stopifnot(require("testthat"), require("lme4")) context("NA (and Inf) handling") ## Modified sleepstudy data : sleepst.a <- sleepstudy rownames(sleepst.a) <- paste0("a", rownames(sleepstudy)) sleepstudyNA <- within(sleepst.a, Reaction[1:3] <- NA) sleepstudyNA2 <- within(sleepst.a, Days[1:3] <- NA) sleepInf <- within(sleepstudy, Reaction[Reaction > 400] <- Inf) ## Modified cake data : cakeNA <- rbind(cake, tail(cake,1)) cakeNA[nrow(cakeNA), "angle"] <- NA ## Create new data frame with some NAs in fixed effect cakeNA.X <- within(cake, temp[1:5] <- NA) ## NA values in random effects -- should get treated cakeNA.Z <- within(cake, replicate[1:5] <- NA) test_that("naming", { ## baseline model fm1 <- lmer(Reaction~Days+(Days|Subject), sleepst.a) ## default: na.omit fm2 <- update(fm1, data=sleepstudyNA, control=lmerControl(check.conv.grad="ignore")) expect_equal(head(names(fitted(fm1))), paste0("a",1:6)) expect_equal(head(names(fitted(fm2))), paste0("a",4:9)) expect_equal(names(predict(fm2)), names(fitted(fm2))) expect_equal(length(p1 <- predict(fm2)), 177) ## predict with na.exclude -> has 3 NA's, but otherwise identical: expect_equal(length(p2 <- predict(fm2, na.action=na.exclude)), 180) expect_identical(p1, p2[!]) expect_equal(length((s1 <- simulate(fm1,1))[[1]]),180) expect_equal(length((s2 <- simulate(fm2,1))[[1]]),177) expect_equal(head(rownames(s1)),paste0("a",1:6)) expect_equal(head(rownames(s2)),paste0("a",4:9)) ## test simulation expect_is(attr(simulate(fm2),"na.action"),"omit") expect_is(refit(fm2,simulate(fm2)),"merMod") expect_equal(fixef(fm2), fixef(refit(fm2, sleepstudyNA$Reaction)), tolerance = 1e-5) fm2ex <- update(fm2, na.action=na.exclude) expect_equal(nrow(ss2 <- simulate(fm2ex)),180) expect_is(refit(fm2,ss2[[1]]),"merMod") ## issue #197, 18 new subjects; some with NA in y d2 <- sleepstudyNA[c(1:180, 1:180),] d2[,"Subject"] <- factor(rep(1:36, each=10)) d2[d2$Subject == 19, "Reaction"] <- NA expect_equal(dim( simulate(fm1, newdata=d2, ), c(360,1)) ## na.pass (pretty messed up) expect_error(update(fm1,data=sleepstudyNA, control=lmerControl(check.conv.grad="ignore"), na.action=na.pass), "NA/NaN/Inf in 'y'") sleepstudyNA2 <- within(sleepst.a, Days[1:3] <- NA) expect_error(fm4 <- update(fm1, data = sleepstudyNA2, control=lmerControl(check.conv.grad="ignore"), na.action=na.pass),"NA in Z") expect_is(suppressWarnings(confint(fm2,method="boot",nsim=3, quiet=TRUE)),"matrix") expect_error(update(fm1, data = sleepstudyNA2, control = lmerControl(check.conv.grad="ignore"), na.action = na.pass), "NA in Z") expect_is(suppressWarnings( ci2 <- confint(fm2, method="boot", nsim=3, quiet=TRUE)), "matrix") }) test_that("other_NA", { expect_error(lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepInf), "\\") fm0 <- lmer(angle ~ recipe * temperature + (1|recipe:replicate), cake) ## NA's in response : fm1 <- update(fm0, data = cakeNA) expect_true(all.equal( fixef(fm0), fixef(fm1))) expect_true(all.equal(VarCorr(fm0),VarCorr(fm1))) expect_true(all.equal( ranef(fm0), ranef(fm1))) fm1_omit <- update(fm1, na.action = na.omit) fm1_excl <- update(fm1, na.action = na.exclude) expect_error(update(fm1, na.action = na.pass), "NA/NaN") expect_error(update(fm1, na.action =, "missing values in object") fm1_omit@call <- fm1@call ## <- just for comparing: expect_equal(fm1, fm1_omit) expect_equal(length(fitted(fm1_omit)), 270) expect_equal(length(fitted(fm1_excl)), 271) expect_true(,1))) ## test predict.lm d <- data.frame(x = 1:10, y = c(rnorm(9),NA)) lm1 <- lm(y~x, data=d, na.action=na.exclude) expect_is(predict(lm1), "numeric") expect_equal(1, sum(, newdata = data.frame(x=c(1:4,NA)))))) ## Triq examples ... m.lmer <- lmer (angle ~ temp + (1 | recipe) + (1 | replicate), data=cake) ## NAs in fixed effect p1_pass <- predict(m.lmer, newdata=cakeNA.X, re.form=NA, na.action=na.pass) expect_true(length(p1_pass)==nrow(cakeNA.X)) expect_true(all([1:5]))) p1_omit <- predict(m.lmer, newdata=cakeNA.X, re.form=NA, na.action=na.omit) p1_exclude <- predict(m.lmer, newdata=cakeNA.X, re.form=NA, na.action=na.exclude) expect_true(length(p1_omit)==nrow(na.omit(cakeNA.X))) expect_true(length(p1_exclude)==nrow(cakeNA.X)) expect_true(all.equal(c(na.omit(p1_exclude)),p1_omit)) expect_error(predict(m.lmer, newdata=cakeNA.X, re.form=NA,, "missing values in object") ## now try it with re.form==NULL p2_pass <- predict(m.lmer, newdata=cakeNA.X, re.form=NULL, na.action=na.pass) expect_true(length(p2_pass)==nrow(cakeNA.X)) expect_true(all([1:5]))) p2_omit <- predict(m.lmer, newdata=cakeNA.X, re.form=NULL, na.action=na.omit) p2_exclude <- predict(m.lmer, newdata=cakeNA.X, re.form=NULL, na.action=na.exclude) expect_true(length(p2_omit)==nrow(na.omit(cakeNA.X))) expect_true(all.equal(c(na.omit(p2_exclude)),p2_omit)) expect_error(predict(m.lmer, newdata=cakeNA.X, re.form=NULL,, "missing values in object") ## experiment with NA values in random effects -- should get treated expect_error(predict(m.lmer, newdata=cakeNA.Z, re.form=NULL), "NAs are not allowed in prediction data") p4 <- predict(m.lmer, newdata=cakeNA.Z, re.form=NULL, p4B <- predict(m.lmer, newdata=cakeNA.Z, re.form=~1|recipe, expect_true(all.equal(p4[1:5],p4B[1:5])) p4C <- predict(m.lmer, newdata=cakeNA.Z, re.form=NA) d <- data.frame(x=runif(100),f=factor(rep(1:10,10))) set.seed(101) u <- rnorm(10) d <- transform(d,y=rnorm(100,1+2*x+u[f],0.2)) d0 <- d d[c(3,5,7),"x"] <- NA ## 'omit' and 'exclude' are the only choices under which ## we will see NA values in the results fm0 <- lmer(y~x+(1|f), data=d0) ## no 'na.action' attribute because no NAs in this data set expect_equal(attr(model.frame(fm0),"na.action"),NULL) fm1 <- update(fm0, data=d) ## no NAs in predict or residuals because na.omit expect_false(any( expect_false(any( fm2 <- update(fm1,na.action="na.exclude") ## no NAs in predict or residuals because na.omit nNA <- sum($x)) expect_equal(sum(,nNA) expect_equal(sum(,nNA) expect_error(fm3 <- lmer(y~x+(1|f), data=d, na.action="na.pass"), "(Error in qr.default|NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call)") expect_is(refit(fm0),"merMod") expect_is(refit(fm1),"merMod") expect_is(refit(fm2),"merMod") ## GH 420: NAs in training data should *not* get ## carried over into predictions! fm4 <- lmer(Reaction~Days+(1|Subject),sleepstudyNA2) pp4 <- predict(fm4,newdata=sleepstudy) expect_equal(length(pp4),nrow(sleepstudy)) expect_equal(sum(,0) }) test_that("NAs in fitting data ignored in newdata with random.only=TRUE", { set.seed(101) dd <- data.frame(x=c(rnorm(199),NA),y=rnorm(200), f=factor(rep(1:10,each=20)), g=factor(rep(1:20,each=10))) m1 <- lmer(y~x+(1|f)+(1|g),data=dd,na.action=na.exclude) expect_equal(length(predict(m1,newdata=dd[1:5,],random.only=TRUE)),5) nd.NA <- dd[1:5,] nd.NA$x[5] <- NA ## ?? not *quite* sure what should happen here ... predict(m1,newdata=nd.NA,random.only=TRUE) })