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(Nelder_Mead, restart_edge=FALSE) is the > ## only case where we get stuck; either optimizer=bobyqa or > ## restart_edge=TRUE (default) works > if (.Platform$OS.type != "windows") { + + library(lme4) + library(testthat) + + if(!dev.interactive(orNone=TRUE)) pdf("boundary_plots.pdf") + + ## Stephane Laurent: + dat <- read.csv(system.file("testdata","dat20101314.csv", package="lme4")) + + fit <- lmer(y ~ (1|Operator)+(1|Part)+(1|Part:Operator), data=dat, + control= lmerControl(optimizer="Nelder_Mead")) + fit_b <- lmer(y ~ (1|Operator)+(1|Part)+(1|Part:Operator), data=dat, + control= lmerControl(optimizer="bobyqa", restart_edge=FALSE)) + fit_c <- lmer(y ~ (1|Operator)+(1|Part)+(1|Part:Operator), data=dat, + control= lmerControl(optimizer="Nelder_Mead", restart_edge=FALSE, + check.conv.hess="ignore")) + ## final fit gives degenerate-Hessian warning + ## FIXME: use fit_c with expect_warning() as a check on convergence tests + ## tolerance=1e-5 seems OK in interactive use but not in R CMD check ... ?? + stopifnot(all.equal(getME(fit, "theta") -> th.f, + getME(fit_b,"theta"), tolerance=5e-5), + all(th.f > 0)) + + ## Manuel Koller + + source(system.file("testdata", "koller-data.R", package="lme4")) + ldata <- getData(13) + ## old (backward compatible/buggy) + fm4 <- lmer(y ~ (1|Var2), ldata, control=lmerControl(optimizer="Nelder_Mead", + use.last.params=TRUE), + start=list(theta=1)) + + fm4b <- lmer(y ~ (1|Var2), ldata, + control = lmerControl(optimizer="Nelder_Mead", use.last.params=TRUE, + restart_edge = FALSE, + check.conv.hess="ignore", check.conv.grad="ignore"), + start = list(theta=1)) + ## FIXME: use as convergence test check + stopifnot(getME(fm4b,"theta") == 0) + fm4c <- lmer(y ~ (1|Var2), ldata, control=lmerControl(optimizer="bobyqa", + use.last.params=TRUE), + start=list(theta=1)) + stopifnot(all.equal(getME(fm4, "theta") -> th4, + getME(fm4c,"theta"), tolerance=1e-4), + th4 > 0) + + + ## new: doesn't get stuck at edge any more, but gets stuck somewhere else ... + fm5 <- lmer(y ~ (1|Var2), ldata, control=lmerControl(optimizer="Nelder_Mead", + check.conv.hess="ignore", + check.conv.grad="ignore"), + start=list(theta=1)) + fm5b <- lmer(y ~ (1|Var2), ldata, control=lmerControl(optimizer="Nelder_Mead", + restart_edge=FALSE, + check.conv.hess="ignore", + check.conv.grad="ignore"), + start = list(theta = 1)) + fm5c <- lmer(y ~ (1|Var2), ldata, control=lmerControl(optimizer="bobyqa"), + start = list(theta = 1)) + stopifnot(all.equal(unname(getME(fm5c,"theta")), 0.21067645, tolerance = 1e-7)) + # 0.21067644264 [64-bit, lynne] + + if (require("optimx")) { + ## additional stuff for diagnosing Nelder-Mead problems. + + fm5d <- update(fm5,control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx", + optCtrl=list(method="L-BFGS-B"))) + + fm5e <- update(fm5, control=lmerControl(optimizer="nloptwrap")) + + mList <- setNames(list(fm4,fm4b,fm4c,fm5,fm5b,fm5c,fm5d,fm5e), + c("NM/uselast","NM/uselast/norestart","bobyqa/uselast", + "NM","NM/norestart","bobyqa","LBFGSB","nloptr/bobyqa")) + pp <- profile(fm5c,which=1) + dd <- as.data.frame(pp) + par(las=1,bty="l") + v <- sapply(mList, + function(x) sqrt(VarCorr(x)[[1]])) + plot(.zeta^2~.sig01, data=dd, type="b") + abline(v=v) + + res <- cbind(VCorr = sapply(mList, function(x) sqrt(VarCorr(x)[[1]])), + theta = sapply(mList, getME,"theta"), + loglik = sapply(mList, logLik)) + res + print(sessionInfo(), locale=FALSE) + } + + ###################### + library(lattice) + ## testing boundary and near-boundary cases + + tmpf <- function(i,...) { + set.seed(i) + d <- data.frame(x=rnorm(60),f=factor(rep(1:6,each=10))) + d$y <- simulate(~x+(1|f),family=gaussian,newdata=d, + newparams=list(theta=0.01,beta=c(1,1),sigma=5))[[1]] + lmer(y~x+(1|f),data=d,...) + } + sumf <- function(m) { + unlist(VarCorr(m))[1] + } + if (FALSE) { + ## figuring out which seeds will give boundary and + ## near-boundary solutions + mList <- lapply(1:201,tmpf) # [FIXME tons of messages "theta parameters vector not named"] + ss <- sapply(mList,sumf)+1e-50 + par(las=1,bty="l") + hist(log(ss),col="gray",breaks=50) + ## values lying on boundary + which(log(ss)<(-40)) ## 5, 7-13, 15, 21, ... + ## values close to boundary (if check.edge not set) + which(log(ss)>(-40) & log(ss) <(-20)) ## 16, 44, 80, 86, 116, ... + } + ## diagnostic plot + tmpplot <- function(i, FUN=tmpf) { + dd <- FUN(i, devFunOnly=TRUE) + x <- 10^seq(-10,-6.5,length=201) + dvec <- sapply(x,dd) + op <- par(las=1,bty="l"); on.exit(par(op)) + plot(x,dvec-min(dvec)+1e-16, log="xy", type="b") + r <- FUN(i) + abline(v = getME(r,"theta"), col=2) + invisible(r) + } + + ## Case #1: boundary estimate with or without boundary.tol + m5 <- tmpf(5) + m5B <- tmpf(5,control=lmerControl(boundary.tol=0)) + stopifnot(getME(m5, "theta")==0, + getME(m5B,"theta")==0) + p5 <- profile(m5) ## bobyqa warnings but results look reasonable + xyplot(p5) + ## reveals slight glitch (bottom row of plots doesn't look right) + expect_warning(splom(p5),"unreliable for singular fits") + p5B <- profile(m5, signames=FALSE) # -> bobyqa convergence warning (code 3) + expect_warning(splom(p5B), "unreliable for singular fits") + + if(lme4:::testLevel() >= 2) { ## avoid failure to warn + ## Case #2: near-boundary estimate, but boundary.tol can't fix it + m16 <- tmpplot(16) + ## sometimes[2014-11-11] fails (??) : + p16 <- profile(m16) ## warning message*s* (non-monotonic profile and more) + plotOb <- xyplot(p16) + ## NB: It's the print()ing of 'plotOb' which warns ==> need to do this explicitly: + expect_warning(print(plotOb), ## warns about linear interpolation in profile for variable 1 + "using linear interpolation") + d16 <- as.data.frame(p16) + xyplot(.zeta ~ .focal|.par, data=d16, type=c("p","l"), + scales = list(x=list(relation="free"))) + try(splom(p16)) ## breaks when calling predict(.) + } + + ## bottom line: + ## * xyplot.thpr could still be improved + ## * most of the near-boundary cases are noisy and can't easily be + ## fixed + + tmpf2 <- function(i,...) { + set.seed(i) + d <- data.frame(x=rnorm(60),f=factor(rep(1:6,each=10)), + w=rep(10,60)) + d$y <- simulate(~x+(1|f),family=binomial, + weights=d$w,newdata=d, + newparams=list(theta=0.01,beta=c(1,1)))[[1]] + glmer(y~x+(1|f),data=d,family=binomial,weights=w,...) + } + + if (FALSE) { + ## figuring out which seeds will give boundary and + ## near-boundary solutions + mList <- lapply(1:201,tmpf2) + ss <- sapply(mList,sumf)+1e-50 + par(las=1,bty="l") + hist(log(ss),col="gray",breaks=50) + ## values lying on boundary + head(which(log(ss)<(-50))) ## 1-5, 7 ... + ## values close to boundary (if check.edge not set) + which(log(ss)>(-50) & log(ss) <(-20)) ## 44, 46, 52, ... + } + + ## m1 <- tmpf2(1) + + ## FIXME: doesn't work if we generate m1 via tmpf2(1) -- + ## some environment lookup problem ... + + set.seed(1) + d <- data.frame(x=rnorm(60),f=factor(rep(1:6,each=10)), + w=rep(10,60)) + d$y <- simulate(~x+(1|f),family=binomial, + weights=d$w,newdata=d, + newparams=list(theta=0.01,beta=c(1,1)))[[1]] + m1 <- glmer(y~x+(1|f),data=d,family=binomial,weights=w) + + p1 <- profile(m1) + xyplot(p1) + expect_warning(splom(p1),"splom is unreliable") + + } ## skip on windows (for speed) > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.18 0.01 0.20