if (.Platform$OS.type != "windows") { ## test of false zero problem reported by Vince Dorie ## (no longer occurs with current development lme4) ## https://github.com/lme4/lme4/issues/17 library(lme4) sigma.eps <- 2 sigma.the <- 0.75 mu <- 2 n <- 5 J <- 10 g <- gl(J, n) set.seed(1) theta <- rnorm(J, 0, sigma.eps * sigma.the) y <- rnorm(n * J, mu + theta[g], sigma.eps) lmerFit <- lmer(y ~ 1 + (1 | g), REML = FALSE, verbose=TRUE) y.bar <- mean(y) y.bar.j <- sapply(1:J, function(j) mean(y[g == j])) S.w <- sum((y - y.bar.j[g])^2) S.b <- n * sum((y.bar.j - y.bar)^2) R <- S.b / S.w sigma.the.hat <- sqrt(max((n - 1) * R / n - 1 / n, 0)) stopifnot(all.equal(sigma.the.hat,lme4Sigma <- unname(getME(lmerFit,"theta")), tolerance=2e-5)) } ## skip on windows (for speed)