library(lme4) library(testthat) library(lattice) testLevel <- if (nzchar(s <- Sys.getenv("LME4_TEST_LEVEL"))) as.numeric(s) else 1 options(nwarnings = 5000)# instead of 50, and then use summary(warnings()) if (testLevel>1) { ### __ was ./profile_plots.R ___ fm1 <- lmer(Reaction~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy) pfile <- system.file("testdata","tprfm1.RData", package="lme4") if(file.exists(pfile)) print(load(pfile)) else withAutoprint({ system.time( tpr.fm1 <- profile(fm1, optimizer="Nelder_Mead") ) ## 5 sec (2018); >= 50 warnings !? save(tpr.fm1, file= "../../inst/testdata/tprfm1.RData") }) oo <- options(warn = 2) # {warnings are errors from here on} if(!dev.interactive(orNone=TRUE)) pdf("profile_plots.pdf") xyplot(tpr.fm1) splom(tpr.fm1) densityplot(tpr.fm1, main="densityplot( profile(lmer(..)) )") ## various scale options xyplot(tpr.fm1,scale=list(x=list(relation="same"))) ## stupid xyplot(tpr.fm1,scale=list(y=list(relation="same"))) xyplot(tpr.fm1,scale=list(y=list(relation="same"),tck=0)) ## expect_error(xyplot(tpr.fm1,conf=50),"must be strictly between 0 and 1") ### end {profile_plots.R} fm01ML <- lmer(Yield ~ 1|Batch, Dyestuff, REML = FALSE) ## 0.8s (on a 5600 MIPS 64bit fast(year 2009) desktop "AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 925"): ## system.time( tpr <- profile(fm01ML) ) ## test all combinations of 'which', including plots (but don't show plots) wlist <- list(1:3,1:2,1,2:3,2,3,c(1,3)) invisible(lapply(wlist,function(w) xyplot(profile(fm01ML,which=w)))) (confint(tpr) -> CIpr) print(xyplot(tpr)) ## comparing against lme4a reference values -- but lme4 returns sigma ## rather than log(sigma) stopifnot(dim(CIpr) == c(3,2), all.equal(unname(CIpr[".sigma",]),exp(c(3.64362, 4.21446)), tolerance=1e-6), all.equal(unname(CIpr["(Intercept)",]),c(1486.451500,1568.548494))) options(oo)# warnings allowed .. ## fixed-effect profiling with vector RE data(Pastes) fmoB <- lmer(strength ~ 1 + (cask | batch), data=Pastes, control = lmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa")) (pfmoB <- profile(fmoB, which = "beta_", alphamax=.001)) xyplot(pfmoB)# nice and easy .. summary( fm <- lmer(strength ~ 1 + (cask | batch), data=Pastes, control = lmerControl(optimizer = "nloptwrap", calc.derivs= FALSE)) ) ls.str(environment(nloptwrap))# showing *its* defaults pfm <- profile(fm, which = "beta_", alphamax=.001) # 197 warnings for "nloptwrap" summary(warnings()) str(pfm) # only 3 rows, .zeta = c(0, NaN, Inf) !!! try( xyplot(pfm) ) ## FIXME or rather the profiling or rather the "wrap on nloptr" (testLevel <- lme4:::testLevel()) if(testLevel > 2) { ## 2D profiles fm2ML <- lmer(diameter ~ 1 + (1|plate) + (1|sample), Penicillin, REML=0) system.time(pr2 <- profile(fm2ML)) # 5.2 sec, 2018-05: 2.1" (confint(pr2) -> CIpr2) lme4a_CIpr2 <- structure(c(0.633565787613112, 1.09578224011285, -0.721864513060904, 21.2666273835452, 1.1821039843372, 3.55631937954106, -0.462903300019305, 24.6778176174587), .Dim = c(4L, 2L), .Dimnames = list(c(".sig01", ".sig02", ".lsig", "(Intercept)"), c("2.5 %", "97.5 %"))) lme4a_CIpr2[".lsig",] <- exp(lme4a_CIpr2[".lsig",]) stopifnot(all.equal(unname(CIpr2),unname(lme4a_CIpr2),tolerance=1e-6)) print(xyplot(pr2, absVal=0, aspect=1.3, layout=c(4,1))) print(splom(pr2)) gm1 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd), data = cbpp, family = binomial) ## GLMM profiles system.time(pr4 <- profile(gm1)) ## ~ 10 seconds pr4.3 <- profile(gm1,which=3) xyplot(pr4,layout=c(5,1),as.table=TRUE) splom(pr4) ## used to fail because of NAs nm1 <- nlmer(circumference ~ SSlogis(age, Asym, xmid, scal) ~ Asym|Tree, Orange, start = c(Asym = 200, xmid = 725, scal = 350)) if (FALSE) { ## not working yet: detecting (slightly) lower deviance; not converging in 10k pr5 <- profile(nm1,which=1,verbose=1,maxmult=1.2) xyplot(.zeta~.focal|.par,type=c("l","p"),, scale=list(x=list(relation="free")), as.table=TRUE) } } ## testLevel > 2 if (testLevel > 3) { fm3ML <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy, REML=FALSE) ## ~ 4 theta-variables (+ 2 fixed), 19 seconds | 2018-05: 7.4" print(system.time(pr3 <- profile(fm3ML))) print(xyplot(pr3)) print(splom(pr3)) if (testLevel > 4) { if(requireNamespace("mlmRev")) { data("Contraception", package="mlmRev") ## fit already takes ~ 3 sec (2018-05) fm2 <- glmer(use ~ urban+age+livch + (urban|district), Contraception, binomial) print(system.time(pr5 <- profile(fm2,verbose=10))) # 2018-05: 462 sec = 7'42" ## -> 5 warnings notably "non-monotonic profile for .sig02" (the RE's corr.) print(xyplot(pr5)) } } ## testLevel > 4 } ## testLevel > 3 library("parallel") if (detectCores()>1) { p0 <- profile(fm1, which="theta_") ## travis <- nchar(Sys.getenv("TRAVIS")) > 0 if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows" && !travis) { prof01P <- profile(fm1, which="theta_", parallel="multicore", ncpus=2) stopifnot(all.equal(p0,prof01P)) } ## works in Solaris from an interactive console but not ??? ## via R CMD BATCH if (["sysname"] != "SunOS" && !travis) { prof01P.snow <- profile(fm1, which="theta_", parallel="snow", ncpus=2) stopifnot(all.equal(p0,prof01P.snow)) } } ## test profile/update from within functions foo <- function() { gm1 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd), data = cbpp, family = binomial) ## return profile(gm1, which="theta_") } stopifnot(inherits(foo(), "thpr")) } ## testLevel>1