library("testthat") library("lme4") library("lattice") testLevel <- if (nzchar(s <- Sys.getenv("LME4_TEST_LEVEL"))) as.numeric(s) else 1 ## use old (<=3.5.2) sample() algorithm if necessary if ("sample.kind" %in% names(formals(RNGkind))) { suppressWarnings(RNGkind("Mersenne-Twister", "Inversion", "Rounding")) } do.plots <- TRUE L <- load(system.file("testdata/lme-tst-fits.rda", package="lme4", mustWork=TRUE)) if (getRversion() > "3.0.0") { ## saved fits are not safe with old R versions gm1 <- fit_cbpp_1 fm1 <- fit_sleepstudy_1 fm2 <- fit_sleepstudy_2 fm3 <- fit_penicillin_1 fm4 <- fit_cake_1 } else { gm1 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd), data = cbpp, family = binomial) fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1|Subject), sleepstudy) fm2 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy) fm3 <- lmer(diameter ~ (1|plate) + (1|sample), Penicillin) fm4 <- lmer(angle ~ temp + recipe + (1 | replicate), data=cake) } if (testLevel>1) { context("predict") test_that("fitted values", { p0 <- predict(gm1) p0B <- predict(gm1, newdata=cbpp) expect_equal(p0, p0B, tolerance=2e-5) ## ? not sure why high tolerance necessary ? works OK on Linux/R 3.5.0 ## fitted values, unconditional (level-0) p1 <- predict(gm1, re.form=NA) expect_true(length(unique(p1))==length(unique(cbpp$period))) ## fitted values, random-only p1R <- predict(gm1, random.only=TRUE) expect_equal(p1+p1R,p0) if (do.plots) matplot(cbind(p0,p1),col=1:2,type="b") ## neither fixed nor random -- all zero expect_equal(unique(predict(gm1,re.form=NA,random.only=TRUE)),0) }) test_that("predict with newdata", { newdata <- with(cbpp, expand.grid(period=unique(period),herd=unique(herd))) ## new data, all RE p2 <- predict(gm1,newdata) ## new data, level-0 p3 <- predict(gm1,newdata, re.form=NA) p3R <- predict(gm1,newdata, random.only=TRUE) expect_equal(p3+p3R,p2) if (do.plots) matplot(cbind(p2,p3),col=1:2,type="b") }) test_that("predict on response scale", { p0 <- predict(gm1) p5 <- predict(gm1,type="response") expect_equal(p5, plogis(p0)) }) test_that("predict with newdata and RE", { newdata <- with(cbpp,expand.grid(period=unique(period),herd=unique(herd))) ## explicitly specify RE p2 <- predict(gm1,newdata) p4 <- predict(gm1,newdata, re.form=~(1|herd)) expect_equal(p2, p4) }) test_that("effects of new RE levels", { newdata <- with(cbpp, expand.grid(period=unique(period), herd=unique(herd))) newdata2 <- rbind(newdata, data.frame(period=as.character(1:4), herd=rep("new",4))) expect_error(predict(gm1, newdata2), "new levels detected in newdata: new") newdata3 <- rbind(newdata, data.frame(period=as.character(1), herd = paste0("new", 1:50))) expect_error(predict(gm1, newdata3), "new levels detected in newdata: new1, new2,") p2 <- predict(gm1, newdata) p6 <- predict(gm1, newdata2, expect_equal(p2, p6[1:length(p2)]) ## original values should match ## last 4 values should match unconditional values expect_true(all(tail(p6,4) == predict(gm1, newdata=data.frame(period=factor(1:4)), re.form=NA))) }) test_that("multi-group model", { ## fitted values p0 <- predict(fm3) expect_equal(head(round(p0,4)), c(`1` = 25.9638, `2` = 22.7663, `3` = 25.7147, `4` = 23.6799, `5` = 23.7629, `6` = 20.773)) ## fitted values, unconditional (level-0) p1 <- predict(fm3, re.form=NA) expect_equal(unique(p1),22.9722222222251) if (do.plots) matplot(cbind(p0,p1),col=1:2,type="b") }) test_that("multi-group model with new data", { newdata <- with(Penicillin,expand.grid(plate=unique(plate),sample=unique(sample))) ## new data, all RE p2 <- predict(fm3, newdata) ## new data, level-0 p3 <- predict(fm3, newdata, re.form=NA) ## explicitly specify RE p4 <- predict(fm3, newdata, re.form= ~(1|plate)+(~1|sample)) p4B <- predict(fm3, newdata, re.form= ~(1|sample)+(~1|plate)) ## **** expect_equal(p2,p4) expect_equal(p4,p4B) p5 <- predict(fm3,newdata, re.form=~(1|sample)) p6 <- predict(fm3,newdata, re.form=~(1|plate)) if (do.plots) matplot(cbind(p2,p3,p5,p6),type="b",lty=1,pch=16) }) test_that("random-slopes model", { p0 <- predict(fm2) p1 <- predict(fm2, re.form=NA) ## linear model, so results should be identical patterns but smaller -- ## not including intermediate days newdata <- with(sleepstudy,expand.grid(Days=range(Days),Subject=unique(Subject))) newdata$p2 <- predict(fm2,newdata) newdata$p3 <- predict(fm2,newdata, re.form=NA) newdata$p4 <- predict(fm2,newdata, re.form=~(0+Days|Subject)) newdata$p5 <- predict(fm2,newdata, re.form=~(1|Subject)) ## reference values from an apparently-working run refval <- structure( list(Days = c(0, 9, 0, 9, 0, 9), Subject = structure(c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L), .Label = c("308", "309", "310", "330", "331", "332", "333", "334", "335", "337", "349", "350", "351", "352", "369", "370", "371", "372"), class = "factor"), p2 = c(253.663652396798, 430.66001930835, 211.006415533628, 227.634788908917, 212.444742696829, 257.61053840953), p3 = c(251.405104848485, 345.610678484848, 251.405104848485, 345.610678484848, 251.405104848485, 345.610678484848), p4 = c(251.405104848485, 428.401471760037, 251.405104848485, 268.033478223774, 251.405104848485, 296.570900561186), p5 = c(253.663652396798, 347.869226033161, 211.006415533628, 305.211989169991, 212.444742696829, 306.650316333193)), out.attrs = list(dim = c(Days = 2L, Subject = 18L), dimnames = list( Days = c("Days=0", "Days=9"), Subject = c("Subject=308", "Subject=309", "Subject=310", "Subject=330", "Subject=331", "Subject=332", "Subject=333", "Subject=334", "Subject=335", "Subject=337", "Subject=349", "Subject=350", "Subject=351", "Subject=352", "Subject=369", "Subject=370", "Subject=371", "Subject=372")) ), row.names = c(NA, 6L), class = "data.frame") expect_equal(head(newdata), refval, tol=5e-7) }) test_that("predict and plot random slopes", { tmpf <- function(data,...) { data$Reaction <- predict(fm2,data,...) if (do.plots) xyplot(Reaction~Days,group=Subject,data=data,type="l") return(unname(head(round(data$Reaction,3)))) } expect_equal(tmpf(sleepstudy),c(253.664, 273.33, 292.996, 312.662, 332.329, 351.995)) expect_equal(tmpf(sleepstudy, re.form=NA), c(251.405, 261.872, 272.34, 282.807, 293.274, 303.742)) expect_equal(tmpf(sleepstudy, re.form= ~(0+Days|Subject)), c(251.405, 271.071, 290.738, 310.404, 330.07, 349.736)) expect_equal(tmpf(sleepstudy, re.form= ~(1|Subject)), c(253.664, 264.131, 274.598, 285.066, 295.533, 306)) }) test_that("fewer random effect levels than original", { ## from 'Colonel Triq' summary(fm4) ## replicate 1 only appears in rows 1:18. ## rownames(cake[cake$replicate==1,]) predict(fm4, newdata=cake[-1:-17,], re.form=~ (1 | replicate)) predict(fm4, newdata=cake[-1:-18,], re.form=NA) predict(fm4, newdata=cake[-1:-18,], re.form=~ (1 | replicate)) predict(fm4, newdata=cake[-1:-18,], re.form=~ (1 | replicate), ## p0 <- predict(fm1,newdata=data.frame(Days=6,Subject=c("308","309"))) p1 <- predict(fm1,newdata=data.frame(Days=rep(6,4), Subject=c("308","309"))) expect_equal(rep(unname(p0),2),unname(p1)) p2 <- predict(fm1,newdata=data.frame(Days=6,Subject="308")) nd <- data.frame(Days=6, Subject=factor("308",levels=levels(sleepstudy$Subject))) p3 <- predict(fm1,newdata=nd) expect_equal(p2,p3) expect_equal(p2,p0[1]) }) test_that("only drop columns when using new data", { ## Stack Overflow 34221564: ## should only drop columns from model matrix when using *new* data ## NB: Fit depends on optimizer somewhat: "nloptwrap" is really better than "bobyqa" library(splines) sleep <- sleepstudy #get the sleep data set.seed(1234567) sleep$age <- as.factor(sample(1:3,length(sleep),rep=TRUE)) form1 <- Reaction ~ Days + ns(Days, df=4) + age + Days:age + (Days | Subject) m4 <- lmer(form1, sleep) # fixed-effect model matrix is rank deficient so dropping 1 column / coefficient expect_lte(REMLcrit(m4), 1713.171) # FIXME !? why this regression?? had 1700.6431; "bobyqa" gave 1713.171 expect_equal(unname(head(predict(m4, re.form=NA))), c(255.203, 259.688, 265.71, 282.583, 294.784, 304.933), tolerance = 0.008) }) test_that("only look for columns that exist in re.form", { ## GH 457 set.seed(101) n <- 200 dd <- data.frame(x=1:n, f=factor(rep(1:10,n/10)), g=factor(rep(1:20,each=n/20)), h=factor(rep(1:5,n/5)), y=rnorm(n)) m1 <- lmer(y~1 + f + (1|h/f) + (poly(x,2)|g), data=dd, control=lmerControl(calc.derivs=FALSE)) expect_equal(unname(predict(m1,re.form= ~1 | h/f, newdata=dd[1,])), 0.14786, tolerance=1e-4) expect_equal(unname(predict(m1,re.form= ~poly(x,2) | g, newdata=dd[1,])), 0.1533, tolerance=.001) ## *last* RE not included (off-by-one error) m1B <- lmer(y~1 + f + (1|g) + (1|h), data=dd, control=lmerControl(calc.derivs=FALSE)) expect_equal(unname(predict(m1B,re.form=~(1|g),newdata=data.frame(f="1",g="2"))),0.1512895,tolerance=1e-5) set.seed(101) n <- 100 xx <- c("r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5") xxx <- c("e1", "e2", "e3") p <- 0.3 School <- factor(sample(xxx, n, replace=TRUE), levels=xxx, ordered=FALSE) Rank <- factor(sample(xx, n, replace=TRUE), levels=xx, ordered=FALSE) df1 <- data.frame( ID = as.integer(runif(n, min = 1, max = n/7)), xx1 = runif(n, min = 0, max = 10), xx2 = runif(n, min = 0, max = 10), xx3 = runif(n, min = 0, max = 10), School, Rank, yx = as.factor(rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = p)) ) df1 <- df1[order(df1$ID, decreasing=FALSE),] mm2 <- glmer(yx ~ xx1 + xx2 + xx3 + Rank + (1 | ID) + (1 | School / Rank), data = df1, family = "binomial",control = glmerControl(calc.derivs =FALSE)) n11 <- data.frame(School= factor("e1", levels = levels(df1$School),ordered=FALSE), Rank = factor("r1", levels = levels(df1$Rank), ordered=FALSE), xx1=8.58, xx2=8.75, xx3=7.92) expect_equal(unname(predict(mm2, n11, type="response",re.form= ~(1 | School / Rank))), 0.1174628,tolerance=1e-5) ## bad factor levels mm3 <- update(mm2, . ~ . - (1|ID)) n12 = data.frame(School="e3",Rank="r2",xx1=8.58,xx2=8.75,xx3=7.92) expect_equal(unname(predict(mm3, n12, type="response")),0.1832894,tolerance=1e-5) ## GH #452 ## FIXME: would like to find a smaller/faster example that would test the same warning (10+ seconds) set.seed(101) n <- 300 df2 <- data.frame( xx1 = runif(n, min = 0, max = 10), xx2 = runif(n, min = 0, max = 10), xx3 = runif(n, min = 0, max = 10), School = factor(sample(xxx, n,replace=TRUE)), Rank = factor(sample(xx, n, replace=TRUE)), yx = as.factor(rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = p)) ) mm4 <- suppressWarnings(glmer(yx ~ xx1 + xx2 + xx3 + Rank + (Rank|School), data = df2, family = "binomial",control = glmerControl(calc.derivs =FALSE))) ## set tolerance to 0.1 (!) to pass win-builder on R-devel/i386 (only: ## tolerance = 3e-5 is OK for other combinations of (R-release, R-devel) x (i386,x64) expect_equal(unname(predict(mm4, n11, type="response")), 0.2675081, tolerance=0.1) }) test_that("simulation works with non-factor", { set.seed(12345) dd <- data.frame(a=gl(10,100), b = rnorm(1000)) test2 <- suppressMessages(simulate(~1+(b|a), newdata=dd, family=poisson, newparams= list(beta = c("(Intercept)" = 1), theta = c(1,1,1)))) expect_is(test2,"data.frame") }) set.seed(666) n <- 500 df <- data.frame(y=statmod::rinvgauss(n, mean=1, shape=2), id=factor(1:20)) model_fit <- glmer(y ~ 1 + (1|id), family = inverse.gaussian(link = "inverse"), data = df, control=glmerControl(check.conv.singular="ignore")) test_that("simulation works for inverse gaussian", { expect_equal(mean(simulate(model_fit)[[1]]), 1.02704392575914, tolerance=1e-5) }) test_that("simulation complains appropriately about bad family", { ig <- inverse.gaussian() ig$family <- "junk" model_fit2 <- glmer(y ~ 1 + (1|id), family = ig, data = df, control=glmerControl(check.conv.singular="ignore")) expect_error(simulate(model_fit2),"simulation not implemented for family") }) test_that("prediction from large factors", { set.seed(101) N <- 50000 X <- data.frame(y=rpois(N, 5), obs=as.factor(1:N)) fm <- glmer(y ~ (1|obs), family="poisson", data=X, control=glmerControl(check.conv.singular="ignore")) ## FIXME: weak tests. The main issue here is that these should ## be reasonably speedy and non-memory-hogging, but those are ## hard to test portably ... expect_is(predict(fm, re.form=~(1|obs)), "numeric") expect_is(predict(fm, newdata=X), "numeric") }) test_that("prediction with gamm4", { if (suppressWarnings(requireNamespace("gamm4"))) { ## loading gamm4 warngs "replacing previous import 'Matrix::update' by 'lme4::update' when loading 'gamm4'" ## from ?gamm4 set.seed(0) ## simulate 4 term additive truth dat <- mgcv::gamSim(1,n=400,scale=2,verbose=FALSE) ## Now add 20 level random effect `fac'... dat$fac <- fac <- as.factor(sample(1:20,400,replace=TRUE)) dat$y <- dat$y + model.matrix(~fac-1)%*%rnorm(20)*.5 br <- gamm4::gamm4(y~s(x0)+x1+s(x2),data=dat,random=~(1|fac)) expect_warning(ss <- simulate(br$mer), "modified RE names") expect_equal(dim(ss), c(400,1)) } }) test_that("prediction with spaces in variable names", { cbpp$`silly period` <- cbpp$period m <- glmer(cbind(incidence,size-incidence) ~ `silly period` + (1|herd), family=binomial, data=cbpp) expect_equal(round(head(predict(m)),3), c(`1` = -0.809, `2` = -1.801, `3` = -1.937, `4` = -2.388, `5` = -1.697, `6` = -2.689)) }) if (requireNamespace("statmod")) { test_that("simulate with rinvgauss", { dd <- data.frame(f=factor(rep(1:20,each=10))) dd$y <- simulate(~1+(1|f), seed=101, family=inverse.gaussian, newdata=dd, ## ?? gives NaN (sqrt(eta)) for low beta ? newparams=list(beta=5,theta=1,sigma=1))[[1]] suppressMessages(m <- glmer(y~1+(1|f), family=inverse.gaussian, data=dd)) set.seed(101) expect_equal(head(unlist(simulate(m))), c(sim_11 = 0.451329390087728, sim_12 = 0.629516371309772, sim_13 = 0.481236633500098, sim_14 = 0.170060386109077, sim_15 = 0.258742371516342, sim_16 = 0.949617440586848)) }) } ## GH 631 test_that("sparse contrasts don't mess up predict()", { dd <- expand.grid(f = factor(1:101), rep1 = factor(1:2), rep2 = 1:2) dd$y <- suppressMessages(simulate(~1 + (rep1|f), seed = 101, newdata = dd, newparams = list(beta = 1, theta = rep(1,3), sigma = 1), family = gaussian)[[1]]) m1 <- lmer( y ~ 1 + (1|f), data = dd) p1 <- predict(m1) p2 <- predict(m1, newdata = dd) expect_identical(p1, p2) }) } ## testLevel > 1 test_that("prediction with . in formula + newdata", { set.seed(101) mydata <- data.frame( groups = rep(1:3, each = 100), x = rnorm(300), dv = rnorm(300) ) train_subset <- sample(1:300, 300 * .8) train <- mydata[train_subset,] test <- mydata[-train_subset,] mod <- lmer(dv ~ . - groups + (1 | groups), data = train) p1 <- predict(mod, newdata = test) mod2 <- lmer(dv ~ x + (1 | groups), data = train) p2 <- predict(mod2, newdata = test) expect_identical(p1, p2) }) test_that("simulate with a factor with one level", { set.seed(1241) y <- factor(c(rep(0,1000), 1, rep(0,1000), 1), levels = c("0","1")) x <- rep(c("A","B"),each = 1001) mod <- glmer(y ~ 1 + (1|x),family = binomial, control = glmerControl(check.conv.singular = "ignore")) s <- simulate(mod,newdata = data.frame(x = "A"), nsim = 10) ## very low mean, all simulated values zero expect_true(all(s == 0)) }) test_that("prediction standard error", { # note that predict.lm returns a list with # fit,, df, residual.scale mod1 <- lmer(Petal.Width ~ Sepal.Length + (1 | Species), iris) p1 <- predict(mod1, = TRUE) p2 <- predict(mod1, = TRUE, newdata = iris) p3 <- predict(mod1, = TRUE, re.form = NA, newdata = iris) p4 <- predict(mod1, = TRUE, re.form = NA) p5 <- predict(mod1, = TRUE, re.form = ~(1 | Species)) p6 <- predict(mod1, = TRUE, re.form = ~(1 | Species), newdata = iris) p7 <- predict(mod1, = TRUE, newdata = iris, random.only = TRUE) p8 <- predict(mod1, = TRUE, re.form = ~(1 | Species), random.only = TRUE) p9 <- predict(mod1, = TRUE, re.form = ~(1 | Species), newdata = iris, random.only = TRUE) expect_equal(unname(head(p1$, c(0.0271816400250223, 0.0272298862268211, 0.0286188379907626, 0.0297645467444413, 0.0270330515271627, 0.0295876265523127)) # re.form = NA expect_equal(unname(head(p3$, c(0.451147865048879, 0.451497971849052, 0.451930732595154, 0.452178035807842, 0.451312573619068, 0.450778089845166)) # random.only may need checking -- tolerance maybe too high for this? expect_equal(unname(p8$, rep(0.451569712647126, 150), tolerance = 0.001) expect_equal(p1, p2) expect_equal(p3, p4) expect_equal(p1, p5) expect_equal(p1, p6) expect_equal(p7, p8) expect_equal(p7, p9) })