R Under development (unstable) (2025-01-09 r87552 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > ## original code for reading/aggregating: > > ## tickdata <- read.table("Elston2001_tickdata.txt",header=TRUE, > ## colClasses=c("factor","numeric","factor","numeric","factor","factor")) > > ## tickdata <- transform(tickdata,cHEIGHT=scale(HEIGHT,scale=FALSE)) > ## for (i in names(tickdata)) { > ## if (is.factor(tickdata[[i]])) { > ## tickdata[[i]] <- factor(tickdata[[i]],levels=sort(as.numeric(levels(tickdata[[i]])))) > ## } > ## } > ## summary(tickdata) > ## grouseticks <- tickdata > > ## library(reshape) > ## meantick <- rename(aggregate(TICKS~BROOD,data=tickdata,FUN=mean), > ## c(TICKS="meanTICKS")) > ## vartick <- rename(aggregate(TICKS~BROOD,data=tickdata,FUN=var), > ## c(TICKS="varTICKS")) > ## uniqtick <- unique(subset(tickdata,select=-c(INDEX,TICKS))) > ## grouseticks_agg <- Reduce(merge,list(meantick,vartick,uniqtick)) > > ## save("grouseticks","grouseticks_agg",file="grouseticks.rda") > if (.Platform$OS.type != "windows") { + library(lme4) + data(grouseticks) + do.plots <- FALSE + form <- TICKS~YEAR+HEIGHT+(1|BROOD)+(1|INDEX)+(1|LOCATION) + + ## fit with lme4 + ## library(lme4) + ## t1 <- system.time(full_mod1 <- glmer(form, family="poisson",data=grouseticks)) + ## c1 <- c(fixef(full_mod1),unlist(VarCorr(full_mod1)), logLik=logLik(full_mod1),time=t1["elapsed"]) + ## allcoefs1 <- c(unlist(full_mod1@ST),fixef(full_mod1)) + ## detach("package:lme4") + + ## lme4 summary results: + t1 <- structure(c(1.288, 0.048, 1.36, 0, 0), class = "proc_time", + .Names = c("user.self", + "sys.self", "elapsed", "user.child", "sys.child")) + + c1 <- structure(c(11.3559080756861, 1.1804105508475, -0.978704335712111, + -0.0237607330254979, 0.293232458048324, 0.562551624933584, + 0.279548178949372, + -424.771990224991, 1.36), + .Names = c("(Intercept)", "YEAR96", + "YEAR97", "HEIGHT", "INDEX", "BROOD", "LOCATION", + "logLik", "time.elapsed" + )) + allcoefs1 <- structure(c(0.541509425632023, 0.750034415832756, + 0.528723159081737, + 11.3559080756861, 1.1804105508475, + -0.978704335712111, -0.0237607330254979 + ), + .Names = c("", "", "", "(Intercept)", + "YEAR96", "YEAR97", "HEIGHT")) + + pars <- function(x) unlist(getME(x,c("theta","beta"))) + + if (lme4:::testLevel() > 1) { + t2 <- system.time(full_mod2 <- glmer(form, family="poisson",data=grouseticks)) + ##>> 2 x checkConv(.. "derivs") warning: 1. failed to conv. 2. nearly unidentifiable + c2 <- c(fixef(full_mod2), unlist(VarCorr(full_mod2)), + logLik = logLik(full_mod2), time= t2["elapsed"]) + ## refit + ## FIXME: eventually would like to get _exactly_ identical answers on refit() + full_mod3 <- refit(full_mod2, grouseticks$TICKS) + + print( all.equal(pars(full_mod2), pars(full_mod3), tolerance=0))# -> 1.2e-5 + stopifnot(all.equal(pars(full_mod2), pars(full_mod3), tolerance=8e-5)) + } + + ## deviance function + ## FIXME: does compDev do _anything_ any more? + mm <- glmer(form, family="poisson", data=grouseticks, devFunOnly=TRUE) + mm2 <- glmer(form, family="poisson", data=grouseticks, + devFunOnly=TRUE,control=glmerControl(compDev=TRUE)) + stopifnot(all.equal(1780.5427072, mm(allcoefs1), tol = 1e-7)) + } ## skip on windows (for speed) > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.10 0.04 0.14