library(lme4) ## This example takes long : only for testLevel >= 3 : d.ok <- isTRUE(try(data(star, package = 'mlmRev')) == 'star') if(!interactive() && (lme4:::testLevel() < 3 || !d.ok)) q("no") ## This worked in an *older* version of lme4.0 ## fm1 <- lme4:::carryOver(math ~ gr+sx*eth+cltype+(yrs|id)+(1|tch)+(yrs|sch), ## star, yrs ~ tch/id, ## control = list(msV = 1, nit = 0, grad = 0)) system.time( fm1 <- lmer(math ~ gr + sx*eth + cltype + schtype + hdeg + clad + exp + trace + (yrs | id) + (1 | tch) + (yrs | sch), data = star, verbose = TRUE) ) ## user system elapsed ## 34.991 0.037 35.132 -- lme4.0 ## 36.599 0.031 36.745 -- lme4 {bobyqa; 2014-01-09 @ lynne} sm1 <- summary(fm1) print(sm1, corr=TRUE, symbolic.cor=TRUE)# now message *and* gives the correlation