod") ## error/warning with year as numeric: ## don't have full knowledge of which platforms lead to which ## results, and can't detect whether we're running on valgrind, ## which changes the result on 32-bit linux ... ## SEGFAULT on MacOS? why? if (FALSE) { expect_that(update(g0,.~.+year), gives_error_or_warning("(failed to converge|pwrssUpdate did not converge)")) } ## ("(failed to converge|pwrssUpdate did not converge in)")) ## if (sessionInfo()$platform=="i686-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit)") { ## expect_warning(update(g0, .~. +year), "failed to converge") ## } else { ## ## MacOS x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0 (64-bit) ## ## MM's platform ## ## "pwrssUpdate did not converge in (maxit) iterations" ## expect_error(update(g0, .~. +year), "pwrssUpdate did not converge in") ## } ## OK if we scale & center it expect_is(update(g0,.~. + scale(year), control=gc), "glmerMod") ## not OK if we scale and don't center expect_warning(update(g0,.~. + scale(year,center=FALSE)), "failed to converge with max|grad|") ## OK if center and don't scale expect_is(update(g0,.~. + scale(year,center=TRUE,scale=FALSE), control=gc), "glmerMod") ## try higher-order AGQ expect_is (update(gm1,nAGQ=90), "glmerMod") expect_error(update(gm1,nAGQ=101),"ord < 101L") ## non-numeric response variables ss <- transform(sleepstudy, Reaction = as.character(Reaction)) expect_error(glmer(Reaction~(1|Days), family="poisson", data=ss), "response must be numeric") expect_error(glmer(Reaction~(1|Days), family="binomial", data=ss), "response must be numeric or factor") ss2 <- transform(ss,rr=rep(c(TRUE,FALSE),length.out=nrow(ss))) ## should work OK with logical too expect_is(glmer(rr~(1|Days),family="binomial",data=ss2),"merMod") ## starting values with log(.) link -- thanks to Eric Weese @ Yale: grp <- rep(letters[1:5], 20); set.seed(1); x <- rnorm(100) expect_error(glmer(x ~ 1 + (1|grp), family=gaussian(link="log")), "valid starting values") ## related to GH 231 ## fails on some platforms, skip for now if (FALSE) { rr <- gm1@resp$copy() ff <- setdiff(ls(gm1@resp),c("copy","initialize","initialize#lmResp","ptr", "updateMu","updateWts","resDev","setOffset","wrss")) for (i in ff) { expect_equal(gm1@resp[[i]],rr[[i]]) } } ## bad start case load(system.file("testdata","fakesim.RData",package="lme4")) rfit <- glmer(Inew/S ~ R0-1 + offset(log(I/N)) + (1|R0:trial) , family=binomial(link="cloglog") , data=dat , weight=S , control=glmerControl(optimizer="bobyqa", nAGQ0initStep=FALSE) , start = list(fixef=c(0,0,0),theta=1)) expect_equal(exp(fixef(rfit)), c(R01 = 1.2735051, R02 = 2.0330635, R03 = 2.9764088), tolerance=1e-5) ## gaussian with log link and zero values in response ... ## fixed simulation code, passing mustart properly dd <- expand.grid(x = seq(-2,3,length.out=10), f = factor(1:10)) dd$y <- simulate(~x+(1|f), family=gaussian(link="log"), newdata=dd, newparams=list(beta=c(0,1),theta=1,sigma=1), seed=101)[[1]] dd$y <- pmax(dd$y,0) expect_error(glmer (y ~ x + (1|f), family = gaussian(link="log"), data=dd),"cannot find valid starting values") g1 <- glmer (y ~ x + (1|f), family = gaussian(link="log"), data=dd, mustart=pmax(dd$y,0.1)) msum <- c(fixef(g1),unlist(c(VarCorr(g1))),c(logLik(g1))) expect_equal(msum, c(`(Intercept)` = 0.23389405, x = 1.0017436, f = 0.24602992, -156.7773), tolerance=1e-5) ## GH 415 expect_warning(glmer (round(Reaction) ~ Days + (1|Subject), data=sleepstudy[1:100,], family=poisson, control=lmerControl()), "please use glmerControl") }) } ## testlevel>1 test_that("glmer with etastart", { ## make sure etastart is passed through ## (fixed in commit b6fb1ac83885ff06 but never tested?) m1 <- glmer(incidence/size ~ period + (1|herd), weights = size, family = binomial, data = cbpp) m1E <- update(m1, etastart = rep(1, nrow(cbpp))) expect_true(!identical(fixef(m1), fixef(m1E))) })