test_that("paste_linter skips allowed usages for sep=''", { linter <- paste_linter() expect_lint("paste('a', 'b', 'c')", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste('a', 'b', 'c', sep = ',')", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste('a', 'b', collapse = '')", NULL, linter) expect_lint("cat(paste('a', 'b'), sep = '')", NULL, linter) expect_lint("sep <- ''; paste('a', sep)", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste(sep = ',', '', 'a')", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste0('a', 'b', 'c')", NULL, linter) }) test_that("paste_linter blocks simple disallowed usages for sep=''", { expect_lint( "paste(sep = '', 'a', 'b')", rex::rex('paste0(...) is better than paste(..., sep = "").'), paste_linter() ) expect_lint( "paste('a', 'b', sep = '')", rex::rex('paste0(...) is better than paste(..., sep = "").'), paste_linter() ) }) test_that("paste_linter skips allowed usages for collapse=', '", { linter <- paste_linter() expect_lint("paste('a', 'b', 'c')", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste(x, sep = ', ')", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste(x, collapse = ',')", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste(foo(x), collapse = '/')", NULL, linter) # harder to catch statically expect_lint("collapse <- ', '; paste(x, collapse = collapse)", NULL, linter) # paste(..., sep=sep, collapse=", ") is not a trivial swap to toString expect_lint("paste(x, y, sep = '.', collapse = ', ')", NULL, linter) # any call involving ...length() > 1 will implicitly use the default sep expect_lint("paste(x, y, collapse = ', ')", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste0(x, y, collapse = ', ')", NULL, linter) expect_lint("toString(x)", NULL, linter) # string match of ", " is OK -- lint only _exact_ match expect_lint('paste(x, collapse = ", \n")', NULL, linter) }) test_that("paste_linter blocks simple disallowed usages for collapse=', '", { expect_lint( "paste(collapse = ', ', x)", rex::rex('toString(.) is more expressive than paste(., collapse = ", ")'), paste_linter() ) }) test_that("paste_linter respects non-default arguments", { expect_lint("paste(sep = '', 'a', 'b')", NULL, paste_linter(allow_empty_sep = TRUE)) expect_lint("paste('a', 'b', sep = '')", NULL, paste_linter(allow_empty_sep = TRUE)) expect_lint("paste(collapse = ', ', x)", NULL, paste_linter(allow_to_string = TRUE)) }) test_that("paste_linter works for raw strings", { skip_if_not_r_version("4.0.0") expect_lint("paste(a, b, sep = R'(xyz)')", NULL, paste_linter()) expect_lint( 'paste(a, b, sep = R"---[]---")', rex::rex('paste0(...) is better than paste(..., sep = "").'), paste_linter() ) expect_lint("paste(x, collapse = R'(,,)')", NULL, paste_linter()) expect_lint( 'paste(c(a, b, c), collapse = R"-{, }-")', rex::rex('toString(.) is more expressive than paste(., collapse = ", ")'), paste_linter() ) }) test_that("paste_linter catches use of paste0 with sep=", { expect_lint( "paste0(x, y, sep = '')", rex::rex("sep= is not a formal argument to paste0();"), paste_linter() ) }) test_that("paste_linter skips allowed usages for strrep()", { linter <- paste_linter() expect_lint("paste(x, collapse = '')", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste(rep('*', 10), collapse = '+')", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste(rep(c('a', 'b'), 2), collapse = '')", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste0(rep('a', 2), 'b', collapse = '')", NULL, linter) # no collapse expect_lint("paste(rep('*', 10))", NULL, linter) # combined before aggregating expect_lint("paste(rep('*', 10), rep('x', 10), collapse = '')", NULL, linter) }) test_that("paste_linter blocks simple disallowed usages", { expect_lint( "paste(rep('#', width), collapse='')", rex::rex("strrep(x, times) is better than paste"), paste_linter() ) }) test_that("paste_linter skips allowed usages for file paths", { linter <- paste_linter() expect_lint("paste('a', 'b', 'c')", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste('a', 'b', 'c', sep = ',')", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste('a', 'b', collapse = '/')", NULL, linter) expect_lint("cat(paste('a', 'b'), sep = '/')", NULL, linter) expect_lint("sep <- '/'; paste('a', sep)", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste(sep = ',', '/', 'a')", NULL, linter) # paste(..., sep='/', collapse=collapse) is not a trivial swap to file.path expect_lint("paste(x, y, sep = '/', collapse = ':')", NULL, linter) expect_lint("file.path('a', 'b', 'c')", NULL, linter) # testing the sep starts with / is not enough expect_lint("paste('a', 'b', sep = '//')", NULL, linter) }) test_that("paste_linter blocks simple disallowed usages for file paths", { linter <- paste_linter() lint_msg <- rex::rex("Construct file paths with file.path(...) instead of") expect_lint("paste(sep = '/', 'a', 'b')", lint_msg, linter) expect_lint("paste('a', 'b', sep = '/')", lint_msg, linter) }) test_that("paste_linter ignores non-path cases with paste0", { linter <- paste_linter() expect_lint("paste0(x, y)", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste0('abc', 'def')", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste0('/abc', 'def/')", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste0(x, 'def/')", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste0('/abc', y)", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste0(foo(x), y)", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste0(foo(x), 'def')", NULL, linter) # these might be a different lint (as.character instead, e.g.) but not here expect_lint("paste0(x)", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste0('a')", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste0('a', 1)", NULL, linter) }) test_that("paste_linter detects paths built with '/' and paste0", { linter <- paste_linter() lint_msg <- rex::rex("Construct file paths with file.path(...) instead of") expect_lint("paste0(x, '/', y)", lint_msg, linter) expect_lint("paste0(x, '/', y, '/', z)", lint_msg, linter) expect_lint("paste0(x, '/abc/', 'def/', y)", lint_msg, linter) expect_lint("paste0(foo(x), '/abc/', 'def/', bar(y))", lint_msg, linter) }) test_that("paste_linter skips initial/terminal '/' and repeated '/' for paths", { linter <- paste_linter() expect_lint("paste0('/', x)", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste0(x, '/')", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste0(x, '//hey/', y)", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste0(x, '/hey//', y)", NULL, linter) }) test_that("paste_linter doesn't skip all initial/terminal '/' for paths", { linter <- paste_linter() lint_msg <- rex::rex("Construct file paths with file.path(...) instead of") expect_lint('paste0("/abc/", "def")', lint_msg, linter) expect_lint('paste0("abc/", "def/")', lint_msg, linter) }) test_that("multiple path lints are generated correctly", { linter <- paste_linter() expect_lint( trim_some("{ paste(x, y, sep = '/') paste0(x, '/', y) }"), list( rex::rex('paste(..., sep = "/")'), rex::rex('paste0(x, "/", y, "/", z)') ), linter ) # check vectorization of multiple paste0 file paths expect_lint( trim_some('{ paste0(x, y) paste0("a/", x, y, "/b") paste0("a", "b") paste0("a", x) paste0(a, "x") paste0("a/", NA_character_, "/b") paste0("a/", "b") paste0("a/", "bcd//efg", "/h") paste0("/", a) paste0(a, "/") }'), list(message = rex::rex("Construct file paths with file.path(...)"), line_number = 8L), linter ) }) test_that("allow_file_path argument works", { expect_lint("paste(x, y, sep = '/')", NULL, paste_linter(allow_file_path = "always")) }) test_that("URLs are ignored by default, linted optionally", { linter <- paste_linter() linter_url <- paste_linter(allow_file_path = "never") expect_lint("paste0('http://site.com/', x)", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste0('http://site.com/', x)", rex::rex("Construct file paths with file.path(...)"), linter_url) }) test_that("raw strings are detected in file path logic", { skip_if_not_r_version("4.0.0") linter <- paste_linter() lint_msg <- rex::rex("Construct file paths with file.path(...) instead of ") expect_lint("paste0(x, R'{abc}', y)", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste0(x, R'{/abc/}', y)", lint_msg, linter) expect_lint("paste(x, y, sep = R'{//}')", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste(x, y, sep = R'{/}')", lint_msg, linter) }) test_that("paste0(collapse=...) is caught", { linter <- paste_linter() lint_msg <- rex::rex("Use paste(), not paste0(), to collapse a character vector when sep= is not used.") expect_lint("paste(x, collapse = '')", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste0(a, b, collapse = '')", NULL, linter) # pass-through can pass any number of arguments expect_lint("paste0(..., collapse = '')", NULL, linter) expect_lint("paste0(x, collapse = '')", lint_msg, linter) expect_lint("paste0(x, collapse = 'xxx')", lint_msg, linter) expect_lint("paste0(foo(x, y, z), collapse = '')", lint_msg, linter) }) local({ linter <- paste_linter() lint_msg <- rex::rex("Use paste(), not paste0(), to collapse a character vector when sep= is not used.") pipes <- pipes() patrick::with_parameters_test_that( "paste0(collapse=...) is caught in pipes", { expect_lint(sprintf('x %s paste0(y, collapse = "")', pipe), NULL, linter) expect_lint(sprintf('x %s paste0(collapse = "")', pipe), lint_msg, linter) }, pipe = pipes, .test_name = pipes ) }) test_that("paste0(collapse=...) cases interacting with other rules are handled", { linter <- paste_linter() lint_msg <- rex::rex("Use paste(), not paste0(), to collapse a character vector when sep= is not used.") # multiple lints when collapse= happens to be ", " expect_lint( "paste0(foo(x), collapse = ', ')", list(rex::rex('toString(.) is more expressive than paste(., collapse = ", ")'), lint_msg), linter ) expect_lint("paste0(foo(x), collapse = ', ')", lint_msg, paste_linter(allow_to_string = TRUE)) expect_lint( "paste0(rep('*', 20L), collapse='')", list(rex::rex("strrep(x, times) is better than paste"), lint_msg), linter ) # paste0(..., collapse=collapse) not directly mapped to file.path expect_lint("paste0(x, collapse = '/')", lint_msg, linter) expect_lint("paste0(x, y, collapse = '/')", NULL, linter) })