library("lme4") library("testthat") context("testing '||' notation for independent ranefs") test_that("basic intercept + slope '||' works", { expect_equivalent( lFormula(Reaction ~ Days + (Days||Subject), sleepstudy)$reTrms, lFormula(Reaction ~ Days + (1|Subject) + (0 + Days|Subject), sleepstudy)$reTrms ) expect_equivalent( fitted(lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days||Subject), sleepstudy)), fitted(lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1|Subject) + (0 + Days|Subject), sleepstudy)) ) }) test_that("'||' works with nested, multiple, or interaction terms" , { #works with nested expect_equivalent(findbars(y ~ (x || id / id2)), findbars(y ~ (1 | id / id2) + (0 + x | id / id2))) #works with multiple expect_equivalent(findbars(y ~ (x1 + x2 || id / id2) + (x3 | id3) + (x4 || id4)), findbars(y ~ (1 | id / id2) + (0 + x1 | id / id2) + (0 + x2 | id / id2) + (x3 | id3) + (1 | id4) + (0 + x4| id4))) #interactions: expect_equivalent(findbars(y ~ (x1*x2 || id)), findbars(y ~ (1 | id) + (0+x1 | id) + (0 + x2 | id) + (0 + x1:x2 | id))) }) test_that("quoted terms work", { ## used to fail in test-oldRZXFailure.R f <- quote(crab.speciesS + crab.sizeS + crab.speciesS:crab.sizeS + (snail.size | plot)) expect_equivalent(findbars(f)[[1]], (~(snail.size|plot))[[2]][[2]] ) }) test_that("leaves superfluous '||' alone", { expect_equivalent(findbars(y ~ z + (0 + x || id)), findbars(y ~ z + (0 + x | id))) }) test_that("plays nice with parens in fixed or random formulas", { expect_equivalent(findbars(y ~ (z + x)^2 + (x || id)), findbars(y ~ (z + x)^2 + (1 | id) + (0 + x | id))) expect_equivalent(findbars(y ~ ((x || id)) + (x2|id)), findbars(y ~ (1 | id) + (0 + x | id) + (x2|id))) }) test_that("update works as expected", { m <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days || Subject), sleepstudy) expect_equivalent(fitted(update(m, .~.-(0 + Days | Subject))), fitted(lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1|Subject), sleepstudy))) }) test_that("long formulas work",{ form <- log.corti~z.n.fert.females*z.n.males+ is.alpha2*( (1 +z.n.fert.females +z.n.males +is.alpha2.subordinate +z.infanticide.susceptibility +z.log.tenure +z.xtime +sin.season +cos.season +I(z.n.fert.females*z.n.males) +I(is.alpha2.subordinate* +I(*is.alpha2.subordinate) +I(is.alpha2.subordinate* ||monkeyid) expStr <- paste(deparse(expandDoubleVerts(form),width=500),collapse="") ## check: no spurious ~ induced expect_equal(1,sum(grepl("~",strsplit(expStr,"")[[1]]))) })