library("testthat") library("lme4") testLevel <- if (nzchar(s <- Sys.getenv("LME4_TEST_LEVEL"))) as.numeric(s) else 1 if (testLevel>1) { context("glmer.nb") test_that("basic", { set.seed(101) dd <- expand.grid(f1 = factor(1:3), f2 = LETTERS[1:2], g=1:9, rep=1:15, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS=FALSE) mu <- 5*(-4 + with(dd, as.integer(f1) + 4*as.numeric(f2))) dd$y <- rnbinom(nrow(dd), mu = mu, size = 0.5) require("MASS") m.glm <- glm.nb(y ~ f1*f2, data=dd) m.nb <- glmer.nb(y ~ f1*f2 + (1|g), data=dd) expect_equal(unname(fixef(m.nb)), c(1.65008, 0.76715, 1.01147, 1.51241, -0.61506, -0.6104), tol=1e-5) expect_is(m.nb,"glmerMod") ## 'family' properly quoted/not expanded in call? expect_true(grepl("negative\\.binomial\\(theta *= *[0-9]*\\.[0-9]+\\)", deparse(m.nb@call$family))) expect_null(m.nb@call$verbose) ## check: GH #321 expect_equal(fixef(m.nb), coef (m.glm), tol=1e-5) ## GH #319 ## GH #285 m.nb1 <- glmer(Reaction > 250 ~ Days + (1|Subject), data = sleepstudy, family=poisson) ## previously failing on Travis-CI m.nb2 <- glmer.nb(y ~ f1*f2 + (1|g), data=dd, subset = g!=8) expect_equal(unname(ngrps(m.nb2)),8) ## expect parameters, ngrps *not* to equal full model expect_equal(unname(fixef(m.nb2)), c(1.629240234, 0.76028840, 1.008629913, 1.6172507, -0.6814426, -0.66468330),tol=1e-5) ## control handling ... this should suppress warnings ... old.opts <- options(warning=2) m.nb2 <- glmer.nb(round(Reaction) ~ Days + (1|Subject), data = sleepstudy, subset = Subject != 370, control=glmerControl(check.conv.grad="ignore")) expect_is(m.nb2,"glmerMod") options(old.opts) m.nb3 <- glmer.nb(y~f1+(1|g), data=dd, contrasts=list(f1=contr.sum)) ## make sure *different* fixed effects from previous fit ... expect_equal(fixef(m.nb3), structure(c(2.93061, -0.29779, 0.02586), .Names = c("(Intercept)", "f11", "f12")),tol=1e-5) ## make sure 'data' is in call even if unnamed m.nb4 <- glmer.nb(y~f1+(1|g), dd) expect_equal(names(m.nb4@call),c("","formula","data","family")) ## GH 322; allow offset m.nb2 <- glmer.nb(y~f1+(1|g), data=dd, offset=rep(0,nrow(dd))) }) if (requireNamespace("merDeriv")) { test_that("summary not broken by merDeriv", { library(merDeriv) data(Arabidopsis) mod <- glmer.nb(total.fruits~status+nutrient+(1|gen), data=Arabidopsis) ## trivial test of existence/non-failure ... expect_is(summary(mod), "summary.merMod") ## may? expose other problems as S3 methods won't be unloaded properly ... detach("package:merDeriv") }) } } ## testLevel > 1