patrick::with_parameters_test_that( "sprintf_linter skips allowed usages", { linter <- sprintf_linter() # NB: using paste0, not sprintf, to avoid escaping '%d' in sprint fmt= expect_lint(paste0(call_name, "('hello')"), NULL, linter) expect_lint(paste0(call_name, "('hello %d', 1)"), NULL, linter) expect_lint(paste0(call_name, "('hello %d', x)"), NULL, linter) expect_lint(paste0(call_name, "('hello %d', x + 1)"), NULL, linter) expect_lint(paste0(call_name, "('hello %d', f(x))"), NULL, linter) expect_lint(paste0(call_name, "('hello %1$s %1$s', x)"), NULL, linter) expect_lint(paste0(call_name, "('hello %1$s %1$s %2$d', x, y)"), NULL, linter) expect_lint(paste0(call_name, "('hello %1$s %1$s %2$d %3$s', x, y, 1.5)"), NULL, linter) }, .test_name = c("sprintf", "gettextf"), call_name = c("sprintf", "gettextf") ) patrick::with_parameters_test_that( "sprintf_linter blocks disallowed usages", { linter <- sprintf_linter() unused_arg_msg <- if (getRversion() >= "4.1.0") "one argument not used by format" else NULL expect_lint(paste0(call_name, "('hello', 1)"), unused_arg_msg, linter) expect_lint( paste0(call_name, "('hello %d', 'a')"), rex::rex("invalid format '%d'; use format %s for character objects"), linter ) expect_lint( paste0(call_name, "('hello %d', 1.5)"), rex::rex("invalid format '%d'; use format %f, %e, %g or %a for numeric objects"), linter ) expect_lint( paste0(call_name, "('hello %d',)"), rex::rex("argument is missing, with no default"), linter ) expect_lint(paste0(call_name, "('hello %1$s %s', 'a', 'b')"), unused_arg_msg, linter) expect_lint(paste0(call_name, "('hello %1$s %1$s', x, y)"), unused_arg_msg, linter) expect_lint( paste0(call_name, "('hello %1$s %1$s %3$d', x, y)"), rex::rex("reference to non-existent argument 3"), linter ) expect_lint( paste0(call_name, "('hello %1$s %1$s %2$d %3$d', x, y, 1.5)"), rex::rex("invalid format '%d'; use format %f, %e, %g or %a for numeric objects"), linter ) }, .test_name = c("sprintf", "gettextf"), call_name = c("sprintf", "gettextf") ) test_that("edge cases are detected correctly", { linter <- sprintf_linter() # works with multi-line sprintf and comments expect_lint( trim_some(" sprintf( 'test fmt %s', # this is a comment 2 ) "), NULL, linter ) # dots expect_lint("sprintf('%d %d, %d', id, ...)", NULL, linter) # TODO(#1265) extend ... detection to at least test for too many arguments. # named argument fmt expect_lint("sprintf(x, fmt = 'hello %1$s %1$s')", NULL, linter) expect_lint( "sprintf(x, fmt = 'hello %1$s %1$s %3$d', y)", list(message = rex::rex("reference to non-existent argument 3")), linter ) # #2131: xml2lang stripped necessary whitespace expect_lint("sprintf('%s', if (A) '' else y)", NULL, linter) }) local({ linter <- sprintf_linter() unused_fmt_msg <- "too few arguments" unused_arg_msg <- "one argument not used by format" pipes <- pipes(exclude = "%$%") patrick::with_parameters_test_that( "piping into sprintf works", { expect_lint(paste("x", pipe, "sprintf(fmt = '%s')"), NULL, linter) # no fmt= specified -> this is just 'sprintf("%s", "%s%s")', which won't lint expect_lint(paste('"%s"', pipe, 'sprintf("%s%s")'), NULL, linter) expect_lint(paste("x", pipe, "sprintf(fmt = '%s%s')"), unused_fmt_msg, linter) # Cannot evaluate statically --> skip expect_lint(paste("x", pipe, 'sprintf("a")'), NULL, linter) # Nested pipes expect_lint( paste("'%%sb'", pipe, "sprintf('%s')", pipe, "sprintf('a')"), if (getRversion() >= "4.1.0") list(column_number = nchar(paste("'%%sb'", pipe, "x")), message = unused_arg_msg), linter ) expect_lint( paste("x", pipe, 'sprintf(fmt = "%s")', pipe, 'sprintf(fmt = "%s%s")'), list(column_number = nchar(paste("x", pipe, 'sprintf(fmt = "%s")', pipe, "x")), message = unused_fmt_msg), linter ) expect_lint( paste("x", pipe, 'sprintf(fmt = "%s%s")', pipe, 'sprintf(fmt = "%s")'), list(column_number = nchar(paste("x", pipe, "x")), message = unused_fmt_msg), linter ) }, pipe = pipes, .test_name = names(pipes) ) }) test_that("lints vectorize", { skip_if_not_r_version("4.1.0") expect_lint( trim_some("{ sprintf('%s', a, b) sprintf('%s%s', a) }"), list( list("one argument not used by format", line_number = 2L), list("too few arguments", line_number = 3L) ), sprintf_linter() ) })