test_that("modify_defaults produces error with missing or incorrect defaults", { expect_error( modify_defaults(), "`defaults` is a required argument, but is missing", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( modify_defaults("assignment_linter"), "`defaults` must be a named list", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("linters_with_tags produces error with incorrect tags", { expect_error(linters_with_tags(1L:4L), "`tags` must be a character vector, or `NULL`", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("linters_with_defaults works as expected with unnamed args", { # assignment_linter is in defaults, so output doesn't change expect_named(linters_with_defaults(assignment_linter), names(linters_with_defaults())) }) test_that("linters_with_defaults warns on unused NULLs", { expect_warning(linters_with_defaults(not_a_default = NULL), rex::rex("which is not in `defaults`.")) expect_warning( linters_with_defaults(not_a_default = NULL, also_not_default = NULL), rex::rex("which are not in `defaults`.") ) }) test_that("linters_with_tags() verifies the output of available_linters()", { local_mocked_bindings( available_linters = function(...) { data.frame(linter = c("fake_linter", "very_fake_linter"), package = "lintr", tags = "") } ) expect_error( linters_with_tags(NULL), "Can't find linters `fake_linter()` and `very_fake_linter()`", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("all default linters are tagged default", { expect_named(linters_with_defaults(), available_linters(tags = "default")$linter) # covr modifies package functions causing differing deparse() results even for identical anonymous functions. # This happens because default_linters is generated at build time and thus not modifiable by covr, whereas # linters_with_tags() constructs the linters at runtime. skip_on_covr() expect_identical(linters_with_tags("default"), linters_with_defaults()) expect_length(linters_with_tags(NULL, exclude_tags = available_tags()), 0L) # Check that above test also trips on default arguments. skip_if_not_r_version("4.1.0") # Desired all.equal behavior only available in >= 4.1 expect_identical( all.equal(linters_with_tags("default"), linters_with_defaults(line_length_linter(120L))), c( 'Component "line_length_linter": Component "general_msg": 1 string mismatch', 'Component "line_length_linter": Component "length": Mean relative difference: 0.5' ) ) }) test_that("can instantiate all linters without arguments", { all_linters <- linters_with_tags(tags = NULL) expect_type(all_linters, "list") expect_length(all_linters, nrow(available_linters())) really_all_linters <- suppressWarnings(linters_with_tags(tags = NULL, exclude_tags = NULL)) expect_type(really_all_linters, "list") expect_length(really_all_linters, nrow(available_linters(exclude_tags = NULL))) }) test_that("with_defaults is fully deprecated", { expect_error( with_defaults(), rex::rex("Use linters_with_defaults or modify_defaults instead.") ) }) test_that("modify_defaults works", { my_default <- list(a = 1L, b = 2L, c = 3L) expect_identical(modify_defaults(defaults = my_default), my_default) expect_identical(modify_defaults(defaults = my_default, a = 2L), list(a = 2L, b = 2L, c = 3L)) expect_identical(modify_defaults(defaults = my_default, c = NULL), list(a = 1L, b = 2L)) # auto-sorts expect_identical(modify_defaults(defaults = list(b = 2L, a = 1L), c = 3L), my_default) }) test_that("linters_with_defaults(default = .) is supported with a deprecation warning", { expect_warning( { linters <- linters_with_defaults(default = list(), whitespace_linter()) }, "`default` is not an argument" ) expect_named(linters, "whitespace_linter") # the same warning is not triggered in modify_defaults expect_silent({ linters <- modify_defaults(defaults = list(), default = list(), whitespace_linter()) }) expect_named(linters, c("default", "whitespace_linter")) # if default= is explicitly provided alongside defaults=, assume that was intentional default <- Linter(function(.) list()) expect_silent({ linters <- linters_with_defaults(defaults = list(), default = default) }) expect_named(linters, "default") }) test_that("all_linters contains all available linters", { all_linters <- all_linters(packages = "lintr") expect_identical(linters_with_tags(NULL, packages = "lintr"), all_linters) expect_length(all_linters, nrow(available_linters())) }) test_that("all_linters respects ellipsis argument", { expect_identical( linters_with_tags(tags = NULL, implicit_integer_linter = NULL), all_linters(packages = "lintr", implicit_integer_linter = NULL) ) })