R Under development (unstable) (2023-07-03 r84633 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2023 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(lme4) Loading required package: Matrix > > options(nwarnings = 1000) > > if(getRversion() < "3.2.0") { + if(interactive()) break # gives an error + else q() # <- undesirable when interactive ! + } > > ## Try all "standard" (statistical) S3 methods: > .S3generics <- function(class) { + s3m <- .S3methods(class=class) + ii <- attr(s3m, "info") + ii[!ii[, "isS4"], "generic"] + } > > set.seed(12) > d <- data.frame( + g = sample(c("A","B","C","D","E"), 250, replace=TRUE), + y1 = runif(250, max=100), + y2 = sample(c(0,1), 250, replace=TRUE) + ) > > fm3.1 <- lmList(y1 ~ 1 | g, data=d) > fm3.2 <- lmList(y2 ~ 1 | g, data=d, family=binomial) > > data(Orthodont, package="nlme") > Orthodont <- as.data.frame(Orthodont) # no "groupedData" > fm2 <- lmList(distance ~ age | Subject, Orthodont) > > s3fn <- .S3generics(class= class(fm3.1)[1]) ## works for "old and new" class > > noquote(s3fn <- s3fn[s3fn != "print"])# <-- it is show() not print() that works [1] coef confint fitted fixef formula logLik pairs [8] plot predict qqnorm ranef residuals sigma summary [15] update > ## [1] coef confint fitted fixef formula logLik pairs plot > ## [9] predict qqnorm ranef residuals sigma summary update > > ## In lme4 1.1-7 (July 2014), only these worked: > ## coef(), confint(), formula(), logLik(), summary(), update() > > ## pairs() is excluded for fm3.1 which has only intercept: > ## no errors otherwise: > evs <- sapply(s3fn[s3fn != "pairs"], do.call, args = list(fm3.1)) > > cls <- sapply(evs, function(.) class(.)[1]) > clsOk <- cls[c("confint", "fixef", "formula", "logLik", + "ranef", "sigma", "summary", "update")] > stopifnot(identical(unname(clsOk), + c("lmList4.confint", "numeric", "formula", "logLik", + "ranef.lmList", "numeric", "summary.lmList", "lmList4"))) > > ## --- fm2 --- non-trivial X: can use pairs(), too: > evs2 <- sapply(s3fn, do.call, args = list(fm2)) > > ## --- fm3.2 --- no failures for this "glmList" : > ss <- function(...) suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(...)) > ss(evs3.2 <- sapply(s3fn[s3fn != "pairs"], do.call, + args = list(fm3.2))) > > ## --- fm4 --- > evs4 <- sapply(s3fn, function(fn) + tryCatch(do.call(fn, list(fm4)), error=function(e) e)) > length(warnings()) [1] 0 > summary(warnings()) ## 4 kinds; glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred Length Class Mode 0 NULL NULL > > str(sapply(evs4, class)) # more errors than above chr [1:30] "character" "call" "character" "call" "character" "call" ... > isok4 <- !sapply(evs4, is, class2="error") > > ## includes a nice pairs(): > evs4[isok4] [[1]] [1] "object 'fm4' not found" [[2]] FUN(X[[i]], ...) [[3]] [1] "object 'fm4' not found" [[4]] FUN(X[[i]], ...) [[5]] [1] "object 'fm4' not found" [[6]] FUN(X[[i]], ...) [[7]] [1] "object 'fm4' not found" [[8]] FUN(X[[i]], ...) [[9]] [1] "object 'fm4' not found" [[10]] FUN(X[[i]], ...) [[11]] [1] "object 'fm4' not found" [[12]] FUN(X[[i]], ...) [[13]] [1] "object 'fm4' not found" [[14]] FUN(X[[i]], ...) [[15]] [1] "object 'fm4' not found" [[16]] FUN(X[[i]], ...) [[17]] [1] "object 'fm4' not found" [[18]] FUN(X[[i]], ...) [[19]] [1] "object 'fm4' not found" [[20]] FUN(X[[i]], ...) [[21]] [1] "object 'fm4' not found" [[22]] FUN(X[[i]], ...) [[23]] [1] "object 'fm4' not found" [[24]] FUN(X[[i]], ...) [[25]] [1] "object 'fm4' not found" [[26]] FUN(X[[i]], ...) [[27]] [1] "object 'fm4' not found" [[28]] FUN(X[[i]], ...) [[29]] [1] "object 'fm4' not found" [[30]] FUN(X[[i]], ...) > ## Error msgs of those with errors, first 5, now 3, then 2 : > str(errs4 <- lapply(evs4[!isok4], conditionMessage)) list() > ## $ logLik : chr "log-likelihood not available with NULL fits" > ## $ summary: chr "subscript out of bounds" > stopifnot(length(errs4) <= 2) > > > proc.time() user system elapsed 1.32 0.17 1.50